Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 160: Indulge in the nightmare (below)

Chapter 160 is indulging in a nightmare -

People are always swallowed up by the abyss they create.

Arthur subconsciously looked at the sentence engraved on the reef in front of the cave. The seemingly warning slogan, which has been eroded by the long-term weathering of the sea breeze tide, has become illegible.

"Is it almost going to happen? No one is crying and fleeing." The comet sneered.

"In the face of a nightmare, it can't be escaped at first." Arthur said, "It will first enter into your consciousness with the magic of 'dreaming'."

"And then create all kinds of illusions that make you fear in your consciousness." Greenway said.

"Fear?" Arthur shook his head. "No. It's not just fear. The most terrible thing about nightmares is that it allows you to see your sins."

"Sin? This has never been heard." Greenway said.

"Have you not been in?"

"Of course. There is a lot of work to do ambulance here, but I want to go in? No thanks. I have no interest in the title of the Gaia Knight, and I don't want to see that disgusting creature."

"It’s wise."

"Cough." Arthur coughed a little. "The knights of the Knights of the Northern Heavens are clean and self-love. They have not committed any terrible sin, so they should not be met. The [fear] and [disobedience] revealed by the nightmare It varies from person to person, and some people should not see [disability]."

"What is the difference?"

"The difference is big. Seeing [fear], as long as one person has enough courage, he can overcome it. But those who see [the obstacle], that is, their past sins, will be swallowed up by guilt and guilt. To overcome one's own obstacles, it is not courage, but [something else]."

"Damn! Don't sell off, tell me!" Stars angered.

"I am sorry, that is impossible. This requires personal experience to understand that the [thing] that is needed is not expressed in words." Arthur sneered. "If you want to know, it is very simple, you also If you go into the cave and you will have a nightmare, you will be able to see it."

"I want to seduce me to fish? It's not that easy!" The comet said disapprovingly, "Well, I will wait until the group of devils come out and ask them again."

"The premise is that some of them can really overcome [disobedience]." Greenville sneered.

Arthur shrugged and didn't talk. He still has a bit worried about Bedieville. Papalov's affairs may become an insurmountable [defective] and eventually ruin the child.

In order to overcome [the obstacle], what is needed is a person who faces the darkness of his past and crosses these darknesses, [determination].

What is needed is to face the sin of oneself and to steadfastly cross the past, [faith].

For a person, the sins of the past are the most difficult to cross. However, if you can cross this hurdle - he can really grow up.

A person's heart, at least to be such a strong, has the minimum qualification to be upgraded to the Gaia Cavaliers.

Pantoraken’s knight qualifications have always been so harsh.

The werewolf teenager sneered.

Another white bear boy, about a year or two older than his brother, is now trapped in a pit that his brother has prepared in advance.

It’s not been twice as long as the younger brother’s murder of his brother, but this time, almost his brother’s life was required.

"Bebe? Is it Babe? Don't play anymore, please let me out! Heaven is getting dark, and if you don't go back, your mother will worry." The white bear boy shouted.

Bedi Weier did not respond. Of course, it will not respond. If you respond, does it mean that you admit that this is his mischief?

The werewolf boy did not know that his brother had broken his leg when he fell into the pit, and now he has been exposed to bones and is bleeding. Regardless of the regenerative ability of the white bears, the sharp bone fragments still make the legs open and fleshy, and they have not been able to regenerate smoothly.

The werewolf boy did not know that when his brother was discovered by the adults, it was already the next morning. The whole village was dispatched to find a child trapped in the wild and found a full night.

He only knows that when he saw his brother again, his brother was lying weakly in the hospital bed and was dying. The tough vitality of the White Bears saved Papalov from being dead, but he still lay for a full week.

"I know this is what you do." Mom's tone is blaming, but with more, it is sad. "Babe, why do you want to do this, why can't you be better for your brother? You have The love of Dad and Mom, but he has nothing. Why can't you give these loves to him?"

Betdiville, who was only a child at this time, could not understand.

He only remembers his parents' love for their brothers, far more than their own favor.

He only remembers being beaten by his father because of all sorts of small things, but Dad never played his brother.

He only remembered that this time made him slap a slap in the face of his father, and there was still a burning pain in his face.

In the evening, he couldn't sleep. When he slipped out of the room and went to the bathroom, he heard the conversation from the door of his parents' room.

"What should I do now? If the dragon **** official is so unsatisfied -" said the mother.

"Don't worry, he will lick the past. I have already invited the best doctor, and he can use the best medicine." Dad's voice said.

"But, Babe--" Mom’s voice questioned.

"I have already taught him a good meal, so that he will not dare to provoke the dragon **** official in the future. If this kid who is not sensible will have another time, I must personally interrupt his hands and feet." The voice is angry and authentic.

The werewolf boy did not say anything, he just returned to the room quietly.

He looked at his brother who was dying in bed. At this time, he had a terrible thought.

He climbed up to his brother's bed, coldly holding his hands on his brother's neck.

The white bear Papalov’s dying face showed a painful expression. I can't breathe, and I gradually start to suffocate.

