Lightning Strikes Twice (Harry Potter)(Time Travel)

Chapter 31: Protective Custody Pt. 2

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

Hestia stumbles upon Harry and Tonks~


Once he makes his choice, Harry doesn’t hesitate. He moves so swiftly that Tonks doesn’t even have a chance to react as he pulls out of the shapeshifting witch, spins them both around, and then pushes her to her knees with her back to the island that dominates the center of the kitchen. At the same time, a quick flex of his magic sees the tea pot and cups that Tonks had never actually finished up with floating through the air from counter to counter as well.

As Harry slides his cock into Tonks’ mouth, she finally catches up with what’s going on, having been bent over the counter being fucked from behind one moment, and now on her knees with a dick passing her lips in the next.


She looks up at him slightly chagrined even as she dutifully begins sucking but Harry just smiles down at her with a wink and a finger against his lips to mime being quiet. Then, the door to the kitchen finally opens and Hestia Jones steps inside. She jolts in surprise at Harry’s presence, before flushing and quickly stepping inside, closing the kitchen door behind her before speaking in a low tone so that she doesn’t disturb Kingsley’s rest.

“O-Oh! I’m sorry, I didn’t hear anyone in the kitchen when I was approaching…”

She needn’t have worried, of course. The charms Harry put up are still in place, which is why she didn’t hear anything in the first place. Gracing her with a broad smile, Harry nods his head amicably.

“No worries, Auror Jones. No worries at all. I was just making some tea. Care to join me?”

Down below, Tonks has gone completely still. The moment she heard Hestia’s voice, the younger Auror froze up. Harry is sure that if he looked down at her right now, Tonks would have a look of panic and utter betrayal in her eyes. But she needn’t worry. Harry knew exactly what he was doing here.

“Please, just call me Hestia. And… if it’s not too much of a bother, I’d love to join you.”

Hestia approaches the other side of the kitchen island, placing her hands down upon it and smiling at him before looking down at the teapot between them. And good thing he’d brought it over from the other counter as well, because if the teapot weren’t in the way, Hestia would have a vantage point of Tonks’ multicolored hair as the younger witch bobbed up and down on his cock.

Well, not that she’s doing much bobbing right now. She’s still frozen stiff, even as Harry hums.

“How do you take your tea? Milk? Sugar?”

“Both, please.”

Down below, Harry can feel Tonks tensing up. Perhaps the metamorphmagus thinks that he’ll have to pop his cock out of her mouth to turn and retrieve the milk and sugar. But why would he have to do that? She’s already seen his capacity for wandless magic. With a slight grin on his lips, Harry waves a hand and the milk and sugar both float over from where Tonks already had them out.

Hestia’s eyes widen at this casual display and the raven-haired Auror can’t quite contain her astonishment as she gasps.

“That was… was that silent, wandless magic, Mister Potter?”

Letting his grin grow a little bit, Harry chuckles.

“Please, if I’m to call you Hestia, you have to call me Harry alright?”

At her wordless nod, he continues.

“And yes, it was. I’ve found I’m quite proficient in it.”

Hestia huffs at that.

“Proficient is one thing… to be able to perform a summoning spell with that level of control at your age is nothing short of miraculous, Harry. You should be proud of your abilities.”

She didn’t know the half of it. Harry just hums and shakes his head, demurring a little as he shrugs his shoulders.

“Have to be, don’t I? Especially with everyone who’s after me.”

Hestia furrows her brow, clearly wanting to try and placate him by saying nobody is after him. But the words stick in her throat because… well, just look around them. She’s literally been assigned to a Protection Detail for him by the Director of the DMLE herself.

At the same time, Tonks finally begins moving down below. Her own arousal apparently gets the better of her, overcoming her fear and panic as she begins sucking his cock again. Or maybe she just decides that the best way to get back at him as well as force him to acknowledge her is by giving him the best blowjob of his life.

Either way, the moment Tonks begins bobbing up and down on his cock happens to be the same exact moment that Harry lifts the teapot up and pours Hestia a cup of tea. With the large teapot no longer obscuring the older Auror’s field of view and Tonks suddenly moving back and forth in a way that can’t help but draw the eye to the brightly colored hair atop her bobbing head… well, Hestia’s eyes can’t help but be drawn down to the sight.

