Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 154: Redemption in 桎梏 (middle)

Chapter 154 Redemption in the Middle

the next morning. There is still four days left in the duel with the Knight of the Knights of Eunice.

The leopard boy was awakened by the aroma of breakfast. He lazily climbed out of bed, his mind was not so clear, he quickly brushed it, and immediately went to the dining room subconsciously and sat down. He picked up the milk from the side and added it to the black tea, then drank slowly.

"Sure enough, your kid is sober." Arthur appeared coldly behind the leopard boy, said.

Suddenly scared, Toville almost squirted half of the black tea.

Arthur grabbed the head of the leopard boy in one hand. "Kid, don't pretend to be stupid. I know that you can understand what I am talking about! Quickly say, what is your relationship with Davis? You are the beast. Is the spy coming over?! What is your purpose?!"

"Arthur!" Bettiville just finished grooming and saw this scene quickly stop the road. "What are you doing! Don't bully Toville!"

"Bullying him? I am asking him!" Arthur retracted his hand on the leopard's head and said evilly.

"呜" Towell pretended to be a pitiful look, snuggling beside Bettyville, and his body kept shaking.

"I didn't say it, is he just a kid?" Beddyville was busy. "Maybe he can't understand what you are saying. Human language is not so easy to learn."

"This may not be the case." Tristan stood on Arthur's side while checking the black tea that Towell had drunk with milk. "This black tea and milk drink is not even known to the mermaid. It is purely the human world." Something. I don't believe that an orc kid will know this way of drinking. This is not something that can't be learned by long-term contact with the human world."

"Now, do you still want to protect the little devil?" Arthur asked Bedieville.

"He was sold as a slave to the human world. Didn't it be strange to see this kind of drinking?" Biddyville argued. "Can it be judged to be a bad person from the drinking of black tea?" "

"I didn't say [[He is a bad guy], I only said [he has something to hide us]." Arthur scolded. "This kid just sat down like a grandfather for breakfast. That moment is to take it here." Is it his own home? It doesn't look like a slave should do it!"

"Hey, hey," said this, the leopard boy suddenly cried. "How, what's wrong, Toville?" Betteville looked at the crying leopard with surprise, while comforting him, glaring at Arthur. "Look, you put him all." Cried! You have to talk so fiercely?"

"Amount, ah, it’s really mad!" Arthur was mad. "How come it seems that I am a bad person!? This kid’s acting is really good, crying and crying really?"

"That is probably not an acting skill. His heart rate is very messy, and it is a phenomenon of true mood fluctuations." Greenville entered the farmhouse and said.

"Oh, Greenville? It’s so early." Arthur said.

"Look at my [slave]." Greenville laughed. "It looks good, except you cry him."

"I didn't have it -" Arthur hadn't finished, Greenville pulled him out of the house.

After going out, Greenville whispered, "Do you know? The child can clearly understand our words, but can't respond well. I guess there are two possibilities. First, it may be that the brain is really brainwashing. Some kind of nerve center is damaged, which leads to language barriers. There is also a possibility that it is a kind of psychological emotional disorder that prevents him from speaking."

"For the first case, whatever we do is in vain. But in the second case, as long as you patiently teach and slowly gain his trust, it is possible for him to speak again."

Arthur looked at Greenville and thought about it carefully. "Why should I go to please such a stinky boy? This kind of practice does not see any benefit at all!"

"Don't say this," Greenewei smiled mysteriously. "I can vaguely feel that there is some kind of huge shady behind the child. If you figure things out, you will get some kind of benefits. First, don't mention the benefits. You are not curious about the problem? You don't want to know what happened to this child?"

"I don't want to. People should be low-key, less trouble. If you understand something new, it means you have to take a new trouble." Arthur said coldly. "It seems that I still keep the kid off." It’s easier to sink into the sea in the cage."

"Stupid! Cold-blooded guy!" Greenville said with anger. "Enough! Since you don't want to blend in with this, it's better to satisfy my request. Just take care of the child. Just do it, [Get his trust] Let me do it!"

"Greenville, you don't have to --"

"I did it myself. I don't know if I am curious. I can always do it!" Greenville retorted.

"Okay, okay. What if you like it." Arthur said.

"Now," Greenville smiled: "Let me earn some good feelings first."

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