Limits Of The Flesh In DXD

Chapter 8

The fallen angel I recognized as Dohnaseek that tried to kill Issei in canon during the beginning couple of episodes didn't bother to continue his little monologue about how I needed to die for basically being a part of the Supernatural and going to the two-devil heiress's school. But neither did I bother to explain my actions as in the ten seconds the battle started and he threw several spears of holy light at me, I destroyed the spears with swipes of my activated Boosted Gear gauntlet.

Sacred Gears crafted by the Christian God were probably bar none the greatest series of divine instruments in the world and even in most other universes, the sheer breadth of their conceptual abilities out shown what other artifacts could get up to.

Especially with the Longinus tier Sacred Gear. Already having only boosted myself twice I could feel my perception greatly strengthen and with my biokinetically enhanced body I was able to handle the strain the boosts put on my body far greater than Issei could ever, not to mention I already knew little cheats about the Sacred Gear and its use.

"Filthy mongrel! I can feel the holy light within you! Are you some half-fallen or something that has fallen to those devils' corruption and become their dog!" He yelled out and I didn't even blink at his taunting as I transferred the Boosted Gear's power to my mouth.

[Transfer!} Dohnaseek froze as red energies congregated around my face but in his hesitation, I took that moment to lash out in a powerful throw sending one of his Light spears I grabbed with the Boosted Gear through one of his wings sending his hovering above me form careening towards the ground with a screech.

But even didn't even meet the ground as he was instead met with a pint of Boosted super stomach acid I projectile vomited after altering its chemical composition to act more like a sticky oil that would stick to whatever it collided with.

The few drops of the glowing red super acid I spewed towards the hysterically screaming Fallen angel and missed the target, just like an Alien's acidic blood easily melted through the asphalt and even metal sidings of the alley's road.

Dohnaseek was a fallen angel but in the end, he was very much a living being with all the biological needs of a living person. And being doused in an ultra-concentrated acid across the face and upper chest was lethal within merely a couple minutes as I saw the body parts my acid landed upon literally melt away with the fallen collapsing to the ground twitching as the melting nerves began their final death rattle.

Even as I kept an eye on Dohnaseek I spoke aloud. "I cannot help but wonder about your guy's so-called title of king of this little town if I can be attacked on the way home by a race hostile to your own?"

My only answer to my aloud question was the flapping noises of a small bat flying away seemingly being spooked by my voice, but I knew that the bat was actually Rias's Gremory's Familiar and was likely watching my actions in case Rias needed to teleport over to me or something.

"Fucking fallen..." I muttered as I stomped over to the assuredly dead Fallen angel and for a moment I hesitated before I sighed and kneeled over and opened a spout on my stomach that shot out a thick mucus to balance out all the acid and stop destroying all the Fallen's precious biomatter.

Then with the acid no longer steaming as it did its thing, I began the grim task of basically compressing Dohnaseek into a large pumpkin-sized cube of biomass for easy transport even using his bones and ligament to line the outside of the box so people wouldn't scream at seeing a box with a pulsating heart on the side of it or something.

"Hmm hmm..." I hummed as I finished making my first cube of biomass. "Time to take you home and make a monster of some sort that can protect me," I muttered as I felt the life force still congregated in the box-shaped biomass.

My return trip home was peaceful although I noticed weird animals that were almost certainly Rias's or even Sona's peerages Familiars all just 'randomly' coming across me when I entered my home.

It was only after I dropped my Dohnaseek cube of biomass in my bathtub that I groaned and just face-planted into my bed in mental exhaustion.

Although I knew Rias was unable to appear like the wrath of a scorned woman when I was fighting Dohnaseek due to her almost certainly not having a teleport point in the area. But the best outcome for her appearing would be Dohnaseek getting away or even the hot-headed idiot attempting to attack her and still getting obliterated by Rias or me.

