Limitless Path

Limitless Path Chapter Forty-Four

It didn't take more than a handful of minutes to arrive at their destination, Beth dismounting just outside the main entrance as usual. The two made their way into the lobby, finding Tazeen and the other elf who Beth hadn't talked to yet behind the counter. She couldn't help letting out a giggle, which she worked to quickly suppress, as the other elf was standing in the same rigid but somehow loose posture as Tazeen, also displaying a calm and stoic bearing. Beth used Identify on him as she approached the counter.

Navere A'Sen, level 180 Elven Blade of Conquest

His level was lower than many of the others, but with what Beth already knew of rebirths, she knew that didn't really mean anything. She approached the counter today, stopping in front of it as Tazeen greeted her, the other elf looking on with a placid expression.

"Greetings, young member," Tazeen said.

"Hey, Tazeen. Uh, can I ask, is there a way to see people's rebirth level?" she said, diving right into what was on her mind at the moment.

"You will need to level your Identify to at least silver," the other elf replied in a neutral tone.

"At least silver? And hi, I'm Beth. I don't think we officially met," Beth responded.

"Yes, there are a variety of factors that can influence identifying someone," he replied smoothly, continuing "There are a number of skills that are stronger than regular Identify that will essentially guarantee the ability to determine a person's rebirth at silver rank. And my name, as you likely already saw a moment ago, is Navere A'Sen. A pleasure."

"Just as I always manage to have Lyrissa as a mission partner, Navere and I often train together with blades; both of us preferring the sword, and of a similar style," Tazeen interjected.

"I see. That's all good information. Anything else either of you'd be willing to reveal?" she asked, grinning broadly and arching an eyebrow at the two. They glanced at each other briefly, before Navere continued the explanation.

"There are a number of relevant factors, as I said before," he explained. "There are a number of skills that can obfuscate someone's rebirths to a limited degree. Someone of a much greater power level can also hide their exact number of rebirths from someone much weaker. Remaining ever vigilant is key to rising to the kind of power where you are the one hiding your level from those much weaker."

"I will also say," Tazeen continued, "that it is basically impossible to present yourself as having more rebirths. There are skills and illusion type magic that could be used to try to trick someone, but a real expert will see through that quite easily. Especially as a real expert would have their senses trained to be able to roughly measure an opponent's level of strength, even barring skills, and would not be fooled by someone of one rebirth posturing as having undergone eight."

"This is true," Navere confirmed. "There is no convincing way to appear to have more rebirths than you truly do. Any attempt is merely a cheap trick, and usually quite easily seen through."

"All of that is super useful. Is there, like, some kind of noobs guide or something that I can read? I hate to just ask everyone questions about basic things," Beth said.

"The questions are no bother," replied Tazeen.

"We are, in point of fact, exceedingly bored when we are on desk duty," added Navere. "There is a guide entitled Combat and Magic Basics, which would likely prove quite useful for you. There are copies of it in the library on the second floor."

"Alright, I'll look that up after I'm done training for today. Is that weasel Jaq in the shop?" Beth said with a nod, followed by a smirk.

"That 'weasel,' as you say, is likely one of the strongest beings currently on this planet, including the rest of us. Only Baelvyr could likely defeat him in single combat with ease, so I would be a little more wary of how you address him," Tazeen replied.

"Oh shit, sorry. I didn't know," Beth replied, eyes widening as she flushed faintly.

"It is not as serious as he makes out," Navere said. "Jaq, despite his prickly airs, is not a petty or unreasonable person. If he has already been trading jabs with you, you can relax. He has already acknowledged you at a preliminary level."

"Good to know, but I'll be more careful," Beth replied, breathing out a sigh. "So, is Baelvyr the strongest person here?"

"If you mean this branch of the CRA White Hall on this planet; yes. If you mean of all the Instructors and Enforcers sent to Earth? It is likely so, but even we are not quite sure of his exact level of power. I have some idea it is rather overwhelming, but he acts even more blasé than Jaq, so it can be difficult to judge," answered Tazeen.

