Life of a Dominant F*tanari

Life of a Dominant F*tanari Week 3 Chapter 75/7: Cramps

My mother stepped into the light and glared at me, her expression almost thunderous. She quickly turned to Sarah, "You need to quiet down when in the shower. I don't care what she is doing to you, and I need my sleep." I couldn't help it; I laughed. The bags under my mother's eyes told me all I needed to know was that she was having a hard time sleeping and that Sarah had woken her up.

My mother turned to me and snarled, "Do you think I don't know who made her scream out so early in the fucking morning?"

I stopped laughing, and I looked at the lack of food for my mother on the table. I looked back at her, "Sorry, Mom, You know I didn't plan to make her scream," I said.

My mother looked at me, and I could see the visible twitching of her eyelid. I knew that I might have made a mistake with that glare. "You know what, Angela?" My mother asked. I watched her, unwilling even to speak when I realized something.

"Mom, I know that you are angry," I said, sounding very reasonable as I continued, "I realize that, and I will ensure in the future to make sure screams like that won't happen in the future. So I will gag her not to scream in the shower like that. Is that okay with you?" I asked before quickly inserting while seeing my mother's eyebrow twitch and Sarah looking much like the nickname I gave her. "I also really need to go to school soon, and I don't want to be late bringing Sarah home." I finished with a wry smile.

I could see my mother's expression flicker multiple times. I could see her in seconds switching from angry to embarrassed. It seemed that my mother only had so much embarrassment that she could take. Her anger seemed to be winning out when suddenly she sighed. "Whatever," My mother said suddenly with a sigh. "I need to talk to you tonight or tomorrow, honey. Do you have any plans tonight?" My mother asked, and I nodded.

"Yes, I do; important ones that I cannot cancel." I told my mother honestly, "One that the only way I can cancel is if you or dad are in the hospital to get out of." I clarified as I noticed my mother's annoyed look.

"Fine," My mother replied and looked defeated, "I need to talk to you soon." I could almost hear the growl, and I looked at my mother.

"How about this mom," I said and took a bite of food to buy myself time. I thought about it as my mother glared at me and stopped, "How about Friday before I go to my girlfriend's place?" I said, feeling a cramp, and I winced. The pills didn't kick in yet, and I felt annoyed as I dealt with my mother.

My mother's glare was piercing, and she replied, "Fine," My mother turned and left, and I winced, knowing that I might have undone what the spa trip did last week.

"Mom, I have something I need to do on Wednesday, volleyball on Thursday, and work today. I am not trying to be difficult; I want to pay attention when I listen to what you have to say when you say it, okay?" I told her, trying not to sound like I was pleading.

My mother's gaze softened and nodded, and I smiled. "Sorry honey, I know you are busier now, But we need to talk, okay?" My mother said, and I tried not to frown. I nodded, and my mother went to the fridge.

I looked at Sarah, and I started eating and ensuring she knew my message. 'EAT FASTER!'

Sarah started to eat while food disappeared into my mouth, and I ate as fast as I could without choking. Food soon ran down my throat as my mom started to cook and Sarah started to eat faster. There was no way I wanted to eat with my mother at this point.

I finished my food and quickly stood as Sarah finished hers. "I need to get going," I said, looking at Sarah, and I saw a resigned look from my mother as I said that. Sarah had finished up a little before me and got up as I did. With that, we both went back downstairs, and I frowned as my cramps were acting up again. I moved with purpose making sure to gather everything I needed for school. Sarah watched, and I looked at my weights when I was done. I sighed and left them feeling weird, taking a day off from wearing them. "Come," I told Sarah as I started to leave.

I moved, and Sarah followed me up out of the basement. As we moved to the front door, my mother called out, "Have a good day, Honey; Don't work too hard." My mother called out lightly.

I smirked as I paused at the door. I thought about what was coming tonight and felt a thrill go through me. My cock twitched in my panties, and I winced as a fresh cramp ran through me. This was the main thing I hated about being a woman. Periods fucking sucked!

I sighed as I finished left with Sarah on my heels. Sarah looked happy with a grin as we began to walk down the street. Sarah stepped up and walked beside me as we continued down the street. I felt cramps for a bit as we walked, and I felt annoyed as I moved.

"So you are working tonight?" Sarah asked as we moved down the street.

"Yup, technically my first day," I told her as I smiled, looking at her.

