Live Streaming: Great Adventure in the Wilderness

Chapter 84 - 82: Fire Them, Fire Them All!

Chapter 84: Chapter 82: Fire Them, Fire Them All!

Translator: 549690339 |


Bi Fang didn’t hesitate and immediately hit the reject button.

He was still in the hospital. If he generated something strange, wouldn’t he be dissected on the spot?

The rewards for this task weren’t as abundant as the first time, but they were still quite decent. After all, the novice task came with a double bonus, whereas this time it didn’t, plus he had claimed the rewards for the main quest early on.

He was already quite satisfied with the current situation.

As for the shop, it was grayed out during the survival process, which was to prevent any sort of cheating. Now that the task was completed, it was accessible.

Bi Fang took a look, and it was all equipment and food, nothing of immediate interest; the next refresh would be in 14 hours, so he’d check back then.

Both upgrade coupons were of a lower tier, only applicable to green and blue skills. Bi Fang used them all on Special Forces Ivi. This experience had made him realize the importance of combat abilities, so upgrading the Special Forces skill was necessary.

Up two levels in succession, and a flood of memories emerged.

More close combat experience, handling of unexpected events, demolitions and disarming, vehicle proficiency, standard firearm construction analysis and mastery, and tactical planning and execution.

Even though his skills hadn’t advanced, the abilities he gained from the two extra levels were undoubtedly stronger.

This feeling of getting stronger without effort was incredibly exhilarating. To make it even more thrilling, Bi Fang used all the remaining three enhancement points as well: one in agility and two in physique.

Explosiveness and physique were of utmost importance in wilderness survival; Bi Fang was truly sleepy this time.

He now felt warm all over, almost as if he was back in the womb, developing.

Becoming stronger felt amazing; it was even slightly too thrilling, like floating on a cloud, not wanting to come down.

Compared to enhancing, working out and such seemed utterly lame!

But he still needed to train. As a successor of socialism, Bi Fang had to engage in all activities and excel in them!

He wanted it all!

Finally, before going to sleep, Bi Fang took one last look at his panel. Content with the now much richer panel, he happily drifted off to sleep.

[Sole Bound User: Bi Fang]

[Age: 24]

[Height: 183.1cm]

[Weight: 70.5KG]

[Strength: 9]

[Physique: 13]

[Agility: 10]

(Spirit: 12]

[Status: Right shoulder injury (Accelerated Healing)]

[Enhancement Points: 0]

[Wilderness Points: 1600]

Purple Tree Trunk: Wilderness Survival Ivi, Advanced Yoga Ivi.

Blue Tree Trunk: Pilates lv3, Special Forces lv3

Green Tree Trunk: Cross-country Hiking lv5, Rock Climbing lv5, Swimming lv2, First Aid lv5, Biological Identification lv2, Calisthenics lv3.

“Ah! That feels great!”

The next morning, Bi Fang, waking up in the hospital bed, yawned and was about to open his eyes when he saw a huge face filling his entire field of vision, startling him almost to the point of throwing a punch.

Fortunately, his spirit was now at twelve, and his neural reactions were much faster than the average person’s. He stopped himself just in time once he recognized the person.

“President Wang? What… What are you doing here? Is there some matter?”

Bi Fang looked at the large face that was too close for comfort, instinctively shrinking back, pressing himself against the wall, and pulling up the bedsheet a bit.

The visitor was none other than the Wolf Fang CEO, Wang Yongbo!

Wang Yongbo grinned, his eyes nearly squished out of sight by his cheeks, prompting Bi Fang to involuntarily glance at Wu Mingtao on the next bed, hoping for some hint.

Wu Mingtao caught the look and spoke bluntly, “This gentleman arrived early this morning. Seeing you were asleep, he didn’t disturb you. He has been waiting for more than an hour now!”

Bi Fang was taken aback when he heard this. More than an hour?

That idle… ah, no, that concerned about him?

“Didn’t want to disturb you, that’s all,” Wang Yongbo waved his hand, indicating it was nothing. He didn’t deny it; after all, they were adults here, and this was precisely the effect he wanted.

Many things lose their charm if stated bluntly.

“How come you, President Wang, thought to visit me, given how busy you are?” Bi Fang was curious. Although touched by Wang Yongbo’s special visit, he knew there was more to it than simple concern.

After all, as a vice president of a publicly listed company, traveling a long distance to visit him wasn’t just about sharing a few caring words—only a fool would believe that.

