Limitless Path

Limitless Path Chapter One Hundred Ten

Beth woke up rather early the next morning, feeling the lovely warmth of her girlfriend pressed close. The good did come with a little bad, at least, it would be bad in Sabs book, though Beth didn't care. She was feeling the stream of drool that had flowed across the top of her left breast and onto her left arm, caring far more that Sabs found it comfortable nuzzling the top of Beth's chest than that she was a little slobbery.

Beth's left arm was a little numb and under Sabs, so she used her right hand to start rubbing Sabs' back, gently caressing the older girl with an open hand. Sabs shifted just a little but didn't wake, pressing tighter against Beth before starting to snore rather lightly. Beth found the very light, breathy rumbling cute and continued to gently rub her girlfriend's back, not bothered one way or the other if Sabs woke or slept. She was extremely comfortable in the feeling of their bodies entwined and quite happy with giving out caresses, bathing in the calm moment.

Sabs snored for a good while, Beth unsure how much time passed, before the rumbling died out and was replaced with a faint mumbling. Sabs finally leaned back a little, seemingly confused at first why her arms couldn't move straight towards herself as she gave a small hiccup, before she realized she was entangled with Beth.

"Morning, sleepyhead," Beth said very quietly, leaning forward before Sabs could respond to plant a warm kiss firmly against her lips. Sabs moaned very lightly in response, reversing her initial movement so as to press herself back against Beth, reciprocating the kiss with even greater passion. Beth loved the response and wrapped her arms back tightly around Sabs, pressing her lips back just as firmly.

The two continued until Sabs eventually became short of breath and had to break off, leaning back in Beth's arms as she panted softly. Beth reached up and ran the fingers of her right hand through Sabs' hair, managing to see due to a combination of very dim light from something like a nightlight in the corner and her slightly enhanced vision. Sabs just closed her eyes for a few moments, enjoying the feeling of Beth stroking her hair while they were still pressed close.

"Sorry, but can I have my arm back?" Beth eventually asked, moving to let Sabs slide back.

"Oh, I'm so sorry," Sabs exclaimed, sitting up and turning slightly so Beth's arm was free and Sabs was facing her directly.

"It's fine, babe," Beth said, giving the arm a little shake before leaning forward and giving Sabs a sweet, quick kiss.

"Well, now that we're up, I need the bathroom," Sabs said quietly, crawling over to the edge of the bed and hopping up. Beth followed after her slowly, wincing slightly as Sabs flicked the lights on. Beth followed her into the living room, absentmindedly rubbing at the slobber on her shoulder, noting Blood still asleep on the far couch. The wolf's ear twitch and one eye opened slightly before she decided it wasn't nearly time to get up, closing the eye with a rumble and returning to sleep.

Beth moved into the kitchenette, still feeling a little drained in body, first grabbing a sports drink. She popped the cap and tossed it in the recycling chute before starting to chug the drink, walking across the living room. She stopped at the table, pulling the drink away from her mouth for a moment to grab the remote and turn the main screen on, turning the volume down not to disturb Blood too much. She scrolled through the options for a minute before selecting a series of fights to watch, setting the remote down before walking over to the bathroom, resuming her chug along the way.

She walked in to find Sabs at the vanity, having finished her business and now washing her hands. Beth stopped beside her, tipping the bottle up and draining it before slamming it down on the counter. She reached up with her left hand curled into a fist and thumped right between her breasts, letting out a big burp after a second.

"Six out of ten," Sabs said with a small snort.

"Damn," Beth grumbled in response.

"You have an extra toothbrush?" Sabs said, giving the tall girl a quick glance.

"Nah, just use mine," Beth replied with a shake of her head, reaching up and scratching her left side with her right hand, lifting her left arm high up to get all the way up into her armpit.

"You're like a monkey in the morning," Sabs said with a head shake while putting toothpaste on the toothbrush. She started brushing while Beth just grunted in response, scratching her other side before walking over to the tub. She checked the tub first and then the shower second, making sure everything was totally clean.