No, her not showing up and allowing me to deal with Dohnaseek gave me spoils rights to claim his body and so long as the other fallen in the area don't know of my presence yet then I should be fine and even if they do, them attacking someone not even formally attached to the Abrahamic faction will only 'push' me towards the devil faction which was something I looked forward to.


A few minutes later when I calmed down after the fight and stressful walk home terrified of some cop or someone stopping me to check the weird white box I was coming home with, I decided to make my first little homunculus or monster with my Flesh crafting.

But as I dropped the heavy cube of biomass on my thankfully solidly built and large wooden table, I had a bit of a mental issue. "What the actual fuck do I make with you..." I muttered as I slumped and cradled my face in my hands.

But then I had a bit of an evil thought. No, an utterly diabolical thought process. I was going to make a basically fireproof entity for the Rating Game against Riser in the future.

Taking stock of all the biomass and the memories of both his and Akeno's magical DNA I began swapping over his masculine DNA for Akeno's female identifier and then for the core of her being I ingrained a seed of what I could only call Holy Ice/Snow as I took inspiration from Monet from One Piece and reforged her new wings into lightly tinged green wings that were much wider than usual Abrahamic Faction wings.

Hell, I was going all out making this body as she was likely going to be physically stronger than me with how I used carbon ultra-nanotubes to make the threads of her muscles as well as weave the rigid parts of her bones out of dense enough carbon that she was like Greed from full metal alchemist. Not to mention all the green hair and the green tinge to her wings were actually from the minute amounts of Chlorophyll that I wanted to eventually attune her into being able to absorb sunlight and moonlight to strengthen herself.

"Well, at least she will fit in, in this universe with these tits," I muttered as I began the task of actually putting the details of Monet that I could recall into the body I was creating.

Once I finished with the body, I realized that although this Monet certainly had a 'working' brain she would have no memories at all, as being compressed into a box able to be shipped across the world certainly would have scrambled their predecessor's memories.

"Biokinetic powers can't give actual memories I guess... Or can it?" I muttered before snapping my fingers and walked over to my school laptop opened up the equivalent of PowerPoint and made an ultra-basic list of mental commands and triggers to build upon the core of her being.

Monet was a tool for now and until she actually could form a true personality then her programming will keep her loyal to me. The list consisted of things like 'Don't harm master' 'Obey master in all things' and a bunch of other things and it wasn't until finished the whole damned list that I recalled with her having no memories she wouldn't be able to read...

"Fuck it," I muttered as I erased the cringe little PowerPoint and walked back over to Monet. "Well let's give you some life," I said and then I made some of Akeno's holy lightning spark across my hands and then I quickly slapped my hands on Monet's large bare breasts making the very weak lightning jolt the homunculus's body with electricity which I guided through her body basically awakening her body's nerves and software.

"Ah?" She mumbled as she opened her eyes and blinked at me slowly.

'Enough power to slaughter a military base and as mentally developed as a five-year-old... Joy.' I mentally facepalmed as I was then slammed with the fluffy wings of Monet as she dragged me in for a hug as I had imprinted myself upon her.


A few hours later I had managed to imprint the DNA magic of All Speak magic that all Devils and Fallen had, to Monet and teach her the meaning of a great number of those words as I held onto some part of her body and helped her brain along in making mental connections to the words, I was all but downloading into her head.

"Monet is a hungry master!" She said rubbing her stomach with her hands after I made her put away her wings.

"Don't say, Monet is hungry. Say, 'I am hungry Master, please may I have some food?" I explained patiently and Monet being the absolute angel she was, didn't even bat an eye as she did so.

I was honestly worried she was going to be a big brat or just disobedient in general but nope. She did everything I asked regardless of if it discomforted her with not a single complaint but then again, I did cut down on her brain being able to create as much of those negative chemicals.

"Does Monet know what she wants?" I asked almost cooing to my homunculus and she hastily shook her head as she passed my little test to see if she actually did have some inclinations from Dohnaseek as she had no idea what kinds of foods existed.

