Live broadcast of popular science about SCP! The country is crazy about it!

Chapter 160

Chapter 160 The Hanged King’s Tragedy!

When Lu Mo finished speaking, everyone was stunned

There are so many unexpected things in here.

Let’s not talk about Dr. W in the first life.

The existence time of the second generation of Dr. W alone is enough to confuse everyone!

Age of dinosaurs?

And also create toys for kind dinosaurs?

You know, dinosaurs were creatures millions of years ago.

Humans can only restore the appearance of dinosaurs through fossils..

Humans have only existed for tens of thousands of years.

Millions of years ago, even the ancestors of humans had not evolved yet!

What is going on?

How far back can human history be traced?

From the first few thousand years to ten thousand years ago

Even humans existed during the time of Bigfoot

Now people even say that humans existed in the dinosaur era!

If human beings have such a long history

Why has no evidence been found yet? besides!

According to the relevant content

Dinosaurs are not what people think they are, they are life forms without intelligence.

On the contrary, it is highly intelligent!

Otherwise, it is impossible to say that playing with toys

There is no such thing as good and evil.

Only intelligent life forms have such concepts as good and evil.

If it’s an animal

All actions will only follow one’s animal instincts!

This is not a concept at all!

“Brothers! I feel that if our human history is fully unearthed, it will be very huge!”

“Now there is news about humans even from the dinosaur era!”

“But the problem is that there is absolutely no evidence that humans survived during the dinosaur era!”

“That’s right! The fossils of various ancient humans also show that we humans evolved only in modern times!”

“Have you ever thought about this question… How long was the period of the Sons of the Night and the Sons of the Sun? After this period, it is unknown whether the Xia Dynasty was born. Moreover, the history of mankind is an interstellar empire!”

“That’s right! Humans have already developed into an interstellar civilization, and this is definitely not something that can be accomplished in a short period of time!”

“Alas! The human timeline may only be slowly figured out through the containment! Now we just need to know that Dr. W’s inheritance is not that simple!”

The fans in Lu Mo’s live broadcast room don’t know what to say now

Human history has surpassed everyone’s imagination

And it is divided into different stages03

The ancient human empire that ruled the galaxy

Son of the Sun Period, Xia Dynasty……

There are also various civilizations and empires that have been mentioned but no specific information is available.

If the Foundation does not publish a complete timeline,

It is simply impossible for humans today to figure it out!

At this time, the top leaders of other countries have basically given up the idea of ​​inheriting Dr. W.

Just through the three known identities of Dr. W

This is obviously a family inheritance!

And it is a terrifying family with a history of more than a million years!

This kind of family is definitely not something that the countries on Blue Star can fight against.

It can even be said that this family has inherited the technology of every era of human beings.

It’s not so easy for them to deal with the countries on the blue planet!

Only a person like Lu Mo can make Dr. W and his gang afraid to move!

At this time, Lu Mo will also begin to contain SCP-1360.

There is no use for this thing to be left outside, it would be a good idea to collect it and bring it back to Longguo for research.

【Ding! ——Congratulations to the host for successfully containing SCP-1360PSHUD31, and obtained the item: SCP-1360-1!】

Hearing the voice of the system in his mind, Lu Mo did not react

After all, the object in this collection is not a very powerful one.

But it’s still possible to get this thing

This fiber cloth is quite useful

Although it has unusual effects, it can still be handed over to Longguo for them to study slowly.

…… soon!

Lu Mo brought the members of the Pandora’s Box team back to the base

Just after giving SCP-1360 and SCP-1360-1 to Long Tian and asking him to hand them over to the scientific research team

Mr. Li took these photos and came to Lu Mo.

“Mr. Lu, take a look, is this situation caused by the containment?”

This time, Mr. Li did not take out specific photos of the objects in the collection.

All there is is a horrible and bloody scene in a theater!

The entire theater has turned into a horrific slaughterhouse.

Whether it is the actors or the audience present

They all use the things around them to madly attack the people around them.

Looking at these photos

All the viewers in Lu Mo’s live broadcast room were stunned!

I can’t imagine this scene is real.

Only terrorist attacks can do this, right?

But the problem is

There are no obvious terrorists here, it’s like everyone is crazy

Attack every living thing they can see!