"You need the bathroom?" Sabs asked as she finished brushing before spitting to clear her mouth, rinsing the toothbrush before setting it back where Beth kept it.

"Nah, just checking that I cleaned everything well enough," Beth replied. "It was pretty brutal last night, good thing you decided to sit that one out."

"Oh, was it really that gross?" Sabs asked as Beth moved up to the vanity again.

"Yeah, smelled like I shit in a tire fire," Beth replied as she grabbed the still damp toothbrush.

"That's gross, Beth," Sabs said with a frown as she gave Beth a look.

"Yeah, I know, I was the one smelling it for nearly an hour," Beth shot back before starting to brush. Sabs blushed faintly at the thought of the shared implement being used in both their mouths even after their deep kisses, but it was clear Beth really didn't care, giving her mouth a thorough cleaning.

"Would you like something specific for breakfast?" Sabs asked, stretching a little as she watched Beth completing her morning ablutions.

"I really don't care. I just need a lot of whatever it is," she replied.

"You already eat a lot, Beth," Sabs said with a small headshake.

"Well then, a lot a lot," Beth answered with a smile, cleaning her toothbrush and setting it back. She then walked over to the toilet and grabbed the edge of her boxers, Sabs realizing what was happening after only a split second.

"I'll get right on that," Sabs said in a rush, turning and fleeing the room before her girlfriend could actually drop her bottoms.

"Coward," Beth muttered with a chuckle before quickly taking care of her business and washing her hands. She returned to the living room and plonked down on the couch, lifting Blood's head a little before sitting and putting the wolf's head on her lap. The massive lupine gave a really deep growl, something that would have frightened most people out of their wits, but Beth knew that it was a contented sound from her beautiful companion.

She scratched Blood's head and ears as almost second nature while she sat and watched the matches on the screen. She felt a little bad about not helping Sabs, but she was still rather tired and wanted to just rest a little. Sabs eventually started bringing food into the living room, setting plate after plate on the table. When everything was laid out, she moved to sit on a chair, but Blood barked at her rather loudly before standing.

"Blood, what-" Sabs started, but she didn’t get any further as the huge wolf hopped up and sped behind her. Blood pushed Sabs over to Beth and practically into her lap before moving to the side of the table and sitting down, ready for some food herself.

Beth pulled a bunch of food close and started eating, using her left hand as she wrapped her right arm around Sabs and held her tightly. Sabs just wriggled in place, pushing herself harder against Beth, before she also tore into the food. They ate in silence for a while, enjoying both the food and the company until they were fully sated.

When they were done, Sabs hopped up immediately while gesturing for Beth to stay put, quickly busying herself cleaning up after their huge breakfast. Beth just sat back and relaxed, feeling bad about Sabs doing all the work, but enjoying the chance to just relax. She was still fairly tired and, while she was excited to get down to the labyrinth and get exploring, she figured it might be nice to take a day just fully off.

Beth slouched back on the large couch, waiting for Sabs to return from cleaning everything up. When the smaller girl returned to the couch, Beth grabbed her and easily lifted her into her lap, slouching back while wrapping her arms around Sabs' waist. Sabs leaned forward quickly and grabbed the remote before leaning back, setting the remote on the couch cushion next to them. Beth nuzzled against the side of Sabs' head and started breathing deeply. It didn't take long for her to drift off to sleep, enjoying the feeling of her girlfriend in her arms.

She woke up some time later to Sabs wriggling around to gently touch her face, the older girl saying, "Hey, are you awake?"

"I am now," Beth replied sleepily before leaning forward and twisting slightly to plant a soft kiss on Sabs' lips.

"That's nice, but I need to get up," Sabs said once her lips were free.

"Oh, sorry," Beth said, letting the smaller girl loose so she could use the bathroom. Beth waited for her to be done before taking her own chance in the restroom, emerging to hear Sabs in the kitchenette. She walked over and stuck her head in to see what was happening.

"Food time?" Beth asked.

"It's actually been quite a while, Beth, it's about time for dinner," Sabs replied.

