Live broadcast of popular science about SCP! The country is crazy about it!

Chapter 153

Chapter 153 Chaos Insurgency! The Door to a New World!

The fans in Lu Mo’s live broadcast room are also guessing what level of person the librarian is..

Even if it is a little weaker than the venomous snake, it won’t be that weak.

There should be someone at the gatekeeper level or something!

At this time, Lu Mo also began to talk about the librarian.

“The library still has some rules: return books on time; do not destroy books; do not steal books; do not damage library property; do not harm people in the library”

“The class of librarians is made up of people who don’t or can’t follow the rules.”

“Librarians are the caretakers of libraries and oversee the day-to-day maintenance of libraries.”

“Visitors will usually only encounter one of three types of librarians per day.”

“Archivists serve people behind a long table in the main hall of the library.”

“They have no eyes, but they instinctively know how to find any book in the library.”

“They are also responsible for distributing library cards, loaning books to people, and keeping track of loaned books.”

“If you look behind the desks you will see that they have no legs, but are instead attached directly to the chairs that are anchored to the marble floor.”

“The bookkeeper returns the books in the library to the bookshelf”

“They have six to ten arms, bowed legs, and a stocky frame, making them excellent climbers, able to reach the highest bookshelves without a ladder.”

“They don’t really touch the ground.”

“Docents guide library visitors to where to find books and also track signs of rule violations.”

“They are completely silent, in fact they have no mouth”

“Their left hands were replaced by a chain, connected to a brass lantern that never dimmed.”

“In particular, Docents serve as the Library’s first line of defense against hostile entities. To be sure, it is believed that they are able to sense the presence of hostile entities before they enter through a Way, though this is disputed.”

After Lu Mo finished this part

Everyone was stunned

They really didn’t expect that things would turn out like this.

They have always believed that librarians should be a powerful existence

There is only one turn out to be……

Librarians are a special organization

There is also a fairly clear division of labor

As for their abilities, they should all be granted by the Exile’s Library itself.

Hearing these administrators

Basically everyone said that it is better not to enter the Wanderer’s Library. after all……

No one can guarantee that after obtaining a book

Will someone be watching?

If this is snatched away, maybe I will become one of the librarians.

It’s best to stay away from that scary look!

As for the senior leaders of various countries

To be honest, they thought, if they really had the chance to enter the Library of the Exiles

Send someone to take the book away directly

I’ll see if I can save the books.

After all, the books in the Wanderer’s Library cannot be kept forever.

Now it seems that it is better not to have these crooked thoughts.

“Guys! I didn’t expect that librarians are just a bunch of rule breakers!”

“I strongly suspect that these guys only have this ability in the Library of the Exiles!”

“Of course! It’s not like we haven’t seen containment objects that can give other people abnormal abilities!”

“The Viper itself can turn people into reality benders, which doesn’t surprise me at all!”

“The Wanderer’s Library is better to stay on the back of the venomous snake! I think it’s better not to go in!”

“Indeed! If we can discover what our ancestors left behind and make use of it, humans will become stronger!”

“After all, humans once ruled the Milky Way!”

The fans in Lu Mo’s live broadcast room can only sympathize with the librarians.


If you break the rules, you will be serving in the Wanderer’s Library forever.

It’s a bit miserable indeed.


Now we know so much about human beings hidden beneath the calm surface of the lake.

It’s not nice to say

Whether it is collaborating with the foundation or exploring the history of mankind

They can all make humans stronger quickly!

Moreover, many of the abilities of the contained creatures can also help humans.

There is no need to rush!

But there is something more curious

What is the secret path?

Why is it said that the tour guide can sense when someone enters the secret path?

What’s inside the secret path?

And what could possibly be against the Wanderer’s Library?

Of course, Lu Mo would not miss such a good opportunity to harvest science points.

“The Ways are passages that connect different worlds and realities, and the Library is the hub of the Ways. Almost every world has at least one Way leading to the Library.”

“Each secret path is a”door” in some way.””

“It can be a literal door, an arch or a mirror.”

“When you travel through a Way, you must”knock” on a door; that is, perform a specific action or meet a specific condition.”

“Maybe it’s whistling the right way, carrying a seven-leaf clover, or unrolling a VHS copy of Enter the Dragon.”

