Lilith: Origin of Succubi

Chapter 2

<~> Chapter 2

Now that I had a nice fire going I sat in the room and began to inventory all of the items I found in the backpack. Fortunately one of the first things I found when I was pulling stuff out was clothes. Oddly enough this guy had some lacy women’s underwear and a matching bra. The panties fit perfectly around my curvy waist but the bra was actually too small for me. I set it aside and kept looking.

He also had a set of nice looking clothes with him though these ones looked like they were tailored for him. I pulled on the pants, they were a little tight on my hips and a little too long on the legs but they fit. I attached the belt with the dagger on my waist and kept digging through the backpack. There was another long scarf that felt like it was made of something really soft and smooth like silk. I wrapped my torso in the cloth helping to cover my nipples and support the weight of my breasts and pinned it in place with a thin metal rod I found in the bag.

I looked down and my wrapped breasts and felt disappointed that the cloth flattened them down so much. I decided to adjust it some so that it exposed a lot of my cleavage and felt a lot better about it. Once I was happy with it I froze. “Why do I care how sexy my breasts look?” If I really used to be a man shouldn’t I be mad about whatever fucked with my head? I sighed and kept going.

The man’s white frilly shirt looked more like a women’s shirt but was clearly tailored for a man. It fit surprisingly well but I couldn’t button it up past a certain point. Normally that would be points against it but I liked how it exposed my pushed up cleavage. For a moment I considered that I seem to be gravitating towards slutty attire but I don’t really feel like a slut.

I definitely like the idea of having sex with people but while I feel like it probably wouldn’t take much to convince me I still had standards. I know the thought process wasn’t super logically consistent but it felt right to me.

I kept looking through the bag. I found a handwritten book that looked like some kind of diary or journal or something. I flipped through it but found that I couldn’t read any of the writing. I could tell well enough that it didn’t match the markings on the circle though. I was beginning to more and more suspect that the circle I woke up in was some kind of demon summoning circle. The thing that brings me to that conclusion is the next book I found in the bag. It was heavy leather bound book with all sorts of demonic imagery.

I almost laughed at how stereotypical the satanic imagery seemed to me. Most of the text was written in the same kind of letters as the diary but I was able to recognize the glyphs from the summoning circle in places here and there. Then finally I found the proof of what I’d suspected. I must be some kind of summoned demon.

On one of the pages there was an illustration of a naked horned ram woman followed by more illustrations that showed where to place candles, what the circle diagram should look like, and most importantly where to cut your hand for the ritual. I didn’t know too much about biology really but I’m pretty sure there’s a major artery in your hand. I wonder if the reason that dumbass died is by cutting his hands too deep and dying of blood loss. There was a lot of blood on the floor of the ritual room.

I do wonder what would have happened if that guy had lived to see me show up. That also makes me wonder if he thought it failed or something. It didn’t seem like I showed up right away if that is what happened. If I am a demon does that make me a succubus or something? I definitely feel horny enough for it. I really hope the reason I was summoned wasn’t to help some horny rich virgin get off or something. I am a little embarrassed to admit the idea turns me on a little but it would be a little depressing to think that a kid summoned a demon to get his rocks off but killed himself on accident because he couldn’t handle a knife.

I pulled my hands out of my underwear, I had started fingering myself again without realizing it. Lets set this book aside and keep looking. I dug some more and found some other basic camping supplies as well as a few scrolls that I couldn’t read. I also found a few bundles of salted meat wrapped in brown cloth along with what looked like trail mix so at least I wouldn’t starve to death right away. Next I found a canteen, it was a metal container with water in it, luckily it must have been warm enough in the pack that the thing wasn’t frozen solid. The last thing I found in the bag was a smaller bag filled with something really heavy. And opening it up, holy shit, it’s a large bag of gold coins. Another point in the horny virgin theory.

I counted through them and found twenty-three gold coins, fifty of the smaller silver coins, and about two dozen copper coins. I have no idea how much this is worth but based on video game logic I stuck the copper coins in my pants pocket and put the rest of the money back in the pouch and buried it back in the bottom of the backpack. It suddenly struck me, none of this stuff had any plastic, there weren’t any electronics in the bag, I didn’t look but I doubt the dead guy had a phone. Am I suddenly in some kind of fantasy book? The demon magic and the bag of literal gold coins pointed me in that direction.

I decided to ignore that train of thought for now, I was still kinda in a survival situation right now and I doubt anyone was out there looking for me. I packed everything back up except for the new clothes I was wearing, made sure the dagger was strapped comfortably to my side, reattached the sleeping bag to the top and got ready to set out.