“Why is this happening? There is nothing in this theater that looks like a containment object!”

“Is there a little girl like SCP-053 in the theater?”

“It’s possible! But it stands to reason that if the same containment objects are not of the same species, it shouldn’t be possible for them to be the same!”

“How is that impossible! Don’t forget that parallel worlds exist, and there are also objects contained in parallel worlds!”

“So there is something in the theater that can communicate with parallel worlds, and then transmit SCP-053 from another parallel world? Isn’t this possibility too small?”

All the fans in Lu Mo’s live broadcast room were stunned

After all, the only thing they can think of for such a scene is SCP-053

Will let those around���All became violent and liked to kill

But the problem is that SCP-053 is already contained

Among the current collections, there are no similar collections except for those of different races.

If I have to explain it, I can only use 053 from the parallel world to explain it.

But let’s not talk about how low the probability is.

In the photo alone, they did not see any trace of 053

Everybody went crazy

No one is perfect

And 053 has its own taunt effect

The targets of the people in the photo are not fixed.

And Lu Mo immediately realized what was going on.

After all, the ‘hanged king’ scene is obvious.

“Mr. Li, where did this happen?”

This time the containment object is related to a supreme divine being.

It really needs to be dealt with sooner

“This happened today in the theater in Daying”

Mr. Li also looked a little solemn

This invisible containment can make people go berserk.

The harm to humans is also very terrifying!

It must not be spread!

At this time, Lu Mo also turned on the containment radar and pointed it directly at Dai Ying.

Two unusually obvious dark blue containment points appeared on the containment radar.

Seeing this, Lu Mo was also stunned.

I didn’t expect that!

That thing also appeared together

It just so happens that after this, all of them can be dealt with at once!~

“I’ll go over there tomorrow.”

When Lu Mo finished speaking

The senior executives of Daiying, who had been watching the live broadcast, breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as Lu Mo comes, things can be easily handled.

But the next second!

The senior management of Daiying, who finally breathed a sigh of relief, became nervous again.

You know, now countries also have some ways to deal with ordinary shelters.

The objects that Lu Mo is dealing with now are either divinity or supreme divinity!

And they all involve various organizations!

Lu Mo can come over……

Doesn’t this mean that this thing is not as simple a containment object as I thought?


Not only the senior executives of Daiying

All the British people who watched Lu Mo’s live broadcast also reacted

Just start running!

No matter where you can run to

Anyway, you have to leave the capital first!


Time flies!

When the time came to the next day

Lu Mo also flew directly towards Daiying

This time he did not bring the Pandora’s Box team

If the second dark blue containment point is the maze city

This time we have to face a supreme deity who is deeply hostile to humans.

The Pandora’s Box team is not strong enough to face the Supreme God.

Even the Hanged King, who is only a T5 supreme god

Moreover, there is not only one supreme deity in the maze of Alagada.

The Ambassador of Alagadda is also a supreme deity.

These are not things that the Pandora’s Box team can handle. soon!

Lu Mo came to the theater where the tragedy happened yesterday.

Because of the unknown ability of the containment

The British officials didn’t dare to come and deal with the aftermath.

The scene in the theater at this time was far more terrifying than what was seen in the photos taken the day before!

The ground is covered with dried blood

More blood flowed directly into the middle of the theater

A lake of blood formed

The strong smell of blood hit the noses of everyone around

The corpses in various tragic situations showed everyone what would happen when humans went crazy to the extreme.

“Guys! I can’t do it anymore!”

“The last time I saw a dead body vomit was because of Split!”

“Zhuo! You’re telling me this is something that ordinary people with no training can do?”

“Now I finally understand why humans can be at the top of the food chain on Blue Planet!”

“When humans go crazy, ordinary creatures on the blue planet are simply not able to resist them!”

“It’s not that we can’t fight back, it’s just that human killing is different from animal killing, it’s cruel and purposeless!”

“Many of the bodies were tortured to death! They were beaten to death one by one! It was not a fatal blow!”

There are not many people who can stick to Lu Mo’s live broadcast room

After all, such a scene is hard to describe even for humans who have experienced the baptism of the containment.

It’s really a bit scary!

But Lu Mo did not dwell on this for long.

Go straight to the backstage of the theater

The most important thing is now backstage at the theater!