"Sorry, I didn’t mean to sleep all day," Beth said with a little frown, wrapping her arms around Sabs and kissing her firmly on the cheek.

"It's alright Beth, it was quite nice," Sabs replied. "I actually enjoyed just cuddling with you."

"What does it say about me that my girlfriend is just as happy when I'm asleep as when I'm awake?" Beth asked with a little twist of her lips and a raised brow.

"No, stop," Sabs said while giving Beth a little elbow. "You know that's not how I meant it."

"Sorry, let me help at least," Beth said before giving Sabs another quick kiss. The two spent time cooking, which mainly meant kissing while meals heated up, until they had enough to feed all three of them.

They moved back to the living room to eat, sitting beside each other on the couch. Sabs had long since wrested control of the viewing screen, playing something that looked suspiciously like a reality TV show. Beth only halfway paid attention at best, splitting her limited attention between inhaling the food and rubbing against Sabs.

Sabs made to clean up when they were done, but Beth was having none of the being pampered anymore, even though it had lasted less than half a day. She joined her girlfriend in the cleanup, made somewhat easier by the fact that almost everything could just be tossed in the recycling chute.

She returned to the living room once everything was almost done to see what seemed to be an ad on the screen. She watched as an announcer excitedly talked about a group of rising young stars, ready to defend the Milky Way. It started to smell rather quickly of a high-end PR job to Beth, as she noted the youths under discussion appeared to be from rather rich backgrounds. That and the fact that they weren't too much older than her, nor much more skilled, from what she could see, led her to think this was some big hype campaign.

She was distracted by Sabs walking back into the room, turning to say something to her before interrupting herself by cracking an enormous yawn. She stretched as she did so, feeling everything from her shoulders to the top of her butt pop as she flexed her muscles.

"That elixir really did a number on you," Sabs commented as she walked over and wrapped an arm around Beth.

"Yeah, sorry, I know I wasn't any fun today," Beth replied a little sheepishly.

"It's fine, Beth," Sabs answered her, standing on her tiptoes to plant a sweet kiss on Beth's lips. "I had an enjoyable time just taking the day off and cuddling with you. You need to not feel so bad for taking a day off."

"I feel bad for being a shitty girlfriend, not the day off," Beth said, wrapping her arms and Sabs' waist and picking her up. "Let's get ready for bed and hit the sack. I'll hopefully be back up to a hundred percent tomorrow."

"Mmm," Sabs replied wittily, nuzzling the crook of Beth's neck as the taller girl carried her into the bathroom. They quickly went through their evening routine, with Sabs insisting on using some kind of face cream that Beth merely glanced at with a raised brow and twist of her lips.

When they were both done, Beth once again lifted Sabs and carried her through the living room, noting Blood already sprawled on the couch as they passed. Just more proof the massive lupine was more than intelligent enough to understand them fully, as she had easily grasped the other two were about to go to bed.

Beth closed the bedroom door behind them and flicked off the light, walking over to the bed and climbing in in the very dim light of the nightlight. She still had Sabs in her arms, and set the small girl down before rolling onto her side next to her. Sabs slid forward slightly and kissed Beth warmly, an action the younger girl reciprocated with some gusto. When Sabs had had her fill, she broke away and rolled over, sliding back against Beth and firmly pressing against her.

"I want to spoon tonight," she murmured. "Not that I don't enjoy your beautiful face."

"Or planting your pretty face in the top of my boobs," Beth replied with a low chuckle, sliding her left arm under Sabs' head while wrapping her right arm around the petite girl's waist. Sabs gave a little grunt in response, wiggling her head a little to get it comfortable on Beth's upper arm. She then reached out with her right hand, clasping Beth's left, before sliding her left arm under Beth's and grabbing the back of Beth's left hand. The two were now almost fully entangled, and Beth completed the maneuvers by gently shimmying her legs a little, entwining their lower limbs as well.

It took only a few moments for both of them to fall asleep, so deep that neither even had dreams of any kind.