I gathered a few torches from the holders in the ruins just in case but I didn’t really feel like I needed them all that much. I could have stayed here for a while but I was really horny and the only thing around to fuck was a corpse and that… just no, I’m not that desperate. I stepped in the snow and looked down at my bare feet. The snow didn’t bother them at all, I don’t know if I had a higher body heat or if it was, I don’t know, demonic magic or something but it would probably look pretty weird if I was walking around without shoes on. Plus stepping on rocks still hurt.

I looked at the corpse’s boots, they looked like well made leather boots but I was pretty determined not to take too much stuff from the body. Unfortunately I couldn’t really help it so I decided to take them. I’m really lucky they were the lace up kind because this guy’s foot is absolutely frozen stiff. Between the cold and rigor mortis there would be absolutely no way I’d get these boots off otherwise. They were a little big on me but it was surprisingly comfortable. I should probably look for new shoes when I get the chance but it could have been a lot worse.

After strapping on my new boots I looked at the body one last time. I would feel bad about leaving a corpse here and taking his stuff without even giving him a proper burial but I really don’t think I had the tools or strength to do anything about it. I thought about it for a moment and decided to lay two of those copper coins on his eyes, well, leaned them against his eyes really, his head was lying on its side after all. It was his money anyway but it felt bad that I couldn’t do anything else for him. I vaguely remember the myth of using the money to pay for travel on the river of the dead, not quite a burial but it was something I could do.

I felt a ringing in the back of my head so I looked around but I couldn’t see anything that would cause it. After a moment I just shrugged and decided to move on. Around the ruins was a large pine forest. Everything was lit up in the bright moonlight, I know people can see okay if the moon is bright enough but I felt like I could see almost as if it were daytime. Perhaps it was a little foolish to go walking through a forest alone in the middle of the night but I’m not tired at all and this place creeps me out.

For the next fifteen minutes I walked in as straight a line as I could through the forest. I tend to have a good sense for direction but I know that it’s not hard to get lost in a forest either. As I walked I looked at some of the plants, there wasn’t a ton considering the snow but the wild flowers I found weren’t anything I recognized. At one point I even found a berry bush that seemed to be surviving the snow just fine but I was scared of even touching berries I didn’t know anything about. I still had those rations so I wasn’t too worried about food just yet.

After about thirty minutes of walking I came across a wide river. Seeing that as a good sign I decided to follow it downstream. Typically rivers lead toward towns and it looked like upstream went towards a mountain so downstream made more sense. While I was walking I noticed some strange flashes of color in the river. Taking a closer look I realized they were reflections. I looked up and noticed for the first time that the sky looked totally different. Instead of the one moon I was used to, there were three different moons, a red half-moon, a blue half-moon, as in literally blue, and a white full-moon that looks much more familiar compared to the others but didn’t have the same familiar pattern. I never thought much about what the moon looked like but when you see a moon that is clearly not the same moon, you notice I guess.

I just stood there for like five minutes staring at the sky. Maybe I had been taking the whole sheep demon thing in stride a little too much but standing there staring at the giant ass moons really drove home that I wasn’t on earth anymore. I really hope this meant that a walking sheep lady wouldn’t get me dissected by the government at least. I really wanted to make it back to civilization but I really hadn’t considered if that was even a good idea until now.

Ehhh, I’ll play it by ear. If it looks like they’re going to skewer me I’ll take off and figure something else out. I sighed and decided to just keep following the river. After a while the trees started to thin out making me think I’m approaching the end of whatever forest I’m in. That’s when I saw them. Those are the biggest fucking wolves I have ever seen. I can’t say I’ve seen many wolves but those look more like horses. They’re gigantic.  

There were three huge wolves drinking from the edge of the river. I immediately crouched down and started to back up. At one point one of them looked straight at me and I froze. I just sat still for what felt like ten minutes before the wolves turned away and lazily wandered back into the forest. I waited for another ten minutes before cautiously continuing while watching the tree line. I didn’t know how this body would stand up to being submerged in icy cold water but it had to be better than being ripped apart by giant ass wolves.

It seems that whatever those things were, they didn’t think I looked that tasty because I didn’t see them again. Off in the distance I heard howling but nothing so close as to make me worry about it again.

After about an hour and half or so since leaving the ruins, I saw a bridge that spanned the river I was following off in the distance. I walked up the bank and found that it crossed a road and even had some sort of crossroad sign. I looked at the sign for a while but I couldn’t puzzle out if any of the markings were words or numbers. It looked like each of the arrows pointed somewhere though. I looked back and forth and just decided to follow the road right purely on a whim.

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