Limitless Path

Limitless Path Chapter One Hundred Thirty-Six

"What do you take us for?" Beth asked before immediately following up with, "Never mind, don't answer that. It was rhetorical. Why are you here, anyway?"

Jaq just glowered at the three for a moment before tapping the screen, saying, "It is lunch time, and I am ordering lunch."

"You don't have some kind of cyborg super-food you eat in that basement of yours?" Beth asked as the three left the kitchen and returned to the dining area.

"I do, but I despise cooking," he replied simply, walking over to the center of the line to wait for his order.

"Well, have a good lunch," Beth said a little lamely, giving a half-hearted wave before leading the other two out. Jaq's only response was narrowing his eyes until the three were out of sight.

The three of them wandered around the building for a little while, Beth now a little curious about what else was within the building. Sabs was happy to play tour guide for a little bit, showing Beth and Blood around some of the upper floors of the arena first. They had not yet seen any of the private boxes, and Sabs showed them both what a standard box was like, before leading them down to one of the arena-side luxury boxes.

The luxury boxes were something else entirely, Beth having a drop-jawed moment as she looked around at the wealth on display. The chairs were made of a leather so fine, it appeared more like white and black silk than the tanned hide of a beast. The carpet felt like a cloud, even through the soles of her boots, and absorbed all the impact of her footfalls, making walking through the room entirely silent. Even the lights were different than what was present in the rest of the building, carved out of what appeared to be pure mana gold and providing a brilliant, warm gold glow that soothed any occupants.

The entire front of the room was a single panel of glass so clear, Beth just had to walk up and touch it to make sure it was even there. Her touch made the entire panel light up, screens appearing on the glass with various readouts, menus, and possible match observation options present. She stepped back and sat in one of the armchairs, Sabs sitting beside her in the second of the pair, the two of them looking out upon the arena floor for a moment.

“I can’t believe how crazy these chairs are,” Beth commented, bouncing on the seat a little as she caressed the armrest.

“John said they’re ‘barely second tier crap,’ but then again, he does have a very low opinion of...well, basically everything, as far as I can tell,” Sabs responded with a shrug.

Beth fiddled with a control that sat on the small table between them, bringing up a match on the glass in front of them the same as what was available in their room on the wallscreen. She frowned a little at the remote, fiddling with it for a another second before pressing a button. Both girls let out small gasps and Blood gave a little growl as they suddenly found themselves in the middle of the action, a feature that Sabs had also been unaware was part of these booths. It was like they were actually sitting on the arena floor during the match, and the three watched several matches as if they were sitting in the middle of them before they decided to leave the booth.

They got up after turning everything in the room off, trying to make sure they didn’t leave the place a mess before making their way down to their room, Beth enjoying having a day off after over a week of training fourteen plus hours a day, every single day. They slumped on the couch together, Blood on the floor in front of the others as they watched something on intergalactic TV. Sabs seemed to really enjoy some of the shows that were essentially versions of reality TV and, while Beth didn't really care for it, she was happy as long as Sabs was enjoying herself.

The rest of the afternoon passed comfortably, with Sabs chatting a little more about how training the lower-level community members was going. Beth could tell she didn't really mind the work that much and just needed someone to vent to, so she made sympathetic noises and comments like 'That sounds rough,' as Sabs went through her mini rant. Eventually Beth decided after a few hours that it was time for some more food, heating some stuff up in their kitchenette. After they ate and cleaned up, they settled back down on the couch, and Beth could tell they were both getting nervous.

They had done some kissing and some light exploration of each other's bodies, but Sabs had indicated she wanted to go much further tonight, and it seemed the idea both excited and scared her. Beth was generally just excited, only nervous about doing something that her girlfriend might not like, but she could tell Sabs was turning into a jumble of nerves. The two were sitting next to each other on the couch while watching the wallscreen, and Beth reached her left hand across both of them to caress the far side of Sabs's face while turning Sabs's head towards her.

"Hey," she said calmly before leaning forward and giving Sabs a deep kiss. She felt Sabs lean into it and let it linger a minute before pulling back, saying, "I can tell you're really nervous, babe. If you don't think you're ready, we don't have to do anything crazy. Even if we get crazy, you can say 'stop' at any time and I'll stop. I don't want you to be uncomfortable."

Instead of responding, Sabs twisted on the couch to clamber on top of Beth, kneeling over her while facing her. She leaned forward, wrapping her arms around Beth's neck before passionately kissing her deeply on the lips, leaning into it quite hard. Beth responded quite powerfully, wrapping her arms around Sabs's torso and pulling her in tight. They could both feel the other's torso through the fabric of their CRA tops and bras, with Sabs getting a little better deal as she felt Beth's rather large chest squishing against her, the smaller woman pressing even closer in response.

