Little Sea Otter Became Popular

Chapter 66

Chapter 65 Ins and outs (mind from Ruan’s perspecti

Galaxy’s statement was just sent out, and the topic of #galaxy# on the other side quickly flew into the hot search.

Ruan Mingyi used the identity of a director to forge a medical examination report for his daughter, concealed Ruan Tao’s heart disease to the company’s senior management, and repeatedly intervened in relevant business assessments during Ruan Tao’s activities. He modified the assessment model to cover up this fact. Tao gave the green light.

As soon as these unpopular inside stories were exposed, they were immediately spread to major online communities and forums. Related discussions sprang up like bamboo shoots after a rain. Several people flocked to the social accounts of Ruan Mingyi’s new company and Ruan Tao. Asking them to explain, there was a **** storm in the comment area.

[Hiding a medical history is too poisonous, right? There is such a serious illness without telling the relevant parties, and even hiding it? If something goes wrong, come and accuse the show crew of being unkind? I think Ruan Tao is not a human being, right? What does she think? ! 】

[I really took it, and I don’t say anything serious because Ruan Tao is really sick. In one word: Sister, can you leave the circle? If you are sick, go for treatment. If you fainted and sent to rescue at any scene some day, then the star with you would be dead for eight lifetimes! 】

[Princess Ruan is also okay with her father. Even if her daughter is crazy at a young age and wants to enter the entertainment industry, he also goes crazy with it? Also help to change the information and the assessment? Are you afraid that Princess Ruan is gone? Can’t understand, really can’t understand! Or do their father and daughter think that the entertainment industry is their home, and just fool around? Anyway, Princess Ruan can be forced out of the circle by her father if she doesn’t take her heart to perform! 】

When things have reached this point, the public is out of anger, not just because Ruan Tao’s fans had asked the teacher before and offended all parties in the entertainment industry, but because more passers-by were selfish about Ruan Tao and the others. Self-interested and shocked.

To put this matter lighter, it can be said that although Ruan Tao suffers from heart disease, she still sticks to her dreams and devotes herself to her entertainment business regardless of her body; Considering the selfish ghosts of others, she wants to chase her dreams, but she doesn’t want what kind of knots such behavior will bring to the people around her.

In the entertainment industry, whether it is an actor or an idol, it is a job that requires physical support. An artist who can’t exercise vigorously, Ruan Tao’s concealment is like a regular bomb/bomb. No one knows it will be. When and what kind of consequences.

As netizens said, if Ruan Taozhen had an irreversible accident during the shooting, even if the rest of the shooting scene had no knowledge of Ruan Tao’s illness, would they have to use their future career to conceal Ruan Tao’s bill? ?

Although Ruan Tao fans are still trying to redeem the reputation that Ruan Tao is just a girl who pursues her own dreams, it is clear that most people do not buy their accounts. After all, Ruan Tao has entered the emergency room today, and Ruan Tao fans tear it up. Everyone has seen the operation of the program group. If this matter is really let go, no one can guarantee that there will be another accident. No one wants to get this trouble.

[Ruan Tao is also an adult, so I should know the consequences of my actions]

[Although this is cruel, I still want to say that Ruan Tao should give up being an idol when she knows that she has such a severe heart disease. Is she going to only dance a little sweet dance and sing a little love song for the rest of her life? Responsible for your own stage, and also responsible for others, okay]

After confirming the news that Ruan Tao is not in good health, some netizens went to the various stages of the galaxy trainee teammates who were in the same period with Ruan Tao and found that as early as the trainee class performance, they were often assigned to the same group of trainees. They all chose the tracks that highlighted Ruan Tao’s advantage. The final result was that Ruan Tao was promoted, and the rest of the same group were eliminated because of their mediocre performance, exactly the same as the initial rating of “pibsp;eleven”.

One time can be a coincidence, two times can also be a coincidence, but every time this is the routine, netizens have to wonder if it is because of Ruan Tao’s health, her teammates can only be forced to castrate the performance, and Ruan Tao leans on The capital behind it has gone to this day, but the rest of the people are not so lucky, and they are eliminated because of mediocre performance.

After the previous session was over, several players in the same group as Ruan Tao lost control of their emotions and spoke out accusing Ruan Tao of being too capricious, and netizens became more sure of their conjectures.

[Distressed and the teammates of Princess Ruan]

[Where does Princess Ruan need teammates? She needs to be cannon fodder to set off her! 】

This is the end of the matter, and Ruan Tao’s career is completely ruined.

Even if no one banned her, is there any company in the entertainment industry who dared to follow her and could send a doctor to rescue Ruan Tao to cooperate? If something happens, it’s not clear that it is troublesome, so stay away.

After Ruan Tao fell like this, the share price of Ruan Mingyi’s new company also fell sharply. He saw Ruan Mingyi’s eyes blackened, and he had to register himself with oxygen directly in the hospital.

