Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1117: Search for secrets in Shahai (38)

Chapter 1117 Searching for secrets in the sand sea

When Bedieville came back, he found himself in the hot pool, and next to him was his son Husky.

From the surrounding scenery, this is the snowfield of Western Siberia, the back garden of the Bediville home. And this warm pool is the bathing pool that the Holy Spirit, the forest house.

This is the home of Bediville.

It turns out that the two fathers and sons are chatting while bathing, enjoying the joy of family--in this silent snowfield, in this starless, snowy evening.

"Daddy, how do you fall asleep again!" Husky was unhappy about his face. "How can I always fall asleep when Husky tells a story? Isn’t the story that Xiaoha said is so boring? ?"

"No, nothing." The werewolf licked his head and was afraid of angering his lovely son: "Dad is just too tired to work recently, and can't afford the spirit. Right, where did you come from?" "

"Well," the canine boy used his puppy's paw to make a few strokes on the water: "Yes, Uncle Arthur went on a business trip to Egypt, so he gave the responsibility to protect us to Uncle Wang. Then there is The prince of Calvin invited us to the ice crystal to be a guest, that is his brother's battleship Wang."

Bedieville listened attentively, the same thing, he seems to have heard it, and it seems that he has never heard it. In the end, it feels strange.

"Then," Husky has said a lot when the werewolf wonders. "We swam through the long waterways and went to a leisure facility in the center of the battleship, where there was a large transparent dolphins called Bitwang. Take us to use that submarine spy cabin, log into the game and go to Wang."

"Oh," Biddiville didn't understand at all, but he nodded in an innocent position: "Good tech."

"Then, we met Daniel brother Wang. Daniel brother is the trainee knight of the Northern Knights, but he is a bad luck. Always go to fight, but always die, the level has not been able to rise, Stayed at the level of Wang."

"Uh-huh" Biddiville continued to nod and washed his face with the hot water in the pool. The wolf is just happy to hear the voice of his son, ignoring the stranger question of the story.

"Then, because we are doing the task of hunting dragons, let Daniel's brother take us to the cave where the dragons are infested. But we don't have to shoot, just watching the battle, Uncle Xing Xing is responsible for dealing with Long Wang. Uncle Xing Xing Very good, a few times to defeat the dragon!"

"Well, comet." Bettiville heard that there was nothing wrong with it, and his brain was a little confused - he blamed himself for taking a hot bath for too long.

"Then, Uncle Uncle used the magic to mark the prince Calvin, and he can use the portal to reach Calvin's side at any time. We tried it at night, and Uncle Xing took Husky and Hal into a small stuff. Into the candy box, and put the candy box in his mouth, almost scared us to death. "The canine boy is still happily talking about what he saw and heard in the past few days, did not notice his father than Are walking away.

"Then, we passed the Greenville aunt at noon the next day, saying that it was going to the Lake District for fishing. In fact, Uncle Xingxing used the transfer to bring us to Calvin and Bit. Then we landed the game from the spy cabin. In the game, I met Daniel Brother Wang."

"Uh-huh" Biddyville nodded again and again, but absent-minded.

This is really strange - the more weird people think, the more they feel wrong. According to Bediville's memory, his son Husky was actually dead, and died with the wife of Bediville's wife, Lian Yin, under the claws of Bai Xuekai. If it is Husky in front of him, then this must not be a reality, and Bediville must be dreaming.

But is this possible? The process of dreaming is just a matter of reorganizing and reorganizing one's own memories. No matter how crazy a dream is, in a person's dream, there will always be only people and things that he knows, and nothing new. However, Husky has said a lot of things and characters that Biddyville has never heard before, such as the fisherman prince Calvin, such as the trainee knight teenager Daniel.

Is this really a dream?

So, is this reality?

But why is Husky still alive, why do their fathers and sons chat in this place? Bedieville remembers that he should have been in a certain ship somewhere in a desert in Africa?

Seeing that Dad was more distracted, Husky shook Bradyville a little dissatisfied and continued: "Then, we went out with Danny's brother to fight the leveling Wang. I wanted to go to the easy map, I didn't expect the transmission system. Wrong, we sent all of us to a place called the Death Pit. The monsters there are terrible Wang. But we still won, and the last big head was successfully solved by Uncle Xingxing Wang-Da! Are you listening to Wang?""Oh, yes, of course," the werewolf smiled and reached out and touched his son's head: "Don't stop, continue."

