Life of a Dominant F*tanari

Life of a Dominant F*tanari Week 2 Chapter 63/34: Dirty Chats

We finished cleaning up, and I put on my sweaty clothes again. At this point, I may as well not even have washed, and I knew I needed to change once I was back at Crystal's place as I could feel the wet sweat plastered on my body. I grumbled a little internally since I was a bit gloriously sore, but I shrugged it off.

Crystal grinned and put on her fresh clothes that she grabbed and looked at me. "Ready to go?" Crystal asked as she put together her locker for the next time we came.

"Yeah," I replied, thinking about Hilda that was no longer in sight. Hilda had left as soon as possible after she left the shower. Hilda was expecting me to message her when I got back home, which I would be doing. Hilda would become a client that I didn't need to go through Samantha for, meaning it would be entirely my own money when Hilda paid me. I would do it for several reasons, but I wouldn't try to fuck over Samantha. I might even bring Hilda to Samantha's business so that I could dominate her in my own playroom once that was set up.

A grin crossed my face thinking about my own little room to play with men and women equally. It would be entertaining, and I wondered how much some people were willing to pay for me to dominate them. It was an interesting fact that I wasn't fully sure of yet since I hadn't actually gotten paid yet.

"Let's go," I told Crystal coming back to myself as she closed the locker door.

With Crystal finished organizing her locker, she followed me out before leading me to the Elevator since I had not memorized where it was yet. It was general silence as a random man was in the locker with us going down to the main floor. The silence was over as we started to walk out. After the awkward elevator ride, we walked out of the Gym.

"So, you going to be calling her tonight?" Crystal asked curiously.

"Of course," I replied, looking at her with a grin, "I think she is hot although not as hot as you," I told her with a grin, "And to add to that, I can make a good chunk of change off her for doing something I would be doing anyway," I told Crystal with a grin.

"Oh, and my opinion?" Crystal asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh, you want me to film me fucking her to tears?" I asked with a raised eyebrow of my own.

"It's scary that you have only known me for two weeks," Crystal said as we neared the car without stuff.

"Well," I began to counter, "I have fucked Alex, Tracy, Jake, Becky, and that random wife and husband combo in front of you. Is there anyone I am missing?" I asked her in the end.

"Well," Crystal said, pondering with a finger on her chin, "None that I can think of. I love watching you fuck other sluts and sissies. It looks so good, and it makes me want more later." Crystal confessed as we got into her car.

"I will confess that I enjoy fucking them myself in front of you too," I told her with a lazy grin of my own.

Crystal turned on the car with a chuckle and leaned back in her driver's seat. "You know that you are supposed to meet with Becky and Samantha later tonight to hear and approve Becky's potential first draft of her design."

I frowned and shrugged, "Nope, I completely forgot," I admitted. "Still want to watch the video of Tracy and Jake. I think it will be a really good watch." I told her with a grin.

"Send a message to Samantha to see if she is willing to bring it over to my place then. We can watch the video and play around before they come over." Crystal replied, and I nodded.

I grabbed my phone, and I started to type in a message on my phone.

Angela: Hey, Samantha, I wanted to audit my sissies videos to me today. I was wondering if you and Becky could come over to Crystal's for the design today.

I finished with the straightforward message and sent it. I looked out the window, and I remember putting in the phone numbers from the ladies at the spa. I forgot to grab Hilda's at the same time, although her phone number should still be in my backpack. I paused though not knowing what to write. I put their numbers under their names, and I simultaneously sent them a message in a group chat.

Angela: Hey Cuties, I believe I got both your numbers the other day together, so I thought it was only polite to make a group chat to bring you in on. This is your guest with the large package last Friday night that you gave me your numbers.

It was simple and to the point. I didn't want to play around at all. I wanted things to be out in the open, and I knew they both worked together. Obviously, the Massuse Debbie trusted Grace and probably talked about things outside of work. I didn't want to get caught up in any more drama between friends. This way, I could feel like nothing was 'covered up' between them and me.

