Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 149: West Heaven

Chapter 149, the chapter of the Western Heaven begins to explore the secrets of the ancient capital

The next day, Arthur woke up and found that it was noon.

"Why don't you call me?!" Arthur hurried out of the bedroom.

The sun is shining outside, it is a beautiful day. Arthur saw that Biddeville and Tristan were practicing swords outside the house, and the teenagers were sweating.

"But, Arthur was so tired yesterday, I was going to let you rest for a while." Bedieville stopped to say. (At the same time, Tristan’s wooden sword hits Bedi’s head.)

"Mixed! Didn't tell you earlier, do you want to go to Camilo's ruins earlier today?!" Arthur yelled. "What if I delay the departure and finally enter the night?"

"So don't you go? Take a day off, tomorrow again-"

Beddyville hasn't finished yet, and Arthur's heavy fist is on the top of his head.

"Hey. Don't knock, knocking so much will become stupid." The werewolf teenager protested.

"You are already an idiot. Maybe you will be smarter when you knock a few more times." Arthur sarcastically said, "I changed my clothes and ate for lunch."

"Arthur, you haven't eaten anything yet -"

"My share has already been eaten." Arthur pointed to a table in the room that was swept away for breakfast.

"The words," Biddyville tried hard to chew the bread and asked, "Ase you drink the dragon's blood again, are you afraid of another problem?" He remembered Arthur, who turned into a stone statue, could not help but tremble.

"I have already asked Greenway's opinion. She also said, I can only drink if I drink the right amount of dragon blood." Arthur said, then he suddenly remembered the marriage with Greenville. The face, a subtle look on his face.

"Well?" Tristan captured the expression on Arthur's face. He suddenly thought he had figured something out, so he smiled strangely.

"Okay, it’s finished." Bettiville ate the lunch and picked up the equipment and stood up.

"Don't waste food, eat the carrots in your bowl." Arthur was cold and authentic.

"Are you not in a hurry?!" Bedieville could not laugh.

"So I want you to hurry." Arthur said.

"Beddy, always picky eaters can't do it, this will always be long." Tristan said with a sneer.

"What do you pretend to teach me, but how do you put green beans in my bowl?" "Werewolf boy angered."

"Noisy, I am allergic to green beans, this is no way to do it." The fisherman prince said.

"This crappy lie will believe you!" Biddyville angered.

Then Arthur rewarded the two teenagers with one fist.

"If you don't want to eat faster, I will put these radishes and green beans into your nose!" He angered, making a gesture of 'smearing the neck'.

2 pm.

"Oh, finally came." Platinum lion Patrick waited at the entrance of the library. "Bad boy, I bite me yesterday and I am still hurting my arm. I will find you in the future."

"Let's talk about it later. Can I go in now?" Arthur said indifferently.

"Go in. Lyon Dickens is waiting for you." The Platinum Lions gave way.

When Arthur and his party walked over, Arthur suddenly opened his mouth to the platinum lion and made a "biting" posture. The Griffin was scared to jump backwards, and Betty and Tristan, who were behind Arthur, couldn't help but laugh.

In the damp and moldy passage, a long road was taken, and everyone went deep into the ground, and the surrounding space became dry and comfortable. The Duke of Lyon Dickens is waiting in front of a huge door.

The Knight of Heaven looks very good, except that the right hand is bandaged and can't be used temporarily. It doesn't look like the one that experienced the life and death war yesterday.

"Duke of Lyon Dickens, did you pick it up?" Arthur greeted.

"Connected, Greenville said that you can heal in a month or so, don't worry." Knight of the heavens Lyon Dickens laughed. "Now, come in."

Just like inviting guests into his home, Lyon Dickens gently pushed the old door with his left hand, and the audience rushed to the face, a burst of old smell of books and wood.

This huge underground building seems to have a very long history, and the destruction of the first emperor Camilo has accelerated its decline. But the library is guarded by some kind of magic. Although it is old and worn, it is not wet and moldy.

"Is there any monsters in it?" Tristan squatted behind Bettyville and whispered.

"The library has enchantment protection, and the monster can't get in." The Knights of Heaven.

"So... Grand Duke, you were the manager of the First Wangdu Black History Library?" Arthur asked tentatively.