"OK, that's…helpful?" she replied. "Anyway, I should go, I need to be training as much as I can."

"You should not neglect actual battle," Navere warned. "You will find your growth much smoother if you take time to fight real beasts and opponents as you train. Actual combat is much different than the training stage, as I am sure you are aware."

"I had assumed you fought in the mornings," Tazeen interjected with a raised eyebrow, a great show of emotion from him.

"Not really. There're two low level dungeons near my house. I solo cleared them yesterday, and today I went with my two sisters and my, uh, friend. I let them fight, as they're still lower leveled and lower skill leveled. We're saving up to buy the three of them copper emblems," she explained, running her hand through her hair and shuffling her left foot a little.

"Ah, I see. Remember, you have a very long road ahead of you. And by that, I would remind you that there is plenty of time. Do not rush yourself overly in these endeavors," Tazeen said somewhat warmly.

"I'll keep that in mind. Thanks for the explanations and advice guys. I appreciate it," she said, waving as she entered the doorway.

She made her way through the building and down to the shop, making getting new gear her first priority. Who didn't like to get new equipment? She strolled in with Blood at her heels as usual, leaning on the counter to wait. It didn't take very long for Jaq to emerge from the center door, looking at her with slightly narrowed eyes and pursed lips.

"What oceans of wealth have you brought today?" he asked, the sarcastic tone evident.

"I believe you said a brace of fighting daggers of mana copper was ten silvers?" she replied with a question of her own, dropping the coins on the counter as she raised an eyebrow at him.

"What kind of daggers does your friend use," he replied, dropping the sarcasm just like that. "It is important that I know the type she uses."

"Uh, they're called kukri," Beth replied. "Let me see if I can find a picture." She pulled out her phone and scrolled for a minute until she found a picture she had taken of Sabs holding the weapons, getting ready to confront an ant. She turned the phone to Jaq to show him.

"Hm, single-blade knives meant for chopping," he mused, looking over the picture thoroughly.

"Better get her an emblem quick, the form's rather sloppy," he continued, walking over to the far-left door and entering it.

He was gone for roughly a minute before walking back out with several different daggers in hand. He put down three pairs on the counter in front of her. The first had straight, thick blades, sharp on both sides, that looked more like short swords. The second set were similar to the kukri that Sabs currently used, with thick blades that curved from near the center, designed for chopping and slashing. The third set of knives had slightly long, narrow blades that curved only slightly, looking a bit like a scimitar in knife form.

Beth looked the three pairs over before first picking up the kukri-like pair and hefting them. They felt good to her, but she didn't really have any daggers proficiency, maybe something she would change in the future, but she already had too much on her plate. Putting them down, she picked the third pair up and hefted them, feeling an exquisite balance. She looked at the other two pairs, then kept the third pair.

"They're a little different than what she uses, but these really call to me for some reason," Beth said.

Jaq made the first two pairs disappear under the counter before handing her two sheaths with the necessary loops for attaching them to a belt. "Sheaths included. Those are probably the best set of mana copper I have. Seems like you have a little bit of an eye for metal, after all," he said.

"These're better than those other two?" she asked, both eyebrows raised now, sheathing the knives as she spoke.

"There's very little difference at that level and grade," he replied coolly. "But yes, they are the best out of all the pairs I have. She should be well pleased with them. Assuming that ten silvers was your life savings, I take it you don't need anything else today?"

"There's no reason to be so snippy. And no, I don't need anything else," she replied with a slight edge to her voice, holding both daggers in her left hand by the sheath as she turned and stomped out, Blood following behind.

After they were gone, Lyrissa walked out from the center door and slouched against the counter next to Jaq, saying "Selling at a discount to the new girl?"

"This junk isn't worth the trouble. You know that. And it'll let them get an edge. I have a good feeling about that one, despite her being a little naïve," he replied calmly.

