Live broadcast to reveal the secret of tomb robbery, I actually activated Qilin blood

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"The most powerful one is a huge six-winged centipede that can fly!"

"If you are not fully prepared, don't go to the grave easily."

Netizens in the live broadcast room were a little surprised when they saw these bullet screens.

Because what Su Chen said was well-founded and logical, it really sounded like that.

"Fuck, is there really a flying centipede under the valley?"

"It's well-made, and it almost bluffed me!"

"You also believe this kind of nonsense, what kind of flying six-winged centipede, this is not some fairy tale!"

"Good guy, brother, have you considered writing a novel? I won't read your work if the bookstore doesn't have it!"

"Okay, it's all over! This is a clown who wants to be popular and wants to be crazy."

"Where's the house manager? Hurry up and silence this man, so he can save himself from talking nonsense."

Most of the people in the live broadcast room were still complaining about Su Chen and didn't believe his words.

The reporter Tiantian also noticed Su Chen's barrage, and couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"Professor Chu, this is an interesting statement from an audience member. He said that this place is called Pingshan, and that the ruins of the ancient city below are where the emperors of all dynasties refined the elixir of life."

Professor Chu was taken aback when he heard the words, and replied after thinking carefully for a while.

"Also... it's not impossible!"

Originally, Wang Tiantian just thought Su Chen's statement was very interesting, so she mentioned it casually.

But she didn't expect that Professor Chu not only didn't refute, but actually agreed?

Wang Tiantian was dumbfounded, wondering if she was hallucinating.

Professor Chu smiled softly and explained: "From a distance, this mountain peak is narrow at the top and wide at the bottom, like a bottle. The local people also call it Baoping Mountain."

"In addition, according to our preliminary survey, there are many precious medicinal materials in Baoping Mountain."

"The ancient emperors all pursued immortality. It really makes sense to secretly build palaces deep in the mountains and refine immortality elixir!"

The more Professor Chu said, his eyes became brighter, and many doubts were solved at this moment.

He hurriedly looked at Wang Tiantian solemnly and said, "Xiao Wang, can you contact this audience member? He may know information about the Baopingshan ruins."


Wang Tiantian was a little speechless, and simply handed over the phone.

"See for yourself."

Professor Chu took the phone, and quickly turned to [Heavenly Official Blessing], which is a few bullet screens posted by Su Chen.

After reading it, Professor Chu couldn't help laughing.

Flying six-winged centipede?

A Yuan Dynasty zombie with infinite strength and invulnerability?

Originally, Professor Chu was still looking forward to meeting an expert hermit and learning more about the ruins of the ancient city of Baoping Mountain.

But after seeing these two barrages, he immediately dismissed the idea.


How could there be a flying centipede in this world!

If it is true, the theory of evolution that has lasted for hundreds of years will be overthrown!

Seeing that the netizens in the live broadcast room were still arguing endlessly over this barrage, he thought about it, and simply talked about it to the camera.

"The live broadcast room is very lively. I'm also here to have a brief chat with you."

"First of all, the idea of ​​this heavenly official blessing his classmates is very interesting. There are indeed many precious medicinal materials in Baoping Mountain, and the possibility that it is a forbidden area for alchemy in ancient times cannot be ruled out. But..."

Speaking of this, Professor Chu smiled and paused on purpose.

"However, no matter in ancient times or now, centipedes are terrestrial arthropods and cannot fly."

"Secondly, when a person dies, he will slowly decompose into a pile of bones, and it is impossible to move."

"Heavenly officials bless the students, you must believe in science!"

As soon as Professor Chu spoke, there was no more debate in the live broadcast room.

They even played a relay game and started this barrage at the same time.

"Believe in science +1!"

"Believe in science +2!"


"Believe in science +999!"

Su Chen didn't care about the cynicism of the netizens.

Just seeing that the archaeological team didn't pay much attention to their own opinions, they couldn't help but sighed helplessly.

Chen Yulou and Partridge Whistle are awesome enough, especially the latter, who is almost the top combat power in the ghost blowing lamp world.

But what happened?

The brothers and sisters of Partridge Whistle and several capable subordinates of Chen Yulou were all buried in the Pingshan tomb!

It's hard to persuade the damn ghost, he has already reminded the archaeological team that he has done his best.

Not long after, the archaeological team set up the camp and installed the pulley sling device on the cliff of Pingshan Mountain.

The top of Bottle Mountain.

Two staff members of the archaeological team ran to Professor Chu with joyful faces and shouted repeatedly.

"Teacher, the hanging basket is installed, and we can go down to the valley to explore!"

