Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 164: The twists and turns on the way back (below)

Chapter 164, the twists and turns on the way back

After Evan left, Arthur continued to finish the breakfast without hesitation.

"So," Tristan said. "When can we go back? I don't want to stay in this small village for a whole day."

"Let's wait." Arthur played a red dragon scale. "The comet is still awkward for yesterday's event. How to call does not respond or he is too tired, still sleeping."

"When will you wait?" Cui Stan said, "You just heard it. The assassin is still lurking outside the village and is ready to kill us. This place should not be left for a long time."

"Let's come and let them come. I have something to look for and ask them to understand." Arthur said.

"A bit worried about staying at home to guard the lotus sound" Beddyville snarled.

"The mechanical woman's mana is so powerful that I don't need to worry about you." Tristan said coldly.

"Enough. Go back to the capital from this remote village, I think about it -" Arthur thought, "Would you like to take the train?"

"Train? This village seems to have a station, but-" Tristan asked suspiciously. "Are you supposed to be busy preparing for a duel with the Grand Duke of Euns? So leisurely take the train home, really no problem?"

"I have other plans." Arthur said.

In a blink of an eye, everyone has already got on the train box. Not a big box, just enough to sit four people.

"It takes about five hours to get to London? Isn't it at noon when I get home?" Bettiville Road.

Arthur looked thoughtfully at the scenery outside the window. "Don't think too much. Travel is not just about reaching the destination. It is also a pleasure to enjoy the scenery along the way."

"You are really laid back." Tristan said, "Is already thinking of a good way to deal with Euns' contract creature? You guess what it is?"

"No, I can't guess. But I have considered the countermeasures for those who are fast."

"Oh? What is it?"

"You will know when you get there." Arthur mysteriously smiled.

"Damn, and sell off!?" Cui Stan angered.

Arthur still wants to say something, but it has become dark all around.

There seemed to be something like a dark cloud outside the window, covering the light. Arthur quickly closed the window, and the black things only ran in. Biddyville accidentally inhaled and felt dizzy and quickly covered his nose: "What is going on? Is it an assassin?"

"Everyone is careful." Arthur pulled out the sword. Once the holy sword was held by Arthur, it gave off a faint golden light and illuminated the dark carriage.

"Guests are careful, the Belem thieves are coming." The train's security guard ran over to remind him.

"Belem thieves group?"

"The bandits who have always appeared on the train tracks and robbed the road. Their heads are best at using this ecstasy to seduce the people in the car and take away the passengers’ belongings." Guard, " There are gas masks under your seat, please wear them first."

Arthur had already brought the gas mask.

"You should be a knight?" The guards looked at the armor of Arthur. "We are the guards specially added by the Railway Bureau to deal with the Belém thieves. But in terms of the current number, the combat power is still not enough. If you are convenient, can you help fight off the thieves together?"

"Yes." Arthur said, "However, we are not philanthropists, we will not work in vain."

"A reward for the thieves' group is enough to pay for your reward?" A middle-aged man made up for it.

"Guard is long?"

"You go to the guards first, here I will negotiate." The guard said.


After the guards hurried away, the guard said, "I am the guard of the train, Douglas. Just call me Doug. I have been paying attention to you when you got on the bus, the Knight of the Knights of Arthur."

"Oh, Arthur has become so famous!" Tristan said. "The previous duel was broadcast live nationwide, and it was still very effective."

"After the guest talks, let's talk about the key points now." Arthur was cold and authentic.

"The point is that the group of **** bandits are coming. Last time they killed a lot of my brothers and fled, this time I want to use the power of everyone to annihilate this group of pests." Doug said, "their leader Lun, that's the guy who uses this ecstasy smoke. I want his head."

"I will give it a try." Arthur said, "Do you have plans to get them all done?"

"This -" the guards came over and explained his plans to Arthur.

"Know it. Let's split up." Arthur, walk out of the carriage, "Beddy, you are here to protect Toville."

"Oh." The werewolf teenager said.

"Look at you riding the train leisurely, this is a bandit." Tristan said." The result is the same, as long as the train does not stop, the time to reach the destination will not change. Just a little more entertainment in the middle." Arthur does not care about the tunnel.

The other end, the rear compartment. The thieves hijacked the passengers as hostages while squatting with the guards of the other car in front.

"Quickly let go! Otherwise I will kill the hostages of this carriage!"

