Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1134: Lost in Oasis (sixteen)

Chapter 1134 The Trace of Oasis in the Oasis

"Keep quiet? No, really not." Ivan looked at the Cavalier with a look of innocence: "The strange golden ship suddenly appeared, sending us light through the glass floor. What did the artificial intelligence say? [Beddyville's acting captain and his companions have entered the zero zone], and we want to get back as soon as possible."

"Damn! Eve, the bastard!" Biddeville was a painful burn, and his temper was very violent: "It only halved things, and you cheated you?!"

"It seems that our agent captain knows more information?" Tristan asked coldly, looking at the werewolf.

"I am just a **** of that battleship," Biddyville countered the ridicule of Tristan: "Where, like our Highness Prince Tristan, I have a high weight and can do whatever I want."

A blue vein emerged from the front of the fisherman's prince: "You 丫 -"

"Now is not a time to quarrel!" Ivan advised: "If you don't want to be besieged by more monsters, we must leave here as soon as possible!"

~ Fast roll! ! ~

A faint voice was inexplicably introduced into the minds of everyone.

"Hmm?!" The crowd was scared by the sudden sound.

"Isn't it the giant that would use telepathy?" Bettiville couldn't help but frown.

Telepathy is not an ordinary speech, and the sound is directly transmitted to the minds of the people through photons. There is no sound source at all. Therefore, the public cannot judge the position of the speaker from the source of the sound.

~ Fast roll! ! The intruder must die! ~

"There seems to be something else in this forest." Arthur looked around, but couldn't find the source of the sound in the dark forest: "It is very likely that the thing is commanding other monsters to attack us."

"That's a good thing," Tristan wiped his rifle with a handkerchief and cleaned up some of the coke-like dirt on the rifle: "Come the guy who just spoke to kill, the riot here. Will calm down."

"I hope it will be so simple." Bettiville poured a cold water.

The werewolf vaguely felt that things were not that simple. Perhaps their guess is a big mistake, the monster is not actually hidden in this forest.

~ Do not destroy the tranquility here! ! ~

"Noisy!!" - Arthur Wrath. One of his dragons, he really shocked the guy who spoke with telepathy, and even the riots in the forest were stunned.

Everyone was amazed, but I didn’t expect it to work. They don't seem to be worried about being besieged by the monsters for the time being - although they still have to leave the place quickly.

"Let's move separately." Arthur ordered: "A group of Betsy and Bediville searched east; a group of Ivan and Tristan, searched west."

"Is opposed!" Tristan said uncharacteristically: "Your safety is your highest priority! Evan's eagle eye surgery is very useful for preventing sneak attacks. You must walk with your squat! Otherwise, when there is an emergency, this stupid The wolf can't save you!"

"Do you want to circumvent a circle to blame me for it?" This time, Bedyville’s forehead has blue veins.

"No, I am not using you directly." The fisherman prince criticized mercilessly.

"Noisy, you both shut up!" Arthur yelled: "It is because of this that you want to separate you! - Is that okay? Hey, I will leave with Evan, keep it." The two of you continue to quarrel!"

"The prince will not have a general knowledge of this kind of people!" Tristan showed a disdain.

"I am too lazy to argue with you, not a child!" The werewolf said with conviction.

"You really can do the task well, won't you quarrel?" Arthur asked suspiciously.

"No noisy!" "It won't be!" Biddyville and Tristan sang in unison.

The Cavalier King smiled: "Very good, then let's say it. A group of Yi and Ivan, search east; a group of Bediville and Tristan, search west. Let's go!"

Although extremely unwilling, the werewolf still obeyed the orders of King Arthur and followed Tristan into the forest west of the open space.

At the same time, in the outskirts of Great Britain, Edinburgh, in the Gothic cafe.

The dinner for everyone was delivered. However, it is not so much a dinner, it is better to say that it is a trial. The comet sat facefully and prepared to interrogate Daniel's appearance, so that Husky and others suddenly had no appetite.

"This, this is the main dish." Daniel came up with six plates at the bottom of the black cat's help, and slammed it in front of everyone. After he opened the lid one by one, the contents of the plate were reflected in the eyes of the people.

It is indeed a fish dish, but it is quite special. Daniel poured the tomato sauce with soy sauce on the grilled fish. The sweet and sour taste of the tomato sauce was accompanied by the tenderness of the fish, which seemed to be delicious.

