Life of a Dominant F*tanari

Toy Store

I arrived at the front door of my house after sprinting home. I got home, and my anger was still outrageous. I was fuming mad, and I wanted to punch the wall. Working out for the first time didn't soothe this anger. I needed an outlet, and I needed one fast. I entered my house after unlocking the door with my keys. My mom and dad talked in the living room, and I ignored it as I went downstairs to my room. My little slice of the home was the basement. I walked over to the punching bag that I hung and punched it. I couldn't go all out, though, since I didn't want to put a hole in it.

I moved to the shower and stripped naked before turning on the water at the max cold. My head still felt like steam was coming off at the anger I was feeling in my veins. It was like an engine I never knew existed opened up and began running at full speed. I badly wanted to punch something or do something to release this anger.

I couldn't get over it. The conversation between Jake and his friend. The scene where he came into the showers naked to forcefully rape me. Me then raping him. I felt so vindicated, Guilty, and Powerful; That feeling of flying in the sky for winning. Then that conversation, that a woman could happily plan with him my rape. To be forcefully pinned to the ground and taken. She FUCKING PLANED IT WITH HIM!

My mind screamed the facts, and I grew angrier and angrier with every passing second. The cold water did nothing to cool my head. I needed to cool down and think; Thinking is what makes good plans; I can't let this pass. I cannot murder them either; I cannot destroy their bodies like my hands want to do so badly. The truth is now that this morning, I committed excessive force in raping Jake. The law doesn't smile upon you defending yourself with rape. I need to change my thought patterns from breaking every fucking bone in his body.

The cold water was freezing on my skin, but I felt nothing as my anger burned like a furnace. Finally, I slapped myself hard. So hard I might have cut my cheek on a tooth or something as the metallic taste of blood filled my mouth. My mind seemed to cool off with that. My brain started to work again as I tasted my blood and spat it at the shower's drain. I sighed in relief, and I focused.

Although I loved sports the most, I was never an idiot. I had a working brain and was never a muscle head, so I knew I had to think with my head, not my fists. That was why I let Tracy run away instead of breaking her bones as I wanted. The red haze was something that I knew I had problems with sometimes. I never exploded as I had with Jake before. I was not proud of my actions today. The more I thought using my head, the more I realized this wasn't what I meant with my promise at the start of summer vacation.

No, I wanted it to stop. Not the escalated thing I was now involved in. Tracy the Cunt, Was going to nag Jake to find out what happened. If he talks, then I am in trouble. With the way things are in the world, even though men are still on the losing side of rape charges. I was still on the wrong side of any judgment. I may have defended myself, but I had no marks. Jake probably does, though; That is the problem. Evidence is against me. The video I have of him is a mark against me.

It was evidence of an evil deed that could end me up in jail. I did not want to destroy my future. That means I had to be on the attacking side in this. The evidence was entirely against me if I thought about it. I had no friends at school that could collaborate on anything I said. They were popular kids in school where I was Dick girl; The social outcast that loves lifting with good grades. Jake is a skilled quarterback with a future in his hands, Scouted to a university.

The more I thought about it, the more I darker I realized my situation was. I needed something to leverage. A video of me raping Jake was not leverage; that is, if he thinks logically. If I post that video, I will face the consequences, whereas he could just move on in a year. I could feel my situation feeling grimmer and grimmer. I couldn't let this happen; I needed to plan.

I turned off the water and dried myself as I continued to think of my situation. I put on some sweats and walked over to my decent desktop. It was meant for homework, and I booted it up while thinking about what I could do to them. I needed something! I cried in my mind as I sat in my cheap chair. I began to surf the web mindlessly as I contemplated what I could do. I was stuck, and I grew increasingly desperate. I had twelve hours to come up with something, and I only knew that I needed to do something.

I finally decided to ask for advice. I spoofed my Ip address before I created throwaway accounts on several forums. I posted the same post asking for advice explaining my problem. Several comments called it bullshit, and it was deleted due to its content. I finally got something that made me sit up.