I looked out the window, thinking what the recording of Tracy and Jake was like. Tracy seemed to have something that she wanted to say to me lately and kept silent about it each time. Tracy also seemed to be more attached to me lately than Jake. This seemed to be fuelled more and more as I played with her. The Texts that she sent to me on Friday after I told her to be with Jake were indicative of that.

It was something to reflect on since it would be something that might get in the way of my plans. Schoolwork would get more into projects soon, too; if I wasn't careful, I might fall behind if I didn't get them done. It was still September, but that didn't mean that falling behind early wouldn't kick me in the ass. There was also Volleyball practice that I needed to keep my grades up to keep playing. These were all going to pile up if I wasn't careful.

All of that didn't even include me needing to work out and keeping up my new 'social' obligations. Crystal was great and very understanding. Hell, I was almost living in her house and my cock inside of her how much we had sex. It was fantastic, and I was thrilled that she got an IUD. It was wonderful being inside of her without the latex in the way. Cumming inside her raw was wonderful as well, and I looked forward to it each time.

I felt my phone buzz, and I looked down, opening up my phone.

Debbie: Oh, You are naughty.

I smirked when a second buzz came into the group chat.

Grace: You know we are friends, Right?

My smirk turned into a smile as I typed a reply.

Angela: Yup, I figured since Debbie was willing to use you as a middlewoman to give me her number. And Yes, I am naughty. The question isn't how Naughty I am; How naughty are you, Ladies?

"What's up?" Crystal asked as she took a turn, and I looked up at her.

"I sent a message to the ladies that I got from the Spa the other day. I think I told you about that earlier." I replied.

"Oh?" Crystal said, "Seducing them as we speak?" Crystal asked.

"Well, I more or less asked how naughty they are after bringing them into a group chat," I told her with an even larger smile till it started to hurt.

"You are naughty," Crystal said as she continued to drive.

I felt my phone start to buzz, and I shook my head, "Yup, I am naughty, Crystal. And you fucking love it," I finished with a grin seeing a slight blush on her face. I looked down at my phone, leaning against my hand as I looked at the texts coming in.

Samantha: No Problem, Becky is thrilled too. We will be there in a couple of hours.

Debbie: Oh, I can be very Naughty; I have been thinking about your 'package' for the last couple of days now thinking about it.

Grace: I am naughty and cannot deny regretting not taking up your offer on Friday.

I thought about how to reply to the ladies as I felt the car coming to a halt, and I looked up, seeing Crystal pulling into her garage.

I looked down and started to type out my reply.

Angela: Oh. Grace, I will play with you, and I understand. Work is work, and you need a job more than me inside you. You are Naughty, just not that Naughty. Debbie, why don't you send me a video of Just how naughty you have been the last couple of nights. I am sure Grace would like the tips, and I would enjoy the show.

I didn't know if I was pushing too fast, but I wasn't going to be sad if I was. I have a girlfriend and many other playmates to play with. I could live with it if I had to although, Debbie's fingers were amazing, and I wanted another massage in the future. It would be a shame if she stopped wanting to work with me.

I looked up, and I got out of the car, making sure to grab my stuff as I got out. "Samantha texted she said she would come over in a couple of hours," I informed Crystal as I got out of the car. "Becky is apparently happy about that," I added on hearing a chuckle from Crystal.

"I bet she is; knowing her, she is looking for seconds from you—all without listening to your order. I am looking forward to it," Crystal said, and I looked at her. Crystal's smile was slightly expectant and sadistic.

"Are you sure that you aren't a switch?" I asked her, stepping up beside her as we headed inside.

"Why?" Crystal asked as she let me enter first.

"Because that smile reminds me of Samantha or me more than you, to be honest," I told her frankly.

Crystal looked at me frown, "I am a Masochist, Proud of it too," Crystal told me.

I couldn't help but smirk, "I'm not staying that you are not. I am saying that I think you might have some sadistic tendencies in you too. I think it is hot. I am still your mistress, and I think it is great when you get a little sadistic with some of the girls that I am with." I continued honestly, "I also think it is great that you are a masochist; otherwise, I would never be sure if we would be a great match. I like you just as you are. I just wanted to bring it to your attention." I finished as I moved towards the stairs to find my backpack to put in Hilda's number.

