Little Sea Otter Became Popular

Chapter 63

Chapter 62 You need me now, I know…

As soon as the news that “pibsp;eleven” will adopt the bp mode for three performances, it caused an uproar on the Internet.

The audience of the show never thought that the theme of San Gong would be a short-board challenge. Even if they are avid fans of eleven girls, they can’t help but feel a little bit in their hearts.

After all, most of the players participating in the audition show are just newcomers. It is extremely difficult to have a skill. Not everyone is a decathlon treasure girl. Now the program group has disabled the contestants’ specialties. Can these three performances be successfully completed? ?

[The program group really knows how to play]

[It’s interesting, but the show group is so big, are you not afraid of San Gong overturning? 】

[What are so many people doing badly? Isn’t this a chance for the treasure player to stand up? Hurry up rwkk hidden young ladies! 】

Although many spectators expressed concern about the bold game mode of San Gong, more spectators were quickly whipped up.

Now that the show has been broadcast for more than half, the audience also knows about the popular players. It is inevitable that they will construct their own psychological expectations in their hearts, and they will feel weak after a long time. At this time, the shortcomings of the three males are equivalent to completely overthrowing the audience to the players. Their previous cognition aroused their curiosity again, whether they were singing well or singing badly, their eyes inevitably gathered again on the upcoming San Gong stage.

Moreover, this short-board challenge is undoubtedly a chance to save the players who performed mediocrely. None of the opponents can use their own good points to score, so as long as they can perform slightly in the short-board Bright eyes will make others notice them.

As for the players in Class A, they have been enjoying the bonus of popularity for a long time. This time the game mode is just like the theme of San Gong, not breaking or standing. After taking away their specialties, can they still take the lead as always?

This is an obvious challenge. Of course, the fruit of success will be particularly attractive. As long as you can break through the siege with a seductive posture, you can become a veritable treasure player in the hearts of the audience.

After listening to Jiang Feng’s announcement of the game mode of San Gong, the players on the scene were silent. No one spoke for a while, and everyone was trying to digest the news.

“Remember that in the first episode of the program, I told you:’The first impression is only to determine the order in which you play, and then to finally determine where you stand’, then I want to tell you that in this circle, Your strengths determine your starting point, and your weaknesses will determine your end.”

“Specialties will be your bottom line, and shortcomings will determine your upper limit. So whether you are a player in class A, class b or class c, improving your professionalism is an eternal topic. I hope you will make your debut in a group. Don’t forget this later, and strive to go further in this circle.”

As a person who came over, Jiang Fengchi understood the worries of the players now, so after saying these things, he paused for a while before speaking again, and said in a soft tone: “Don’t worry. Experience a male and a second male. We all see your strengths in our eyes, so the program team will formulate the theme of this competition. Come, now we go back to the stage when we first rated, you are already different.”

In accordance with Jiang Fengchi’s words, the LED screen behind him scrolled to show the quick cuts of the players during the primary rating.

Looking at the performances on the screen that were originally criticized by the instructors, the players couldn’t help but laugh and complain about their original performances and couldn’t bear to look directly at them. For a while, they were surprised that they had changed so much, and progressed to the stage when they were first rated. Be calm, instead of being unwilling and wronged by the criticisms of the mentors as before.

It turned out that they had improved so much before they knew it.

The players thought with emotion that the atmosphere on the scene also became a lot easier.

[Lady sisters charge!]

[Master Jiang said so well, I hope all the ladies of eleven can go further]

[Everyone is great, I look forward to the three-gong stage of the ladies and sisters breaking through, we have been with you all the time]

The live broadcast of the special episode ended after the announcement of the three-public mode. Only a general vocal and dance grouping was left for the audience to reverie. The specific track still left suspense, which caused countless audiences to scratch their heads on the Internet. Guessing the content of the contestants’ performances once again sparked an upsurge of discussion.

While the audience guessed, the remaining forty-six players also started intense training.

After finishing the basic vocal teaching, today is the day when the instructor will give individual guidance to each player.

Qiao Wei opened the door of the vocal music classroom punctually. Jiang Fengchi was already sitting inside. On the table in front of him was spread out his notebook, which recorded the suggestions he gave to each player. Qiao Wei walked in. Was he still writing on the paper at that time?

“You sit down first.”

Hearing the sound of rustling when opening the door, Jiang Fengchi raised his head slightly and nodded at the visitor, indicating that the other party can sit down. After finishing writing the record in the notebook, he sat up straight and began to guide Qiao Ming. .

After systematic training, most of the students in the vocal class have a certain

In fact, these players were originally trainees selected by major agencies, and they have a corresponding foundation in vocal music. However, just being qualified is not enough. Jiang Fengchi hopes to see them better on the stage of San Gong. Different place.

