Live Surgical Broadcast

Chapter 111 - Sad past

Su Yun’s hand was packed with a packed lunch box. Seeing Zheng Ren looking at the book, he smiled and said: “You are really a natural hospitalization.”

“There is nothing to go back to. I am in the hospital for emergency treatment and surgery. It is also very good.” Zheng Ren got up and took the lunch box and walked to the duty room.

“What is the meaning of your life?” Su Yun obviously wants to turn into a mocking mode.

“Doing surgery, earning money, raising a family, living a life. Is there anything else in life other than that?”

“It’s really pure.”


When I arrived at the duty room, Zheng Ren opened the warm lunch box and saw a box of white rice and a box of chili fried meat.

“Dengfu House’s chili fried meat is said to be a family-crafted craft, and it is okay to eat.” Su Yun sat down on the other side of the table and introduced to Zheng Ren.

If he is a waiter, it is the worst waiter, there is no feeling of enthusiasm, and the experience is extremely poor.

Zheng Ren took a sip and okay.

Anyway, it is not difficult to eat, and his requirements for eating are not high, as long as he can fill his stomach.

Seeing Zheng Renniu chewing a peony-like meal, covered with a slot, Su Yun felt uncomfortable and did not spit.

“What about you?” Unexpectedly, before Su Yun had to spit a few old slots, Zheng Ren asked without a head.

“What am I?”

“Why did you leave the Concord?” Zheng Ren asked.

The duty room was silent, and only the voice of Zheng Ren’s meal was alive.

“I guess there must be a story.” Soon, Zheng Ren finished eating, wiped his mouth with a paper towel, and packed up the table, and asked: “I heard that you had been admitted to Concord’s doctor for free, then why not?”

“Do you have anything to do with you?” Su Yun looked up, his eyes sharp, passing through the forehead black hair, as if to pierce Zheng Ren.

“You are my assistant. I feel that you are sick. If you don’t solve it, I am afraid that you will commit crimes.”

Obviously, Zheng Ren’s joke is very embarrassing, and he has come to Su Yun’s gaze.

Zheng Ren doesn’t seem to be getting an answer, just waiting for nothing to ask. Or let this mother gun shut up, don’t always vomit yourself.

Seeing Su Yun’s silence, he packed up the table and began to lay the bedding and wash.

All packed up, Su Yun is still silent.

“Sleep.” Zheng Ren said, and saw that Su Yun did not respond, he went to turn off the lights.

In the dark, after a long time, Su Yun sighed softly.

The sigh is full of helplessness and sadness.

Really a young literary artist, Zheng Ren was confused and heard Su Yun’s sigh, and thought of it.

“In that year, I met one thing.” Su Yun’s voice is cold, hehe. No, but omnipresent.

Zheng Ren suddenly woke up from his dream and was shocked.

“One patient, come to the Concord. The home is very cold and rarely seen.”

Concord is one of the few large hospitals in the country. Generally, foreign patients go to Concord, and they are all going to treat diseases. So Su Yun said that this is rare.

It is not surprising that Zheng Ren’s family members are indifferent.

“The time of the operation has been fixed, but the signature is not signed before the surgery.” Su Yun seems to be looking for the memory that he wants to forget, but always unable to let go, from the dusty memory.

“On that day, I found my family to be a bit sneaky. Sometimes it is not a good thing to be keen on observation. Like you, there will definitely not be so many things later.”

“…” Zheng Ren was speechless. Su Yun, who did not expect to fall into the stage of recollection and contemplation, did not forget to vomit himself. It seems that in his heart, he has nothing to do except surgery.

“I found that my family had added something to the static drug, so I immediately went to my teacher. The teacher rushed over and sealed up the drug and found evidence. But these are not important. When the patient was rescued, the family used a chair. On the teacher’s head.”

“I have been paralyzed. I didn’t expect anyone in this world to have it.”

“The blood flowing out of the teacher’s head is so glaring, the **** smell seems to be filled in the whole ward. It is no longer a place to save people, and the ward has become a **** of Shura.”

Silence, silence in silence.

Su Yun is like a ghost crawling out of hell, struggling, silent, full of resentment and unwillingness, helplessness. Numerous negative emotions came to the fore, and the temperature in the duty room dropped by a few degrees.

After a long time, Zheng Ren asked: “What later?”

“Rescue, success, the patient was automatically discharged. But the teacher left the sequela due to cerebral hemorrhage and could no longer be operated.”

“The person who beats is affected…”

“That doesn’t make sense at all.” Su Yun said indifferently, Zheng Ren seemed to see him licking the black hair on his forehead and seeing the smirk from his mouth.

“There are countless people to save, and finally they are so cruel.” Another long sigh, “The world is not worth it.”

“So you are back?” Zheng Ren asked.

“Yeah.” Su Yundao: “I don’t want to do surgery anymore. I don’t want to do anything. If it weren’t for you, I am going to resign to open a pet hospital.”

“Then I am sorry for you.” Zheng Ren also wants to open the taunting mode and make the atmosphere of the duty room a little easier.

“It doesn’t matter.” Su Yun accepted Zheng Ren’s “apology”. “I am very surprised. How do you do this surgery so well? The strangest thing is, who did you learn from intervention?”

“嗤~~~” Su Yun swears, “I don’t believe that some people’s talents are better than me. You are just bitter and hardworking. I don’t know where to learn the surgery for countless days. What about the ghost?”

Zheng Ren was a little surprised. Although Su Yun didn’t know the truth, although he was narcissistic, he almost guessed the truth of the matter.

His own surgery was indeed done in countless geniuses in the system. He said nothing wrong.

“Treatment and save people? I am not so noble. Once I think of this idea, the back of the teacher’s body is not good. It will appear in my mind.” Su Yun smiled. “Sleep, I guess I can dream of the teacher tonight. Dreaming of the Shura **** on that day, it’s good, and I can have a nightmare.”

The child’s three views… Zheng Ren is very speechless, and this has to be stimulated into what can be said.

The fog is scattered, the dream wakes up, and I finally see the truth, that is the silence after the thousand sails. Zheng Ren’s mind suddenly floated out like this. He didn’t remember where he saw it, and he didn’t remember who said it.

Real? False? Zheng Ren will not think about it, life is still a little better.

After Su Yun did not speak, the temperature of the duty room gradually rose, and Zheng Ren fell asleep.

When I wake up to sleep naturally, this kind of day is rare in the emergency department. I can meet three or five times a year, and I need excellent luck.

Sleeping to wake up naturally, Zheng Ren up, see Su Yun sitting on the bed, leaning against the wall, looking at the blue sky outside the window, the white clouds are in a daze.

This child will not be stupid.

“You…” Zheng Rengang spoke, Su Yun woke up from the state of being in a daze, and the evil charm smiled and said: “I will remind the CT-enhanced film and try to get things done today.”

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