This time, it’s the older Auror who freezes up as she realizes what she’s witnessing… an oblivious Tonks on her knees, giving a blowjob to their young charge.

Harry, of course, acts like he doesn’t realize Hestia knows. His own eyes aren’t on her face, but rather on pouring two cups of tea for them both. Never mind that he already HAD two cups before Hestia even showed up. He might not be able to watch her facial expressions, but ultimately Harry doesn’t need to. He can practically sense the gears turning in the raven-haired witch’s head as she stands there, processing the situation.

He's not too worried, however. Because Harry knows something about Hestia Jones that most do not. From their interactions in the future, he knows a secret about the beautiful Auror that she herself might not fully know just yet.

Hestia Jones… was a voyeur. The woman got off on spying on other people being intimate. She also got off on the possibility of being caught. She was a true, blue voyeur and when it came to catching people have sex, she was much more inclined to try and watch rather than expose them, so to speak. How did Harry know this? He’d caught her in the future, of course. She’d been a bit older by then, an Auror Captain instead of a mere Auror. But she hadn’t changed. And even if in this timeline Hestia wasn’t quite a voyeur yet… well, this might as well be her awakening, he figured.

Putting the teapot down and obscuring Hestia’s view again, Harry finally looks up at her just in time for her to recover from her stupor now that the object of her desire has been removed from her field of vision.

“So, Hestia? How much milk and sugar?”

“A-Ah… um… one spoonful of sugar, two spoonfuls of milk, please.”

“Of course.”

Harry watches on in amusement as he prepares her cup of tea just like she likes it and then slides it over to her. Hestia can’t help but squirm… but as she reaches for the tea cup, she uses that to her advantage, shifting just enough along the kitchen island so that the teapot is no longer directly between them. She makes it look as casual, realistic, and organic as she possibly can, but the end result is the same… she can once again see Tonks’ head bobbing up and down on his cock.

Meanwhile, the younger Auror is going to town on his dick. She’s keeping noise to a minimum of course, but she’s really pulling out all the stops to try and get Harry’s attention. It’s like she doesn’t even care if they wind up blowing their cover, so long as it’s his fault. Her tongue elongates, her lips suction down, and she uses every trick she can think of to really drive him wild.

Unfortunately for her, Harry is in complete control of himself, just like always. Pouring himself a cup of tea as well and preparing it to his liking, Harry raises an eyebrow at Hestia as he takes a sip, pretending not to notice her increasing number of furtive glances down at his crotch and Tonks’ head.

“So, Hestia. What has you up so late at night?”

Tearing her eyes off of the exhibitionistic display and trying not to give away just how turned on she is, Hestia takes a large gulp of tea to compose herself before answering.

“I’m… I suppose my mind is too active for such things. I understand that Madam Bones couldn’t tell us everything about what’s going on right now, but the rumor mill is in full force all the same and I can’t help the way it has my thoughts all in a whirl.”

Here, Hestia gives Harry a cheeky grin.

“Don’t suppose you could tell me anything, eh Harry?”

It’s obvious she doesn’t expect him to know much. Or at the very least, she expects him to deny, deny, deny. What a silly assumption. Amelia didn’t even bother telling him to keep his mouth shut.

“My godfather Sirius Black who escaped from Azkaban Prison last year was never given a trial. Turns out that several high-placed members of the Ministry were involved in that miscarriage of justice, most notably Minister Cornelius Fudge who tried to have Sirius given the Dementor’s Kiss last year to hide his shame. Director Bones needs me kept safe because I know for a fact that Sirius isn’t guilty of the things he was tossed in Azkaban and forgotten over. Mostly because I met Peter Pettigrew myself last year and heard him confess in his own words how he betrayed my parents and blew up that street of muggles to pin it all on Sirius.”

The kitchen falls silent when Harry is done speaking, even as he takes a nonchalant sip of his tea. Even Tonks, who knows some of what Harry just said, has gone still again down on her knees at his feet. Hestia, meanwhile, is staring at him slack jawed and wide-eyed and seems to have completely forgotten about her voyeurism for the moment. Instead, she’s growing increasingly pale as she takes in everything Harry just told her.

“I’m not… ah, I’m n-not sure you were supposed to tell me all of that, H-Harry.”

