Live broadcast: longing for life in the sea

Chapter 37 Master Craftsman

Chapter 37 Master Craftsman
As soon as this remark came out, many people were curious. They saw Lin Changfeng slashing along the cracks and lines of the wood with a knife.


One piece after another, wooden fragments fell to the ground, revealing the golden wooden texture inside, just as Lin Changfeng said.

These beautiful blocks of wood that were exposed only occupied a part, and the rest was black rotten sludge and black charcoal.

With a huge wood of nearly three cubic meters, the shell weighs nearly one ton.

The abandoned wood inside also occupies a considerable part, and the rest is real golden nan gloomy wood.

What appeared in front of everyone was only the size of an adult, and there was also a Jinsinnan gloomy wood the size of a 30 yuan fist.

The entire disassembly process lasted for nearly half an hour, and there was a burst of wailing and emotion in the live broadcast room.

"Damn it! The streamer's one size fits all is bad, as long as it is sold to those timber markets, at least tens of millions can be earned, and now it is estimated that it is only tens of thousands..."

"That's right, it would be nice if the anchor didn't cut it!"

"Don't you all have doubts? The host knows that it is full of waste when he pats it lightly?"

"The anchor's experience is very sophisticated, awesome, even after losing hundreds of millions, he doesn't change his face..."

"Hey, girl upstairs, I also have deals worth hundreds of millions..."


Gluttonous people reward rocket × 10.

"Aha, our director was talking just now, don't mind Neptune."

Domineering Qi rewards Rocket × 1.

"Hiss... There is a picture in my mind, and the identity of the gluttonous rich woman star has been confirmed..."

Sleep but not fat reward Rocket × 1.

"Boss Neptune, the biggest guy, I know what you're going to do, but these little fast gold nan and gloomy woods, can you order a statue of the birthday boy for me!"

"Hiss... so there are so many big bosses in the live broadcast room, is this the world of the strong?"

"666, it's the first time I know that live broadcast can be so exciting, I love it, I love it..."

"Isn't the anchor a catcher? Why does he look so skilled?"


After confirming again and again that there was no wood, Lin Changfeng shrugged his shoulders involuntarily, shook his head a little roguely, and continued.

"I thought there could be hundreds of millions, but now it's really a big loss. Although these woods are of excellent quality, they are too small in size. If they are sold purely as raw materials, they will only be worth a few million at best..."

Seeing Lin Changfeng's rather helpless expression, most of the fans and live viewers thought he was pretending to be P, and everyone couldn't help but comfort him.

After all, it is indeed so!
Rounding up and losing hundreds of millions!

Put a few small ones into the back basket, and carry the long strips of wood directly on the shoulders. Even if it hasn't been cleaned up, the golden wood grain is still very eye-catching.

A slight cool breeze blows slowly, the branches of the fruit-laden apricot tree are slightly pressed down, and the slightly reddish apricot tree is exuding a faint and attractive fragrance.

Looking around, there is a beautiful scenery of a good harvest.

Lin Changfeng looked at his apricot grove, feeling and admiring the astonishing power, and then thought that it would take 1000 shares of soil to complete the planting. He glanced at the number of fans in the live broadcast room, and was suddenly taken aback.

Unknowingly, the number of fans in the entire live broadcast room has reached 28, and the total number of viewers has exceeded 40, and is moving towards 50 at a fairly fast speed.

Gluttonous people reward rocket × 1.

"Wow, such a big apricot? It looks so beautiful. I wonder if it's delicious?"

Sleep but not fat reward Rocket × 1.

"Wait, if I'm not mistaken, these apricot trees are giant honey king apricot trees, treasures among apricot trees... Ziliu."

Don't brag, don't black, tip rocket x 1.

"I thought the broadcaster's catching skills were already superb, but I didn't expect the planting skills to be so good. I actually planted the giant honey king apricot tree alive..."

"My dear, these two apricots are the size of peaches, don't they look too attractive?"

"Such a large apricot forest belongs to the host? I'll go..."

"Honey, I'm here!!"

"Rivals, draw your sword!"


The funny guys who posted the barrage started to go wrong again.

Lin Changfeng glanced at the lush apricot forest, thinking that tonight, he should be able to plant soil for all the apricot trees.

The number of fans should reach 30!
The remaining fans have an astonishing 23!
The rewards for the live broadcast have exceeded 70, and the rewards for the whole month have reached nearly 200 million.

Great harvest today!

Tired is a little tired, but my heart is happy!
Lin Changfeng, who was cheerful in his heart, hummed a little song softly, but when he passed by his own pond, the floating water suddenly spurted out, almost splashing on him.

Turning around to see the side of the pond, the golden-lipped clams that had been put down last night shrank back at this time. The powerful effect of Sanweizhenshui really made it alive.

This scene fell into the eyes of the fans, and set off another wave of barrage.

"Hahaha, yesterday's golden lip shell is here for revenge."

"No, I almost got wet when I went to the host..."

"Damn, is it such a big shell? Is it real or fake? It can't be a prop, right?"

