Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 711: Quest for the raft (3)

Chapter 711 Exploring the Barge Three

Captain David Jones's logbook. ? ? ? April 2nd. clear.

As called by the goddess of fortune, we found that thing on the bottom of the sea.

Black, beautiful, it blooms like a star.

Such a large pearl is enough for us to buy a small island.

The crew were very excited. We had a big feast, and the ale had a full drink of ten barrels. The inventory was basically bottom.

But it doesn't matter. We will be home soon. Once you have bought this giant pearl on the shore, everyone has become a monopoly, and you will not go out to sea in the future!

This gorgeous life will also reach the end. From then on, I must stay with my wife and live a happy and peaceful life.

"Pearl?" The werewolf wondered. What does this matter have to do with a pearl? Is the predecessor of this ghost ship not a pirate ship?

He turned another page. On almost weathered pages, the handwriting is faintly discernible. ? ? ? April 5th. Overcast.

I am not crazy. I absolutely saw it.

Sha Xia came back to me.

She sat in front of my bed and looked at me with her grief as always. When I woke up, I found out that it was a dream.

very scary. I think I am going crazy. Let's have more sedatives. I hope we can go ashore and leave this ghost place!

Why can't I let me live quietly? ? ? ? April 15th. it's foggy!

Our ship sailed in the fog for ten days. I don't know why, I can't get rid of this thick fog, always in the same sea!

There are more and more crazy crew members. I watched the first officer cut off his throat with a razor. When he died, he was still laughing, and the scene was terrifying.

Food and clean water are running out, and the crew are crazy and dead. How can I be good?

Is this the retribution?

Sha Xia, sorry, I should not kill you.

Seeing here, Bedieville sinks in his heart.

impossible. The dead will not resurrect, and will not come back to find the revenge of the living. It's all unscientific.

But who can explain all the peculiar events so far?

The werewolf was so scared that he was sweating, but he was a man who had a beginning and a end. Since he opened the diary, he would read it hard with his scalp. ? ? ? April 20th. clear.

Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry! !

Forgive us for forgiving us forgive us for forgive us! !

I don't want to kill you! ! I have my life, my wife and children! I am just with you! !

I thought you would understand, but why didn't you understand it, just wandering around me? !

Did I cut your head and throw it into the sea, which still can't stop you? !

Sorry, Sha Xia, forgive me! But we are no longer in the same world. May you go to heaven! ! ——

Amen Amen Amen Amen! !

The diary is broken here. Instead, there are countless pages of ghost-like things that can't be read at all.

It seems that I saw something that was incredible. The werewolf's palms were cold and sweaty. He turned to the last page, and the trembling hand quickly closed the note.

At this time, he has clearly felt who is behind him.

Or, what is [something].

How to do? Attacked? ! Is that really a ghost? ! So fierce ghosts, can you fight back with a lightsaber? What if the ghost attacked it and the ghost retaliated? !

The werewolf was scared to death, but he had no choice. The more you are afraid, the more you want to run this fear as soon as possible. He clenched his sword and cut his backhand. Try to attack and say it! !

Hey! Blocked by the other side!

I am, the ghost will block? Werewolf psychology is dark.

"I am!!" Bettyville came behind him with a familiar roar: "You really want to kill me?"

"Ai, Ayr?!" Biddeville opened his eyes and looked back. It turned out that it was not a ghost at all, but the tiger man Albert. The werewolf was relieved.

Once he was relieved, he was all soft and fell directly into Albert’s arms: "Scared, scared me, Ayre-"

"Hey--" Elbert laughed funnyly: "Our great great Bediville adults also have something to fear."

"Don't, don't dig at me." The werewolf is still weak. "Let's leave this ghost place."

"How come?" Elbert helped Biddeville. "I just caught up with some strange black fog. I left the players and finally hid in this room. You want me to come here again. Going out? No way!"


"You can't play your magical powers, do you have a hole in the room?" Albert is still losing his temper and talking about something that is hard for a strong man.

Do not. Maybe it really can. Bedyville looked around.

Perhaps that is the best way to attack the enemy and get caught off guard and reverse the situation!

Bedyville once again pulled out the [magic bow - the fire of Nale] from the ring in his hand.

"After I used this trick, the whole body will temporarily pull off." He pulled the bow. "At that time, please come and yell at me and escape, Ayr."

"Oh, you never thought I might leave you alone to escape?"

"You won't. You are my friend." The werewolf said sincerely.

Being said this, the tiger’s face rose red: "You didn't say that before -"

"I know. I am wrong." The werewolf apologizes: "[We are not friends], I will not say anything later. Even if it is angry, I will not say it again - we will always be friends."

In this dark and dark world, Bediville has for the first time long felt how wonderful it is to have friends.

Once feared of being hurt again, deliberately keeping a distance from others, the werewolves chilled their hearts. But by doing this, he will only make himself more and more lonely.

This is not acceptable. If you don't change, you will never get happiness.

