Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 143: Laundering for everyday (below)

Chapter 143 is submerged under the daily

In the darkness, a red-haired teenager cried beside a woman's body.

"The woman, is the one who was raped by the giant?"

(you guys--)

"It seems that I finally can't stand it, and I committed suicide." Another villager said.

(You guys!)

"What about the half-man and half-giant children? She didn't kill, is it for us to deal with it?" Another villager said.


(Give me shut up!)

"It is a kind of scorpion that a giant has left. It will not be removed now. When it grows up, it will only put the village in danger."

(I've had enough!!)

"Yes, that is. The so-called Longshenglong, Fengshengfeng, the son of the child will make a hole-"

(Don't look at me with the look of monsters!!)

One hand, pressed on the head of the red-haired boy.

The teenager thought that he would be killed like this. He just waited quietly, the moment the blade fell and cut his head.

However, the hand that fell on the boy's head only gently touched the boy's head.

"Um-?" The red-haired boy looked up. It was a middle-aged man in armor.

"Don't cry, come with me," the man said.

"But mom, she"

"The people who have passed away have passed away. It is not helpful to cry for them here." The Cavaliers said, "If you are still alive, you must look forward. Just crying low and crying, you can't see the road ahead." ""

"I have a son who is about the same age as you. It may be a year or two younger than you." The man said, "Do you want to come with me and be friends with that child?"

In the days that followed, the red-haired boy knew that the man was named Uther Pantolacken, the twenty-sixth generation of the Knights of the East Heaven Knights of the Pantorakken Kingdom.

"Wow!" Kay, who was sweating, was awakened. He turned to see Greenville in front of the bed.

"What are you doing?" Kay asked.

"Save your life." Greenville put away the syringe. "I saw you sleeping well, afraid to disturb your rest, and secretly injected you with serum. It seems to be almost effective."

Kay felt a pain in the abdomen's wounds, but he knew it was a good thing, and he could clearly feel that the succubus's poison was dissipating.

"So," Kay sighed. "It seems that Arthur saved me again."

"Yes - I - and - Arthur - saved you, you guys who don't know how to be grateful!" Greenville angered.

"Oh, yes, thank you, Miss Greenville." Kay was helpless.

"Hey! Since your injury is not a big problem, my therapist should do his duty to you. Then you can keep it for two or three days, and the wound will heal completely. The ability of the Giants to recover." It’s really enviable."

"I am not a giant, I am a human." Kay said coldly.

"Oh, whatever, I have to go." Greenville said, "You will do it for yourself in the future. Don't let any succubus poison let me run for you. This trouble is enough."

Then Greenville did not return to the head.

The fighting training room of the Western Knights.

"Dream?" Sir Akto did not agree. "Don't think too much. Uther's guy always likes to be nosy, and then I have to take care of your troubled little ones one by one. I always doubt Did he regard me as a nursery school, but I still want to raise you as a pro-son."

"This is not what I want to ask." Kaixue said, "I just want to know why I am still alive. At that time, I clearly remember that my mother had killed me once. She has already pierced me with a dagger. Heart - why am I still alive?"

Sir Akto smiled mysteriously and took a sip of wine before he slowly said, "What happened then? You are still alive. This is an indisputable result. I already know the result and then pursue the process. This is fundamental. It doesn't make sense, right?"

"Hey, over there! Focus on!" The old man turned to urge the knights to train, and ignored Kay.

Aside, Ivan is holding the lightsaber in pain and wants to create a sacred enchantment with his mind. The lightsaber seems to be laughing at the stupidity of Evan. From the beginning to the end, it keeps bright green brilliance, and there are no signs of turning white.

"It seems that your training is not going well?" Kay couldn't help but ask.

"Don't make a noise, it will distract me!" said Ivan.

Kay wrinkled his eyebrows and left. evening.

The tired face of Evan returned to the room and saw Kai was packing his bags.

"Where do you want to go?" Ivan asked.

"There is no business here. I am of course gone." Kay said, "You are right, you must die. You will learn the sacredness and try to kill you in your way. I also I will try to kill it with my method."

"What are you talking about? You will not use sacred, how to kill?" Ivan asked inexplicably.