Jiang Fengchi didn’t waste any time. He raised his head to look at Qiao Qian in front of him, paused for a moment, then looked away from him, and said, “Sing it to me first.”

Qiao Jian stood up, walked to the open space in front of the podium and prepared for a moment, then began to sing.

The repertoire of the three public performances that Qiao Mu picked up was a song about pathological love. The range of the song was good. The half of the song was composed of low-pitched voices. With the singer’s increasingly passionate thread, the second half of the song followed It turns into a high pitch, which perfectly fits the gradually distorted and crazy morbid love in the lyrics, and brings a different kind of horror and romance to the audience.

The girl’s voice was very soft, and Jiang Feng Chi quietly listened to Qiao Wei’s singing without speaking.


When Qiao Wei finished singing the chorus, Jiang Fengchi, who was sitting in his seat, had already called to stop. He took a deep breath, as if holding his own words, and then said for a long while: “This song The vocalist has already taught you the techniques of vocalization, and now your focus should be on how to control emotions.”

Jiang Feng paused for a while, Xiang Qiao Wei, “Sick, crazy, and distorted love is the soul of this song. I know you probably haven’t tried such styles before, so the stage this time may be possible for you. a bit difficult.”

As he said, Jiang Fengchi’s gaze fell on Qiao Wei in front of him. The girl’s eyes were clear and very natural. So when he saw Qiao Wei picked up the performance of this time, he was like the other instructors, secretly in his heart. There was a pause.

For Qiao Wei, this track is definitely not what she is good at, and it even collides with her own temperament.

To make a perfect interpretation, Qiao Wei is bound to have to work hard.

Half an hour of personal guidance was fleeting, Jiang Fengchi helped Qiao Wei to smooth the tone of the song, and a few key transfer skills. The skills of a song can be learned, but the thread shown in the song is still The singer’s personal expression, the rest needs to be experienced by Qiao Wei.

“Qiao Jian.”

When he reached the door, Jiang Fengchi called Qiao Wei, “Think about what is important to you.”

Jiang Fengchi’s voice reached Qiao Yan’s ears, making her subconsciously startled.

“If it is destroyed, what will happen to you?”

Jiang Fengchi’s words kept circling in Qiao Wei’s mind. After returning to the dormitory, Qiao Wei sat on the bed like this, thinking about it.

Is there anything important to her?

In an instant, many pictures flashed through Qiao Wei’s mind, but it was not until a certain picture appeared that her fast-flowing thoughts slowly stopped, and all the scenes receded one by one, only that one The figure becomes exceptionally clear.

Inexplicably, she thought of Chengqi, the person who had the same secret as her here.

The distortions and craziness that Jiang Fengchi said were just vague concepts in Qiao Wei’s mind, but if important things were taken away or destroyed, at that moment, Qiao Wei only felt like someone used a blunt knife She had taken a piece in her heart, and that **** place would be empty forever, and could never be filled with anything else.

Thinking of this, Qiao Wei subconsciously dialed Chengyu’s phone.


After the bell rang two or three times, the call was quickly connected by the other party, and Chengxian’s familiar low voice came from the receiver.

After hearing Chengyu’s voice, Qiao Wei’s tight body relaxed a little, and Chengyu on the other side of the phone heard that Qiao Wei hadn’t spoken for a while, and his voice involuntarily increased a few degrees, sounding a little worried. Asked: “What’s wrong?”

Although she knew that Chengyan could not see her actions, Qiao Wei shook her head on the phone subconsciously and signaled that she was okay. She took a sigh of embarrassment and whispered: “I just want to know you are still there. Not here.”

As soon as he said the words, even Qiao Yan himself felt a little absurd, and quickly added: “I’m sorry, don’t be angry, I didn’t mean to disturb you, I just…”

She went to call Chengzheng because of such a weird nature, and Chengzheng would definitely laugh at her.

However, she just couldn’t control herself in this way.

When Qiao Mei remembered the words Jiang Fengchi said to herself, and when she saw the shadow of Chengyu in her mind, she really subconsciously dialed Chengyu’s phone for a moment, just to confirm that he was still there. it’s here.

When I heard the rusty voice, everything was like a virtual dream. A kind of unspeakable anxiety firmly wrapped Qiao Yan. Her heart was panicked and anxious. The memory of fear was just a fictional illusion, and she opened her eyes. Everything in the eye will disappear.

It wasn’t until Chengxie’s voice sounded that Qiao Wei’s hanging heart let go again.

He is still here.

“I won’t be angry.”

Just when Qiao Wei opened her mouth to explain her strange behavior, Cheng Yan’s voice directly interrupted her apologetic words, neatly and cleanly.

He said: “You need me now, I know.”

