Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 773: Exploring the Temple (11)

Chapter 773 Exploring the Temple in the Eleventh

Seeing everyone reacted to the reward, the shadow traveler went on to say, "But you are now unarmed, and those ghosts are killing. If you encounter them, don't fight, just run away as soon as possible."

Correct. Of course. Generous revenge also means great danger to the task. It’s not a pleasant thing to tremble with a group of undead sacred spirits.

"How dangerous are those [ghosts]?" The werewolf asked uneasily.

"Not very dangerous." The shadowwalker looked at the werewolf and seemed to want to estimate the wolf's skill from the action of Bedieville: "Those [ghosts] may have been strong and violent in the past, but as the years passed, the ghosts Gradually they will lose most of their power. Now they are no longer strong, they will only subconsciously linger in their birthplace, waiting for the moment of true sleep."

Bedyville understood. At the heart of the round table system is a group of ancient spirits that are lost and whose power is about to disappear.

Although the Holy Spirits are immortal, they are only artifacts after all, and they are a group of thoughts composed of a group of photons. If the system judges that these spirits have no use value, it will cut off the supply of photons.

Losing the supply of photons, the spirits can only continue to consume their own photons until they are completely weakened.

This is the end of the Holy Spirit.

It is indeed a cemetery, the cemetery of the Holy Spirit.

Bedyville took over the sender, not because of the temptation of money, but because of curiosity and responsibility.

If there is a problem with a stone monument here, then finding this problematic stone monument is indeed a matter of urgency: Do you know if it will endanger the entire round table system?

Since Lyon Dickens trusts the shadow traveler so much, then he must not be a spy sent by hostile forces. The only possibility is that he is a member of the system maintainer, and now he wants Bediville to do what they do, and it is the maintenance of the system.

Although, there is still a bit of logic. Why do the shadow walkers want to find someone from outside to do system maintenance, but their own people do not?

Only in this way, the werewolves can't figure out anyway. The only possibility is that there are two factions in the Knights of the Round Table. One thinks that the system has problems that need to be maintained, while the other faction, and the majority, believes that the system is correct and does not need to be repaired.

Under the pressure of the majority, the minority can only act in secret and send outsiders to help repair the system - so they found Elaine, who had a relationship with Arthur, so they found them in Bediville.

Sneaky, sneaky.

Obviously it is not a bad thing, but it must be done like a bad thing that does not have light.

Obviously, they should be companions who trust each other, but they are doing small moves behind each other.

The Knights of the Round Table, is that just the case?

King Arthur’s Knights of the Round Table, is there really no problem?

The werewolf touched the messenger in his hand, hoping that it was all he wanted. But in any case, he can't erase the doubts in his heart. The more he thinks deeply, the more uneasy he is.

"So--" The shadow walker sent the sender to everyone: "Everyone will act separately. Remember, you must use the action code when calling the other person, you can not call the name directly."

(This game is still playing?)

"Before that," Albert shot Patiwell's shoulder and pulled the contemplative werewolf back to reality: "[Silver Wolf], do we want a game?"

"The game?" Bettiville clearly felt the faint trembling of the tiger's palm.

I heard that there will be ghosts here, and Albert is obviously afraid of dying, but he is calming down in pretense, and seems to want to use the "match" to distract.

Just follow him. The tiger is too embarrassing.

"Let's come to Bibi to see who is tagging the most [treasure]." Albert deliberately squeezed a smile, "This may be awkward, shadow traveler?"

"Yes, you can do it by simply adjusting the wavelength of the sender. How many [cherries] you have tagged, can be detected from the monitors here."

"Great. Just do it." Albert was nodded with satisfaction.

"Playing is OK, but be careful not to play too much." The werewolf persuaded.

"I, I want to participate too." Elaine, who was left behind, obviously wants to join the big stream.

"Hey, anyway, you will lose, clumsy guy." The tiger smiled disdainfully.

Seeing the tiger's smug look, the werewolf was immediately convinced: "I will lose you. Waiting to see me defeat you all!"

"Hey, I am looking forward to it, [Silver Wolf]."

"So," the shadow traveler fired a beacon on the ground, "[Silver Wolf] searched the east, [Cang Yingzhi] searched the west, I was responsible for the north, and 呃 [Giant Sword Panda] was responsible for the south - -lets go!"

The four men rushed together to work hard to win in the test.

At the same time, the prime minister Merlin's research institute.

咔滋. With the sound of a mechanical activity, Arthur tried to move his fingers.

"How? Is it right?" Merlin asked with concern, two silver eyes wide open.

"Well, it's a little tight." The Cavaliers continued to arm the armor and commissioned the newly made armor: "This is the armor of the whole body. It is the part of an arm that is tight like this. After putting on the armor." Isn't it tight and cardy, not easy to act?"


"Double it twice. If you can, add a little more joints for the activity." Arthur said succinctly: "I want this thing to be as comfortable as the armor we usually wear, and it won't affect the battle. "

Because, in the dark continent, there will be many dangerous situations. Whether the action is agile enough is related to life and death.

Merlin is in a dilemma: "In that case, the Dark Son will seep into the armored seams-"

"That's your problem, I don't care."

(It’s a king who is hard for a strong man.)

"And, the question you mentioned last time, have you solved it successfully?"

Merlin frowned. King Arthur is talking about the problem of eating armor. Once inside the dark continent, the armor can't be solved. I can't eat through a helmet, I can't even drink water. In this way, it is impossible to stay in the dark continent for a long time.

"To be honest, I haven't thought about this problem yet." Merlin said: "If you can transform people into monsters that don't need to eat and drink, the problem is solved very well."

