Limits Of The Flesh In DXD

Chapter 5

"Sona is going to ride my ass for that little truancy, isn't she?" I deadpanned as we appeared out of Akeno's little impromptu kidnapping.

"Hehe. I do wonder..." Akeno teased and then even her face twitched as we both registered the sound of water flowing in the dim meeting room we were in and as I looked behind Akeno, I raised an eyebrow.

"Don't people typically shower in a bathroom to make sure water damage doesn't happen?" I asked wryly as Akeno woodenly looked behind herself and sighed in exasperation at seeing her King's voluptuous form outlined through a white shower curtain that had a light behind it.

"Oh, is that Jake?" Rias's voice came out from the shower as she paused in her actions, and I couldn't help but wonder what thoughts were running through her mind. "Akeno help me out for a moment so I can get decent for our guest," Rias ordered before I could even respond to her question as to who was there.

Not wanting to seem like a creeper while Akeno moved to help her queen magically get dressed and stuff I went and sat down on a nearby couch. Honestly beyond seeing the stellar outline of Rias's body my biggest question aside from whether or not she planned such an elaborate meeting, was how they magically got rid of the water from the shower as there was no tiled flooring or whatever from what I could see.

But finally, Akeno stepped out from behind the curtains with a demure smile as she went across the room and began working on a tea set obviously to make us drinks.

Then the star of the show made herself known as she dramatically pulled aside the shower curtain fully dressed in Kuoh's uniform that didn't at all hide her sinfully voluptuous form.

Rias Gremory was without a doubt the most beautiful woman I had seen in either of my lives as her crimson red hair flowed down her hips and her curves were bountiful almost to the point of excess like Akeno's that touched that line.

"Rias Gremory, it's nice to meet you," I said smiling as she took a seat on the other side of the table separating us on different couches.

"Hmm yes I have heard a bit about you from Sona. But my counterpart is a bit too strict for me to get an opinion on people." Rias said as she relaxed and stared at me as though dissecting my form.

A moment of awkwardness later while Akeno was working at her tea set humming softly, I broke the silence with a shrug. "Well, how would you like to get to know me? Play twenty questions or we can just play some video games or watch some anime and chill out." I offered.

"Haha." Rias giggled as she rested her face on the back of her hand while still staring at me. "It seems Akeno has already shared some of my personal interests?" She said almost crossly at the Queen of her peerage that only hummed louder in denial of the obviously 'outrageously false' accusations.

"Honestly I'm down for just about anything that can keep me out of class. Being of supernatural blood I was already homeschooled, so I don't really care to be repeating my education. I just needed the diploma, you know?' I said shrugging and she nodded in understanding.

"Yes at least in Devil society, we don't really bother with higher education for the most part as the people who desire to work in such fields can just easily learn the additional materials the science or study needs. Plus, frankly, Devil nobility are rather lazy so we hate the idea of homework haha." She chuckled already looking a bit more friendly towards me.

But that friendliness could also be partially attuned to the hormones I was putting out via tiny vents I opened in my nose to exhale the chemical cocktail into the air with each exhale.

"Hey... I see that Wii over there." I said slowly as I looked from the TV back to Rias an evil smile reached my face. "Wanna play some Smash? One of us getting pasted will certainly make us the best of friends..." As I said that I couldn't help but add mentally. 'That or one of us will get thrown out the damned window in frustration by the other.'

Rias's eyes narrowed as a competitive light filled her eyes and then she leaned forward crossing her hands over each other in a Gendo pose while she maintained cold, eye contact with me. "Hoh? And what will you wager for such a series of games? Will you demand a date in exchange for beating me? Will you do me a favor in exchange should I win?" She offered as an ante, and I blinked in surprise and couldn't help but wonder if I was going to lose my humanity in a game of fucking Super Smash Brothers.

"Heh" I grunted as I took out a GameCube controller and like the fucking heathenous Devil she was, she shudder... Uses an actual Wii remote to play Smash! "3 stock, Final Destination, No Items, Fox only," I said laying out the divine honored 1v1 rules of Smash making the redhead pout.

"Ah come on! I love the smash ball powers you can get!" Hearing the devil's disgusting words I could only shudder and firm my heart as I recited a litany of holy words mentally. 'She is merely a casual. Don't smite the woman for being ignorant of the true way to Smash.'

"Fine, you can play whatever character you want. So, you can't say I took advantage of you using an unpracticed character." I said offering an olive branch to skip the whole item bit, as there was nothing more frustrating than being juggled by someone throwing the OP baseball bat into you repeatedly.

"Ha! Jake, you have no idea, but I defeated my older brother, his peerage, my family, and even my own peerage all in one mega game Haha!" Rias laughed almost manically with Akeno face palming behind us as Rias moved to sit beside me so we could look at the TV at the same angle.

"Wait you can only have four people max here on Brawl right?" I said in utter confusion at her bullshit.

But then Rias reminded me she was the heiress of literally one of the richest families of the world as she nonchalantly replied. "Oh, I begged big brother Sirzech to have his friend Ajuka recode the game into allowing modded characters and a max capacity of twenty players. Isn't that so cool!" She said excitedly nudging me with her elbow as we picked out characters.

"No Rias, it isn't cool... It's the very definition of being a dork." Akeno said mercilessly cutting down Rias's hopes of me having some kind of nerdgasm or something.