Crystal pouted but nodded as I moved through the house, "Fine, I get it, and I will think upon it more. But for now, I want to see some sissy videos!" Crystal exclaimed as I was at the bottom of the stairs.

"Get the TV-ready, then I am grabbing something, so I can quickly text Hilda, then we can watch some videos," I replied halfway up the stairs as I made my way up.

I quickly looked around and found my bag and took out Hilda's number, programming it into my contacts under her name, and felt a buzz just as I was about to finish putting in the numbers. I ignored it for a second before taking a look after I finished.

Grace: I will show you how Naughty I can be too,

I raised an eyebrow, and I noticed a lack of a reply from Debbie. I wondered if she was taping a short clip of her herself now to get in on who the naughtiest at the moment. It seemed both Debbie and Grace were getting into a little bit of a competition over it. I couldn't help but feel that it was a little easy for that to happen then I got an idea.

I smirked, and there was no way that I wasn't going to do this. First, though, I had other things to do, and I quickly texted Hilda.

Angela: This is your Mistress; reply with a picture of you enjoying some alone time by the end of the night.

I smirked, thinking what she would reply, when my phone buzzed quickly.

Hilda: Yes, Mistress, Please look forward to it.

That was a quick reply, and I wasn't expecting her to be waiting for my text like that. I couldn't help but smirk, but I didn't type a reply to it. I moved on to texting Samantha.

Angela: Thanks; I will see you two or three in a couple of hours.

I finished with that and took off my dirty clothes, now getting myself all naked. I didn't want to wear dirty clothes at the moment, and I headed downstairs naked, thinking no matter what, I would end up naked anyway.

I got downstairs, and I noticed the TV on and looking to link up with my phone. I smiled and opened my email before streaming my phone to the TV. Fucking love technology, and I looked over to Crystal, looking at me with a heavy stare. "Would you like to take a picture?" I asked her with a sly grin.

"Yes, Yes I would," Crystal said, her throat bobbing, and she looked at me.

"Good, I have something for you to do later when I am a little harder." I smiled wickedly, "And I will give you a copy of it for you to play with yourself later if you wish."

Crystal nodded, and I smirked, "Good, Then we will do that in a bit," I told her as I looked down, my cock completely flaccid at this point. "First though," I finished turning on the recording that Tracy took supposedly with the sissy Jake. "Care to watch Tracy with her 'Boyfriend?'" I asked, my grin still wicked.

I moved to sit down on the couch, and Crystal didn't stay dressed. "Before you start, there is no way I am staying dressed if your naked," Crystal told me, stripping quickly as I could tell that she was excited.

Crystal crossed over and sat beside me, her hand landing around my flaccid cock, not trying to hide her intentions. I then hit play on the video, and we watched.

The video started out inside a bedroom that I hadn't seen before with some MMA fighters on the wall. Some famous soccer players were there, and I even noticed a TV with the latest PlayStation model. I could see a controller off to the side on a shelf in a pretty large bedroom. The main feature was Tracy standing there looking into the lens. With a queen-size bed behind her.

"Mistress, I do not want you to frown upon me tomorrow, but you also ordered me to do this, so I invited my boyfriend over." Tracy said, "I am only doing this because you ordered me, and I want you to know that. He should be here any-" Tracy's voice was cut off as a knock came at the door.

"Tracy, Your boyfriend is here~," A sing-song voice of a woman said. I couldn't locate the age of it, and Tracy took a deep breath, her breasts hitching up and down once with the large breath before moving to the door.

Tracy opened the door, and Jake was there smiling a confident smile that I hadn't seen since that Monday when he crept into the shower, ready to rape me. I frowned, looking at it, and I knew that I hadn't broken the sissy yet.

"Hey, babe," Jake said, coming into the room looking around. "What were you gaming?" He asked.

"Farcry six," Tracy replied with a small smile. "Let's not take my gaming habits in for now. You have been dodging me all week; it seems,"' Tracy said, bringing him over to the bed.