Husky pouted a small mouth, and his little hand squirmed a wave on the surface of the water: "However, Daniel's brother was finally ambushed by a monster who sneaked and killed Wang. We are worried about him, rushing back to the eternal altar, intending to find Uncle Cameron’s theory is Wang. We were almost deceived by Uncle Cameron, to roll back the operation and wipe out all the battle results in the death pit! Fortunately, Daniel’s brother appeared in time and told us that he was dying. It has risen to the third level, even if it is dead and downgraded, it is still level two, so you don't have to be deleted by the system! In short, Uncle Cameron is really bad-hearted!"

"噗" The werewolf whispered a little. He suddenly figured out what he was.

Whether it is reality or dream, the result is the same. What is important is this moment – ​​the precious moment he and his son reunited.

"Then we said goodbye to Daniel's brother, and hurriedly logged out of the game." Husky continued: "Then we found that the battleship was attacked by Wang. Then, hey, then"

Having said that, the memory of the canine boy is a bit fuzzy.

"Husky." Biddyville interrupted: "You said so much, in fact, Dad just wants to know a few things. Have you had a good time recently? Have you eaten well, sleep on time, and work hard? Are you worried about your mommy?"

The canine boy thought for a moment, then shook his head violently: "Husky didn't let Mommy worry about Wang! Dad doesn't have to worry about Husky Wang than you! With his friends, Husky lived every day. Very happy, but also have a good meal, sleep on time, and work hard to exercise!"

"Well, then that's good." Bedieville nodded lightly. Having said that, the eyes of the werewolf are inexplicably wet. In order not to let his son see his ugliness, Bedieville hugged Husky. "Husky, as long as you live a happy father, you will feel at ease."

Whether or not the child is really alive, whether it is a dream or not. What the werewolf wants to hear may be just the happiness of his son, the simplest answer.

Maybe just self-deception, maybe the werewolf just wants his son to be crazy. But occasionally doing such a dream, why not?

"Dad, Dad is better than Wang." Under the father's hug, the skeleton of Husky's fragile child squeaked and seemed to be broken at any time.

The touch is exactly the same as the reality. This is not Husky, who was known by Bediville. His son was very thin, but the child grew stronger and stronger. Is everything that this child said is true? Still, even the feeling of embracing this son is the dream of the werewolf Bettiville?

"Sorry" Biddiville relaxed his hugs a little and whispered in his son's ear: "Husky, no matter what happens, please don't forget one thing: Dad loves you forever."

"Hasky is the same, always loves Dad than Wang." It feels like a parting atmosphere. The canine boy also clenched his father's shoulder with a small hand: "If this is a dream, please never let It wakes up that Husky wants to be with Wang forever."

"No." Beddyville whispered: "If this is a dream, please wake it up. I won't escape any more, Husky. No matter how difficult it is, no matter how desperate the situation is, Dad is better than I will definitely find you in reality."

(At that time, I must take a good look at what you look like when you grow up.)

"Dad than" When I realized that it was indeed a dream, the body of the canine boy gradually became transparent: "Husky thought it was awful! The ice crystal was attacked by the enemy, and Uncle Xingxing went out to meet the enemy! Uncle Xing Xing was bitten by a strange aunt's snake, and was about to be hypnotized!!"

"Is it?" The werewolf let go of his son, and reached out and gently touched the head of the canine boy: "So, go, do what you should, help Uncle Xing. You are the son that makes me proud. With your courage and wisdom, you can do something."

"Daddy--" Husky turned to look at Bedyville. His figure became more transparent and almost invisible: "The appointment is over, we will definitely meet again."

"Sure." Bettiville smiled.

(Know the day we meet again.)

On the mysterious limb of Bidwell's left arm, there is a tiny stone that is constantly shining white. This white light is extremely weak, and it can only be seen if it is very close. In Great Britain, somewhere in the underground of Edinburgh, there is also a stone in a treasure room of the Druid Church, which is constantly resonating with the flash of white light. That stone was the treasure that the Druid Prophet Mutani had temporarily loaned to Bediville: [Wulin Stone].

Even though the stone has been returned to Kana, the stone still has a tiny piece of debris left in the prosthetic limbs of Bediville, which is still playing a role now -

In order to let Bediville find what he really wants to find.

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