Leaning forward and placing his elbows on the counter, Harry smiles at Hestia. It’s not an entirely nice smile.

“That depends, Hestia. Can you be trusted to keep a secret?”

Hestia’s eyes dart downwards, to the head of multicolored hair that she can no longer see since he leaned over Tonks. When she looks back up at him again, Harry lets his smile widen a fraction of an inch more in a way that causes her to jolt in realization. He knows that she knows. And now she knows that he knows that she knows.

“I… y-yes. O-Of course. I’m not… I swear I will not go around spreading what you’ve t-told me, Harry.”

Harry hums at that, giving her a nod.

“I believe you, Hestia. Thank you for letting me unload on you. I suppose all of that was weighing rather heavily on my mind.”

They both know that’s not really the case. But Hestia doesn’t call him out on it. She doesn’t call him out on any of it. Instead, she quickly finishes her cup of tea, makes her excuses, and flees the kitchen back to her bedroom at all possible speed. Harry almost hopes she’ll stick around and peep at the door a little bit, but with Kingsley sleeping on the couch in that same room, he’s not surprised when Hestia doesn’t risk it.

Meanwhile, the moment the kitchen door swings shut behind the older Auror, Tonks is pushing him away and getting up, giving him a mixture of a pout and a half-hearted glare.

“T-That was way too close, Harry! You can’t just… ugh! What if she’d caught us?”

Smiling mysteriously, Harry shakes his head.

“Somehow, I think it all would have worked out okay.”

Tonks scoffs at that, crossing her arms over her chest.

“Not… not every female Auror is as… as much of a slut as I am, Harry. You can’t just expect them all to fall head over heels for you.”

Harry’s smile turns into a full blown grin and he raises an eyebrow.

“Like you did?”

Tonks sputters, even as Harry moves in and grabs her by the hips, pushing his rock hard cock against her front.

“We’re not done here yet, Nymphadora.”

She stiffens at the use of her first name, but also can’t help squirming in anticipation.

“But perhaps we’d better move this to a bedroom before another Auror walks in on us looking for a late night snack.”

Tonks bites her lower lip… before sheepishly nodding. It’s clear she’s ashamed of herself for even agreeing, but equally clear that she can’t help but want more. After all, they’d been so rudely interrupted. And so the two of them retire to his bedroom, where Tonks finds herself on her back getting fucked again, trying to contain her moans.

Of course, Harry had ulterior motives for wanting to move to the bedroom. The hallway outside of the room didn’t have a sleeping auror on a couch in it, and he’s not at all surprised when he catches Hestia watching them within minutes of them going at it. Peeking in on them from the hall, the raven-haired Auror bites her lower lip and fingers herself as she lets her voyeuristic tendencies get the better of her.

Harry doesn’t begrudge her that though. So long as she can keep his secrets, she can watch. And eventually, he’ll have her join in on the fun. For now though, it’s just him and Tonks all night long… and he makes sure to put the metamorphmagus through her paces so she doesn’t even have the strength to complain when all is said and done.


It takes a week. A week of Harry fucking Tonks behind Kingsley’s back with the black wizard being none the wiser. A week of Hestia watching him fuck Tonks with the shapeshifting witch also being none the wiser.

But finally, they get the word from Amelia… she’s finally wrapping things up and Harry is to be delivered before the Wizengamot as a key witness at a certain time upon a certain day. As fun as the past week has been, Harry will be glad to be able to return to Hogwarts after this. After all, its his current hunting grounds. Besides, he’s made significant enough progress with both Tonks and Hestia that he thinks he could make a deeper move with both of them soon enough. Tonks before Hestia of course… but perhaps Hestia would like to watch the ritual, voyeur that she is.

First though… it’s time to end this once and for all.

The Patreon Vote:
[X] They make it to the Wizengamot without incident - 58%

[ ] They're attacked on the way to the Wizengamot - 42%


Also shameless plug time: Just started a new Free Write yesterday and it would mean the world to me if you guys checked it out!

An Iron Resolve (Marvel)(Time Travel)

Summary: Tony Stark travels back in time after the Snap determined to get things right this time. Even if he has to take over the world to make sure everyone actually works together against the threat that Thanos poses. He's not going to let everyone down. Not ever again.

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