MistressX2466: I don't know if this is real or not. But I will give you advice anyway. You sound like a strong woman with an unyielding spirit. I am not sure how you raped the boy back. But you seem to be in trouble if this is real and have dug yourself a deep hole that I doubt you can legally bring yourself out of.

My advice to you isn't to think in the usual way's girl. Think in unyielding terms. Tommy (obviously fake, by the way) can be trained to like it. Have you ever thought of that? Have you thought of some way to make April (obviously fake again, lol) turn on Tommy? If you do that, then they will be too busy blaming each other to look at you.

This isn't the best advice, though. You are in a tough spot if this is real—some real legal trouble, girl. Your up shits creek without a paddle, if this is true. You sound like the victim (if this is true/real), and I hope you the best.

After reading this message, I wondered what she meant by training him. I started to look up training men. What I found took me down a rabbit hole of porn, and I heard steps coming down to my room. I slept my screen and turned to see my dad come downstairs.

"Hey, Sweety." He greeted me.

"Hi, Dad," I said with a smile. "What's up?" I asked him.

"Just coming down to get you for dinner, sweety. Also, to ask if your shower hour-long shower used all the Hot water?" He said, looking at me with a faint scowl.

I giggled, knowing the scowl was fake. "Nope, I took a cold shower to cool down from my day, Dad." I continued, "I had a good run. I was wondering, though, If I could get some more weights." I finished changing the subject as I got up from the computer.

I followed my dad upstairs as he deflected from my want for more weights. He did so effortlessly as he knew how much I loved pumping iron. My room was a bed, desk, and gym. I started to study more now, but he knew where my true love was.

I sat down with my mother and father and pretended I was fine as I talked with them. My mind wandered at some points as I eat a substantial portion. My parents were used to it, though. I consumed much more calories than most people to fuel my body. Although my muscle mass looked small, I weighed more than I looked like. I actually stopped weighing myself since It made me feel overweight when I did. I know, though, that my muscles were good and weighed more than fats. I was incredibly proud of my muscles too.

I ate dinner, barely conversing with my parents as usual, and didn't bring up my problems. I knew how they felt about it. I wasn't ashamed of my actions. I wouldn't say I liked the consequences, though, and explaining my actions was difficult at best.

When I finished, I went downstairs after thanking my parents for the meal. It was a basic courtesy, after all, and I was genuinely appreciative. My parents were hard workers. My dad worked some IT jobs from home while my mother was an artist with her studio. She used to use the basement as a studio when I was young, but she hated it. I do not know if she just said that so I could have more space, but I was happy to have such an ample space. My gym equipment was purchased over the years because I loved it so much. My parents were middle class at best, but there were times we bordered that when my mother was having a lousy year with her work. Still, I loved them with all their flaws.

My mistake was my own, and I would fix it myself. I made sure to lock my door for my research seemed to be something that would be embarrassing to be caught doing. My screen booted up, and I started to dive into the wonders of porn. In the past, I had always just watched vanilla stuff. I loved it as the girl took a good dicking. It was something to get a good load off. The problem came with the size of my loads joined the ranks of monster cock porn stars. It was something I seriously consider as a career path somedays. I wouldn't say I like the thought of being paid to do this, though. I did not know why.

I threw stray thoughts out the window as I watched dominatrix's control their little slave. I listened to many things, and I started to get interested as I watched and learned. I began to notice I had a boner inside my sweats as I browsed the web for these things. I found I liked the porn more, featuring women being dominated than the men. But I still kind of liked it. I found it so interesting how the men begged these hot women just to be stepped on. Or women begging men to be tortured. The cries filled me with lust as my hardon cried for attention.

