Like Rabbits

Ch 4. Nurses office

Entering into the nurse's office, I made my way in before a woman's voice called out, "Mm, who's there?" Followed by the sound of sniffing. 

That must be the nurse.

"A rabbitkin?" The woman spoke again, I could now see her figure hidden behind a curtain of one of the patient beds. Ears like that of a wolf visible through the silhouetted image. I let out something of a relieved sigh, knowing she was a fellow beastkin at least she wouldn't be cruel enough to toss me out immediately.

"Sorry to disturb you, I'm a new student here."

"Mm. Are you injured?" She sniffed again. "I don't smell any injuries."

"Uh, I'm not. I just came from the blessing ceremony, it... didn't go so well for me." I managed to speak without crying, having cooled my emotions somewhat, but the quivers in my voice still betrayed my trauma around the event.

"Mm... well, I suppose you can stay here." The woman answered while pulling the curtain aside, revealing her appearance in full. Her ears weren't a wolves', but rather that of a fox's. On her head were ember-colored ears that rested upon a bed of long golden hair, stretching a good half-ways down her back with a certain fluffiness to it that only foxes had. But really, it was her bountiful chest that had drawn in my attention, noticing that I had been admiring them for a second too long before snapping my attention back to her face. Seeing a pair of emerald eyes staring back at me, I knew she had caught me red-handed.

"Are you the nurse?" I asked, a little flustered by her gaze.

"Mm." She said absentmindedly, still watching me with interest. I waited a few seconds but she said nothing more.

"I'm going to go find a quiet spot." I motioned to her, but seeing as she wasn't much for words, I decided it was best to just go off on my own, finding an unoccupied bed on the other side of the clinic.

"Why'd you leave that nurse babe? Just when I thought the mood was getting good." A rabbit's voice chimed in. The voice I least wanted to hear right now. An unexpected anger took hold of me, driving a punch in the general direction I had heard the sound from. Turning, I found the image of a floating white-furred rabbit, but my fist seemed to pass right through.

"Hey! What was that for?" The rabbit spun in the air, seemingly riding a current of air which had been disturbed by my previous actions.

"You... you ruined my life! You and your damn blessing." I hissed with venom, before my voice cracked on its own. I was so frustrated with how things had turned out, and it was all his fault.

The floating rabbit god shook his head dismissively, as if my current troubles were none of his concern.

"You ungrateful descendant, I gave you such a good deal and this is how you repay me? Bet your eyes couldn't recognize gold even if I smacked you upside your face with it. Besides, we had an agreement."

The last part once again reignited my anger.

"I. never. agreed. to. ANYTHING." I replied pointedly, raising my voice a little too loud, hearing a rustle from where I had last seen the nurse.

Just what I needed. People already know about my perverted blessing, but now they're going to think I'm crazy too.

"Who cares what they think. With that blessing I gave you, you're so far above them it'd be like a rabbit weeping at the opinion of ants." The rabbit god chimed in again dismissively, apparently having read my thoughts again.

Emotionally drained, I just sat silently on one of the empty beds in the nurse ward, brooding while occasionally stealing glances at the Rabbit God who had appeared like an apparition to haunt me.

"Honestly, what do you want?" I thought gloomily, knowing full well he would be reading my mind anyways.

"Go bang that babe out there."


"Why not?" The rabbit looked at me with a strange expression, genuinely confused as to how I could refuse.

"You can't be serious, can you? Do you not know why I wouldn't go about mindlessly after every woman that I come across?" Seeing the Rabbit God continue to stare dumbfounded at me, I decided to explain.

"One. Bringing up sex out of nowhere would be creepy and weird, not to mention sexual harassment. Two, she's the nurse, I'm a student, it's inappropriate. Three, there's a huge age gap between us, she's at least 10 years older than me-"

"-You sure have a lot of requirements when it comes to making love." The rabbit god interrupted my count. 