Professor Chu cheered up, waved his hand and said, "Okay! Xiao Li, Xiao Liu. You two go down to find out first, and you must pay attention to safety!"

"Don't worry, teacher, I promise to complete the task!"

These two young guys are both Professor Chu's students, and they were very excited when they heard that the teacher entrusted them with such an important task.

At the same time, Wang Tiantian also took the camera brother and pointed the camera at the two young guys.

Xiao Liu and Li quickly got into the hanging basket, and with the cooperation of other staff, the hanging basket was slowly lowered into the depths of the valley.

The valley is shrouded in clouds and mist, and the hanging basket can't be seen clearly when it is lowered for more than ten meters.

Accompanied by the creaking sound of the pulley block, the staff present and the audience in the live broadcast room became nervous at the same time.

Wang Tiantian stood by the cliff, looking at the bottomless valley, somehow suddenly remembered those barrages.

"The poisonous worms in the mountains have ingested the medicine gas and become extremely poisonous!"

"The most powerful one is a huge six-winged centipede that can fly!"

Thinking of these two sentences, Wang Tiantian couldn't help but feel palpitations.

From the valley below, it seemed that a terrifying six-winged centipede could fly out at any moment.

She shook her head and couldn't help laughing at herself!

How could there be such a monster in this world, Wang Tiantian, what are you thinking!

Just at this time, Professor Chu was talking with his students on the walkie-talkie.

"What's the matter, is it over?"

"Teacher, we are almost there. There is a huge palace complex below here, and our current position is just at the top of the palace."

"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I couldn't believe that the ancients could build such a beautiful palace complex under the abyss!"

"Okay, okay! Pay attention to your safety, and be careful where you step, so as not to damage the cultural relics."

Professor Chu was in high spirits, and repeatedly asked the students to pay attention to safety.

When the members of the archaeological team around heard the news, they all clapped excitedly and cheered!

As archaeologists, nothing could make them happier than this news.

Wang Tiantian was also very excited. She turned her head to the camera and said, "Friends from the audience, the archaeological team is doing preliminary exploration today. After Professor Chu's students are sure that they are safe, a full-scale excavation will be carried out in a few days. I believe that you will be able to see it for yourself soon. We have seen the whole picture of the ruins of the ancient city.”

As soon as the voice fell, a mutation suddenly occurred!

There was a sudden burst of tragic screams in Professor Chu's walkie-talkie.

"What is that, ahhh..."

After a few screams, there was no more sound from the walkie-talkie.


All the staff members on the top of the mountain changed their faces.

Professor Chu's eyes were about to burst, and he quickly shouted: "Quick, quickly pull him up!"

Chapter 3 The Clown Is Ourselves

"Xiao Liu, what did you see, please answer if you hear it!"

"Xiao Li, what's the matter, call back quickly!"

The motor of the pulley block was turned on to the maximum, making a rattling sound.

Professor Chu kept asking about the situation of the students!

But no matter how much he yelled, there was no response from the intercom.

Seeing this, everyone fell silent in unison!

No one knew what happened next, but they knew that something must have happened to Xiao Liu and Xiao Li!

Seeing this situation, the netizens in the live broadcast room were also heartbroken.

"Woooooooo, the little brother of the archaeological team must be fine!"


"How could this be, what happened next?"

" won't really make the heavenly official's blessing true. There are really monsters under the valley, right?"

"Bah, ivory can't come out of a dog's mouth."

The valley is nearly a thousand meters deep.

Even with the motor running at maximum horsepower, it took nearly 8 minutes to pull up the hanging basket.

As soon as the hanging basket was pulled up, the archaeological team hurriedly surrounded it.

"Xiao Liu and the others, why do they only have clothes?"

After everyone gathered around, they found that there were only clothes and a walkie-talkie in the hanging basket, but Xiao Liu and his wife were nowhere to be found.

Seeing this scene, everyone was puzzled.

How could two living people suddenly disappear!

And even more bizarre, why did they take off their clothes before they disappeared?

Professor Chu's face was heavy: "They may have accidentally fallen into the palace, I'm going down to find them."

After speaking, it is time to enter the hanging basket.

The archaeological team next to him hurriedly stopped him and advised, "Professor, you are getting old, let us go."

While speaking, some young team members volunteered to step into the gondola first.

It's just that within a few seconds, he just picked up the leftover clothes in the hanging basket, and yelled in horror!

"Ah! What is that?"

Everyone's expressions changed, and they looked in the direction he pointed.

There were puddles of blood under the clothes of Xiao Liu and Li, and there were more than a dozen colorful centipedes lying on them, sucking and wriggling.


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