I powered on, though, as that comment made me realize a path I could take. What if I took Jake's girlfriend Tracy and make her my cumdump? I then sissify him into my cumdump as well. The fantasy that induced into my head made me so horny as I imagined them under me as I pounded their pussies or ass sent shivers down my spine. I knew these were not normal thoughts, but I just wanted to so badly as I watched these videos.

I remembered all the pain and grief Jake implemented on me over the years as I backed down. Then this morning and I felt my spine stiffen. This was the way I was going to get revenge. I made my decision. I wanted them to submit their bodies, hearts, and mind to me. I would use them to dump my sperm before University. Then I would leave them to fend for themselves after they are addicted to me.

My smile grew as I decided on my course of action. I started to see things or the style that might bring out the results that I wanted. I came upon some kink sites, and I began to gravitate towards something call Sissification. I really enjoyed women more than men, although Jake's ass was an enlightening experience. I would prefer if he looked more like a girl.

I started to look deeper into it and noticed how much it dealt with dishing out shame to advance my cause. My smile grew as I looked it up more, and I was at full mast while I did so. I looked at the clock on my desktop and noticed it would be midnight in an hour. I frowned, realizing I needed to come up with a plan of action soon.

Everything I saw on the internet talked about more than just using his body and my own to train him. I needed extra steps to 'fuck' the masculinity out of him. I decided to look up the nearest sex toy shop, and I found one on our town's outskirts. I was happy when I noticed it was open till three in the morning and I had time. I still had five hundred dollars saved from birthdays and things like that I could spend. I was saving for some new equipment in my gym, but I decided to stay out of jail was a better cause.

I decided it was time to gamble, and I was going all in. I quickly put on some shoes, and I headed upstairs with my wallet. I walked by the living room and watched my parents enjoying themselves playing a video game together. It was Mario kart, and I made sure to give wide space not to become involved. My mother in games got highly competitive. If we played a board game like Catan, it was bloodthirsty, to put it mildly.

My parents noticed me as I opened the door. "Hey honey, If I give you a twenty, can you pick up some milk on your way back from your run?" My mother called out. I stopped and took a twenty from her with a smile. "You can keep the rest, honey. I just forgot to pick up milk when I went shopping." She finished with a loving smile.

"No problem, mom," I said before leaving. I knew she just wanted an excuse to let me have some treats as I have serious munchie cravings sometimes. I was also extremely active, making my night runs something common when I can't fall asleep. I didn't correct her, though, and I hit the street, putting myself in a decently paced jog.

I felt so light jogging without any weights that I thought it was too easy. I sighed, but I arrived at the toy store quickly. I stepped into the blacked-out store where a small girl was working. She was super cute, and I was surprised at how adorable she looked. She was just over five feet tall, and her hair was done up in twin pigtails. She had modest breasts, I guessed around B cups, maybe C cups. They really looked good on her too. I felt like mine were enormous and were also in your face. Frankly, my breasts were a pain in my ass and, more importantly, my back.

When I stepped in, her attention turned to me instantly and sized me up. "Hey, Got ID?" She asked, "This store is eighteen plus only." Her tone commanding. I nodded and stepped inside towards her desk. I pulled out my useless driver's license that I have but no use for as I ran everywhere. Dad insisted I learn for the future and Identification purposes. Every time I thanked him in my head when I am need of ID.

She looked at me than the ID a couple of times before nodding. "Okay, If you want any help, let me know." She said before going back to sit on a chair behind her desk. She quickly whipped out her phone. I stepped into the store, and the amount of Porn in DVDs amazed me. I didn't know people still used DVD's, but I left the porn area to the toys. I looked around, totally lost for what I was looking for. I almost felt overwhelmed by the number of sexual objects presented to me.

"Hey," I heard behind me, and my body almost came out with a right hook. I stopped and froze with my fist in the air. "Whoa, sorry for scaring you." The cute girl backed up.

"No!" I exclaimed louder than I meant to, "It," I felt my face redden under my extreme reaction, "I have had a bad day and I," I sighed, "I am sorry, I was ambushed and attacked today, Some bitch punched me in the nose. It barely hurt, but it has put me on my toes. I really didn't mean to come across so aggressively." I apologized.

