Live broadcast of popular science about SCP! The country is crazy about it!

Chapter 164

Chapter 164 The Hanged King’s Boss! The Crimson King!

At this time, the conversation between the doctor and the agent has not yet ended.

Just look at the agent’s reaction.

After everyone

What the agents behind may have seen is far more than what Ambassador Alagadda saw!

【Doctor: Please continue.】

【Agent: I watched the ceiling move, as if it were pulling my broken body through room after room.

Finally we stopped and it lifted me up into the air, facing the throne

There I met the king

It is anchored there, with holy fetters bound around its body – like hands and throat – and its face hidden by a veil

The restless creature crawled on it, caressing its twisted body, as if to comfort it, but it tightened the rope more and more.

The king trembled, gray tendrils sliding in and out of his tattered robes.

I was held up, looking at the veil… I wanted to die

I can’t live without doing this

Please kill me

End it all

I can’t feel my legs

I can’t feel my arms

Don’t like this

Don’t like this

Please, please, I beg you…】

【Dr.: You know I won’t allow this. Please tell me what you saw.】

【Agent: A God-Shaped Void

A barren wasteland created by a corrupt and failed creation process

You saw the light of the long dead star

Your existence is but the echo of the screams of a dying god

The invisible things are gathering

Surrounded you

Like a noose tightening】

When everyone heard the agent’s words

The world suddenly fell into silence

Everyone can hear it

The agent has gone crazy.

There is no possibility of being called a human being

The king’s appearance completely broke his heart.

Various desperate scenes and something completely unimaginable appeared before me.

The despair that penetrated deep into the bones of”047″

It can really drive people crazy in an instant.

No one would blame the agents.

He has done his best

I can only hope that the situation will ease up later!

“Just looking at the agent’s description of the king, I always feel that this guy is more of a conceptual guy!”

“Indeed! That image doesn’t feel like a physical entity!”

“But did you notice one thing? The agent’s description of the king seems a bit like the scene in The Hanged King where the king is executed?”

“That’s right! Being entangled, the body is bound, and the hollowness may be caused by execution!”

At this time, the fans in Lu Mo’s live broadcast room also reacted. no!

This thing feels a bit like the scene of the execution of the Hanged King in”The Hanged King’s Tragedy”?

This can’t really be the case!

Is this Hanged King really the one who rules the Labyrinth of Alagada?

But it doesn’t seem like it just by looking at the Song of the Hanged King!

After all, if the Hanged King is really so powerful that he can rule the Labyrinth of Alagada

He won’t be executed, right?

Who else could execute Him?

And at this moment!

Lu Mo also began to explain to everyone about the Ambassador of Alagada and the Hanged King.

“Ambassador of Alagadda, the Supreme Divinity!”

“A powerful entity in the multiverse, the most feared being in all of Alagadda, ruler of the Four Lords of Alagadda, servant and mobile agent of the Hanged King”

“Closely related to Sarkicism, often traveling between Adytum and Alagadda”

“The Wandsman at the court described the Ambassador of Alagadda:”

“Its title is actually inappropriate, and such a name cannot encompass all its power and prestige.”

“The Ambassador of Alagadda is the mouthpiece of the Hanged King. His will must be implemented. Even the Masked Lord must bow his head like a puppet in front of him.”

“He manipulates the Hanged King and the entire kingdom like a puppet”

“The character of the Ambassador of Alagadda, who seems to be in stark contrast to his master’s indifference, is extremely malicious and narcissistic, showing great pride in who he is and what he has done.”

“This was especially evident when killing most of the agents of MTFPsi-9, mocking the suffering of humanity.”

“He is described as a humanoid entity with”black flesh” and without any facial features such as eyes, nose, or mouth.”

“At first glance, it also appears to have tight clothing and high heels, but in fact this is part of its body, not clothing.”

“As for ability……”

“The Ambassador was able to travel across the multiverse, all the way to the Adytum, and met the local Grand Karcist Ion.”

“He is also able to manipulate matter and reality with his mind.”

“Despite all this power, he is still just a pawn of the Hanged King.”

“After Aragada became an interdimensional nexus, the Ambassador became one of the Hanged King’s closest advisors, along with the four Masked Lords.”

“Since the Hanged King himself cannot be removed from his palace in Alagadda, Ambassadors serve as the monarch’s primary agents, acting as representatives in other realms of the multiverse such as the Adytum.”

“The Ambassador influenced playwright Christopher Marlowe to write SCP-701, also known as The Hanged King’s Tragedy, a five-act Carolingian revenge tragedy that would kill tens of thousands of people in anomalous ways.”