"Don't you tell me about it, another way to kill the succubus." Kay said, "Fire with fire. Even if you want to burn for ten days and ten nights, you have to get rid of the sorcerer. This is the way I can think of it." ""

"Impossible! Do you think he will stand up and let you burn?" Ivan said. "Don't be stupid, or try to find a way with me -"

"I have certainly thought about it. You will think about your approach. We will split up and the chances of success may be higher." Kay Road, "I don't intend to cooperate with you anyway."

Then Kay took the luggage and went outside the door.


"You still think about how to win the stalwart in the melee." Kay, "With your current skill, don't say that you have been hurt with sacred damage, even if you can get close to him is a problem."

Then Kay dropped a person who was guilty of Evan and left.

"[Sacred] is very difficult to learn. Even if you learn it, it is a problem to get a close up of the body." A voice said behind the door, "Is that true?"

Evan turned his head and saw Gaia Knight Oyun.

"What are you doing?"

"Sorry, I didn't mean to eavesdrop. There is something to come to you, just to hear that you are quarreling loudly," Owen said.

"My business doesn't matter to my brother." Ivan was cold and cold.

"Is it?" Ouyun smiled. "Because you have the doubt that you don't have to learn it, you can't seriously learn [sacred]? I think you should learn before you learn sacred. Another skill is better. Maybe it can help melee."

"What?!" Evan’s eyes glowed. "Come tell me, what skills?"

Gaia Knight smiled. "Come with me."

After ten minutes, simulate the training room.

"Put this on." Oyun handed Evan a mask-like instrument.

"this is?"

"In general, wear it first, then I will use weapons to attack you, and you will watch it seriously."

"What?" Ivan would be suspiciously wearing a blindfold, and then he saw Oyun lifted his sword through the blindfold!

"Wow!" Ivan quickly evaded, "What? Do you want to kill me?"

"Look carefully! Can you see nothing?!" Oyun continued to wave.

Through the strange blindfold, Evan saw something that should not be seen. Something spreads in the air, spreading like water waves, forming a unique trajectory.

He sideways escaped the attack of Oyun, or he pretended to avoid the actual trajectory of Oyun's attack according to the ripples.

"Slow! What is that?" said Evan, "is the attacking trajectory of the computer simulation? Is this eye mask such a powerful instrument?"

"That is a kind of eye mask made of special material, just to filter a certain degree of photons." Oyun said, "What you see is the photonic ripple after filtering."

"Wave, ripple?"

"That is the intention of my attack to convey to the world, a small ripple created in the world of photons, the situation is like throwing stones on the water to stir up cockroaches." Oyun said, "any hostile Or a killing attack, before the attack, will produce such a ripple, and the direction and trajectory of the ripple will be consistent with the attack.

Since the photon propagation speed is close to the speed of light, it is actually possible to predict the attack of the opponent simply by judging the ripple. Of course, that's only theoretical. "

"That is, as long as I take this blindfold, I can predict all the opponent's attacks and avoid it?!" Ivan said.

"Yes, this is [Heart Eye], a special tactic that was originally taught only to the Knights of the Pantorakken Knights or the Cavaliers." Oyun said, "Now, take the blindfold."


"The eye mask is just an auxiliary prop for the beginning of the eye surgery. It can't show all the trajectories in the face of complex and diverse attacks." Oyun said, "The real eye is not a simple technique [see with eyes], but Use your own body to feel the ripples of each ripple and react to these ripples."

"Inductive photons require a high degree of concentration. Generally speaking, light is the limit." Oyun said, "In short, in the next hour, I will continue to attack you with a sword, and you will try to respond to me. The ripples are going to dodge. Although it is a wooden sword for training, it will be very painful to be hit."

The voice of Oyun just fell, and dozens of swords have been thrown in an instant. Each hit is directed at the key to Evan. Evan saw that he couldn't avoid so much, he could only protect his body. As a result, his arms, thighs, waist, ears, shoulders and ankles were all chopped. The wooden sword fell on his body like a fist, and Ivan was sore.

"When you can't see if you can't hide, use your limbs to protect your body? This idea is good, but if you change it to a lightsaber, what should you do?" Oyun asked, "Isn't it necessary to pierce the limbs together?" "


"Don't be afraid of being hit, in short, try to avoid it!" Oyun said while swinging his sword to attack his brother.

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