"Technically?" Sarah asked as we crossed the street.

"I did some training with someone else last week." I smiled, thinking about Mistress Vapor and what I learned last week. My smile was short-lived as a cramp ran through my gut, and I frowned. "It was a fun time, and I enjoyed it." I finished looking at Sarah.

"What is it that you do?" Sarah asked, and I looked at her with a frown.

"I already told you like two times." I said, looking at her, "Dominatrix," I told her and stopped a pained chuckle as I looked at her astonished face as a cramp ran through me.

Sarah walked with me, looking a little stunned before looking at me. "You're a prostitute?" Sarah asked, and my glare at her made her look meek seconds later.

"I am not a prostitute." I almost growled out. "I don't even have to have sex with a customer if I don't want to. I dominate them for their pleasure and if I choose to. With me, they have no control at all and pay for things to be that way. That is not how it is with a prostitute. I am not there for their pleasure in the end. They pay to let me take pleasure from them," I said before turning away from her.

"Sorry," Sarah replied a minute later as we continued down the street with silence hanging over us.

I wanted to growl, but instead, I sighed. "It's okay," I replied a minute later, "I am not really in a good mood at the moment because of these fucking cramps," I told her honestly as a cramp ripped through my abdomen. "It just isn't a good moment to prick at something like that." I finished.

The walk turned awkward as we continued to walk to school. Sarah reiterated that she had to do some homework. Soon we reached the school with that silence still hanging over us. The school was silent as we arrived and we entered. I stopped, and Sarah stopped with me not long after we entered. I closed in on her, and I kissed her on the lips.

Sarah was surprised at the sudden intimacy and took a moment before she melted into my kiss. Her body which had tensed, loosened up and accepted my kiss as I started to invade her mouth with my tongue. My body pressed against hers, and our breasts pressed against each other. I broke the kiss after some time, and I pressed my forehead against hers as I felt another cramp which was a little lighter than the others not long ago.

"I will see you at the first period, Strawberry," I said, "Enjoy your day; I will see you later."

I walked away, leaving Sarah blushing and surprised behind me as I moved down the hallway. I could feel Sarah watch me leave, and I heard a faint short sigh as I turned the corner. I moved through the school with a slight grin as another light cramp hit me. I nodded to myself as I thanked the heavens that the pills were starting to kick in, reducing the cramps now, and hopefully, by the time I got to class, they would be over.

I reached the Teachers locker room and heard a pained noise from the other side of the room as I entered. I looked around as I entered, seeing Jake holding his stomach. As I laid eyes on him, his eyes lit up as he noticed me. "Mistress," Jake said, his voice pained, "Can I please go to the bathroom?" He begged.

"Go," I said, pulling out my phone, and I pulled up the app as Jake went into one of the stalls. As I hit the unlock button on the butt plug, I could hear a moan as Jake sat down. I couldn't help but chuckle at the pained response when I heard the door open. Alex came in and looked around to see me. I had turned to look at her, and I grinned.

"Mistress!" Alex said, her serious expression on her face brightening into a significant smile.

I stepped forward and held her chin as I closed in on her. "Good, Sweety," I said before ordering, "Strip," I looked at her, and I felt my cock harden with a familiar cramp not long later. Still, I didn't care at this moment.

Alex looked excited at the order, and she was unbuttoning her shirt; soon, her shirt hit the floor, showing me a light blue bra that unclasped from the front. She didn't even spare a second to unclip the bra as I heard a moan from the bathroom sound. I took my phone out, placed it on an angle to record the room, and turned it on.

I couldn't care less about Jake and his biological matter going on in the bathroom as I gazed at Alex's tanned skin. I held myself back this morning with Sarah, and I wanted to wreak her even more. Today though, I wanted to wreak her hard, really hard, and I knew that it was what Alex wanted.

I just dropped my skirt and panties in a second as Alex did, and my cock sprang free into her vision. I could see her eyes go down to my cock as it came into her sight. Alex gulped, and her naked body was in my sight. I almost growled as the rest of the world around me didn't much matter. I grabbed the bag I had taken off at some point as Alex watched me. I grabbed a condom out of it, and Alex's excitement grew. "Lock the door, Sweety," I ordered. As she turned, I ripped open a condom and quickly slipped it down my rapidly hardening cock as I felt excitement along with the cramps.