“The Ambassador allies with the Three Lords to exile Lord Black Mask, as the Lords have discovered that the Ambassador intentionally left the King in chains and do not wish to see Him come to power.”

“At some point, He met SCP Foundation Mobile Task Force Psi-9″Abyss Gazers” inside the palace, where He decided to torture them with His psychic powers, destroying the bodies of all the agents while mocking them in a language unknown to Him.”

“Only one agent, Alexander Papadopoulos, survived and was taken to see the Hanged King”

“The Ambassador lifted the veil that covered the owner’s face, and the demonic terror beneath drove Agent Papadopoulos mad and suicidal.”

“The Ambassador then brings a severely injured Agent Papadopoulos back to Blue Star to warn against further missions to the city, and asks the Agent to tell them that humans are of no importance to the universe.”

When Lu Mo finished speaking, everyone was stunned.

According to the relevant information from Ambassador Alagadda

The Hanged King has become what he is now entirely because the actual ruler of the Labyrinth of Alagadda has become the Ambassador of Alagadda?

Moreover, the so-called Black Mask Lord was exiled to the dimensional black water because……

This guy isn’t allied with the Ambassador of Alagadda?

This is a really ambitious person.

Moreover, you have now created the Hanged King’s Lament and even controlled the Hanged King

Let it become just a puppet

You are such a jerk that you still recognize the Hanged King as your master

Is this like being a whore and trying to be a virtuous woman?

It’s simply outrageous!

What people didn’t expect was that

The Alagadarian Ambassador also has ties to Sarkicism.

Even met Grand Warlock Ion

What on earth does this guy want to do?

Are you trying to steal the authority of Yaldabaoth?

After all, Yaldabaoth is now in a sealed state.

And it has no wisdom

Facing such an ambitious person, there is really no possibility of defense.

Only Grand Warlock Ion can protect Yaldabaoth!

It’s just outrageous!

“Brothers! I suspect that the Ambassador of Alagadda may be aiming to rule the multiverse!”

“That’s right! Because most people don’t know the Hanged King’s condition, they would think that the ambassador’s behavior is controlled by the Hanged King!”

“Damn this ambitious guy! It would be fun if he could gain the authority of Yaldabaoth!”

“Impossible! Grand Warlock Ion is also quite capable. After all, he is a human who rose from the lowest level to become a god!”

“But in comparison, the ability of Ambassador Alagadda is far inferior to that!”

“That’s right, the mind manipulates matter and reality. To be honest, with this ability alone, the Foundation can handle it!”

“I guess the most difficult part of the matter is the Hanged King! I don’t know what the Hanged King’s abilities are, and how he is controlled by the Ambassador of Alagadda!”

Everyone in Lu Mo’s live broadcast room now has too many doubts in their hearts.

I have to say, there are indeed a lot of secrets in the mysterious city of Alagada.

Even now, after hearing all the Foundation’s investigative reports on the Lost City of Alagada, I still can’t quite figure out how things are going.

The Supreme Godhead is the product of rules

At the very least, they are like the Golden Crow and the Ambassador of Alagadda.

Being able to control something

The Hanged King should be stronger as a king

Even the birth of rules itself

Why was he controlled by his own subordinates?

This is to let���What we are most worried about

After all, if the Ambassador of Alagadda were to take control of the Labyrinth of Alagadda,

The threat to humans is much greater

At this time, Lu Mo also began to talk about the story of the Hanged King.

“Wandsman of the Hanged King’s Court has poems about the Hanged King”

“Our monarch writhes and twists on his throne,

In his presence we offer sacrifices for our sins,

The object of their worship is blood; the man they serve is called the Hanged King.

So he could suffocate on his puppet strings.”

“Initially appearing in SCP-701, the Hanged King was a king who was hanged in ancient times, and his spirit was attached to the script to take revenge on the world.”

“Then came SCP-2264, the city of Alagada, which unified the entire multiverse into a single world where inhabitants from every possible plane and dimension could communicate and trade without regard to the laws of their plane of origin.”

“The Hanged King is set to be a tyrant who rules Alagadda, and after being hanged, he is resurrected as a god. Four lords are in charge of the four colors of the city under his leadership.”

“In the Alchemy Department setting, it is one with Crimson, and the Great Seal is able to keep Crimson’s power out.”

“The Hanged King contains the horror of the universe, so his true motives and reasoning are beyond human comprehension.”