But this is not the most suffocating bad news. It wasn’t until the doctor in charge of Ruan Tao’s operation came out of the operating room that Ruan Mingyi and Mrs. Ruan suffered a fatal blow.

The chief surgeon brought Ruan Mingyi and his wife to

After leaving the office, he frowned and said: “About Ling Ai’s condition, we have new discoveries…”

The doctor told Ruan Mingyi that the reason why Ruan Tao’s condition was not effective was because of a diagnosis error in his hospital. At the beginning of this year, they went to the heart and lung specialists of Xi Capital Hospital to conduct operations on a rare domestic heart disease. After exchanges and learning, they finally confirmed that Ruan Tao’s condition had not progressed because they had misjudged his condition.

“We are very sorry for this, but this is not an excuse. A rare case like Ling Mei will indeed be misdiagnosed. We also included the case in the hospital’s database after exchanges and learning. We will help you contact you. Experts who specialize in such cases.”

However, the chief surgeon seemed a little embarrassed. He looked at the shocked Ruan Mingyi and his wife, and reminded euphemistically: “This kind of heart disease is a hereditary heart disease with a high incidence and strong heredity, so there are very few cases in China… ”

Listening to what the chief surgeon said, Ruan Mingyi listened more and more wrongly, and immediately shouted: “What does this mean?”

Hereditary heart disease?

Do not! Impossible. No one in the Ruan family has ever suffered from a heart disease. What’s more, the doctor said that this is a genetic disease with a high incidence. Even if it is inherited from another generation, it is impossible to be diagnosed on Ruan Tao until today, let alone a doctor. It is also said that this disease is highly hereditary…

What does this mean?

Ruan Mingyi’s eyes widened suddenly, he consciously looked at his wife, and let go of Mrs. Ruan’s tight grip on his hand.

Mrs. Ruan was also panicked, her voice suddenly rose, and she screamed: “Doctor, what do you mean?”

The chief surgeon took a breath and said, “Mr. Ruan, Mrs. Ruan, I suggest you do a corresponding examination and let us do a genetic disease spectrum study. This is also responsible for your health, because the domestic research on this kind of case is still Insufficiency, it is best to check as soon as possible to avoid accidents.”

Having said that, in fact, everyone has another idea in their minds.

Ruan Mingyi and Mrs. Ruan were both upset, and they agreed without thinking about it. Maybe they also have this genetic disease, or maybe… In short, no matter what the situation is, it is enough to make them headaches.

The report will come out soon. The good news is that Ruan Mingyi and Mrs. Ruan are in good health, but the bad news is that Ruan Tao and Ruan Mingyi are not related by blood!

What, what? !

Get the report, Mrs. Ruan

She fainted, and when she woke up, the first thing she did was to grab the people around her and ask heartbreakingly: “How could this be? Taotao, Taotao, she is not my child? What about my child? Me? Where did the child go!”

Mrs. Ruan thought she was going crazy!

There is no news that surprises a mother more than telling her that the children she has raised for more than ten years are not her children. At this moment, she only feels that her previous life seems to have been emptied. Her brain is blank, shocked, Painful, overwhelmed… Various emotions surged in her chest, making her feel that her whole person seemed to be torn apart by these strong emotions.

Her only thought was-where did her child go?

Of course, Ruan Mingyi wanted to find out what happened. He immediately went to the hospital where Mrs. Ruan gave birth to adjust the relevant records of that period.

After learning of such a serious accident as the wrong baby, especially one party was still a businessman with a surname, the dean was afraid that this incident would greatly affect the image of the hospital. He quickly launched an investigation and quickly found the nurse on duty that year. As soon as the other party heard about it, he confessed the whole story almost instantly.

It turns out that when this nurse was on duty, he violated the regulations and took her colleague into the nursery to visit her colleague’s children. Who knew that after she turned around, the colleague exchanged the children’s number cards with her on her back. She only looked at the number cards as soon as she entered. A colleague is holding a baby and wants to put it back on the bed, but she doesn’t know which child she swapped places with.

Cameras were not popular in those years, and the nurses themselves did not know who the child was, and colleagues were even more cruel and refused to disclose which baby was exchanged for their child.

The nurse also wanted to report the behavior of a colleague, but the colleague said that she let herself in. If she reported the incident, she would definitely lose her job. Why should she ruin her job for other people’s children?

I was told by a colleague that the nurse was afraid to do it with only a small salary. In addition, my colleague had repeatedly promised that he would treat the child well, so the nurse just turned a blind eye and let it go. The matter passed.

For all these years, this incident has been pressing in the nurse’s heart, and the increasing guilt made her almost breathless. So the first moment the Ruan family came to the door, she thought that she had retired, and the Ruan family repeatedly promised that she would not be held accountable. After her responsibility, she told the secret.

“Did you find it?”

After learning the truth, of course Ruan Mingyi wanted to find his own flesh and blood. He immediately asked people to follow the name they learned from the nurse.