"Black History Library? No!" Lyon Dickens heard a funny joke, and immediately laughed, his laughter echoing in the quiet, empty library.

"This so-called black history library is just superficial. The really important thing is deep buried here. I don't manage any libraries, I only manage [the place]. This is my family. Responsibility and mission passed down from generation to generation."

Arthur seems to have heard of this rumor. It is because of a certain "mission" that the family of Lyon Dickens is so prosperous.

"Yes." Arthur was quiet, just replied in an understatement. It can be seen from the weight of the other party's tone that it may be very important [mission], so he intends not to go deeper, put on a look that does not care, even if you take it with you.

"Hey? Don't you want to know what it is?" The Duke of Lyon Dickens saw Arthur without a hook, so he asked.

"Don't tell me. I don't want to know." Arthur said, "I just came here to find a book. I found it and left. As for the underground of this place, I will leave it to those who play with the government every day. The big men are worried, and the small citizens like me and politically unwilling to touch the darkness of this country."

"Hey, what do you think is the secret weapon?" The Knight of the Knights, Lyons, sneered. "You guessed it wrong. It is not a dirty and ugly weapon. It was an ancient man." Give us the greatest heritage of mankind. Borrowing that power can even change the world in a moment -"

"I just said it, I don't want to know." Arthur saw the situation is not right, hurriedly interrupted.

"Hey, you should know when you know it." Lyon Dickens saw the fish not biting, throwing a new fact: "When you finally defeated Palinol, come here again." Me. I will tell you everything at that time. The secret about this place, and the things that your father Uther Pantolacken has been guarding."

"Is my father again?" Arthur was absent-minded. He felt that Lyon Dickens used his father to hang his appetite. It was really mean. "You are as if he used nuclear fusion to blow up the entire emperor, not In order to protect the people who have escaped, it is to protect the 'things' buried deep inside the ground."

The Knight of the Heavens, Lyon Dickens, sighed and said mysteriously, "Arthur, Arthur, do you really think Uther is exploding to cover the people who have escaped? If you think about it, your thoughts are too Stupid is too naive!"

Arthur seemed to be smashed by the dagger, surprised, staring at Lyon Dickens with incredible eyes.

This is not true.

"The father used nuclear fusion to cover the crowd who escaped from the city at that time. The father was to protect me, and I fled in the crowd at that time." Arthur insisted.

(No! Don't say bad things about my father!)

"Uther is not as great as you think. He just fulfilled his mission as a Knight of Heaven. He only blows up Camilo, the only reason is to avoid [the] falling into the enemy here. On the hand." The Grand Duke of Lyon Dickens sneered at the eating place.

"He himself only intends to fight to the final moment to launch nuclear fusion. The timing of the nuclear fusion is not related to the people who escaped - I know what kind of person Uther is, he will not ignore the life and death of the people! "

"If you can't get away, I'm afraid it's also involved in the explosion of nuclear fusion. At that time, I am afraid that you will not admire the father's son like a hero."

Please, this is not a novel. Do you think that this rotten story will appear in reality? "Lyon Dickens is cold and cold," although it is cruel, but this is true. This is the [black history] dusted in the ruins of the emperor. "

Arthur didn't talk. He can't refute, and he can't refute it. Something in his heart is slowly collapsing, and he feels an indescribable grief.

(My father is not guarding me with life, but something stupid buried deep in the ground.)

(He, did you really love me?)

(Or, like abandoning my mother that year, I actually abandoned me?)

(For him, am I just a burden?)

"Arthur, Arthur?" Bédivil shook his body in Arthur.

"Hey, hey? What happened?" Arthur came back and asked.

"Found! There is a very old and old book hidden in the darkroom, I think that is the book "The Secret of the Holy Sword War" you are looking for," Biddyville said.

"Know it, this is coming." Arthur said, followed by Bedieville.

Heavenly Cavalier Lyon Dickens, looking at Arthur's back.

(Yes, abandon your kindness, become cold and ruthless, Wang. Only then, Pantoraken does not, human beings can be saved.)

Lyon Dickens looked at the back of the orc boy.

(You kid is the chief culprit to make the king weak. One day I will get rid of you, and it is up to Wang to personally remove you.)

Only by abandoning the last trace of mercy, the king will become the real king. Lyon Dickens was so convinced at the time.

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