Live broadcast: I risked my life to popularize science

Chapter 264 Monk?

Just when the sharp knife in the hand of the short little boy behind Qin Ye was about to be revealed, a voice came from the sky not far away.

"Oh? What a domineering elf. I wonder which donor's elf this is?"

The sound came not only from Qin Ye, but also from Xiaotian who was attracted by the sudden sound.

Looking up, I saw a huge eagle staying in the sky. This eagle was much larger than the ordinary eagle.

There is a monk in Bi Diao who is wearing cassocks and has a compassionate face. It seems that this monk is not much older than Qin Ye.

At this time, the monk's eyes were completely attracted by the sharp-toothed land shark.

Looking at this handsome monk, Qin Ye raised his eyebrows.

A monk from the Dragon Kingdom?

The words spoken by the monk were in Longguo language, which Qin Ye could understand.

Although he didn't know what the monk's purpose was, Qin Ye did not hesitate to respond directly.

"My, what? Are you in trouble?"

The monk turned his head and looked at Qin Ye when he heard the voice, and spoke with a smile.

"Donor, I heard what you said, you are from the Dragon Kingdom, right? I am also from the Dragon Kingdom. I am here to teach the little... ahem, to teach the Dharma to the people of this land."

"I think this elf looks ferocious and does not match the benefactor's horoscope. Donor, if you look at this, please leave this elf to me for safekeeping for a period of time. I can keep you safe."

An extremely ethereal voice came to Qin Ye's ears, and he didn't know that he would be fooled by this voice.

The more Qin Ye listened, the more something felt wrong, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitch.

It seems that this monk thinks he is a fool. He is here to argue with me about horoscopes, but he still keeps me safe. Thank you very much.

Looking at the monk's human-like clothes, those who didn't know it would have thought he was an eminent monk there.

[Hahaha, anchor, don’t believe it. I saw this monk scratching his butt just now. Eminent monks don’t know how to scratch their butt! 】

[No, you're going to laugh to death. The host, Jian Lu Shar, doesn't get along with you. Give me the elf ball quickly and I'll help you endure this ordeal! 】

[Seeing that the monk is doing well here in his childhood, the cassock he is wearing doesn’t look cheap. 】

[No, no one really believes that this is a monk, right? 】

[The corners of my mouth twitched because I was so angry with the anchor. I really wanted to die laughing. 】


All the water friends in the live broadcast room were laughing so hard that they could not stand up straight, and the hands that posted the barrage were trembling.

"Brother, have you deceived your own family? Do you think I'm stupid? Do you want to tell me that you are destined to my elf?"

"Hey? Donor, how do you know?"

Qin Ye couldn't handle the monk's words. This sudden admission made Qin Ye not know what to say.

"Hahaha, donor, I'm just making a little joke. Don't take it seriously. I wonder what the donor wants to do?"

"Brother, you really know how to ask, can you take a look at the little life around me?"

"Donor, let me help you solve it. This matter is trivial to me."

"No need..."

Before Qin Ye could refuse, he saw the young monk on Bi Diao's back, and he immediately began to dance and mutter something.

When Qin Ye listened carefully, his face was filled with questions, because what the monk was reciting was actually the multiplication table!

What is this fake monk doing?

Qin Ye's head was full of doubts, but the next second he saw the little ones beside him kneeling on the ground one by one.

"Master, please don't punish us, we were just greedy for a moment!"

"It's over, it's over, the holy monk is going to cast a spell!"

"We were wrong, we were really wrong!"

"Holy Monk, please don't, let's go and chant sutras right now!"

"Don't overdo us, I still have children!"


Seeing Xiao Tian shouting with horror on their faces, everyone in Qin was dumbfounded.

Does this work? !

Although I can't understand what these young people are talking about, I can still guess something from the expressions on their faces.

Just after reading four, five, and twenty, the monk immediately heard it and nodded while looking at the little boy kowtowing below.

"Let's go back."

The monk waved his hand lightly, and more than ten people immediately stood up and turned around and ran away.

He was still shouting thank you to the holy monk.

Qin Ye looked at the scattered crowds. At this time, he was a little confused. What and what is this? What happened.

Not only Qin Ye was confused, Yang Xixi on the side was also confused, and the water friends in the live broadcast room were even more confused.

"Do you know the language of your childhood?"

"No, what is this... Donor, the Buddha said that all living beings are equal, I can hear their voices."

"Okay, buddy, why are you pretending to be in front of me? It's nothing, let's go."

Qin Yehe had no intention of playing house with this fake monk.

Seeing Qin Ye turning around and leaving, the fake monk suddenly shouted in a hurry.

"Hey, don't, stop pretending, stop pretending, anchor, anchor, I'm your fan!"

Qin Ye was stunned when he heard this. He is a fan?What's going on?

One second he was a great monk in front of him, and the next second he was his fan?

"I'm not lying to you. I've been here in Xiaoli for five years. Isn't Xiaoli stupid? I just want to make some money to support my family."

Qin Ye looked at the monk carefully and looked at the monk's equipment. The big gem on the Zen staff did not look fake.

"Are you the breadwinner?"

"Hahaha, it's okay. It's okay. It's mainly because I make a lot of money in my small life."

He nodded Bi Diao's head and signaled Bi Diao to fly towards the ground.

"Anchor, I am your loyal fan."

As the monk spoke, he took out the latest Yali 15 Supreme Edition 1TB mobile phone from his cassock, which was still playing Qin Ye's live broadcast.

When Qin Ye saw it, he was really his fan, and the level of the fan brand was quite high.

The name is, Qin Ye's lovely wife in his arms.

Qin Ye immediately trembled when he saw the name and took a step back.

"Hahaha, you are such a big fan. If you don't have anything to do, I'll leave first."

What kind of fans are these, a grown man choosing this name? !

Seeing Qin Ye take a step back, the look in the monk's eyes seemed to say, are you serious about taking this step back?

"Anchor, don't leave yet. I watched your live broadcast and saw that you were going to cause trouble, so I came here. This is so exciting. I have to help you!"

"You'd better not get involved in this matter, it's very dangerous."

"Don't worry, anchor. My strength is absolutely no problem. Look at my competition, my strength is incredible!"

The monk patted Bi Diao's paw, his eyes full of confidence.

When Bi Diao first appeared, Qin Ye had already seen the detailed information of Bi Diao.

The level 53 Bi Diao has been trained quite well, both in terms of speed and hair.

This monk's strength can be said to be very strong, but what he wants to do is quite dangerous. It is to start a war with the whole little day. If he can't fight it alone, he can still run away. If this monk comes with him, there is nothing he can do. Keep his.

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