"Well let's try some easy food," I muttered and just took out a small watermelon I got from a convenience store the other day.

"So sweet!" She cried doing a little jig in her seat as I taught her how to eat the watermelon via a fork as I could all but foresee the mess she would make as the sweet fruit made her almost stab me with her fork as she windmilled her arms in ecstatic joy.

"You like it?" I asked and she nodded looking at me with utmost joy before she once again launched herself at me and wrapped her cold feathery wings around me.

"I love it, Master! Thank you, Master!" Giving my Monet such happy and delicious things and goading her along to being physically affectionate with me wasn't entirely for her benefit as I further enhanced her burgeoning dependence on me with all the chemical cocktail of joy at the good food and contentment she had with physical contact with me.

Although I was able to fit her in one of my dress shirts, I realized I was going to have to get her some clothes if I wanted to eventually bring her to the school or something after a couple of weeks of training up her mind to fit in with society.

Maybe when I got one of the devils to cast some mental manipulation spells on some humans, I could watch the brain waves and get an idea of how to simulate memories or something but for now, I need to slowly make sure Monet won't run off and cause issues.

"Alright, Monet. It's time for you to sleep." I said after I taught her to clean herself up after eating and I then helped the homunculus into my bed and then as she allowed her wings out so could wrap up us both in her wings, I decided that a bit of cuddling was certainly on the menu.

"Master, how do I sleep?" Monet asked me innocently and I wanted to facepalm at the question that haunted me for all my previous life as I would typically stay awake until I was dead tired and fall asleep that way.

Not wanting to be an asshole like all parents who just say something as useless as 'close your eyes and go to sleep.' I just kissed her forehead and softly coaxed her unconscious in under ten seconds. As she fell asleep, I could feel her wings that wrapped around my chest and all but encapsulated me tighten as she began softly breathing against me.

'Hmm... Just for being a hug pillow, making you was worth the time and danger.' I thought as I felt the cool wings of Monet keep our combined body heat down and even encouraged the use of a blanket to cover us up.


A couple miles away from Jake's home a much more serious meeting was taking place between Rias and her peerage and Sona's Peerage which were discussing the events they had seen.

"He has a Longinus Rias... Can you even reincarnate him with your pawns?" Sona chided the adamant form of her contemporary.

"Does it matter? If I cannot reincarnate him into my peerage, then I will tie him to me with a binding Magicians-Clan pact. With one of those I can bring him into Rating games, and he will be able to use devil magic with the pact." Rias said hotly before slapping the table between the two kings. "Sona I am this close to having a free pass out of my engagement... Just give me until tomorrow night to try and recruit him before you tell your sister about him and the Fallen fight."

Both Rias Gremory and Sona Sitri had something that brought them no end of embarrassment in their lives. They both had older siblings that utterly adored them and hearing of a Fallen attacking people in their territory would set them both off something fierce with Sona's older sister Serafall Leviathan being the Satan of Diplomacy she would be duty bound to ask what the fuck the Fallen were doing in Devil held territory.

Neither Rias or Sona wanted their siblings to stick their noses into their territory, as that would make them look weak and unable to solve their own problems, which could be a catastrophe as Devil society at its core was that of nobility, and they loved to hold slights and advantages over one another at every chance they could.

"President let me talk to him during the day. Then once school is over, I can escort him to the clubhouse." Kiba even offered helpfully making Rias smile at his care.

"Thank you Kiba but I think I would be best for pulling at his strings ufufu." Akeno said giggling as she covered her giggling face with a palm and Rias's face twitched at the thought of Akeno's type of 'persuasion'.

But Rias didn't gainsay her Queen and merely nodded before looking back at the frowning form of Sona who sighed and nodded responding to Rias's unanswered question. "Fine... I won't tell Serafall. But if he doesn't accept, I will be telling both our siblings as having the Red Dragon Emperor and the White Dragon Emperor do their inevitable fight for survival in territory in the human world of all things is a catastrophe in the making."