As the two continued on, Blood, who had relocated to the center of the living room floor, lifted her head and glanced back at them before giving a quiet snort and returning her head to the floor and her attention to the wallscreen. Beth continued to hold Sabs tight as the smaller woman's arms gripped her neck, neither ready to come up for air any time soon. Beth eventually slid her left arm further down, stroking Sabs's back before reaching the top of her butt. She stopped there and maneuvered her hand to slide under Sabs's top, moving her hand against the bare skin of Sabs's back. Sabs's shirt pulled up with the motion but neither protested, too lost in their make-out session to even notice.

Beth was now caressing Sabs's uncovered back with both hands, stroking it slowly but firmly. She stumbled over her girlfriend's bra strap a couple times before getting annoyed with it and undoing it with the flick of two fingers. Sabs responded by pulling back and breaking their kiss, but not to protest. Instead, she quickly shucked both her shirt and bra, getting tangled for a moment in her haste to be free. Beth laughed and helped her untangle herself before Sabs leaned forward and grabbed at the edges of her shirt. Laughing again, Beth foiled Sabs's grasping hands and grabbed her own shirt herself, hauling it off with a single fluid motion.

Sabs wouldn't be denied her own help, however, as she leaned forward and absorbed Beth in another kiss. While the taller woman was distracted, Sabs quickly reached around and unclipped the sports bra Beth was wearing, pulling it forward and off while they maintained the kiss. Beth grabbed Sabs and pulled her back in, crushing their naked torsos together while they kissed. Despite how shy she normally was, Sabs usually led the way in a long kiss, Beth delighting in the feeling of the smaller woman's tongue investigating every corner of her mouth.

The two eventually broke apart, and Sabs couldn't help goggling at Beth's impressive chest. She reached forward slowly, gently cupping the large breasts with her hands. "Beth, they're so…"

"Heavy and annoying," Beth chuckled throatily in response, greatly enjoying Sabs’s gentle caresses.

"I guess there are some downsides," Sabs muttered as she continued to caress and stare, briefly glancing down at her own, much slimmer chest. Before her attention could return, Beth's hands shifted to Sabs's chest, very gently caressing her small, pert breasts.

"Sorry they're not that impressive," Sabs said demurely, blushing even deeper.

"They're wonderful, Sabs," Beth replied warmly.

"They just don’t really compare," Sabs replied as her gaze found Beth's breasts again and she deflated a little.

"Maybe I should just put my bra back on," Beth said somewhat teasingly, slowly reaching over to their pile of clothes on the couch next to them. Sabs lunged forward and intercepted Beth's arm, wrapping both her arms around it before sitting back up.

"That won't be necessary," Sabs said quite firmly, undercut only slightly by her deep blush.

"You're so damn pretty when you blush," Beth commented, reaching up with her free arm to caress Sabs's right cheek.

"You're such a goof," said Sabs, but she still leaned into Beth's hand, subconsciously caressing Beth's right arm, which she still held in both of hers. After another few moments she said, "Hey, uh, this is weird, but, uh, can we shower first?"

"Sure, Sabs. Together?" Beth asked in response.

"Uh, maybe?" Sabs replied, giving a squeak as Beth picked her up and carried her into the bathroom. She set Sabs down in the middle of the bathroom and closed the door behind them, finding Sabs looking at something on the counter. Sabs let out another startled squeak a second later when she turned back around to find Beth entirely nude.


"What?" the younger woman asked, raising at eyebrow at the blushing older woman. She stepped into the shower as Sabs sputtered, quickly rinsing herself before lathering up. She took an extra moment in washing and rinsing, not wasting a ton of time, but giving Sabs a moment to calm down.

Beth eventually finished and ran a dry cycle for a moment before stepping out, accepting a towel from Sabs as the older woman stepped into the shower, having finally shed the last of her clothes. Sabs blazed through the shower, cleaning up in record time, before emerging and accepting her own towel in turn from Beth.

When the two were dry, Sabs attempted to wrap the towel around herself, which was pretty comical considering it covered from the tops of her breasts to close to her ankles. Beth made sure she was dry and just tossed the towel in the corner to a frown from Sabs, shrugging at her girlfriend's irritated moue. She led the way out of the bathroom, seeing Blood asleep on the floor in the center of the living room. The wolf, likely sensing it was Beth walking through, didn't even wake from her slumber, and Beth quietly ushered Sabs into the bedroom.

Sabs took her towel off once they were inside as Beth adjusted the lights, leaving them on but dim, giving the room a diffuse golden glow. She saw Sabs struggling with the towel and took it before tossing it on the dresser. "That's why I left mine in the bathroom, babe."

"Sorry, I'm still a little nervous," Sabs replied, only faintly flushed now.

Beth stepped forward and grabbed Sabs by the hips, easily lifting her off the ground as she brought her close. Sabs naturally responded by wrapping both her arms and legs around Beth, with her legs riding over the top of Beth's hips. Beth walked over to the bed and climbed up using just her legs while she held Sabs, shuffling forward towards the head of the bed. She gently laid Sabs down and softly kissed her, getting lost in Sabs's soft lips for a minute.

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