Alex's fingers began to twist the lock closed. As her fingers twisted the lock with a distinct click, I moved, and I pinned her face against the wall and used my other hand to pull her ass back. Her hands remained on the lock, and I heard her say, "Mistress?!" With a sound of excitement and confusion.

My fingers dove into her already wet pussy, and I leaned forward, pressing my clothed breasts against her back. "You little naughty slut," I said into her ear, "You are already fucking wet and waiting. Why wait?" I asked her.

As I asked her that, I reached down with my other hand and lined my cock up with her wet pussy. Alex honestly didn't need much to get wet, and I pushed into her pussy hard. This was no gentle insertion. I thrust my cock deep, pressing against her cervix in one thrust. Alex moaned loudly in pleasure, and I pulled back only a little while keeping her pinned to thrust hard against her cervix. Her cry instantly increased in volume as I pushed through, hitting the back of her womb.

The room echoed as I did so and I didn't stop there, not even pulling out of her womb as I started to pull back, feeling both her pussy and cervix gripping me tightly. Alex moaned with each thrust, her face against the wall as my arm pinned her in place.

Despite the cramps in my abdomen, I felt so good and didn't care about the pain in my core. No, my cock felt good as her pussy spasmed, and I felt fresh liquids on my legs as she orgasmed. Alex didn't have time to think as I raided her body more and more for my pleasure, and I felt her spasm again as I leaned back, no longer pinning her to the door.

Alex was crying out, and I thought I heard something behind me as I fucked her pussy so hard. I didn't care, though, as I thrust into her pussy with an urgency I had never felt before. Her pussy squeezed me tightly in return as more fluids came down my leg. I pulled out quickly, and Alex cried out, looking back at me as I had released her. I then shoved every inch of my cock into Sweety's asshole. Her cry sounded in the room, filled with pleasure and pain.

Her ass spasmed on me immediately, and I smiled as I started to fuck her in the ass hard. My hand came down on her ass cheek with a satisfying slap. Her ass wonderfully rippled as I pushed deep into her hard. More liquids poured down my leg, and I could smell her pheromones.

Pleasure rocked my head, overriding all the cramps that I felt as my cock ravished her ass for all it was worth. I didn't even know when it started, but I continued to ravish her ass as I loudly moaned. I brought my hand down and slapped Alex's ass cheek as I released. Pleasure filled my world, and I moaned again as I filled her ass without pause. I pushed in till I felt freshly fucked pussy juices as they sprayed all over my balls.

I finished releasing soon, and I heard Alex moaning. I saw her, grinned, and pulled my cock out of her pussy, taking a step back. I grabbed the condom as I pulled out, and Alex moaned as her asshole was suddenly vacated.

With my sudden absence, Alex fell to her knees and breathed harshly. I turned, and I saw Jake there. "Well, Sissy," I said slowly, "How was your release inside the bathroom?" I asked, taking a step over to him.

Jake actually quivered, and I could see the fear in his eyes. I felt my power over him, and my cock throbbed in pleasure seeing his pathetic expression. I held the condom in my hand and pointed at the floor in front of me. "Come here, Sissy," I ordered.

Jake followed the instruction as; I could see him quiver. It felt so good to see his current expression, and I grinned as I followed up my previous order, "Open that sissy mouth, Bitch!"

Jake was just in front of me, and He opened up his mouth, and we both knew what was next. I brought the condom up to his mouth, and I started to pour the contents into his mouth. Jake made a face, and I took a step forward, closing the distance on the Jock, and grabbed him by the chin. I tilted his head back and put the condom into his mouth. "Suck it all out bitch." I ordered.

I could hear a slight whimper from Jake as I also heard him start sucking out the condom. I looked him over as I did so, even with my breasts lightly touching his chest. I didn't notice before because I didn't care, but the sissy was only wearing a yellow bra and panties over his caged little clitty.

I looked back up and saw the majority of the semen was no longer in the condom. My cock throbbed with the situation, and I smiled as I slapped him; hard. "Now, I want both hands on that bench and that sissy ass sticking out for me to fuck." I told him harshly, "If you fuck up once in this instruction, then I will spank your ass purple for classes today. Is that understood?" I asked at the end.

The fear on Jake's face was evident, and my cock throbbed even more as he put both hands on the beach, turning around and showing me his ass with only a pair of panties to cover the hole. I reached over to my bag and grabbed a condom because there was no way I was about to put my cock raw into his ass right now.