“SCP-The cause of 701 and its effects are unknown, and Alagadda seems more suitable for higher order beings, such as Sarkic warlocks.”

“According to Agent Papadopoulos’ description of SCP-2264-5, the king was dressed in tattered robes, with holy shackles wrapped around his hands and throat like a corpse, and pale tendrils sliding in and out of the tattered robes…. ”

“Playful creatures crawled all over him, caressing his twitching body as if seeking comfort, while others pulled tighter the ropes that anchored the king.”

“The face is covered with a veil, and what lies beneath is described as a”God-shaped hole” that is enough to drive a person mad and cause suicide.”

“The King’s true power is unknown, though according to the Wandsman of Kurmanas, the ancient being known as Yaldabaoth can rival the Hanged King, making him one of the most powerful beings in the multiverse.”

“He is still unable to leave his palace in Alagadda, and has to send ambassadors across creation, apparently only able to manifest in the human world via SCP-701”

“Still, he is weaker than Crimson, so he probably serves him well.”

When Lu Mo finished speaking, everyone’s faces were filled with surprise.

The Hanged King’s power is even comparable to that of Yaldabaoth, the supreme deity who advocates flesh and blood.

This made them even more confused about what happened at that time.

Can the Hanged King be controlled by his subordinates?

That guy’s power is probably on the same level as Grand Warlock Ion.

Not even close to the top supreme deity of Sarkicism, Yaldabaoth

This is unscientific!

Of course, this introduction

Not only does it not explain why the Hanged King was manipulated

This also brings up another thing that makes people uncomfortable.

That is……

Crimson is actually stronger than Big Boss!

The Hanged King and Yaldabaoth are on the same level of supreme deity

Crimson is more powerful than these two guys!

Is Jelly’s dad’s ability pretty good?

But in the same way, Crimson is the supreme deity that is hostile to humans.

Good job!

I still don’t know what happened between the supreme deities in the maze of Alagada.

Suddenly heard that a more powerful supreme deity was hostile to humans

Absolutely amazing!

“I have to say, the relationship between these supreme deities is really beyond our imagination!”

“Indeed! The Ambassador of Alagadda has connections with the Sarkic Cult, and now the Hanged King is a subordinate of Crimson. It’s hard to handle!”

“The most important thing is that Crimson is still hostile to humans. Don’t forget that the world inside the Red Sea object was created by the false gods under Crimson’s command!”

“We don’t know how many things we will have to face in the future!”

The expressions on the faces of all the fans in Lu Mo’s live broadcast room were not very good.

The more I know, the more I realize that humanity has so many enemies!

It hurts!

At this time, Lu Mo also began to tell the story about the Hanged King himself.

“Tales from the City of Alagada: Betrayal, Death, and Resurrection!”

“The Hanged King was once the ruler of the city-state of Alagada, where he ruled as a corrupt tyrant, oppressing and exploiting the monarchs.”

“He indulges in lowly pleasures and may even be practicing the ancient dark magic from the abyss.”

“Eventually, most of the people of Alagadda rebelled against their king, setting fire to his palace and killing all those loyal to him, including his court jester.”

“The king was captured, his crown and robes torn off and replaced with rags and chains.”

“His jaw was broken and he was forced to crawl through the city streets while being mocked, kicked, and pelted with dirty objects by his former subjects, who all cheered loudly.”

“He only muttered a few evil words, which frightened the people, and they cheered loudly to quiet him down.”

“The king was hanged on a hill outside the city and continued to mutter to himself as he suffocated.”

“He was supposed to have been hanged and eaten by crows and maggots, but since nothing touched the body, they buried him in a shallow grave.”

“After this, people began to loot the palace of their former ruler, obsessed with his wealth.”

“The next day, crows began to gather around the dead king’s tomb, and strange noises could be heard from underground, although this was only heard by a homeless man who had been driven away by the others.”

“The next day, the river that flowed through the city turned red and began to smell like human blood, and many citizens became sick and began to bleed and tremble, being bound in chains.”

“Those who stole from the palace suffered the most, becoming increasingly weaker and eventually dying.”

“On the third day, the disease was lifted, but people began to commit suicide, their faces were cut, their throats were slit, and their blood flowed into the Red River in the city.”

“The madness spread, and most animals except crows also fled the city at this time.”

“That same day, the king refused to die, bargained with the other souls, rose from his grave, walked through the city, and returned to his palace.”

“There he sat on a throne covered with rusty nails that pierced his flesh and brought pain to his soul.”

“Despite the pain, he remained silent for a moment until the palace began to tremble and the red river boiled.”.

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