"Oh, a good feeling, is it?" Lyrissa replied coyly. "I didn't realize you recruited them so young."

"Enough with that. I know you like to prod everyone, but any more talk like that and I'll challenge you to a Ladder ranking match," he said to her coldly.

"Relax. You all get so bent out of shape. I'm merely teasing," she replied, holding her hands up in an easing gesture. "Anyway, I'll see you sometime later," she continued, slipping out from behind the counter through a little gap that opened on the far-left side before slowly sashaying her way out of the room.

Beth and Blood, meanwhile, had gone to the lounge, only to find it empty. She frowned for a moment and tapped her chin before turning to Blood. "Feel like a trip to the library today?" she asked her companion. Blood yipped in response.

Beth led the way out of the lounge and around the first floor, looking for stairs or an elevator. She still wasn't very familiar with the front part of the building, not that she was very familiar with the arena section, but she only knew one place in the front. At least in the arena area, she knew a whole two.

After almost ten minutes of haphazard wandering, she found an area that looked like elevators. Pushing the button on the wall didn't produce any result, but then she tried taking out her emblem and holding it up to the panel. There was instantly a soft chiming sound and one of the two sets of double doors opened. Beth and Blood entered, and she saw there were four buttons on the panel in the elevator, with the bottom-most one glowing a faint blue. She immediately tried pressing the next button up, which caused a faint chime to sound before the doors closed. They reopened a moment later on a hallway that looked identical, but Beth knew the elevators in the building moved at enormous, though undetectable, speeds.

Getting off the elevator, she again proceeded to lead Blood around for another ten minutes, trying to find the library. It was nice to get some idea of how the structure of the floors was laid out, but she didn't really know what rooms were what, not being able to read the plaques on the walls. After some fumbling, she came to a long hallway that only had a couple doors on one side. Attempting one of these doors brought success, a soft chime sounding as the door opened to what had to be the library.

The room was somewhat large, taking up maybe a fifth of the total area of the second floor, situated at the front of the building. It was a real library, somewhat to Beth's surprise, actually containing shelves. The shelves didn't just contain books, however, but also crystals, scrolls, and strange looking cubes. The room also contained several tables with chairs to sit and read at, as well as a number of desks that had what appeared to be computers hooked up to them.

Beth began to wander around the room, Blood following after and sniffing things curiously. She soon realized she had a problem, as everything in the room was in a language she was not capable of reading. She frowned as she picked up a book with a black binding, the cover having two lines of script in a strange language in gold at the top. She opened the book and found the white pages to be full of printed black script in a small font, the language entirely foreign.

"Jarmak's Journey. Not what I would pick for a first read," intoned the somewhat familiar voice of Lyrissa, causing Beth to jump and slam the book closed. She turned with a quick twist, glaring at the Vampyr while flushing slightly.

"It was not my first pick," she replied somewhat testily. "I can't read anything in here, so I was just looking to see if I recognized the language."

"Ah, ahem, apologies," Lyrissa replied with a light cough. "I forgot; you still only know this native tongue. Come with me," she motioned to Beth, then walked back down the row they were in and took a right. After walking past a handful of rows, she turned and led Beth and Blood down an aisle where the shelves were mainly filled with crystals. Two-thirds of the way down the aisle she stopped, picking up a crystal and passing it to Beth. Beth held it in her right hand and merely raised her eyebrow in response.

"It's a language crystal. They can imprint most of a language, including various different meanings, background on structure and evolution, and so on," seeing Beth continue to look at her with a raised eyebrow, she frowned and said grumpily, "Just try it."

Beth figured she might as well and held the crystal up to her forehead. There was a brief flash in her vision and for a minute all kinds of ideas about words, phrases, terminology, speech, sentence structure, and more seemed to seep into her brain. Once the process was finished, she felt instinctively that it would be alright to withdraw the crystal.

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