The girl's eyes widened. "Wow, You got decked in the nose, and it didn't hurt?" She asked curiously.

"No, It kinda hurt, but it did no damage is the better way of saying it," I confessed. Still, the girl looked at me, intrigued, though.

"You don't look that strong, so the girl must have been WEAK!" She said with a smile. I laughed.

"I wouldn't say she was weak; I would say I am strong. Although I look weak, I pack more punch than I show." I said with a smile.

"Bullshit." She stated, and I smirked.

"What if I told you I could prove it?"

"You don't have any muscle's girl. I see none on you." She countered.

"Yes, I do. I love my muscles and am quite insulted that you think I can't prove it." I countered back.

"Fine, Show me those hidden muscles then," She demanded, and I smirked. I lifted my shirt showing my six powerful abs that were displayed predominantly on my stomach. "Holy shit, mind if I touch?" She asked, and I nodded.

"Go ahead. I am proud of my muscles." She started to stroke my abs with a smile on her face as I stood there.

"Wow, you do have muscles. I am proven wrong; in apologies, let me help you with the browsing you looked lost." She said.

"Ah, An excuse to do your job," I jested before turning serious. "I do need some help, though," I said. "I need a chastity cage for about a three-inch flaccid cock for my boyfriend. I would also like it one that can be worn more long term." I said with a faint blush. "I would also like something to... Allow him to take larger insertions." I finished.

The girl's eyebrows shot up only for a second. "I knew I recognized someone interested in joining the community." She said with a grin.

I took the turn to be surprised, "Community?" I asked.

"Ah, Sorry, you are still learning about yourself. I mean the Kink community girl. I am personally a Masochist. You seem to be a Dom, though if you're looking for chastity for a boyfriend." She said.

I blushed, now realizing what she was talking about. "yeah,"

"How much are you into stretching your new sissy? Are you looking to get him to fisting levels?" She asked as I was brought in front of a variety of cages for cocks.

"No, I want him to be able to take my cock." I said while not paying attention. I was looking at the cages.

"Wow, I wasn't expecting you to be transgender with such large breasts, Congratulations. You look amazing too." She commented.

"Oh, sorry for your misunderstanding. I have gotten this a couple of times before." I said, "I am quite open about it, but I am what is medically called a hermaphrodite Or Futanari. As you can hear, I am quite open about it. My body is my temple, and it is from years of work to continue building on its perfection." I joked at the end.

"Wow!" She exclaimed. "Um, that complicates things only a little. What a lucky little sissy you have to get the raw deal too. You would be quite popular among some of our community, I guarantee." She said with a smile. She pulled off a cage from the wall and handed it to me. I looked at it and was about to ask, "Okay, so that cage is for little sissy boys around three inches flaccid and is a bit more expensive. It comes with a good lock, though, and the little sissy boy can keep himself clean for you. It will also allow him to do all the bodily functions." I nodded, and I looked at the price and winced.

"Sigh, Expensive," I commented.

"Okay, I need to tell you some realities, Girl." The girl said, much to my surprise, "When it comes to the community, Cheaper is one of the worst things most time. Not all the time but most of the time. We need to protect our bodies; Your body is your temple, you just said, and that is a very true statement. Improper materials can get you sick or cause an infection. You need to take care of your partners as the Dom. I am a sub, and I have to trust my doms to be safe. Keep their toys clean and watch for my health while they take from me." She lectured, but I listened intently.

I was growing more interested. "Okay."

"The reason I gave you that cage is not only to protect your little sissy boy but to protect yourself. As a dom, you should realize that your playing with people, their bodies, and the laws governing consent depending on your kink." She said. "I occasionally like some more borderline legal things. My dom or partner needs to protect themselves too. You lock him up can cause medical issues making you need to go to the hospital if you don't do things properly." She said, and I put up a hand.

