Live Fortune Telling: Water Friends, You Have a Little Green on your Head

Chapter 144

Chapter 143 Tianliang Wangpo

It is said that once a developer dug up an ancient tomb, but the investment was too large, so he wanted to push it directly and quietly built the building.

It is true that he can kill invisibly.

His son, who is only 18 years old, is still being held in a detention center for a crime.

“Tianliang Wang Po!”

At this time, his heart is also hanging!

Now flower growers attach great importance to the protection of cultural relics, and all the people in the Cultural Relics Bureau are crazy.

Digging ancient tombs is not the first day to excavate.

What about upfront investment?

“By the way, Master Qin, can you add your personal WeChat, leave a contact information, and if you want to buy land in the future, can I show you Feng Shui!”

a series of things.

Under such circumstances, who would dare to attack.

enough to bring down a company.

“Fortunately, this person has found Master Qin, otherwise he would not have gone bankrupt.

Although it is said to have fallen.

Sounds impressive, doesn’t it?

Isn’t he going to go bankrupt?

Going bankrupt!

The stock market shook.

The company will hit the limit again.

The live broadcast room immediately cheered.

But it is not good to let others think that they kill innocent people indiscriminately.

“Am I the only one who thinks it’s scary? Yesterday, that person was just a quarrel, so he won’t die! 99

In addition, if the tomb is out, if it is not done, the contract will be voided through negotiation with the relevant departments, and the land will be returned.

“Well, thanks for the gift from the water friend just now.

“Seriously, developers are afraid of this.”

“Now, it’s the last person’s turn!”,

In the end, the tomb was saved.

Qin Yue left contact information.

“Who made his attitude so arrogant, Master Qin is right to slap him in the face. He has raised little animals and committed such a big thing, and he doesn’t know how to repent!”

is continuous.

Netizens had heated discussions.

“Don’t, don’t be like this, I’ll listen to what I have to say.

“People must have a heart of reverence, and if they reveal the secret, they will be punished.

“Yeah, remember to give more rewards to Master Qin.”

“Fuck, Master Qin kills people without a trace!”


Losing a few million is a trivial matter. The problem is that if the contract is voided, the bank loan must be refunded.

For a time, the barrage news exploded.

“Master Qin is awesome.””

Moreover, the chairman of Guomao Jianye did not send out a treasure map.

The chairman of Guomao Jianye nodded quickly, extremely humble.

Qin Yue wanted to ask him to pay 10 million, and he would not refuse.

All other shareholders in the company must withdraw their shares.

But the sell-off is still going on, and no one wants to get caught.

Expect the stock market to open tomorrow.

“You took the land at a high price, invested money, and all the equipment came in. You found an ancient tomb. Maybe you can negotiate a refund with the relevant departments for the land money, but what about the money for other equipment? What about human and material resources?”5

Qin Yue said that this was a backlash to reveal the secret.

“Originally, these people must die! 99

The foundations have been dug and dug up.

The chairman of Guomao Jianye quickly became serious and respected Qin Yue, wishing he could follow Qin Yue’s lead.

Didn’t this cause Qin Yue to die?

“In addition to the delay in construction period, the bank urged the loan. 35

But at that time, that developer, all the equipment came into place, and the manpower and material resources were in place.

After Qin Yue finished speaking, the netizens in the live broadcast room finally understood the relationship.

His family business, I am afraid it will not be a few days.

Labor costs every day.

“The son does not teach the father’s fault, who will take pity on the girl who was forced to death 02?”

Apparently, he was very grateful to Qin Yue for his fortune-telling, which saved him from a catastrophe.

As a result, people from the Cultural Relics Bureau heard it.

The worst fear is to dig something underground.

As soon as the news came out.

The chairman of a listed company said he was hit by a car and died!

on the screen.

But obviously, this man offended Qin Yue, and then Qin Yue didn’t want his money.

Qin Yue was dumbfounded when he heard it.

Netizens were also joking.

Afterwards, the person was very grateful and went to the live broadcast.

“At least the tombs of the Han Dynasty. 35

Therefore, the chairman of Guomao Jianye really did not dare to offend Qin Yue.

“Master Qin, needless to say, I know, when you are free, can you come to me and help me crack it?”

If what Qin Yue said is true.

The company is a mess.

Dig the treasure map and get free golden beans inside.

Qin Yue saw this and felt the need to explain it.

“His son is alive, he is dead!”

Only the land money is lost.

“Shuiyou, let’s continue to talk about the problem of land!

An 80-year-old old man directly blocked the excavator.

After hearing Qin Yue’s words, the chairman of Guomao Jianye felt frightened.

“It is estimated that your company will be on the verge of bankruptcy repeatedly!

“That’s what happened!”

“Understood, no money to hunt ghosts, I wanted to prostitute for nothing, but I was hit by a car when I went out!”

“Thank you, Master Qin, I know, I won’t compete for this land!”

Not only that, but the entire company is shaking.

“Then you say, you say.”

“One life for one life, it would be fine to give money.”

“I changed my life against the sky and saved them, they are not grateful, then don’t blame me for not helping him bear the backlash of revealing the secret! 35

He has several students in their fifties who are on site 24 hours a day.

“A penny is not bad! 35

“Tianliang Wangpo × 2! 35

Qin Yue did not continue the discussion, but looked at the chairman of Guomao Jianye.

As soon as the chairman of Guomao Jianye heard the words, he was shocked and sweaty!

“I didn’t shoot, I just didn’t ask for his money, and he didn’t want to give it to me!

When he said that, a treasure map flew out.

The group he built.

Qin Yue naturally would not refuse.

The project stops when it says to stop.

“Money, definitely a lot.”

What are developers most afraid of?

“Not too small!”

“This water friend, the piece of land you value now is indeed in a good position, but there is an ancient tomb under this piece of land. 99

“Hehe, where did the great Virgin come from, if he hadn’t been so arrogant, would his son do such a thing?”

No Wang Mulin presided over the overall situation.

How much is the upfront investment?

“No wonder some people say that bankruptcy avoids disasters, so this is the truth!””

This Master Qin is really strong!

“Tianliang Wangpo x10086!95

Only the next moment, Qin Yue’s words made him stunned.

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