If you are destined to die in this place, Beddyville would rather die with his friends than die alone.

Otherwise, it is the same as that of Shasha. That is really sad.

Bedyville pulled a bow and aimed at the ceiling.

"Wait a minute, are you sure you are doing this?" Albert stepped back carefully.

"There is no other choice. Come on!" The werewolf has drawn a bow and launched!

Bang! The shock wave from the magic bow was blown up on the ceiling of the captain's room. A violent oscillation, the ceiling has opened a huge hole. Several layers of the ship were directly opened, and the boards were more fragile than expected. The faint moonlight outside came in, saying that the road went straight to the deck.

"It's now!" The werewolf only felt weak in his limbs and had to call Albert to help.

The Tigers have already grabbed Bedieville and throw him out.

Bedyville was thrown to the air and complained loudly: "Hey, what's yours--oh!-" He was hit by a shoulder that leaped over, and flew up dozens of yards!

"Do you want to kill me?!" Biddyville spit out a blood, protested loudly, and his abdomen was still in pain.

"You said that I believe in me. If you believe, don't complain so much!" Albert sneered. He took the inertia and picked up the werewolf and continued to fly up several yards. The strength is coming to an end, he grabbed the edge of the ceiling with one hand: "You go up first!"

He slammed it and threw Bediwell up five yards. The werewolf flew out of the hole and landed on the deck.

"Ayr!" Biddeville just shook up and shouted: "Catch!"

He changed a long whip from the ring - this is the trophy he had previously battled with a knight. He whips out and uses it as a rope, giving Albert something to catch.

The tiger just grabbed the whip and the black fog behind him was already coming. Bediville didn't have time to go up a little bit to pull up Albert, so he had to work hard to make his arms partially mad - "Stay steady!!"

"Wow, ah!!" This time it was El Albert who was thrown into the air. The tiger flew out dozens of yards and threw a distance in the air before falling heavily on the deck!

"Hey! Your kid needs to give it to him?! I want to kill me?" He complained as soon as he got up.

"We are each other." Bettiville faintly said. He saw the dark fog in the cabin getting thicker and thicker, and there was a tendency to flood the deck. He quickly shouted: "That thing is coming! Go back!"

He and Albert stepped back a few steps and jumped out of the hole in the boat.

The two saw the figures through the fog, only to find that Saifei and the group of adventurers he led.

"Seifel! Are you okay?" The werewolf asked urgently.

"Thousands, one thousand!" The young leopard gasped and said, "We are also chased by the dark fog. Fortunately, there are holes that you open to escape smoothly!"

"Hey, really?" Bettiville looked up at Saifel.

The leopard’s face is confused: "How, how? Of course it is true-"

bump! He hasn't finished yet, the whip in Bediville's hand has already pulled the leopard's foot, and he pulled it hard and threw Saifei on the ground!

"What are you doing? Crazy?!" Seeing Bettiville attacking his companions, Albert exclaimed and pulled out his weapon.

"I'm not crazy. The real Saifei's ending is with [喵]." The werewolf took the sword in one hand and took the whip. His whip was suddenly entangled by photons and turned into a purple-ray photon whip: "They are all controlled." - Ayre, don't hurt people, just knock them all out."

"Oh, it's easy!" Albert waved his sword. His sword is still the one used to deal with the silver-backed scorpion, just with the paralyzing toxin, and the stab in the opponent can make people temporarily unable to move.

"You clearly hold a good weapon, but also complain about it?" Biddiville lifted the sword to block the attack of Safir, while sweeping the leg and kicking the leopard.

"You are!" Albert flipped his opponent's sword and stabbed the human candidate's thigh and sword. The paralytic toxins worked, and the candidates fell to the ground!

"There are a lot of powerful weapons in the hands of the Ming, but they never use them. Is it a look down on people?"

This sour words were listened to by Bedyville, and it was particularly harsh.

"It's not that I don't want to use it. I have to watch the timing!" He raised his sword and flew the long sword in the hand of another candidate. At the same time, he elbowed and hit the candidate's head. The opponent immediately fainted.

These black-haul-controlled candidates are not flexible and seem to be resisting the control of black fog. The two did not spend much effort to put the candidates one by one.

bump! Bedyville made a vacuum wave, forcing Safir to dodge sideways. At the same time, the wolverine's whip was wrapped around the leopard's feet. He pulled it hard and threw the leopard back to the sky!

"Hey!" Saifei fell heavily and made a sigh: "It hurts. What do you do?"

"Yeah." Bettiville retracted the whip. "It seems to be back. Saifer, are you alright?"

The young leopard climbed up and caught a big bag with a painful head. He looked at the human candidates who had fallen to the ground and recalled: "I remember that I was attacked by some kind of black fog, and then I couldn’t remember anything."

"The fog is really weird. What is it?" Albert asked to ask.

"That fog is the body of this ghost ship." Werewolf Bedieville turned his eyes to the big hole on the deck: "Show it, Captain David Jones!"

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