Beth was once again the first to wake, feeling the warm softness of Sabs still pressed firmly against her. She also felt the puddle of drool over top of and around her left upper arm, but she felt that almost a non-issue, especially if it was the price she paid for having such a cutie in her arms.

She moved her right arm and gently started rubbing Sabs' stomach with the fingers of her right hand. The older girl gave a small snort and a wiggle, but didn't fully wake in response. Beth continued to gently rub Sabs' stomach while also flexing her left hand, trying to get rid of the bit of pins and needles she had. It was likely this flexing that finally woke Sabs, the girl grumbling a little before propping herself up on her left arm.

"Good morning, sleepyhead," Beth said with a chuckle, leaning forward to kiss Sabs in the middle of her back.

"Mm-hm," Sabs replied cogently, rubbing sleep out of her eyes with her right hand.

"Just take your time," Beth said with another chuckle.

Sabs took a little longer to wake up fully, needing a little time every morning despite her rather high END stat. She finally got fully awake and aware, rubbing her right forearm across her face to scuff away the drool. This led to the realization of where her face had just been, leading to the typical little morning panic Beth had already become used to.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry," Sabs exclaimed, turning to Beth and trying to wipe Beth's upper arm clean.

"It's fine, Sabs," Beth said with a small laugh, finally grabbing the smaller girl and tackling her back onto the bed, eliciting a little yelp in the process. Beth pinned Sabs down for a moment and planted a firm but quick kiss on her lips, hopping up immediately afterwards and heading for the door.

"You don't play fair," Sabs mumbled behind her as the older girl extracted herself from the bed and followed.

"Isn't all fair in love and war?" Beth asked with a light giggle as she headed into the kitchen.

"I don't know what's gotten into you this morning, but I guess you're feeling better today," Sabs said with a little touch of exasperation in her voice.

"Yeah, sorry about being a total bum yesterday, but I think that let me fully recover from the aftereffects. I feel really damn good now," Beth replied as the two started prepping breakfast, Beth noting the little clock on the wall of the kitchenette marking it as just after five in the morning.

"I want to check in at home and take a look at the dungeons first thing today," Beth commented as the food was finishing.

"I think we're about ready for something greater, if you have any suggestions," Sabs commented as she followed the taller girl out of the kitchenette. They were loaded with food and drink, including enough for Blood, who flopped off the couch and sidled over to the side of the table.

"Maybe," Beth said, tapping her chin after setting her load down. "The area Blood and I have been in has mainly enemies in the twenties. There are a few in the teens, so maybe you girls could work on the enemies at twenty as a group. What are you all at?"

"I'm at sixteen and so is Kim, while Soph just hit seventeen the day before last," Sabs replied, plonking down on the couch and starting to eat.

"And the ant and wolf dungeon aren't keeping up?" Beth confirmed.

"Yeah, they're growing fairly quickly, but the bosses are level fifteen right now. They might hit sixteen in the next day or two, but everything else is at least one level lower than that. We've been not only clearing them, but fighting anything else we can find, including a couple wandering beasts in the high teens that we found on their own," Sabs explained.

"I like the initiative," Beth responded in between bites. "Let's work on this in a couple days, if you guys can wait. I want to try a new dungeon I found today with Blood. It's supposed to be pretty big, and the enemies leading up to it were as high as level twenty-six, so I don't think it would be a good idea for anybody else to pop in until we scout it out."

"OK, that's fine," Sabs replied. "We'll keep working on our skills and taking care of the two closer dungeons for now. If we can't get anything more challenging there, we might explore a little ourselves."

"Well, you've all got the armor and weapons to stay relatively safe, though I want people to get some helmets here at some point," Beth replied with a nod.

"We can check into that with Jaq at some point in the next few days," Sabs answered. "I hate going down there, he always has such a shitty attitude."

"He's just strong enough that he can get away with being a little abrasive," Beth replied with a shrug. "Not that I like it, but he's not really openly hostile or anything, and he's always fair."

"I hope he is," Sabs said. "I would hate to have to check with other members to make sure the shop isn't scamming us."

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