Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 49: Guild Wars to Hero (Table)

Chapter 49 is a battle of heroes

The legendary Viking hero Victor Tristan, holding up a twenty-two-foot [hull-breaker], the giant blade released the red blood of the past.

In the era when there was no photon weapon, these weapons were carefully enchanted in large numbers. Although they were heavy, the attack power was dozens or even hundreds of times of modern weapons.

(Note: Modern weapons use enchantment to bind photons into light blades, which are light and flexible but lacking lethality. Ancient weapons directly inject additional photons on the solid blade, heavy and difficult to wave, but have superior lethality. In principle, The more lethal weapon, the heavier and harder to swing, the user needs to have amazing arm strength.)

This blade hit the target, and an adult dragon collided with the full force to the target, causing almost the same destructive power, so it was named in the name of [a hit ship].

In fact, even the modern Zeus-level photon warships with powerful photon shields cannot withstand the frontal strike of such weapons. Although they do not sink directly, they will be so damaged that they will not be able to sail.

At this time, Arthur is trying to avoid this horrible ship knife. Sweeping past, the storm that slashed the blade engulfed a large number of Necromancers around, and the dead spirits were blurred. Arthur jumped and shunned the blade far away, but the armor was peeled off layer by layer by the photon storm. If you don't wear any armor, it will be the flesh of Arthur!

It’s useless to be flexible again! It’s not a problem that can’t be avoided, but the storm that was picked up by the blade will be swept a little!

"No! That kind of monster you can't win!" Tristan screamed hysterically. "Enough, run away!"

"Hey!" Arthur raised his golden gun and leaped into the air to avoid the sniper of Victor. The sniper fell into an empty space and slammed on the ground. For a time, like a huge meteorite falling, a large amount of ice and rocks splashed between the bangs of the collapsed sky!

These small, inconspicuous small pieces, because of the tremendous kinetic energy, are splashing in the field like a shot, hitting the unfortunate Necromancers around them. The dead spirits suddenly shattered their limbs, and they opened one big hole after another. What's more, they flew out with the shock wave. They danced in the air for a long distance before they fell on the hard object and became a glimpse. Clam meat.

Arthur trampled on the agitation of the gravel, riding the momentum of a huge impact, leaping into the higher air, into the night.

The Viking Giant looked up at the sky, and his dead body, like his white eyes, smashed into a slit, preparing to make a fatal blow to the fallen knight. But a golden light shone, stinging the eyes of the giant. In this space, Arthur is like a rushing thunder, straight down!

"Hey!!" Where the flash of the pike passes, the legendary Viking hero Victor's arm is pierced by a big hole! But the Vikings also reacted in an instant, with a sword in their backhand, straight to the head of the knight who had just landed!

"Hey!!" Arthur, who couldn’t escape, could only insert the golden gun deep into the ground and block it with a gun!

The legendary weapon made by ancient people with unknown materials was originally [theoretically indestructible]. Even if it encounters 10,000 tons of pressure, or tens of millions of degrees of high temperature, it can not be destroyed. The composition of these weapons is exactly the same as the construction materials of the world's wall, while the latter, modern humans still can't scratch their walls.

It is this hard-to-reach material that broke at this moment!

The photon buffer generated by the broken trident did not allow the knight's head to move. But the hand of the knight holding the pistol broke completely.

"Not finished yet!!" The Cavaliers raised the remaining half of the gun, used like a long sword, and instantly cut off the other hand of the Viking Giant.

"Hey!!" The Necromancer seemed to feel pain and shouted loudly. The Viking warrior who lost his arms was still able to move. He twisted his waist and punched Arthur with a hammer!

"Hey!" was hit and flew out, and Arthur fell to the ground.

The legendary Victor didn't catch up, just stood still, his arm had begun to regenerate, and it wouldn't take long before he would stand in front of Cavalier Arthur.

"Enough, take this opportunity to escape!" Tristan used to pick up the Cavaliers and watched Arthur’s left hand. "There is no chance of winning! If you fight like this, you will die! You don't have to do this for us." To the point!"

"Kid." Arthur tears open his sleeves and wraps his broken arm. "Help me remove the armor."

"What!? Without any armor, are you looking for death?"

Arthur is very calm: "His attack range is too big, and now my speed can't completely escape. The next shot is won, can't hide, it's dead, it's dead like an armor. It's dead, I'd rather Gambling with the greatest motivation!"

"Sorry, even if it is deadlift, I will take you away from here." The fisherman said that he was planning to pick up Arthur to escape. "This is not your battlefield. I can't let you die here."

"Kid." Arthur pushed Tristan and removed his breastplate. "That is your father, right?" "I don't know." The fisherman whispered, "I just listened to other mermaids." In the end, I was just at the father's tomb, watching the ice in the eternal ice. The man in the scorpion has been squatting -

Because of me, nothing. "The fisherman whispered sobbing.

Knight Arthur touched the head of the fisherman. There is no difference between the fisherman's blond hair and the human being. He seems to be a little boy of personal kind - this lonely boy has been watching his long-dead father.

Arthur is envious. Tristan and his father can be jealous. What Arthur wants is far from the horizon and cannot be touched.

He projected the emotions in his heart on the fisherman. My own wishes cannot be fulfilled, and at least I want to help others reach their wishes -

In order to redeem yourself.

"That's it." Arthur's eyes rekindled his fighting spirit. "Your father's body can't be stunned by the succubus. Take back your father's body and let him rest in peace."

"Know it, let's do it. Is this all right?" The fisherman shed tears and cried while helping the knight to remove the armor.

Arthur stood up and tied his broken left hand to his chest, and the Viking hero opposite him completed the regeneration of his right hand. He couldn't wait for the regeneration of his left hand, and he set off a giant sword.

"With one arm to one arm, you still know what is fair." Arthur sneered.

"吼!!!" The giant raised his sword and prepared to attack.

"Come on!" Arthur gave Tristan a look. Tristan's hand raised and he blew a fog.

The knight hidden in the white mist quickly approached the giant.

"Hey!!" The giant's hand fell and the sword smashed the rushing knight!

"Guess wrong!" The Cavaliers attacked from the other side. What was just smashed, it was only the substitute made by the Cavaliers using the corpses on the ground!

But the Vikings, after a hundred battles, reacted with enthusiasm, and had already swept their backhands and chopped at the knight!

This speed will be caught up! Arthur pondered in the thousandth of a second.

No, be quicker, faster! !

The Cavaliers quickly and accurately lifted the gun head to the ground! Then kicked on the gun head and used the reaction force to jump to the Vikings!

"Hey!!" The photon storm screamed by the giant sword whizzed past the radius of the tens of meters, blowing out the ice fog, and smashing the dead bodies around!

However, the giant's majesty, this is like a blizzard blind spot, there is no danger at all! Arthur hid here and took a life back!

"Repose, hero." Arthur had already pulled up another shot from the side, and hit the head of the legendary Viking hero Victor Tristan.

lb! ! ! ! ! ! ! - The Viking Giant who lost his head fell to the ground and shot on the ground to create a huge shock. The loud noise was deafening!

"Yes, hateful!!" The succubus saw his own triumph and was defeated by Arthur. He screamed in anger and anger. "Don't think this is over, I will take you personally-"

She rushed up, and the **** claws caught Arthur, who was too tired to move.

"No, this is over." Arthur didn't move, and he didn't have to move any more. The lower part of the succubus has been frozen frozen.

"You are so embarrassed!" Kay trotting, came over and patted Arthur's shoulder.

"What about this guy? Kill it right away?" The Queen of Iceland followed suit.

"Lilith, is Lilith?" A voice suddenly sounded.

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