I ripped open a condom and saw Jake's eyes lit up before dimming. "Mistress, I understand, but why are you putting on a condom?" Jake asked.

I bit back a smirk as a fresh condom covered my cock as I looked at him. "You just used the toilet. I am not going to put my raw cock into your sissy ass right now unless you prove that you cleaned it properly." With that, I finished, and I lined up my cock to his sissy pussy, not caring at this moment. I thrust in quickly.

"oooooOOOOOH!" Jake cried out in surprise, and I began to thrust into his ass and felt his ass spasm all over me quickly. I didn't know if he orgasmed or if his ass was just surprised at my sudden insertion. I didn't care, though, as my cock twitched and throbbed inside his ass as I pushed deep into his ass.

The sissy's pleasure or pain didn't matter to me as my hand came down upon his ass, and he cried out. I heard more moaning in the room as I thrust into him harder and harder. The moaning wasn't coming from Jake, and I knew that Alex was masturbating behind me as Jake was getting fucked brutally. IT didn't matter to me at this point as I took my pleasure from him.

I moaned as I thrust my hips in and out of him, and I felt pleasure as I started to use his ass to make a beat. I thrust in, pulled out, and slapped his ass cheek. Then I repeated with the other ass cheek. Jake cried out with pleasure and pain as I let my instincts drive me to release.

Soon and without warning, I loudly moaned and orgasmed as I released rope after rope into Jake's ass. I felt the pleasure fill my head and override any pain I was feeling in my abdomen. I growled as my balls twitched, again and again, releasing more sperm.

I sighed a minute later as I noticed Jake quivering under me. I pulled out, and the condom was a little dirty. I frowned before smiling and asked, "Where is your plug, Sissy?"

Jake froze at that, and I didn't break my smile as I held up the condom. "Stand up," I ordered mercilessly to the sounds of moans coming from behind me.

Jake stood up slowly and turned around as I glared at him. I held up the dirty condom, "The contents of this will be in our mouth when I come back." I ordered, and I handed him the condom. Jake took it into his hand without thought, and I moved into the bathroom and found the plug by the sink. I started to clean it off as I heard a gag and a louder moan as I ran the water over the plug.

I washed it off, and I moved back. Jake looked sour as he removed the edge of the condom from his mouth. He opened it up and showed me a full mouth of semen, and I grinned. "Keep it in your mouth, Sissy," I ordered as I stepped up to him. "You really are a worthless bitch," I told him, my face only inches from him as my hand reached around him slowly, "A pathetic little scared sissy who takes her Mistress's cock without question." I continued my tone, serious. I spat on his face, and Jake looked both surprised and scared as I stared him down. My hand brought the plug up to his ass, and I slowly found the sweet spot, and Jake's eyes widened as I shoved it into his twitching asshole.

I didn't look at him anymore, and I turned to the masturbating girl at the door, looking with lust-filled eyes. "Get the fuck out of here and clean yourself up, sissy. That is it for today's inspection." I finished and turned to my phone as an alarm went off. "Get up, Alex, and clean yourself up too," I told her harshly, and I walked over to the sinks again and used my hands to wash off her fluids.

I heard a groan while I felt a sharp cramp move through me as I did so. Before stretching, I cleaned my cock and balls and saw Alex coming in with a big grin. I moved past and stopped beside Alex. She stopped, and I saw Jake picking up his clothes that were in the corner of the locker room. I looked at Alex, who looked back at me. "I will talk to you later, Sweety; I am not in the mood to talk right now," I told her, and Alex nodded.

I moved to my clothes, and I got Dressed. Jake looked at me as he unlocked the locker room door. "Mistress," Jake said, and I could hear the shame in his voice.

I turned to look at him, and I closed my eyes for a second before opening them, and I stared at him. "Go," I replied.

Jake blushed and left. My abdomen got another cramp, and I growled at him as the door closed. I took a deep breath, and I finished getting dressed, my cock was still hard, and I took deep breaths to calm myself down. I grabbed my phone, and I ended the recording.

I sighed, and I heard a shower in the background. Alex needed to clean herself up, and I probably should have showered myself. I shook my head, though, and I moved over to Alex's clothes and tossed them onto the beach.

I waited a few more minutes, and my cock got soft enough. I stuffed my cock back into my panties and left the locker room.

I sighed as I moved through the school to class with a snarl on my face as a cramp lightly went through my abdomen.


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