Follow the containment radar

Soon we came to a box.

After opening it, the first thing I saw was a play script titled”The Hanged King’s Tragedy”

This script looks incredibly old.

It feels like a book from three or four hundred years ago.

The producer of the above is William Cooke

When the fans in Lu Mo’s live broadcast room saw Lu Mo’s actions

They all reacted

“Is this what caused people to kill each other this time?”

“A book can kill so many people? What power does this book have?”

“Do you think it’s like the Daevite Chronicles that came out before? A history book where the killings are just memetic effects?”

“Impossible! The Hanged King’s Tragedy looks like a drama no matter how you look at it!”

“Don’t forget, drama comes from life. If there were no precedents… there would be no drama!”

“I can only see if there is any record about the Hanged King!”

Everyone in Lu Mo’s live broadcast room was guessing what the effect of this thing was

What’s in it?

After all, all the book-like collections that appeared before were related to history.

Maybe this is the same!

And at this moment!

Lu Mo’s voice also rang out.

“Item #: SCP-701 [The Hanged King’s Tragedy】!”

“Object Class: Euclid!”

“SCP-701, The Hanged King’s Tragedy, is a five-act revenge tragedy of the Carolingian era”

“The performance of this play will cause both the audience and the actors to become insane and commit suicide, and will also lead to the appearance of a mysterious figure, SCP-701-1, the Hanged King.”

“In short, SCP-701 is a self-evolving memetic virus that is spread through the text of the play by unknown means.”

“Performances of The Hanged King’s Tragedy do not always lead to riots”

“Based on historical records and research, these outbreaks generally follow this sequence:”

“1-2 weeks before the event: During rehearsal, actors will begin to unconsciously deviate from the published text of the script”

“Unlike”off-script” improvisations or mistakes, these deviations are orderly and consistent, as if the actors were performing an alternate version of the script.”653

“The cast and crew will not notice any change, and – if reminded – will claim that the show is just how it should be.”

“2 to 3 hours before the event: Outbursts usually occur on opening night or during the most heavily attended shows”

“1-2 hours before event: SCP-701-1 first appears on stage at the end of the first act, usually in the background or at the edge of the main scene.”

“It can be observed entering or leaving the stage, but will not appear in the backstage or off-stage areas.”

“When not on stage it simply disappears”

“The actor will not notice or comment on SCP-701-1, at least at first.”

“Event: SCP-701-1 fully appears on stage during the banquet scene in Act V.”

“Now he joins the show as”The Hanged King””

“Actors either kill each other or commit suicide, sometimes using props that seem to appear on stage out of thin air”

“Riots can also break out among the audience, with spectators randomly attacking anyone in front of them, regardless of prior relationship”

“After the event: If any audience members survive the initial outburst, they may leave the performance area but will continue to engage in random or opportunistic acts of violence”

“Victims often need to be sedated or restrained; normal recovery takes about 24 hours after an incident.”

“Surviving victims often display signs consistent with a traumatic experience; some are unable to recall the events. Others may fall into a permanent coma or suffer psychosis.”

When Lu Mo finished speaking, everyone was stunned!

This script is a bit too outrageous!

If this thing spreads, I don’t know how many people will die.

And what is the Hanged King entity of SCP-701-1?

Could this guy be a real person?

Now, they finally reacted.

Previously on stage

The hanged king who appeared in the photo at the beginning was not seen!

Does all this have anything to do with the Hanged King?

“Is there anyone who knows history who can tell us about the Hanged King?”

“Ahem! – Good news! There is no Hanged King in history! Bad news……”

“The bad news is that the things that don’t exist are the scariest! Maybe it has something to do with the civilization that humans don’t know the history of!”

“That’s right! For us now, the things we don’t know are the most terrifying!”

“Now we can only pray that this so-called Hanged King is just something that appears in this drama, and it would be best if it has nothing to do with human history!”

The fans in Lu Mo’s live broadcast room can only pray

The Hanged King is not a historical object.

After all, this guy is obviously very hostile to humans.

It’s not like King Yu is not dead and shooting the sun

It’s just a record, but it won’t cause any harm to humans.

If this hostile containment is of historical type

I guess it will be a great help to humans!

A big job that no one can imagine!.

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