“Of course, I came to discuss the upcoming live stream with you.” Wang Yongbo’s face burst into a smile, blooming like an old chrysanthemum.

In fact, Bi Fang really misunderstood this time.

Ever since Wang Yongbo signed Bi Fang, the pleasant surprises hadn’t stopped coming. Although his original plan was for Bi Fang to become the frontrunner for Wolf Fang Live Streaming, he thought that would happen after several live streams, right?

But he never imagined that just one live stream would bring such a great surprise.

The news about the recent event was all over the trending searches, with people all over commenting and sharing. The first survival video Bi Fang posted had seen a surge in views—dominated B Island, you could say he was breaking into new circles.

It’s no small feat for a streamer to trend—Shark and Tiger Fang had done it before, but Wolf Fang’s occasions were pitifully few. This not only publicized Bi Fang but also promoted Wolf Fang indirectly!

Even the shares of Wolf Fang TV had gone up a bit—it was like mana from heaven!

Shark TV must be full of regret by now, huh?

Therefore, Wang Yongbo couldn’t sit still and asked his assistant to book a flight immediately. He had to play “Big Ears Liu” again—a great strategy with Red Hare by his side, moving faster than a Bugatti, he needed to hurry and extend his warm regards!

He rushed all the way from the Magic Capital by plane, arriving alone in Mohe, like he was conducting a surprise inspection. Then, he appeared before Bi Fang, to his astonishment.

Bi Fang could understand Wang Yongbo’s feelings, but though he understood, why did he always have to grab his hand?

Bi Fang tried subtlely to withdraw his hand but failed. How could this bald middle-aged man have such strong grip?

“Mr. Bi, are you settling in well with Wolf Fang Live Streaming?” Wang Yongbo asked with a hearty laugh.

Bi Fang began to understand—this was “humanistic care.” After all, Wolf Fang had invested so much and provided him with many resources; it was only natural to come and check on him.

“Very well! Wolf Fang TV is definitely a platform with potential!” Bi Fang praised, though implying that the potential had not yet been realized.

But after this live stream, Bi Fang indeed realized that although Wolf Fang TV was on the decline, it still had a solid foundation. The user base was not small, with the viewership for this live stream exceeding one hundred thousand.

“President Wang, taking time out of your busy schedule to visit, is there anything you require? Is it about the next live stream? Don’t worry, my injury isn’t severe. There won’t be any delays,” Bi Fang suggested, thinking that his injury might have caused Wang Yongbo to worry about problems in the next live stream.

But Wang Yongbo quickly said, “Mr. Bi, please don’t get me wrong. I had no such intention. You should focus on recovering. It doesn’t matter how long it takes; you must ensure your safety. The next live stream can happen anytime. Honestly, I’m just here to congratulate you. You’ve brought hope to Wolf Fang TV!”

Bi Fang was utterly confused. How did this one live stream bring hope to Wolf Fang?

Was it just because the viewership broke one hundred thousand?

What’s there to congratulate?

He couldn’t understand at the moment; having known the popularity of Bear Grylls and Grandpa De in his previous life, he didn’t regard such achievements as anything special. His ambition was not just to be the number one live streamer but to become a legendary figure like the world’s number one survivalist, the world’s top explorer.

Wouldn’t it be a waste of his skills to aim for anything less?

He had reached this point all by himself. After all, humans, being the most intelligent creatures, are stronger than animals because they can use tools, and the System was such a tool.

Using the System was no different from using any tool; it was still all about his effort and struggle.

Suddenly, Bi Fang began to wonder if Wang Yongbo was being sarcastic. Leaders generally act in such a manner—could it be that he was dissatisfied because the live stream’s performance was not up to expectations and because Bi Fang’s injury might delay the next broadcast?

This bald guy was getting a bit greedy.

Especially when the results were actually good.

Bi Fang pondered for a moment and decided to take a stance first. If he left Wolf Fang now, it would be quite troublesome. He admitted guilt, “The results this time weren’t ideal, but the rate of improvement is actually quite fast. A sudden surge is difficult in the short term, but the news coverage this time will surely trigger a qualitative change in the next live stream.”

And Wang Yongbo was also baffled—why are you blaming yourself? You’ve only streamed for a few days, and Wolf Fang TV’s market value has started to rise. Didn’t you see how we were previously on a steady decline? Your first live stream reached over one hundred thousand viewers; the best in the same period!

If you’re feeling guilty about that, should I fire most of the streamers in Wolf Fang TV?

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