In regards to Sona's very well-put reminder that should she take on the Red Dragon Emperor into her peerage she would need to worry about the White Dragon Emperor she merely shrugged.

"Sona. If I can get a Longinus in my Peerage and in the Devil, a race tied loosely to my brother through our shared blood, I can easily get my brother to kill the White one and give Jake a couple of decades to grow into his devil powers and be able to stomp any White Dragon Emperor that comes in the future." Rias said proudly and not even Sona could deny that the siscon sibling wouldn't absolutely adore the thought of the Red Dragon Emperor being tied to his little Crimson-Haired Ruin Princess sibling.

"Haaa... It's a pity I cannot recruit him with my left-over pawns and I doubt my leftover Rook would work either." Sona verbally mused much to Rias's smug grin before her own queen coughed and Sona's eyes glinted. "In that case Rias, I won't say anything, just don't procrastinate like you always do, as our siblings can most certainly reincarnate him and won't hesitate to offer without your little dancing around."

Granted Sirzech's peerage was completely full at the moment but his wife, Grayfia Lucifuge, his queen and one of the strongest devils in general still had a completely empty Peerage in which Jake could be reincarnated in to.

"Big Brother would certainly not say no to a Longinus wielder being dropped into his lap..." Rias muttered with her face firming as she pulled open a drawer beneath and with a clatter all eight of her unused Pawn pieces littered the table with one of them having dark red veins through the black chess piece.

"Well, Akeno I will rely on you tomorrow," Rias said with as much confidence as she could while she played with her mutated pawn evil piece. But Akeno's expectant face at being able to interact with someone who literally melted the face off of some poor bastard Fallen made Rias wonder if she should actually send Koneko.

'Nothing should happen...' Rias thought desperately before Akeno made a random ufufu noise in the background made Rias want to go get Jake on her own.


The next day I was awoke by all empowering desire to sneeze which I tampered down, and I realized that having a waifu with a massive set of wings all wrapped around yourself could just as easily make you need to sneeze out a lung.

While Molet was still in a coma-like deep sleep, I wondered if I should make her sleep the whole day away or something while I was at school but instead, I decided to write her a note that she could thankfully read while leaving on some Animal Planet/History channel that she could hopefully learn some stuff, while I dealt with school for the day.

After I got to school, I couldn't help but notice how everyone was going about their day despite the supernatural world being so apparent in this world in certain places. Well sucked to be the unaware masses but I was going to enjoy the perks that came with being a part of the supernatural though I would need to mitigate the natural risks that came with messing with magical entities.

"Jake seeing as you are so interested in looking out the window, then you must already have memorized the content we are discussing. So, what is the powerhouse of the majority of cells in the human body." The hot busty biology teacher demanded making my eyes snap to her in surprise at her question.

"Uhh... Mitochondria?" I said dully at the almost insulting question as I went back to staring out the window.

"Hmph? So, you did do a bit of advanced reading? In that case, please recite the exact definition of the Mitochondria's structure and draw it on the chalkboard." She ordered wrapping her arms around her stomach and pushing up her large breasts as I sagged into my seat.

"Fine..." I muttered and coughed as I began to recite the biological knowledge that came with my powers and just memories from school and the whole meme about it. "Mitochondria are tiny organelles inside cells that are involved in releasing energy from food. This process is known as cellular respiration. It is for this reason that mitochondria are often referred to as the powerhouses of the cell." I explained as concisely as I could and as I walked past the biology teacher, I brushed up against her and realized something... Disturbing.

She seemingly found my disdain to answer and cooperate with something she liked or something but either way, I ignored her as I doubted, I would have any dealings with her once I joined Rias's peerage.

Because Rias and Akeno herself were in this classroom and they were both throwing awkward looks to me every few minutes as they sat playing on their cellphones and said teacher had to ignore them as Rias had a 'connection' with the school's director. More like the Gremory family owned the school in general.



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