Bedyville cried quietly, but his hands were getting harder and harder. He was calm and full of killing eyes, staring at his brother's painful and distorted face in the dimly lit room.

"Almost a little, he will die. If he dies, he will disappear from my life forever, and will not fight for the love that my parents have given me." The werewolf boy thought so, "Just use more power, Can kill him. I can do it, I will do it."

"I will be happy when he dies."

However, like protecting his younger brother, the white bear man is arms folded and gently embraces Bediville.

"Don't cry, babe."

It was tears dripping on the face of my brother, awakening the brother in a coma. My brother immediately knew that he was being held by his brother’s little hands and was being killed.

But he did not hate his brother. He just, pity, hugged his brother who was about to kill himself, and wanted his brother to stop crying.

He couldn't speak, but at this time he prayed sincerely.

If killing me can make you feel better, then kill me.

However, the younger brother finally released his hand. Papalov screamed at the younger brother who was shaking because of crying. He also cried himself.

"I'm sorry. And, thank you."

At that moment, the village burned.

The brother is in front of the attacker so that the younger brother has a chance to escape.

The younger brother did not return to escape.

In the next moment, the black undead bird passed by the two.

The arm was burned, causing a sharp pain in Bediville's heartbreaking lungs. When he returned to God again, his brother Papalov had been burnt to coke to protect him.

"Sorry, Babe." Brother's voice echoed around Bedyville. "Now I am finally going to disappear. Are you finally happy?"

"No! - Brother!!!" The werewolf teenager reached out and tried to catch the figure of the brother who was constantly moving away.

However, his hand has been burned, the muscles are peeled off from the arm, revealing the white bones, and then the bones are burned to ash in the flame, scattered all over the place.

The brother who seems to be close at hand, has completely turned into ashes at this time, and dissipated in the wind along with the residual temperature of the flame.

"Brother!! No! Wait for me!!" Biddyville shouted. "Don't go!! I still have a lot to say to you, I haven't apologized to you!!"

"My happiness can't! I just want to bring it back to your life - even if it's only a moment - come over!"

"I just want to tell you, I still love you!"

No matter how shouting, waiting for the werewolf teenager is nothing but nothingness and darkness.

My brother is indeed dead and will not come back.

All this is caused by me.

it's all my fault.

The darkness, like the thick ink, blackened Beddyville. From head to toe, from inside to outside. Then he began to sink deeper into the dark ocean.

(It's all meaningless.)

(Brother is dead, will never come back.)

(In this world, I am left alone.)

(It’s not as good as this, but it’s not as good as I disappeared in this boundless darkness.)

(Abandon thinking, stop breathing, and then let both body and mind be swallowed up by the darkness.)

(If it doesn't exist anymore, maybe it will be easier.)

(I want to die.)

Just as Bediville almost completely sank into the dark ocean, a hand shook him with a shimmer.

Bedyville was pulled back out of the dark ocean, and the owner of the hand that was shimmering, not someone else, was the white bear Papalov.


In the twilight, Papalov did not say anything, just smiled at Bediville and shook his head.

That hand is so warm, with the uniqueness of the white bear's palm, a little moist.

This warm feeling is just like the warmth of being in the arms of my brother.

"Already, don't you?"

"Even if I am not there, you are not alone. In your world, there are already countless lights. These lights will shine on your life."

Bedieville looked around. Behind his brother, there are familiar and strange faces. They all have a faint glow, as if to illuminate the path of Bediville's advancement. These rays have been extended to infinity, until, endless, future.

Arthur, standing at the top of the crowd, extended his hand to Bedieville.

"Follow up." Arthur's voice rang through the darkness, as if to smother the darkness and coldness.

Feeling that Papalov had pushed a hand behind his back, the werewolf teenager went down and subconsciously extended his hand to Arthur.

Bedieville came back and found himself in the cave, holding his own necklace in his hand, and the white stone on the necklace was still shining slightly.

It took him about a second to think about his reasons in this dark cave.

Then he understood. Everything he saw was just an illusion, an illusion created by the magic of nightmares.

The evil thing is still not far from watching, not attacking or running away.

No, it is not so much that it does not attack or escape. It is better to say that it cannot move at all. This kind of mental attack magic, I am afraid it is very mentally exhausted and requires a high concentration. It cannot move during this process.

The other teenagers on the side are still on the ground, still tortured by the nightmare created by the nightmare. Only Bediville is now awake.

"Tristan, wake up!" Biddeville shouted. He licked the face of the fisherman and tried to force him to wake him up.

"Don't, don't come over! Damn spider!" Cui Stan cried as a nightmare.

When Bediville saw how to shake, he couldn’t wake up Tristan and went to see the situation in Toville. The leopard boy is huddled in pain, whispering:

"No. It hurts. Please, let me go, let me go!!-"

"Try up some! Towell, what you see is not true!" Bettiville still tried to shake the leopard boy.

"Don't! Dad! Don't look at me like this!" The child's nightmare could not stop.

"It's not that I want to be such a monster." The leopard teenager cried.

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