"Thank you," I told her sincerely. "I really do appreciate it. I would love to get your number so I can hear more. But for tonight, I need some sleep still and to finish this shopping." I told her, and she giggled.

"Sorry, I love educating new members when they grow interested in our community. It is not every day I get to. Now with the cage out of the way, you want some stretching toys and something to bring him probably to a sissygasm while you are not around. Probably a buttplug while he is in chastity too." She said, bringing me to another area of the shop.

"So, What size are you, if you don't mind me asking?" She turned to me while we were around a ton of dildos.

"Umm, when I am fully erect, I last measured at sixteen inches," I said, feeling sheepish.

Her eyes enlarged before narrowing. "Okay, girl. I am only going to say this once I am used to lies. I don't care, but I want you to know that things might not work out the way you think they do when you lie to me." She said.

I shook my head, "I am not lying, though. I have a sixteen-inch cock. It is a real nuisance to hide if I get a stiffy in class with a skirt as well." Telling her just a bit of my plights with a large cock.

The look in her eye changed all of a sudden. "Fine, How much girth?" She asked.

"I am not sure I never tried to measure it, to be honest," I replied.

She smiled, "Gimme a sec," She said before she walked to the front, opened the door looked around for a second, and cutely jumped and reached over the desk. Put up something on the front door before locking it. She made her way back quickly. "Follow me," She requested to my confusion. I followed her into the back, where she turned around.

"I need to see this thing," She said, "Do you mind if I measure you?" She asked.

I was surprised, but I nodded. She pulled down my pants, and my cock was revealed since I was going commando. She gasped before she kneeled in front of me. "Wow, You can tear a sissy apart with this monster," She commented, "I need to see it hard to get a 'proper' measurement. Do you mind if I give you a blowjob?" She asked.

My surprise was complete, and my cock twitched as excitement flowed through me. "Yeah, I am not saying no to that offer," I told her honestly. She looked up and smiled as she took my cock and placed it on her face.

"Fuck you cock flaccid covers half my face, not even counting your amazing balls." She commented before pulling back, and I felt her small tongue on me. I found my back to the door as she licked my cock. It was a new feeling, and I moaned as pleasure rushed to my head. I felt my cock twitch as she took me deeper into her mouth. Her saliva coating me and the licks inside her mouth brought me even more pleasure. The warmth enveloping my tip was terrific as well as she tended to my cock. I moaned louder as I became hard in her mouth. She started sucking with an increased suction making me moan even louder as she rocked her head back and forth along the tip of my increasingly larger cock.

Soon she took me out of her mouth with a gasp of air. "Fuck, Your huge, Girl." She said before pulling out a measuring tape I hadn't noticed her grabbing. "Wow, Sixteen and a half inches and three and a half in diameter. You are a cervix destroyer girl; You will need to train anyone to take this monster if they haven't done it to themselves. Fuck," She paused as she looked it over before looking up into my eyes. "Mind if I take a ride?" She asked.

I lost count of the number of times I was surprised today. It was eventful, and the events didn't seem to stop. Now I have a cute stranger asking me to fuck her pussy. I was genuinely stunned. "Sure?" I said, my mind overwhelmed.

"Yay!" She cried out before standing up and grabbing a box off the shelf. The box said magnum, and she pulled out a package from it. "Never thought I would ever be putting one of these on someone. This will be a tip for your tip," She said, smiling, pointing at the box, "The rest are your's girl; you'll need em' it seems." She said as she opened the package.

She took the time to put it down the length of my cock while I heard her mutter, "Fuck, How is this going to feel?" She questioned. She stood up, but I was too tall as she turned around for proper insertion. I felt excited, though, for my first consensual sexual encounter.

"Want it in your ass or pussy?" I asked her as she looked for a chair or something to help out.

"Pussy," She said, turning to smirk at me.

