Live Streaming: Great Adventure in the Wilderness

Chapter 79 - 77 They Won!

Chapter 79: Chapter 77 They Won!

Translator: 549690339 I

The moment the Wolf King died.

All around was silent.

Only the occasional howling wind blew across the sky.

Wolf corpses lay everywhere, and the smell of scorching permeated the air, like a crematorium that had been at work for a long time.

The Wolf King’s head was thrown high in the air, causing the pack to scatter and flee.

The sun had already risen, and the snowy forest was vast, covered in a layer of golden sunlight. The temperature rose gradually, and the huge ice armor cracked, with blood seeping through the fissures.

Watching the fleeing wolves, Bi Fang looked up into the dawn and casually wiped his cheek, leaving a long streak of wolf blood across his face.

Wildness, arrogance.

He was like the most valiant warrior of a primitive tribe, using the blood of his prey to record glory and feats of valor.

Shrouded in mist, a mountain connecting to the sky loomed behind him, its summit bathed in a sunlight that shimmered golden, with clouds wandering near the top.

Zheng Tianfang and the others had braved the wind and snow for so long, never imagining they were brushing past this majestic and solemn mountain. Suddenly seeing it felt like witnessing a miracle, inspiring awe and admiration.


It was unclear who started laughing, but gradually, everyone began to laugh. Their voices weren’t loud, but they reached the sky, cutting through clouds and shattering stones, echoing between heaven and earth.

The aftermath of a catastrophe, nothing could be more so.

This battle.

They had won!


An Emperor Effect of golden light rose from the screen, in sync with the live stream, as if another sun had exploded atop the mountain, and an eye-catching banner appeared along with it.

[Congratulations to the Joyful Pigskin for becoming an Emperor!]

[Joyful Pigskin sends 10 Spaceships to the host—Even in the face of death one can intimidate tigers and leopards, and one need not fear bears even in perilous life. This is the most amazing live stream I’ve ever seen, without a doubt, and there will never be another!]

The Emperor Effect, coupled with ten Spaceships, instantly woke all the Shuiyou.

But it wasn’t over yet!

[Congratulations to Tonight’s Moonlight Charm for becoming an Emperor!]

[Tonight’s Moonlight Charm sends 10 Spaceships to the host—I don’t have the culture that the guy upstairs does, but I know that becoming an Emperor in Master Fang’s live room is definitely the right move!]

Seemingly inspired by the first two, the Emperor Effects followed one after the other, never ceasing.

[Holy shit! Master Fang is too awesome!]

[I’m ashamed to say, I’ve watched sports all my life, but I’ve never seen a live stream like this, absolutely brilliant!]

[So immersive, I’ve already slapped my dog five times—I’m a wolf-fighting hero too!]

[Though I’m not human, the guy above is definitely a dog.]

[Wolf-fighting hero? Are you sure you didn’t hit your own brother?]

[I’m not talking anymore, already started wrecking the house.]

[I say Master Fang is the number one streamer, who agrees, who opposes?]

[Only Master Fang could draw this many rich guys, right? That’s five Emperors already, who else?!]

[Lin Chang sends too Spaceships to the host—I’m convinced, truly convinced. Lin Xue is so lucky to have met you this time!]

[The real big spender has started firing rockets again, awesome, truly awesome, a sight rarely seen in a lifetime!]

In the live stream room, gifts and “awesome” bullet comments were everywhere. Occasionally, when a cultured person popped up, they would throw in a few lines of ancient poetry.

The activation of two new Emperors, coupled with Lin Chang and his sister, Lord Mu, and the five natural Emperors of Bi Fang’s live room, and not one of them from a guild—that was a straight up $500,000!

Add to that the continuous Spaceships from various rich guys, and that’s another million in revenue.

Such a scene is rarely seen in years, and this time, it happened!

Which streamers can achieve such results?

Very few, but now Bi Fang is one of them!

And this is far from his limit, he can be even stronger!

Whether they were big streamers or small ones, at this moment, none of them felt any competitive spirit. These were achievements they could only look up to, touch them and you die!


The staff silently watched Wang Yongbo, who had been grinning foolishly since a moment ago, wanting to remind him that his drool was leaking out, but after thinking it over for a moment, they decided to let it be.

After all, he was the boss.

