Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 83: Elected to the emperor (on)

Chapter 83, Election on the Emperor

the next morning.

"Are you ready?" Arthur asked.

The group nodded and then walked to the gates of Rome.

"Stand up! Who are you? Take out your customs clearance documents!" shouted the guards.

Arthur silently took out the documents.

"Oh, Pantoraken's knight? Your affairs have been sent to announce. Wait a minute, the carriage that picks you up to the capital will come soon," said the guard.

"We just want to go to the capital ourselves." Arthur said without feelings.

"I am sorry that it is impossible, Knight." The guard said, "You also know the situation in Rome. We can't let the foreign knights sway in the streets of Rome. Please cooperate."

Kay and Arthur looked at each other and had no choice but to compromise.

The carriage was driven by two horses armed with armor and anti-gravity propellers. The incomparable luxury of the carriage is really a standard etiquette vehicle for foreign guests. In contrast, Arthur and his party were dressed in a rustic style. Whoever saw them in this kind of luxury carriage would not feel suitable.

"Oh, put a mirror on the horseshoe to generate propulsion? Lose they can think of it." Bedieville curiously measured the car, excited like a child.

"You sit down for me, don't be rude." Arthur angered.

"Oh, it’s a lively child." The Roman Knight who just stepped into the carriage laughed. This man is burly, imposing, wearing a luxuriously designed but very practical armor, can be seen as a very high-ranking soldier.

"Hello?" Arthur asked.

"Belissa stayed, just a martial arts." Knight Road.

"The original lord is the famous general Belisha. It is a fear to overthrow the general to **** us." Arthur said.

"Where. The Emperor believes that even in this troublesome autumn, the basic number of rituals is still sufficient," said General Belisha. "Under the circumstances, I am only the lowest ranked one in the Roman Ten Generals, and there is no real power in the hand. I have been very idle, and I have to take charge of this kind of diplomatic reception."

Others looked at each other and didn't know what to say. Belissa stayed and said, "In fact, you don't have to be so nervous. I am standing on your side."

"How do you say this?" Arthur asked.

"The attitude of His Majesty the Emperor is indeed wavering. For Rome, no matter which side of the war is formed, it must be at the forefront of the most unfavorable position. Therefore, the highest priority of the Emperor’s Majesty is not the righteousness, but the harmony. One of the most triumphant alliances can best get the most benefits."

"Wait a minute. What do you mean by saying that the Hungarians also intend to talk to the emperor about the alliance?" Kay asked.

"They are still earlier than human actions. They started to send envoys to talk about alliances at the beginning." The general said, "Do you know how much effort the Emperor took to delay the situation until you come?"

"That is, His Majesty does not want to form an alliance with the Hungarians?" Arthur was even more puzzled.

"Your Majesty only wants to form an alliance with the strongest strongman." Belissa left straightforwardly said, "He means that you have come to the Huns to decide a victory, so that you can clearly understand who wins the war. Soon after the founding of the East, it was a period of ruin, and defeating it was the worst ending that could not be tolerated. As human beings we certainly want to help humanity, but we must also see the hope of human beings to help. Rome I want to continue to survive, I hope you can understand"

"I can understand. Rome has Roman difficulties, especially in the middle of the human world and the world of the Hungarians. It is the most devastated by the war." Arthur said, "So the civilians in Rome during the war. Being allowed to take refuge in Pantorac, the goods lost by Rome during the war were all borne by the Allied forces. These are all listed in the treaty."

"I know. Your Majesty must be very happy to see such a generous condition. The only question next is whether you have enough strength to win this war." The general said.

"What does the Emperor want to see in the end? The simple statistics of the troops are clearly listed in the document," Arthur said.

"Unfortunately, His Majesty the Emperor is also a Wufu-born person. He is not interested in documents and data at all. He never believes in the things on paper. He believes that he will always see his own eyes." The general said, "so please do well. Psychological preparation, the means used by the Emperor to make choices, all of which are duels."


"Although it is only my personal guess." Belissa said, "But according to the tradition of ancient Rome, let the two sides' envoys fight in the fighting field. Rome only helps the winners. This is probably the intention of the emperor."

"It is possible to see who is stronger and not to offend the envoys of either side." Kay said, "It’s very embarrassing, but it’s a brilliant approach."

"Sorry, this is no way to do it." Belissa sighed. "Rome only has a certainty. It has been doing this since ancient times. But, I said it just now, I am standing. On your side. I don't like the beasts who only know how to rob. It is better to have my life with them. Although I can't help you, I can provide you with information to make it easier for you to overcome. The envoys of the Hungarians."

"Wait a minute." Betdiville couldn't help but ask at this time. "Since the other party knows that the league will decide in a duel manner, have they already sent the strongest warriors of all orcs? Why? Can't you send a knight to fight? Isn't it a lot easier to play the Knights of the Sky?!"

"The Knights of Heaven are not allowed to enter Rome, just as the patriarchs of the Hungarians cannot enter Rome. Such a powerful warrior entering the Roman border will only make the situation more tense. This is what the Emperor is most unwilling to see." The general said, "I don't know if this group of people is second only to the Knights of the Knights of Heaven. But you are here now the choice of your parliament. I only hope that your parliament is right."

"Or the idiots have not considered the duel at all. They just think of the alliance as a matter of course." Kay said, "They probably think, even if Rome is ruthless, it will not really run. Allied with the orcs."

Belissa stayed in a hurry: "What is your parliament thinking? Is it a joke? The emperor is serious. If human beings really do not live up to expectations, they will prefer to form alliances with the orcs to attack Europe! Made it out!"

"Relief, general. Don't pay attention to Jazz's jokes. The parliament is serious. Although we are not necessarily the strongest knight below the Knights of Heaven, it is still safe to win the warriors sent by the other side." Arthur Cold Said coldly.

"To be honest, I am a bit skeptical to see your group of people. Although it is not polite to say this, aren't you just a group of imps?" said General Belisha. "The other party is the most elite. Warriors in battles. Do you really have a chance to win with them?"

"As long as you make a good plan for combat, yes." Arthur still said calmly.

The general hesitated for a while, but looking at Arthur’s eyes was not like a joke, and gradually believed. "Well, it seems that you are sure. Anyway, I decided to help you, let me believe in the end." Let me send in as much as possible to find out the information on the side of the orc ambassador and figure out their strength. You are ready for the duel."

"Thank you, Lord General, first." Arthur was cold and rude and politely nodded.

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