"That's what living in a society is, besides I have a reputation to maintain... or rather I used to before you embarrassed me in front of all those people. I really wanted to make everyone back home proud..." Falling over onto the bed I had been sitting on, "and look how great that's going." I muttered out loud before turning over onto my side, not wanting to look at that annoying rabbit anymore.

Eventually footsteps echoed out on the tile floor, my ears twitching as they picked up the sounds. They drew closer before pausing just outside the bed I was lying on, followed by the sound of the curtain being he drawn. The fox-eared nurse was there, standing in front of the bed, still watching me with that same curious look of hers. I caught her tail wagging as she came closer to the bed, sitting down besides me abruptly.

Her closeness caused me to sit up awkwardly, neither of us saying anything for drawn out period of time. Her tail touching my hand occasionally as it swished on the bed.

"What's your name?" She finally asked, breaking the silence between us.

"Um, I'm Fenton."

What does she want? I asked myself, somewhat panicking from having a woman pressed up so close to me.

"She wants to bang." An unhelpful observer commented, apparently invisible to anyone other than myself, given that the fox nurse had yet to realize he was here.

"I'm Rena." She introduced herself.

"Uh, that's a pretty name." I commented, my mind somewhat blank after finding myself in such an unexpected situation, not to mention the Rabbit God's constant lewd interruptions were steering my mind in an awful direction. Another awkward silence settling between us.

"I heard you talking to yourself earlier." She suddenly said, causing me to sweat a little before she followed up. "It's not that weird... I do it too sometimes."

"Oh, uh, thanks I guess." I said while scratching my hair. I guess she was trying to cheer me up in her own way, even if I hadn't actually been talking to myself. It was far more trouble to try explaining that there was a God of Rabbits following me around who only I could hear or see.


"Uh, Rena, how long have you working here for?" I asked, trying to make small-talk to break the strange atmosphere that had started to form.

"This is my first year."

"Ah, that's cool, so we're both first years in a way I guess, haha." I said while laughing stiffly. She didn't laugh.

Sitting besides me so quietly, it was honestly starting to freak me out a little bit.

Remembering the time, I fished a piece of paper out of my pocket that I had written down beforehand. Having made sure I had everything prepared for my first day, things had already gone very differently than what I envisioned.

Ms. Clara Sommer, 3F-1

"This is supposed to be my homeroom teacher, Ms. Rena, do you know where this would be? It's starting to get time for homeroom soon, and I think I should probably get going."

She nodded her head slowly.

"Mm. I think I know. That's on the third floor, it's classroom 1. Do you know where the stairs are?" Seeing we were on the second floor, I certainly did.

"I do, thanks Ms. Rena."

She waved at me silently while I left.

"What a waste." A certain rabbit muttered while floating behind me after I had left the room. 

"You should have jumped on her. Just go for it. Bam bam bam. She was coming onto you."

"I'm not going to do that." I said while rolling my eyes, his advice all seemed terrible to be honest. 

"Okay, say she isn't your type, what about all those women back at the ceremony. Lot of bunnies there to choose from. At least one of them had to have caught your eye, right? Right?"

"I'm not doing it."

"Wait wait wait, Fenton. Come on pal, you gotta pick at least one of them." The Rabbit God started to sweat, floating over to my side while I walked.

"Why's it matter to you anyways?" I questioned, looking at him suspiciously.

Another drop of sweat appeared on his face while I continued my line of reasoning.

"Let's say for a second that you were actually being serious about having me 'conquer the world' through women, but even so, why does any of that matter to you. If I fail its just back to business as usual for you, isn't it? You could just go back to rabbit heaven, or wherever that was where we spoke the first time. So then, why are you wasting your time down here observing a boring loser rabbit like me? With how poorly things have gone so far, I might as well go on and join as a temple knight, vow an oath to celibacy, never touch another woman again."

"Fenton, uh, let's not get too hasty here. You're not being serious right?"

"Maybe I am being serious." I thought while opening the classroom door, a small marker above the entrance with '3F-1' written on it. Seems to be the right place.

If anyone is curious as to pacing in regards to sexy-time in the novel. So far I'm planning for there to be some action before chapter 10 or so.

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