I stepped forward, and I placed my hands on her hips. "Who needs a chair when I have muscles?" I asked her. She gave a small screech as I lifted her, and I wrapped an arm around her holding her up quickly. I took the time to line her pussy up, and I put the tip in with a moan.

She looked to be questioning reality. "Am I that light?!" She asked as I slowly let her down on my cock. Her mind seemed to no longer be on that topic anymore as she yelled out, "HOLY FUCK! YOUR HUGE!"

"Slow to start!" She said. With her back to me, she looked down and watched as her tight pussy took my cock. I regretted the condom as it didn't feel as good as when I took Jake's ass, but it still felt amazing; Just not as amazing.

I slowly skewered her on my cock as she moaned, taking me deeper and deeper with each passing second. Then I felt an end while I still had plenty to go in deeper. "Stop!" She exclaimed, "Just fuck me for now; I feel so full, Please..." She paused to look back at me, "Make it rough!" She requested.

My mind blanked, and it was like a switch had been flicked. I was taking orders from her for some reason. I will fuck her as I want. She wants it rough? Fuck that; I will do what I want. She wants a ride to remember I will deliver it on my terms. I no longer backed down; I TOOK!

With the flipping of my switch, my smile grew, and I picked her up, lifting her off my cock. "I take no more orders now," I told her, her eyes widened like prey caught in a preditors mouth. She didn't have the chance even to try to escape as I started to drop her back on my cock, quickly pleasure spiking through my head, and she cried out. I began to fuck her hard and fast, lifting her up and down quickly, not pausing as I felt her spasm, and she squirted on the floor. As I took her faster, her cries increased in volume, and she started to beg me to slow down. I ignored it, and I fucked her rough as she wanted.

I took no more orders, and her pussy felt amazing as it spasmed and tightened on me, milking my cock with every pump. I turned around and forced her against the door, and took her even harder as she cried out. Her screams sounded pleasured, and I no longer cared, though. Memories from the day flooded my mind with pleasure, and I took the girl fueled with anger also gather today. I lost myself with her tight pussy and continued even as I smelt urine in the room.

I neared the edge as I took her hard and fast as I felt the spray back of liquids from her squirting or urinating. My mind clouded, and I roared in triumph as I released a load into her spasming pussy, feeling victorious in my conquest. My mind flooded as I released my sperm into the condom inside her. My brain felt melted in pleasure as I finished cumming and pulled out, slowly lifting her up off my cock.

I let her down on her feet that trembled from the intense fuck that just happened. My mind came back, and I realized I just lost myself in her. Her legs shook, and she trembled all over. "I am so sorry!" I exclaimed, and I felt her hand touch my mouth, quieting me. She struggled to turn around.

"Help me?" She asked, "Help me stand for a second. I don't think I can sit." She said with a smile. I helped her stand up and grabbed the discarded panties I never noticed when she stripped them off. "Don't apologize. That was amazing. I- I think you killed other men for me." She commented with a chuckle. "That was amazing, though. Fuck, it felt so primal." She said. "Give me a second to recover," She looked down, "I lost track of how many times I came on your cock, and I lost control of my bladder too. Fuck, this is a mess I need to clean up." She seemed to come to terms with the mess.

"It was good for me too?" I said.

She laughed a bit, "Where is the condom?" She asked after a couple of seconds.

"It came off as I pulled off with how tight you were spasming on my cock at the end. It was on while I ejaculated though only when I pulled out did it come off." I noticed the condom poking out her pussy.

"Oh, Thank god, let's get this out; I feel full of your cum, and today is not a safe day." She said, and my eyes widened, and I didn't know how I should feel. This felt like information I should know beforehand. Luckily it looked perfectly intact as she pulled it out of her pussy and a giant bubble of cum was safely inside the condom. "Holy shit, That is a lot of cum!" She said, holding it up.

I noticed her legs stopped trembling as she tied up the condom to toss it out in the bin.