"I thought that only dark dishes were produced in your store?" Lancelot asked curiously. Although the sauce in front of him is quite special, it is still a kind of normal cooking, and it seems to be different from the style of the Gothic cafe.

"Big brother, you are too much!" The black cat whispered and protested: "We are not specializing in dark dishes! The spirit of the Goths is not to take the usual path. As long as it is a unique dish, it will be produced. One kind!"

"This is my ancestral recipe, it is hard to eat outside." The trainee knight also whispered.

"Hey~" Hal gave a little fish to his little pet Poghi. The small squid took a sip and was intoxicated. He circled happily beside the leopard.

"It seems that there is no poison." The comet picked up a knife and fork and cut a piece of grilled fish, and licked the sauce into the mouth. Then he showed his face with a complex expression of joy and anger, and began to question Daniel: "Now, explain: What is your kid eating?"

"[Outside the food] is a bit too much." Lancelot yelled at the side, but greeted the vicious blink of the comet, so the Knights of the Round Table did not speak.

"That" Daniel took a small bit of grilled fish in the form and whispered, "I need money. Many, a lot of money. My mother is sick and very ill. It is definitely not an incurable disease, but it must be cured." Good disease, need surgery. Need money."

Husky, who had just cut a piece of grilled fish with a knife and fork, heard Daniel’s self-report and could not help but frown.

"So you just eat inside and outside, not only receive the salary of the Northern Knights every month, but also go out to work part-time to make money?" The comet took another bite of grilled fish, and swallowed the juice with the juice: "Four out of work, do yourself I am exhausted. I can't get promoted in the Cavaliers. I can't make much money when I work outside. I lost my sesame and lost watermelon. Both sides have a bad relationship. In short, you are an idiot."

"Hey!" Daniel twitched like a needle, and couldn't refute it.

Husky listened quietly, eating his grilled fish silently. The sweetness of the tomato juice and the deliciousness of the fish are seamless, which is a very good dish. However, he is currently too worried about the situation of Daniel's brother, and he feels boring when he eats this dish.

"I don't understand." Lancelot couldn't help but ask: "If I remember correctly, the Knights of Great Britain have medical allowances for their subordinate knights and their families. Even if they are only trainee knights, you and yours. Family members should be entitled to a free medical allowance. Your mother’s money for surgery should be borne by the insurance company – why do you want to push yourself so tightly?”

Daniel’s face suddenly sank: "I can't tell you this? If this thing lets outsiders know -"

"Speak it out." The comet coldly ordered: "If the circumstances are extenuating, we will keep a secret for you."

Daniel sighed again and again: "Oh, okay. My mother is not a British national. She was smuggled from Europe. Therefore, although my dead father is a Briton, although I have a British family, my mother can't. Enjoy any social welfare in Great Britain. Apart from being part-time, I really can't help my mother."

"Illegal immigration, hehe." Xinghui Long sneered, although he doesn't know much about human society: "In short, your family is a troublesome ghost."

Daniel didn't answer, his face was full of remorse and resentment.

"That's all." The comet turns a corner. "Reading all this is for your mother's sake. I can turn a blind eye to your behavior." But how long do you want to last this day? Suppose you don't have a donkey. Bad body, can keep going - with the poor salary of your trainee knight, and the pocket money earned by part-time job, how long will it take to get enough of your mother's surgery?"

The trainee knight’s face was pale and swallowed: “It’s about five years. Because it’s a big operation, the surgery and the cost of the medicine are very high. I just hope that my mother can insist that I can make enough money.”

Having said that, Comet, Lancelot and Black Cat shake their heads at the same time. After all, Daniel is a simple child, and he thinks things too simple. A person with severe illness cannot survive for five years. When Daniel had enough money to give his mother an operation, his mother might not have been there anymore.

"What should I do then!" the trainee knight screamed desperately.

"Hey! Oops!" The black cat grabbed Daniel's mouth slightly unpleasantly. Although they are in a corner where the coffee shop is relatively deserted, there are other guests in the coffee shop. Daniel’s big bang will affect other guests’ meals.

The black cat looked at the table again and saw that everyone had eaten the grilled fish with tomato sauce, so he stood up and said, "You continue to eat. I am going to bring the second dish up."

After the black cat walked away, Lancelot suddenly remembered something and said: "In fact, as long as you work hard to upgrade to a regular knight - that is, the Black Iron Knight, your economic problems may be solved."

Daniel's eyes widened and looked at Lancelot incredibly: "Hey?"

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