“Though facing death one may still challenge tigers and leopards, in life’s peril, one need not fear bear or boar.” Master Fang, a female tycoon in the business world, couldn’t help but be emotionally stirred as she recited this line of poetry.

Even though the verse described a pack of wolves, she felt its use here was not at all an exaggeration, and actually quite fitting.

At this moment, Bi Fang’s performance was akin to another “Wolf King”!

“Holy shit, isn’t this just too awesome?”

Lin Chang had watched for quite some time before managing to blurt out only this much; it wasn’t that he was uncultured, but rather the shock was too intense, leaving him unable to muster any eloquence, just as one might instinctively scream when startled.

Swearing was much the same.

Seeing Bi Fang’s stellar performance, Lin Chang was even contemplating starting his own live streaming company, not for any other reason but to sign Bi Fang, and he believed that with Shenhua’s strength, they could definitely grow the platform to great heights.

At this moment, he had seemingly forgotten even about his sister’s safety. With such a powerful figure leading the way, what was there to worry about?

If even Bi Fang couldn’t handle it, then nobody else could be of use.

If they could even confront a pack of wolves, what difficulty could possibly stop them?

This was Lin Chang’s most sincere thought at the moment.

“Do you have a classmate who works at the Old Wave News Department?” Lin Zhou suddenly asked.

“Yeah, what about it?” Lin Chang was taken aback by the question, but he quickly understood, “Sis, are you thinking of…’1

“Yes!” Lin Zhou confirmed decisively.

Now that the blizzard had stopped, the rescue team should be able to find Lin Xue and the others soon. With even the pack of wolves defeated, Lin Zhou did not believe there would be any more significant dangers, so there was no need to keep suppressing the incident.

As a reward, Lin Zhou wanted to give Bi Fang a boost in popularity.

Although the incident itself was bound to attract attention, with Shenhua’s help, Lin Zhou and Lin Chang were confident they could make the event universally known, and they believed Lin Xue wouldn’t mind either.

Needless to say, after this live stream, Bi Fang’s following would see a tremendous surge.

“Is everyone alright?”

After the last wolf had vanished from sight, Bi Fang finally relaxed, but the wound on his shoulder began to ache.

“I’m good,” Hu Hao said with a grimace.

His right hand was covered in fresh blood, not from a wolf bite, but from a splinter he had forcefully driven under his fingernail.

Now, the fingernail on his right hand’s ring finger was completely gone.

On the other side, Wu Mingtao was also groaning. He had been bitten on his thigh, but fortunately it was just the thigh, and thanks to the timely rescue by Hu Hao and the others, his bone wasn’t broken, and he had even luckily avoided the arteries and veins; it just looked very bloody.

The only bad thing was that both of his legs were now injured, and he couldn’t walk at all.

“But what about you? Are you alright?” Seeing that Bi Fang still had the capacity to care for others, Zheng Tianfang was the first to ask.

The audience also remembered this concern.

They had seen it clearly just now—the Wolf King had indeed bitten down hard on Bi Fang’s shoulder, and that bite looked painful.

Bi Fang also looked at his shoulder, but there appeared to be no sign of injury on the surface, not even a tear in his clothes.

This was the advantage of buying a brand-name jacket—the fabric had not even torn under the fierce mauling of the Wolf King, which directly helped him avoid the most troublesome risk of bacterial infection.

But as he unzipped and peeled away the layers of clothing on his shoulder, streaks of fresh blood began to seep through, and by the time he reached the last two layers, they were a sticky mess.

Cold sweat seeped from his forehead, and Bi Fang, enduring the pain, tore open the last piece of clothing to reveal a wound with thick blood congealed in it, making everyone wince in sympathy.

[Master Fang is a real man, not even a frown on his brow.]

[Wasn’t it the shoulder that got hurt last time too?]

[During the Bear event, it was just a scratch, but this time he’s actually been bitten!]

[It looks like just a flesh wound, right?]

Hu Hao and Zheng Tianfang were both wincing as if they felt the pain themselves.

Now they were genuinely convinced; the man seemed young, but he was so much stronger than they were.

Hu Hao even felt a bit regretful, if his own daughter hadn’t just started middle school, he would’ve considered introducing her.

An absolutely outstanding young talent.

“It is indeed just a superficial wound.”

After a close examination of the wound, Bi Fang’s gaze flickered. To be honest, this was beyond his expectations..

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