The guards slowly retreated as they watched the police. It seemed that there was no way to take the bandits.

"There is a narrow space, so that the hostage cannot be saved." Tristan observed the opposite movement from the guard group.

"What about Arthur?" asked the guard.

"This question is very good. How do I know?" Tristan shrugged.

He stepped forward and applied a magic in front of the carriage.

"what are you doing?!"

"Since no one has a solution, I will use my set to do it." Tristan smiled mysteriously.

"Tell the people in your car to leave their belongings, and then you will retreat to the next compartment!" the bandits shouted.

"I want to be really beautiful, I am going to take hostages and come back to a section to rob the car?" Tristan said.

Some of the passengers in the compartment of the security guard had already escaped to the front of the carriage, but the guards came out and shouted: "Please protect your hostages and leave your belongings! The property lost due to robbery will be The Railway Bureau is responsible for compensation!"

Although the letter was suspicious, but the life was shut, most of the passengers left their luggage and then moved to the front compartment.

"We also go back to the front compartment." Tristan said, "Don't worry, this is the last carriage they can occupy."

"What do you mean?"

"You will understand after a while." Tristan said, moving to the front of the carriage.

The bandits hijacked the hostage while entering the carriage. After they entered completely, Tristan suddenly smiled and pressed his hand to the ground, then launched a magic.

In the compartments of the bandits, dozens of magic traps have already been launched together by the induction of Tristan. The ice quickly spread in the carriage, not only blocking the front and rear doors of the carriage, but also blocking the windows.

"What?! Kid, what kind of trick are you playing?! Do you want us to kill the hostages?! Unlock the magic!!"

"Stupid, how can you solve it! This is a special ice jail for you, it will quickly take away your physical strength. You try to kill the hostage? You can't even move a finger!" "

Tristan showed off a lot of flaming, he had not finished, the bandits trapped in the carriage had already been frozen and solid. Of course, even the hostages are frozen.

"You, you don't even care about the hostage?!" the guard asked strangely.

"It’s just frozen for a while, they can’t die.” Tristan untied the magic of the ice jail, "Come up and tie the guys!"

The guards went together, first rescued (moved out) the hostages, and then began to bundle the bandits one by one.

"Oh, just like this, I want to be a bandit?" Tristan sneered as he walked over to join in the fun.

"The gangster!!" One of the strong bandits broke out of the ice, and was punching and trying to tie up his guard, while lifting the sword to Cuttstein.

"Wow!" Tristan was scared by this sudden change. He planned to make an ice sword to block, but it was too late! ——

"Noisy!" A glowing arrow on the roof of the car shot down the head of the bandit. The bandits stumbled weakly and pressed Tristan underneath.

"Oh! Uncle's taste is really stinky! Get out of the way!!" Tristan struggled to push the body of the bandit away, while still not forgetting: "What did Arthur do with the guns?! I even killed me. ?!"

"Don't be noisy! You are arguing to die, who doesn't know where you are!" Arthur angered on the roof.

At this time Arthur, has turned the small photon cross in his hand back to the photon dagger. This is actually a small gadget made by Bediville with the spare parts of the lightsaber, which was used by Arthur to defend himself.

"Oh, is it still a beheading? I thought that you have changed a special crossbow to reverse the disadvantages." A man opposite. This guy with black leather armor is the head of the thief group Belem. He looked at Arthur contemptuously. "What happened to the sword on your back, didn't you plan to use it?"

Arthur said coldly, "I don't need to use other weapons. It is enough that this dagger is enough to deal with you."

Speaking well, in fact, it is not used, Arthur thought.

The Holy Sword is powerful, but for the current situation, to wave it, the speed will not keep up.

Because the other party used a very weird attack.

The guy's hand was melted into the darkness, and in this dark fog, it seemed to move freely.

What is the principle, not very clear. But this black fog is probably a myriad of sub-space exports. And the guy's hand can travel freely in these subspaces.

Even if Arteye is used to make the mysterious Arthur, he can instantly judge the hostility of the other party and make evasiveness. There is no way to completely avoid this sudden come, no dead ends, and it is incredibly attacking. Even if the consciousness can react, the body can't react to avoid the attack!

Originally, it was possible to escape from the moment of detecting hostility. It is still possible. But this train has become the worst battlefield. There is not enough room to escape if you want to escape.

Arthur knew clearly that this train would be his grave if he no longer tried to find a way.

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