"Go and have a look upstairs, there are many highlights on the video, you have to take the exam!"

"Golden lips. Oops, I missed it, so I have to wait for the next sneak attack..."

"Golden lips. Hateful anchor, destroy my cave, take away my golden core..."

"Anchors are too exciting these days, aren't they? The barrage of big bosses is also the same..."

"It's an apricot grove, another mountain patrol, and a pond, all it needs is a sea view villa..."

"The host is envious..."


Lin Changfeng didn't take the ridicule from the fans to heart, and quickly returned to his yard with the wood.

Qingxia, who had already returned, discounted it by [-]% curiously, and the gloomy golden nanmu placed on the ground revealed bursts of curiosity in her eyes.

"Xiaoyu is still sleeping, is this the golden nanmu? It looks really beautiful."

After taking the tool bag handed over by Qingxia and nodding slightly, Lin Changfeng continued.

"That's right, next, I'm going to make one that is worthy of it. Those precious golden pearls."

Each piece of wood is placed on the long desk, and after being washed by the water, it reveals a translucent golden luster.

The crystal texture like water waves transforms itself into gorgeous and wonderful scenes one after another.

"At least there is golden nan gloomy wood, which has such a pure golden yellow color, not to mention such rich and beautiful conditioning and patterns. Unfortunately, the wood is not too big, but it is enough for me to play..."

After arranging all the tools, Lin Changfeng looked at each piece of wood in his hand, as if he wanted to keep their sizes and textures in his mind.

"Damn it, is it such a good golden nanmu? Don't waste everything, anchor, sell it to me."

"The host is finally ready to attack these lovely golden nanmu, hahaha hiccup..."

"It feels like our bet yesterday was a bit hasty. Seeing the anchor's professional appearance, I feel a little guilty..."

The successor of Luban. "Don't start the live broadcast! I will offer 200 million to buy these woods. I know a famous master carver, so don't waste materials!"

Gluttonous people reward rocket × 10.

"Tch, you dare to say it for 200 million. If Neptune is willing to sell, we would have bought it long ago. Remember to make a reservation next time."

Domineering Qi rewards Rocket × 10.

"The gluttonous rich woman is right. Sea King does not lack your 200 million. If you add a 0 after it, it should be fine..."

Sleep but not fat reward Rocket × 10.

"Yesterday's golden pearl, the gluttonous rich woman gave Neptune 200 million more and didn't sell it. I'm going to make the big guy worth it..."

The successor of Luban rewarded Rocket × 1.

"Ahem, I know that Neptune's anchor is not short of money, these regular wood really can't be wasted at will..."

Don't brag, don't black, tip rocket x 1.

"Boss, how about a bet? The anchor's craftsmanship is definitely no worse than your so-called master woodcarver."

"Hiss... is this the world of the boss?"

"Guazier soda small benches are sold in the front row."


Lin Changfeng glanced at the dispute on the bullet screen, shrugged his shoulders lightly, and said with a smile facing the camera.

"Except for some works that I will keep, everyone can book in advance... What I want to do today is a crown..."

Lin Changfeng chose a rectangular piece of wood, about 20 cm x 15 cm x 15 cm in size, carefully washed it clean, and then carefully removed the stains like this.

Then gently hold it, and after watching it repeatedly for three or four minutes, I slowly put it down.

The sound of "swish, rustle" spread, and the pale golden wood slowly scattered, one piece after another, small and slender, and the materials fell.

The slender fingers were incomparably stable, and the shiny blade carved a long gap in the wood, wisps of golden luster slowly spreading.

The cutting of each blade is matched with the wooden grain like water ripples to form the shape of a feather.

The movements in Lin Changfeng's hands did not pause at all, and he had already turned all the steps into a fixed procedure before he started.

In 10 minutes, the slightly spread wings appeared in front of people's eyes, showing every detail, without exaggeration, and the slight breeze wafted in, giving people a dynamic aesthetic feeling that they were about to disappear into nothingness.

By coincidence, they are all in one piece.

Xiaoyu, who woke up at some point, stared wide-eyed, just like her elder sister Qingxia, she dared not make a sound at all, for fear of disturbing her uncle.

"Hiss... Although I don't know woodcarving at all, the smooth movements of the anchor are really pleasing to the eye."

"Admiration, admiration, although I don't understand what happened at all, but it's right to say that you are awesome..."

"The effect of this picture is really amazing, the anchor's hands are so beautiful, and so is his face, woo woo..."

"It doesn't look very gorgeous, but it's very comfortable, and have you noticed that the anchor didn't do any preparatory work at all, and there wasn't even a single pause..."

The successor of Luban rewarded Rocket × 10.

"Sea King Niu P, this level of skill is no worse than the woodcarving masters I know, and the speed is even faster, I am willing to bet..."

"Hiss... have you been subdued so quickly? I'm afraid it's not a trick upstairs..."

The successor of Luban rewarded Rocket x 10. "Hahaha, if you have such good skills as an anchor, I would also like to be your trustee.

"Niu P...!"


(End of this chapter)

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