“Knock on the secret door, walk in, and then you will find yourself in a new world.”

“Not all Ways lead to the Library. Some lead to other worlds, and some lead to different locations in the same world.”

“The wise, including those within the Serpent’s Hand, have been unable to figure out how these Ways work.”

“If there is a logic to the Ways, no one has yet discovered it.”

When Lu Mo finished speaking, everyone understood what the secret path was.

In simple terms, this is the door to different parallel universes.’!

The library of the exiles can also be seen as a transit station to other parallel worlds.

Any creature can travel to another world through the secret path

However, the Way itself has its own defenses.

That is, no one can figure out how to open the secret path that they have discovered!

There’s no logic to this.

Even the Serpent’s Hand, which used the Wanderer’s Library as its base, couldn’t find it!

The top leaders of various countries are actually much more interested in the Ways than the Wanderer’s Library.

This is the easiest way for humans to colonize other planets

If humanity really faces an invincible being, the secret paths can preserve the human race.

Although, up to now, all countries know that Lu Mo’s strength is extraordinary

But you can’t put all your eggs in one basket

We must always think of more ways to protect humanity! certainly!

They are still curious about other things now!

That’s the Chaos Insurgency

Since you are related to an organization like the Serpent’s Hand, nothing can be simple!

Information about the Chaos Insurgency is also something that humans must know after all……

This organization is very likely to be harmful to humans!

They don’t care about the attitude of these organizations towards the inmates

The only thing that can be judged as good or bad is whether these guys are helpful to humans.

Just like a foundation, Lu Mo is always helping

But Sarkicism and the Church of the Broken God both have their own inmates causing trouble.

The Serpent’s Hand is in the Wanderer’s Library and will not let humans in easily.

They all have more or less conflicts of interest with humans.

But the Foundation doesn’t have that. Aren’t some of the less harmful containments and the humanoid-friendly containments given to them to help protect human safety?

“Brothers! What confuses me now is the existence of the Chaos Insurgency!”

“Yes! I am also very curious about what kind of organization the Chaos Insurgency is, and what kind of supreme deity is theirs?”

“In fact, the Supreme Godhead of the Foundation has never appeared.……”

“I feel that Boss Lu Mo might be the supreme deity of the foundation!”

“That’s right! After all, it’s not that Boss Lu Mo didn’t solve the supreme divinity!”

The fans in Lu Mo’s live broadcast room are now more and more curious about Lu Mo’s identity.

There is also some information about the Chaos Insurgency

Behind each of these organizations there is a supreme divine being.

I don’t know who is behind the Chaos Insurgency.���What is the high divinity like?

And Lu Mo now plans to popularize the relevant content of Chaos Insurgency to everyone.

After all, the Chaos Insurgency has a lot to do with the Foundation.

As for the Supreme Godhead of the Foundation……

It’s all said, just tell it all!

The Chaos Insurgency is also relevant to this section

“Chaos Insurgency is a group that split from the SCP Foundation.”

“Founded by a group of Foundation personnel who defected with several SCP objects”

“Since then, the Insurgency has become a major player on the world stage, using the anomalies it possesses for its own benefit and to consolidate its global power base.”

“In addition to trading in anomalies, the Chaos Insurgency also engages in weapons distribution and intelligence gathering.”

“It exploits authoritarian systems in poor, developing countries, often using their populations in the same way the Foundation uses D-class personnel.”

“Therefore, it deliberately keeps these countries poor and at war so that it can continue its radical experiments, easily recruit soldiers, and conduct profitable business with the opposition.”

“Most of the anomalous items held by the Chaos Insurgency are unknown. The most notable of these items is the”Staff of Hermes”, which can change the physical and chemical properties of any matter it touches.”

“and the”entropy clock,” which can have a variety of destructive effects, depending on where it’s struck.”

“Both items were originally acquired by the Foundation at great expense, but were stolen by the founder of the Chaos Insurgency.”

“SCP objects and other anomalies stolen from the Foundation are often of high potential for immediate utility, but the Chaos Insurgency has also used anomalies with less immediate application, such as SCP-884.”

·· ·······Request flowers····· ····

“The Chaos Insurgency’s primary base and current leader are unknown.”

“The group directly confronts the Foundation, using lethal force to prevent the Foundation from containing multiple anomalies.”