There was a knock on the door in the receiver, and Chengxian rushed to Qiao Wei to say a few moments, and then the voice in the phone became quieter. It seemed that Chengxian had covered the phone’s microphone with his hand, and walked away. Did the staff who entered the office explain, “Let’s stop here today.”

After a rustling sound, it didn’t take long for it to be rustling, and then he picked up the phone again and said, “I’m here for you.”

Chengxuan sent Qiao Wei an address near the players’ dormitory. After Qiao Wei walked there, he saw a familiar car. The car steadily stopped in front of Qiao Wei, and the driver in the driver’s seat was rushing towards him. Standing on the sidewalk, Qiao Yan raised his chin and motioned to the other party to come up quickly.

Qiao Yan pulled the car door and sat in. After she fastened her seat belt, Chengxuan slowly started the vehicle.

The scenery outside the car window slowly receded, and the car was driving smoothly on the road. Qiao Wei was about to ask Chengxuan where they were going, when he heard the man in the driver’s seat asking, “What happened today? Up?”

Hearing Chengxian’s question, Qiao Yan just wanted to turn his head and talk to Chengxian when he heard the other urgedly say: “I’m driving, don’t look at me.”

“Oh, good.”

Qiao Yan didn’t react at once. Is there any connection between Chengxuan’s driving and her not talking to Chengxian, but she still subconsciously sat up straight, looking squarely with her eyes, and briefly summarized what happened during the solo instruction today. .

“Then it seems that your Master Jiang is really good at it.”

Chengxuan didn’t know if he thought of it after listening to it, his tone rose a few times imperceptibly, which shows that his heart should be good today.

“Of course! It’s a pity that Master Jiang has to go to class with the others, otherwise I can ask him more about what to do.”

After hearing Chengxuan’s words, Qiao Yan nodded and said with some regret, as if he was thinking about when to go to the teacher Jiang to learn the sutras, and Chengxuan in the driver’s seat couldn’t help but squeak.

The bright sun outside the car quickly swept across the rusty pupils, and the man paused for a moment before he said nonchalantly, “I can teach you too.”

Does Chengzhen also sing?

Qiao Min was startled first, and subconsciously turned her head to the side. Then she heard the other party continue to urge her to turn her head back, and then she hurriedly looked away.

“You can sing?”

Chengxian held the steering wheel: “Sea otters can dance, can killer whales sing?”

After listening to Chengyu’s words, Qiao Yan couldn’t help but smashed Chengyu’s head with a small shell secretly in his heart. Why is this killer whale so bad? He always likes to tease her.

“get off.”

As soon as Chengxuan took Qiao Wei to the destination, it was a beautifully landscaped park. As it was an afternoon on weekdays, there were not many visitors in the park, which seemed quiet and beautiful.

Qiao Wei followed Chengxuan and walked into the park. In the middle of the park, there is an open-air theater built in the style of ancient Rome. The theater presents a semicircular arc, and the white stone ladders spread downward one by one. The bottom position is On the central stage, the actors on the stage will receive the sight of the audience from all directions and finish their entire performance.

Chengxie walked down the white stairs. He stood on the stage and raised his head to Qiao Wei who was standing in the upper auditorium.

At this moment, Qiao Wei was his only audience.

Chengxuan’s singing echoed above the open-air theater. In peacetime, he always had a slightly irritable voice. Today, his voice has a unique magnetism, which made Qiao Wei subconsciously hold his breath.

The breeze blew through the gaps between the leaves, and there were rustling sounds, and occasionally the singing of birds was crisp and sweet, and Chengxuan stood on the stage made of white stones, staring at Qiao Wei intently.

Time seems to stand still.

“You sing so well!”

When Chengxuan finished singing the whole song, Qiao Mei couldn’t help but clap his hands for him. She jumped down the stairs in three and two steps, and quickly ran to Chengxian’s side with round eyes. Shiningly, she looked at Chengyan with admiration, “Sing better than everyone I’ve heard.”

Qiao Wei said seriously: “If you come to the show, you can definitely be a big star.”

Chengxuan raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, and said, “No need.”

He doesn’t need to be a big star, and he doesn’t want to sing for an insignificant person.

He just wants to sing for Qiao Wei, and only needs her as an audience.

Now, it’s Qiao Wei’s turn to sing.

Qiao Wei walked slowly to the middle of the stage, and took a slightly nervous breath.

Although Jiang Feng’s late dialing and Chengxie’s prompt were given, Qiao Wei still lacked confidence. As soon as she raised her head, her eyes suddenly collided with Chengxie sitting in the audience.

In a white background, the rusty figure is so conspicuous.

The warm light was flowing in the dark eyes, and the sudden breeze engulfed the man’s voice, quietly sent to her ears, and gently sounded: “If I were the actor of this song, how would you kill I?”

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