"Akeno get back in the kitchen," Rias muttered as she slumped against the couch pouting while I finished the final touches and disabled items and picked the final destination map.

But while the game loaded Akeno demurely placed a tray of drinks and snacks in front of us. "Unfortunately, the clubhouse isn't even stocked on food as you have allotted half the food budget for Koneko's snacks. But I believe Jake certainly appreciates my company at least." Akeno teased as she came behind the couch and I shivered as while the game started and our characters were dropping onto the stage Akeno was ever so gently massaging my shoulders.

"Is this alright Jake?" Akeno asked softly as she expertly pulled kinks out of my muscles that even with my fucking biokinesis I couldn't sense, so I could only dumbly nod and grunt in affirmation as Rias being a fucking cheese was playing Meta Knight and to match her bullshit, I was playing Sonic.

I think they somehow had some mental communications as with Akeno's soft voice and oh-so-nice massage I couldn't really concentrate on the game and seemingly with each knot undone Rias would take advantage and do more damage to my character making my first death a forgone conclusion.

"Me and Rias, have practiced our massaging skills extensively on one another over the last couple years... For obvious reasons." She explained and then I felt her hands move from my shoulders and I was deafened as Akeno showed me just why she and Rias needed massages when she used her damned J cup, breasts to cover my ears before withdrawing when Rias got another easy kill.

"Ara? I must have slipped Hehe." Akeno teased as she backed away from me, leaving me both frustrated at her teasing and how Rias had gotten such an easy win even if I was actually as good as Rias in the game which I wasn't, as apparently, she loved the damn game to point of using her family's wealth and connections to make Nintendo itself bend over and allow modding for that game...

"Alright, Rias..." I said brushing a hand over my face as I turned to look at the smug form of Rias beside me. "Do you know what the flavor you want to be?"

Rias hummed in thought before she shrugged. "Yup. I want you to keep playing Smash with me, for the rest of school. Granted you aren't as good as fighting my whole peerage, but you are still by far better than them individually." Rias said smugly as she chose another character, and I matched her actions.

"Rias maybe it would be for the best that you and Jake actually talk about important things. Otherwise, I will leave you two alone for a while as Koneko is getting out of her earlier classes." Akeno said with Rias nodding in agreement but still looked bummed that our little gaming session was getting interrupted.

As Rias put down her controller and Akeno took a seat opposite us, I turned to the side of the couch so I could look at Rias as she folded over one of her legs so she could sit towards me.

"We had something important to talk about?" I asked wondering if she was going to just come out and ask if I wanted to join her peerage.

Rias seemed to look at Akeno for support at my abrupt question but with her Queen only mutely sitting there enjoying being able to watch her King squirm, Rias had no choice but to swallow her nervousness. "What's your exact opinion on Devils, if you don't mind me asking?" Rias asked awkwardly.

I could only shrug as such a wide-open question was literally like asking me how I felt about Humans, as both races came in all different flavors of being an asshole without distinction.

"Uhhh... Well besides the whole fertility thing and being more long-lived they really aren't any different from humans if one can control the Sin they are attached to." I mean Rias was the perfect example of a Sloth devil with the way she had been sitting on her whole engagement issues not that I blame her as I certainly loved to procrastinate to the point of self-destruction.

Honestly, the whole devil fertility issues were of absolutely zero concern for me and my Bio-Kinesis, as I could actually literally impregnate Rias by making out with her, by making my DNA travel to her womb unless she had some active magical birth control.

Though how stable a woman's egg inseminated by DNA carried by saliva of all things was debatable even to my power-granted biological instincts for how that would work out.

"So, you don't believe in the whole church's dogma about Devils being 'all of the world's evils?" Rias asked jokingly making little quotation marks with her fingers at calling devils evil.

"Just like humanity, devils have their own issues as no race or government is perfect. But in essence, I don't have any particular feelings for or against Devils, so long as they do right by me." I explained shrugging as I munched on the little cookies that Akeno brought over.

While Rias and Akeno both thought over my words, I took a sip of the tea Akeno made and hummed in delight at the taste as surprisingly it was a more European sweet tea which was great as the bitter green teas so favored here in Japan were in the firmly. Meh territory.

"Thank you for the great drinks and snacks Akeno," I said as I gently set down the teacup that I drained of tea.

Having broken Akeno and Rias from their thoughts, Akeno asked me as a great host would, if I would like any more. "Jake, would you care for another cup of tea or something else?"

I shook my head not wanting her to go to the trouble despite the great taste of the tea. "Well anyway, I hope that clears up your questions about how I feel about your peerage. But anyway, what's Hell like anyway?" I asked as I wasn't really aware of how the whole punished souls of the damned, fit here in DXD with how all the Pantheons were a thing, including their own afterlives.

Rias then gave me an abridged explanation that the souls of the damned humans of the Abrahamic faith didn't even go to the devil's part of hell anymore as the Devils had no use for the souls as they had no control of them without trading for them during when the human was alive so instead of sitting on a bunch of evil souls they had no use for they switched the flow of the souls to the Greek and other Pantheons for certain benefits.

While Rias explained that, I couldn't help but wonder if the whole evil souls having nowhere to go in the Abrahamic faction was because God had died, and he may have never managed to finish a system for such souls after he built Heaven and the whole Sacred Gear system.



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