"Ah, I told you it would be like this," Jake replied, that cocky grin wavering for a second. "Coach has been up my ass all week, and I haven't had time. I have already been scouted, babe, and I just need to keep it up for a season."

Crystal snickered listening to that and commented, "I am sure someone has been up his ass all week, and it ain't his coach." I smiled, and I felt Crystal start stroking my shaft, and I could see the excitement in her building as the video continued.

Tracy easily dropped it, looking at the recording device before turning to her Boyfriend. "Well, I was lonely this week, and I have been all hot and bothered," Tracy told him, and she looked down at her crotch, giving Jake a huge hint on what she meant.

That cocky grin returned in force, and Jake smiled at her, "I have been told I have that effect on women," Jake told her, and I snickered as I remembered the fact that the recording started with Tracy admitting that she was only doing this because I ordered her to. It gave me an idea that I couldn't get out of my head either, and I smiled as the recording continued.

"Grab the lube otherwise; you know I couldn't take that large cock of yours," Tracy told him, and Jake's smile got even larger. Tracy knew how to hit his buttons easily, and she turned and rolled her eyes as she pointed out where to get the lube. He also grabbed a condom at the same time showing it to the camera without realizing it.

Jake was tunnel-visioned as Tracy led him. "Want to lube me up?" He asked, dropping his pants, his cock already half hard in excitement for being in use.

I looked at it, and I realized, "I need to train that not to get hard in the future," I commented as Crystal giggled.

"It isn't small, but when you compare it to you, Mistress, It seems small." Crystal commented to herself.

Tracy looked in contemplation before bringing her mouth to his cock, which was around six inches and had almost grown to hit the full mast. Tracy opened her mouth, and I could immediately hear him moan.

"God, Your mouth feels so good," Jake complimented her as he used his hand to bring his cock deeper down her throat.

Tracy pulled back quickly, though, and grabbed the condom out of his hand, "I don't want sperm in my mouth," Tracy said, grabbing the condom.

"Oh, Come on, babe, You know you want to know my flavor," Jake whined, and Tracy shook her head.

"Nope, Told you already," Tracy said, and I couldn't help but laugh,

"Didn't know she had an aversion to semen in her mouth," I commented.

"I think she has a problem with his cum in her mouth," Crystal commented as we continued to watch her hand continuing to move along my shaft lightly.

Tracy then snagged the lube out of his hand and began to put on the condom before she began to lube up his cock, looking up at Jale. "I also know you love when I do this," Tracy's grin was wicked as she stroked his cock with lube all over her hand, and she stood up. She was slightly shorter than Jake and pressed her chest against his. "Step back, and we can have some fun, or I can finish you like this," Tracy told him.

Jake loudly moaned, and I could see already that he was struggling not to cum. Jake stepped back with a deep breath as he was trying to keep his composure. "You know I want you to feel good, Babe," Jake said, taking some deep, calming breaths.

Tracy smiled and took off her pants. She wore some purple panties, and she followed that up by taking off her shirt and Panties. The Purple bra remained, and Tracy got on the bed, her legs spread for Jake inviting him in. "Well, Make your girlfriend cry out your name then, Stud," Tracy egged him on, looking at him.

Jake seemed to lose himself in that, and he got up on the bed and lowered his hips to put in his cock. I wondered how he would feel with how much stretching I had done on Tracy. To me, she was tight, but I wasn't sure how other men would feel with her after I had been there. Then again, I thought with a grin, he had just gotten out of a cage, and anything must feel good to him.

It turned out my second guess was true as Jake loudly moaned as he pushed into Tracy. I couldn't help but feel that this was a good judge to see how far my training with Jake had gone in the last couple of weeks.

With a loud moan, Jake came down to her and kissed her. Tracy seemed a little standoffish on it at first but let him kiss her in the end. He moaned as he brought up his hips, and I heard Tracy loudly moan. I felt the moan was off as Jake started to move his hips. Tracy would loudly moan with each thrust, but I couldn't help but smile as Crystal commented, "I heard the Skank moan; that is fake."

"Agreed," I replied as we continued to watch, and I started to get hard as a feeling of superiority filled me. It had only been a minute, and Jake loudly moaned, finishing into the condom inside of Tracy.