When he said this, the prime minister couldn’t help but look at the Orientals who were on the side. That guy is a modified monster. You don't have to eat, you don't excrete, you just live by absorbing the photons in the food.

Obviously, King Arthur would not be willing to turn himself into such a monster, and the knights who went to the dark continent with the king would not be willing. This kind of transformation is irreversible. Once it becomes a monster, it will not return, and life will be destroyed.

"Think about it, you have about a month left." Arthur gave a death order. When King Arthur said this, the turn of the road was not happy.

If the plan is really not feasible, the Cavaliers may push off the trip to the dark continent.

Regardless of whether you take an offensive or a defensive posture, you will not lose money. The production technology of [Solubleable Armor] has been established, and this armor that can completely defend against the erosion of the dark will become a powerful killer.

Even if Arthur does not go to the dark continent, as long as this technology is preserved and copied in large numbers, it is distributed to the knights of the Great Batter, and the survivability of the knights against the dark will increase greatly.

The only thing that can make Arthur King move is the [Holy Grail] that does not know whether it exists in the dark continent.

In the past few days, Ruo Daoyuan constantly inquired about the news from Merlin and others, and also vaguely learned that King Arthur is looking for a treasure in the world.

Although the treasure is specifically what the oriental people do not know.

However, in this case, without saying anything to strengthen the will of King Arthur to the dark continent, the Cavaliers may really cancel the plan.

The Orientals were strong and courageous and whispered: "Speaking back, seven years ago, a group of mysterious Europeans came to our country. It seems to be a woman."

"What?" This sentence cleverly caught the attention of King Arthur: "Have you seen the woman? What does she look like, what is her name?"

"I don't know. She is wearing a protective suit and hiding in the cloak. How can I know what she looks like?" Ruo Yuanyuan pretended to have a look of memory: "I was surprised at the time. Some people in Europe could pass through that. It has a huge wall, and it also has equipment to isolate the dark. And she seems to carry a treasure."

"What!?" The Cavalier is even more nervous: "The treasure? What treasure? What kind of treasure?"

"I don't know this." The Taoist Yuan Zhen said that he could only confuse the past in key places: "The treasures are packed in the van and sent to our king. Those who have actually seen the treasures, I am afraid we only have our Nanliang." The king of the country will kneel down."

The Cavalier took a sip and silenced it, thoughtfully.

If it is said that the woman who came to Nanliang is Morgan, this is possible, and the possibility is very large.

If Morgan had already found the Holy Grail and deliberately brought it to the dark continent, preventing Arthur from finding the Holy Grail, it is also possible and extremely probable.

Morgan is such a person, doing things in a roundabout way, always to add trouble to Arthur, and to have fun.

So, is the Holy Grail really in the dark continent?

When Qi Daoyuan saw that the Cavaliers had fallen into meditation, he turned and continued to complete his work. In the angle that no one can see, a sly smile emerges from his mouth.

He knew that this little lie had magical magical effects. The Cavaliers have been confused by this vague news. In this way, Arthur had to find a way to go to the dark continent anyway.

Vivian, who was also busy assembling armor in the lab, remained silent.

She remembers that Morgan was empty-handed and went to the Dark Continent. This is contrary to what the Oriental man said, and it sounds unreliable.

However, it is not good to doubt others. God knows if Morgan was there to meet on the dark side of the continent?

And this oriental person brought a valuable [decontamination armor] manufacturing technology, how can he face this person before he can provide all the technology?

So Vivian chose not to say a word, and temporarily used this ambiguous word as a fact.

At this time, Lian Yin, who should be working outside for a while, rushed in and yelled and yelled at the phone: "Ms. Vivian! You have a big problem at home!!"

"What?" The succubus took the call from Lianyin, thinking that there was a problem with the institute. Saifeier or Segrad called to contact: "I am, Vivian. What happened?"

"Well, nothing big." There was a strange voice on the phone: "I just want to talk to you in the first place."

"You?" Vivian couldn't recognize the voice of the person on the phone. The vocals are communicated by phone, there will always be some changes, and the vocals that are heard by the ears are always a little different.

What's more, it was the voice she had never heard in seven years.

Seven years later, the soul is dreaming, from hope to almost despair, Vivienne, who was already about to give up, but dreaming that I would hear it here and now, I heard the voice of this person.

"I love you, Vivienne."

No more explanation, no paving, the voice just said a deep sentence.

This simple and straightforward sentence is more useful than any long story in the world.

The woman licked for a whole minute.

Then she understood it completely. She understood who the person at the end of the phone was.

"呜-" Vivian, who has always been noble and glamorous, can't control her emotions at this moment. She choked up: "I love you too, Parami. Welcome back!"

Two lines of tears, pouring from the corners of the woman's eyes like a spring, dripping on the ground.

Arthur looked at it all and understood what it was all about.

"Merlin, turn off the enchantment of the institute." Wang said.


"Just turn it off!"

"Okay." Merlin had a remote control in his hand. He controlled the research institute and turned off the enchantment. It was just a finger press.

Hey. The enchantment to prevent intrusion has been completely shut down, which means that you can use the transfer to enter and exit at any time.

"Let's go, Vivian." Arthur urged: "I also bring you. You have to meet the old friend."

"Of course -" The woman grabbed the hand of the king: "Lian Yin, are you coming?"

"I still have work to finish today." Lian Yin shrugged helplessly: "Tonight, I will pick up Husky."


brush! Vivian's voice has not completely fallen. She has already taken King Arthur and can't wait to leave with a teleportation.

"The big cat was completely dead." Merlin said, "The dead can be resurrected. This is a miracle."

However, the miracle does not happen for no reason. It comes at a price.

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