I found the woman of the year. She died of illness within a few years after the exchange of children, just because of a heart attack, and she also had a daughter of the same age as Ruan Tao…

Everything, everything is surprisingly aligned.

Ruan Mingyi anxiously urged the people he sent to investigate as soon as possible. He is now very confused. He has an indescribable feeling for the daughter he has never met. He wants to see this child, but at the same time he feels unfamiliar. He doesn’t know that this child will become. What it looks like.

Ruan Mingyi gritted his teeth with anger at the thought of his daughter growing up in such a poor country and poor mountains and rivers.

What’s the future of growing up a child in that kind of place?

Think about it, an ignorant, ignorant, and vulgar country girl, such a daughter is simply embarrassing to their Ruan family, and he can’t hold his face even after thinking about it.

It is true that he knows this is his own child, but he can never accept that his daughter is like this. If the other party is a little promising, he is willing to take her back; if it is really vulgar, giving her money to live a good life will be regarded as the most benevolent. .

In fact, Ruan Tao is the qualified daughter in his mind, well-behaved, sensible, and beautiful. Who would have thought that she was not his own daughter. This really made Ruan Mingyi’s heart a little complicated.

“That girl is called Qiao Wei.”

Ruan Mingyi was thinking about how to persuade himself to accept a daughter from the country, but he heard a familiar name off guard. He was taken aback and asked consciously: “What is her name?”

The genus passed the relevant information over, and when the familiar face appeared on the screen, Ruan Mingyi suddenly felt like a thunderstorm, and immediately froze in place.

Qiao Wei, how could it be her?

At this moment, Ruan Mingyi didn’t have the slightest surprise in his heart. He stared at the screen dumbfounded, not knowing what to say for a long while.

How could it be her?

How could it be her!

Thinking of himself being beaten one after another because of Qiao Wei’s suspicion, to the point where he is today, he really couldn’t calmly accept that Qiao Wei was his daughter.

Just when Ruan Mingyi’s heart was mixed, the assistant said excitedly without knowing it: “Mr. Ruan! Didn’t we do this because we offended Cheng’s? But Cheng Zong’s relationship with Ms. Qiao is extraordinary, and Ms. Qiao is your daughter. As long as we go to Miss Qiao to speak for help, President Cheng will definitely be willing to raise our hands high!”

As early as when Ruan Mingyi was scolded by Cheng Cheng for taking a photo shoot, Ruan Mingyi felt that Qiao Yan must have a special relationship with Cheng Yan, otherwise Cheng Yan would not be a trainee. Now I know that Qiao Yan is Ruan Mingyi’s daughter. One thought is that you can use this relationship to ask for stubbornness, raise your hand, and let them go.

The assistant had just finished speaking. Who knew that Ruan Mingyi’s expression changed suddenly, and he shouted: “What nonsense? Let’s go to her for help? At the end of the day, there are only children who should help their parents solve their problems. Where can parents behave in a low temper. My child! Isn’t this the opposite?”

The assistant was scolded by a dog-blood sprinkler, and he didn’t dare to say anything, but he couldn’t help but slander in his heart: When is this, why are you still putting on airs? If you don’t ask for help yourself, can you expect others to post you instead?

“Go, find a way to find Qiao Wei, I want to talk to her.”

After a long time, Ruan Mingyi seemed to have finally made up his mind with a cloudy face. He didn’t know how he persuaded himself to make him willing to pull his face to find Qiao Yan.

However, what Ruan Mingyi could not expect was that they could not even reach Qiao Wei at all.

The brokerage company’s phone calls are busy every day, and occasionally I get through when I find out that they are Ruan Mingyi’s company, and immediately rejoice to Xie Bumin. Even if they want to find someone in the program group, the staff who had to sell Ruan Mingyi’s thin noodles in the past also said that they did not spread the word, even if Ordinary fans were waiting outside the venue, they couldn’t even squeeze in, let alone rush to Qiao Fu…

Ruan Mingyi was not so embarrassed. He wanted to find someone but couldn’t even see the other person’s figure.

All this reminded him without a doubt–

It’s not what it used to be!

Now, he is the one who should bow his head, bend down, and let go of everything.

Thinking of this, Ruan Mingyi trembled and was humiliated.

That day Chengxuan went home after the company meeting. While driving around, he casually looked at the scenery on the street. As soon as he looked up, he saw a familiar figure in the park on the roadside.

“Qiao Jian?”

Chengxuan was a little uncertain, because he only saw a girl with a body similar to Qiao Wei jumping around in the park, wearing sportswear and a hood, and didn’t know what she was doing.

“It’s ?”

Hearing someone calling his name, Qiao Yan turned and looked at the entrance of the park. As soon as he looked up, he saw Chengxuan coming from the car, closed the door, and walked slowly over.

The man’s expression seemed a little surprised, his eyes fell gently on Qiao Gangang

He just squatted on that piece of land and couldn’t help but raised his eyebrows.

If he had not misread the words just now, Qiao Wei was… digging for rocks?

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