"Oh, Fuck!" Jake cursed lightly, "You feel so good this week," Jake commented, breathing heavily, "Sorry for lasting less time than usual. You felt better than usual." Jake continued pinning the blame on her instead of his stamina. "Did you cum?" Jake asked after that.

"Yeah," Tracy commented, kissing him on the lips, pulling him tight before pulling his soft cock out and pulling out the condom herself, "Whenever you are inside me, I have a small orgasm just to start, stud. You're just so big I cannot help it." Tracy finished with a smile.

Well, that was shorter than I thought or was looking forward to, but I saw Jake was completely flaccid after releasing his first load, which was less than when he was with me.

"Is that it?" Crystal asked as the two began to talk, and I knew the reason for the video going longer was that Tracy didn't want Jake to know she recorded it.

"Let's skip ahead and find out," I said, feeling disappointed myself.

Seconds later, after fast-forwarding, I was disappointed to find out that we were right. Tracy got dressed and snuck her phone into her pocket about ten minutes later, ending the recording.

It was hard, but the video was disappointing, and I was hoping for a little more action, and Crystal giggled, "Well, What did you expect," Crystal said, "You're training him to be a sissy, not a stud. If he got any better at sex with a woman after your training, then you would think you're failing at it," Crystal told me with that grin I told her about earlier.

"You are right," I told her with a refreshed grin, disappointment disappearing after thinking about it differently. My cock was hard, and I got a grin on my face. "I want to take a short little Gif of me stroking my cock. Interested?" I asked Crystal.

Crystal turned to me, excitement positively bubbling within her as she looked at me. "Yes! Yes! Yes! I cannot believe you thought of this First. I want ten different ones. One with you cumming inside me. One with-" Crystal only stopped saying what she wanted when I put a finger to her lips.

"You are excited. I get that, but for now," I stroked my cock slowly, "Record it with my phone, you little Minx."

"Yes, Mistress, Thank you, Mistress," Crystal said, grabbing my phone and walking back to get a full picture of me. I started to stroke my shaft, with soft pleasure coming to my head as I did so. I showed my full length to the phone as Crystal recorded, and I saw some drool coming from her mouth as I did so, letting her see the full, long strokes.

"Mistress, I am done making it," Crystal said.

"Show me," I ordered, and I saw a small ten-second gif where my large breasts and I were almost in the background, whereas my cock was front and center. I stroked my cock up slowly and down, and it seemed perfectly linked up like I was masturbating slowly with each stroke up and down, and I smirked. "Good job, Minx. I think I have a reward for you after Becky gets here, so I can punish her a little as I reward you." I told Crystal with a wicked Grin.

I was full of fun Ideas today.

I then took my phone, saved the gif Crystal made, and sent it to her. "There, your first reward," I told her, then typed up another text for Grace and Debbie.

Angela: This is a reminder of what to look forward to for the naughtiest.

I then attached the gif and sent it off to them. I wondered what their reaction would be, but I pulled up Jake's other videos that he sent on Monday. "Time to watch a Sissy fuck himself," I told Crystal before pausing. "You may watch with my cock inside you, Minx," I told Crystal, and her excitement grew.

"Thank you, Mistress!" Crystal said excitedly.

"I won't move either, and I think it is fine to go at your own speed today while I watch my MInx get off while watching my sissy get off on Video." I smiled, and Crystal took the invitation without asking more.

I leaned back, watching two sexy things at the same time, moaning as Crystal brought herself to orgasm after orgasm while Jake brought himself to one on a large dildo on the TV.



Thank you for Reading. Just a heads up, I have released two new short stories on Amazon Kindle Unlimited. If you are interested, you can look up the stories:


Stories of a Futanari S ranked Adventurer: Meeting a Pair

The Rich Girls Futanari Maid is a Masochist: Discovery


Check them out if you're interested. Thank you all again for enjoying my story. Please Comment, Rate, and Review the Story if you are interested in doing so


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Week 2:

Week 3:

Week 4:

Week 5:

Week 6:

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