“The Foundation has also been infiltrated by Insurgency agents in the past, resulting in the loss of valuable scientific data, the theft of multiple anomalies, and the deaths of several personnel.”

“All personnel are to be aware of potential attacks, terrorist activities, and espionage from the Chaos Insurgency, and are to notify their superiors of any activity by fellow personnel that fits the description of Insurgency activities.”

When Lu Mo finished speaking, everyone was stunned.

Good job!

The Chaos Insurgency is actually an organization formed by traitors of the Foundation?

Even the wars in some poor countries are related to this organization?

They used to think that these things were related to the beautiful country! wrong!

It is definitely related, but I guess the United States doesn’t even know it’s being used.

Sometimes the crushing of technology

It can indeed make people become chess pieces without them realizing it.

At this time, Comrade Chuan Jianguo was also confused.


I always thought that only our beautiful country was causing trouble.

Sometimes I think it’s so easy to start a war……

So it turns out that you, the Chaos Insurgency, are behind this?

But why haven’t we heard about it in these countries?

Are you, the Chaos Insurgency, also going to let our country take the blame?

It must be like this!

Chuan Jianguo feels like he is being taken advantage of!

“Well! The case is solved! Comrade Chuan Jianguo is also a poor man who was taken advantage of!”

“There is no way! As an organization that split off from the Foundation, these people must have mastered some of the Foundation’s technology. There is really no way they can crush you with technology!”


“Yes! Technological supremacy is basically equivalent to us running naked, and the Chaos Insurgency can know whatever they want to know!”

“The United States cooperates quite well with the Chaos Insurgency in some of its actions!”

“It’s unacceptable that these damn guys use humans for experiments!”

“Yes! The Foundation uses people who have committed unforgivable crimes, but the Chaos Insurgency uses ordinary humans!”

The fans in Lu Mo’s live broadcast room were also stunned.

I didn’t expect that the current situation of the world is related to these organizations hidden in the dark!

I guess the Broken God and Sarkicism were behind some of the religious wars.

These organizations should be destroyed directly.

If placed on the Blue Planet, it would completely threaten the rear of mankind!

Come on Foundation!

At this time, Lu Mo also began to tell the story of the Chaos Insurgency

“One year, the SCP Foundation established a secret working group codenamed”Splitters” that only O5 knew about.”

“The Insurgency’s leadership is comprised of members of Mobile Task Force Alpha-1 (“Red Right Hand”), who are known for their absolute loyalty to the O5 Council and their complete secrecy regarding their origins, identities, and actions.”

“The Insurgency’s leadership is supported by all SCP Foundation research, security, and containment personnel.”

“To the Foundation and most organizations in the anomalous world, the Insurgency is a rebel group that went AWOL with multiple researchers and anomalous objects.”

“In fact, it was the O5 Council that created the Insurgency to carry out unethical missions or to deal with unpleasant political issues.”

“while maintaining the Foundation’s public reputation”

“The Insurgency has used anomalous objects to covertly further the goals of the O5 Council on numerous occasions under the guise of Foundation rebels.”

“Later, as part of a seemingly routine phased operation, the Insurgency removed several SCP objects from Foundation control.”

“Dozens of defecting Foundation researchers were transported to safety, and multiple unplanned site attacks occurred on the same day.”

“The Insurgency seized SCP objects of great research and military value, and caused serious casualties to Foundation personnel. The Foundation’s biggest lie became a reality.”

“Their covert operations team has defected, and the Foundation is facing a new threat. It’s time to rename this group: the Chaos Insurgency”

“The O5 Council was shocked”

“The Red Right Hand’s betrayal, or even any hint of disloyalty, is unprecedented. The Foundation still does not know the Insurgency’s motives for the betrayal, and all attempts to locate, capture, or assassinate the insurgents have failed.”

“In the Foundation’s information classification, the Insurgency defected when it was first established, and the real betrayal was the Insurgency’s raid”

After Lu Mo finished speaking this part

Everyone’s faces were filled with abnormal confusion.

After all, in the eyes of everyone

Although the Foundation has done some bad things

But it helps humans to some extent.

A pure and clean organization

But after Lu Mo finished telling the first half of the story of the Chaos Insurgency

Everyone suddenly realized that the foundation they had always believed in actually had its own interests.

It’s not as simple as it seems!.

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