I looked at the time and noticed it was past midnight, and I thanked the heavens for seven elevens. "Look, I hate to be that girl, but I need to be going soon. I felt great, but could you help me out? I need to go, and I need to finish my purchases."

The girl looked at me, stunned then at the clock. Shit, you took over thirty minutes to finish. Yeah. Let's get out of the back, and I will open the store again before I help you, okay. I have an accurate read of what you need. I will be there in a second." She said, opening the door, and I went back to the room full of toys. A couple of seconds later, she came out clothed and almost limped over to the doors opening them. I turned red knowing I did that, but I felt an emotional high of pride at the same time.

She then came over and grabbed a couple of toys off the rack, anal plugs, and dildos. "What's your budget total?" She asked seriously.

"Five hundred is my max," I told her honestly.

She sighed, "Your too big, and some of the toys for deeper penetration are too expensive for your sissy boy. Take these anal plugs and bead growing in size. This is a vibrator that is made to stimulate is the prostate gland. Make him wear it. I will help pitch in, but you will come back to pay me back, okay? The total of all of this is five hundred, and I know I am cleaning you out. But I will pay the difference. Give your number, though, and I want another ride later." She said with a wink. I told her my number as she put it down on her phone with a smile.

She then laid out the things in front of me. "Pay attention as you are new." She told me seriously, "This is a two-inch base anal plug. Put it in your sissy first and slowly move up from there. You want to stretch him larger than you are so he can take you easier. It will increase both of your pleasures. This is a prostate massager and is meant to stimulate your sissies prostate. It will be of immense help in his training; this is his cage. These are vibrating anal beads that are on a decently long string. This will not be enough to train him to take you fully, but it will help, do you understand?" She finished.

I nodded. "Good, Now, The cage is thrown in there as well as the box of condoms. Never be unsafe when practicing sex, okay?!" She borderline commanded me, "Plus, Using an unclean sissies ass might give you an infection, so..." She reached under the table and put another box in there. "Here is an enema kit. It will be degrading for your sissy and shameful. You owe me three hundred dollars for this. I want you to come to see me later, though, and I have your number," She said as my phone ringed, "That's me, by the way, confirming you gave me your number." She took a deep breath. "I am Crystal, by the way. You are?"

"I'm Angela," I said.

"Good to meet such a..." Crystal looked down with a smile, "Gifted woman. I will talk to you soon, okay?"

I felt tears in my eyes as she was so nice to me. "Thanks, I will come to see you soon. Thanks for all the help too." I thanked her after giving her everything but the twenty, and she handed me the receipt. I looked at it as I headed out, seeing a bill of just under a thousand dollars spent on the three bags of toys. A fond feeling grew in my heart as I stepped out into the evening summer air. A smile grew on my face as I tied the black bags closed together and started to jog towards the nearest seven eleven before heading home.


Authors Note:


I would also like to thank Fate Hydrax, fightnguru,, Achleys Apep, Royce321, G. Dunlop, Stormrall, W. Krebs, Haarderade, MadRat, Florian,, SoundsMad, Mael, Alfurence, Survivor397, Grangel, Kuuh, Smile, Nightrise, TheDuckLord, Joris Zono, Z. Dailey, Wolf Lord, Curtious1122, Azurite Paladin, M. Kennedy, Zach, DougErNuts, Ritsu 229, JustMo, Syntox, Knallenstein, Ryu, Pogboy, Spenji, Mario L., Celeng Liar, Arl, julekule, Z. T. Wyen, Jache, Russ, Deputy Caveman, GIDOEN Fry, Potato Fun, A. Bellavance, Shadows of Snow, The Boss x10 x360, J. Quincy, Minos Akuma, Llukas, ShadowReader, Bradley J., Aeris, K. Kordrich, Thanatos, C. Crawford, May Song, Hydra587 for supporting me on Patreon. Please join the community. Don't forget to enjoy my works. Rate, Vote, Review Comment.


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