Live Surgical Broadcast

Chapter 43 - Thousands of fires, big rescue!

The two were silent and ran to the emergency department all the way.

Returning to the emergency department, Director Pan Pan ordered that patients who were not seriously ill should be removed and asked to go to other hospitals.

Director Lao Pan announced that there was a collective poisoning incident. After the city’s first hospital had to concentrate on treating critically ill patients, most of the patients still obeyed the arrangements and left on their own to go to other hospitals.

Some people are not seriously injured or worried, leaving to watch the excitement.

But there are a few people who are starting to make trouble. Come here, even said that I don’t see a doctor? ! Is your hospital still a place to save the wounded? If you don’t want to see Laozi, then don’t look at anyone!

Director Pan was just coldly watching a few noisy aunts and aunts, and they did not pay attention to them, and then proceeded to arrange the emergency room.

Those who can be discharged from the hospital are discharged from the hospital. Later, the procedure will be carried out later, and more beds will be reserved to wait for the coming storm.

Five minutes later, the hospital leadership team of the First Hospital of the City went to the emergency department and worked on the spot. The doctors and nurses were deployed from various departments of the hospital to strengthen the emergency department.

After all, such a big event may not be encountered once in a few years. Therefore, the emergency department has not been routinely prepared, but it is temporarily allocated.

A female patient in her fifties looked sullen and saw the leader of the hospital coming. She grabbed the chief of the Xiaoxing Gongyue and began to make trouble.

For a little old people to play rogue, no matter who is no way, Xiao Dechang is also true.

Seven minutes later, the nearby police came to support.

Seeing the shining national emblem, those who are making troubles are paralyzed.

After nine minutes, the sound of the ambulance’s screaming horns came from far away, and all the people were in place, ready to start fighting.

Zheng Ren and the nurse and the care worker went to the emergency door to pick up 120 cars. Originally, I didn’t want to go to Zheng Ren, but if he wanted to make a clear diagnosis one second earlier, he might save a fresh life.

The 120 car brakes, the tire rubs against the ground and makes a harsh sound. As soon as the white smoke rises, the black marks of the brake tires are left on the ground.

The stretcher was pushed down and Zheng Ren stunned.

The patient’s exposed skin is blue-gray and alive an Avatar.

Zheng Ren’s mind instantly raised a bad idea. This is especially nitrite poisoning.

Since training in the system, Zheng Ren’s memory has been many times stronger than before.

Such as the extremely rare disease of nitrite poisoning, there are only a few simple introductions in the textbooks at the time of school. After leaving the school and taking part in the work, Zheng Renlian did not receive a case of nitrite poisoning.

However, this memory, a few lines of words, appeared directly, and there was no ambiguity.

Through the diagnosis of the case in the upper right corner of the field of vision, Zheng Ren determined that this is nitrite poisoning, the patient is already in a toxic shock state, and may die at any time!

Cart, Zheng Ren ran wildly.

At this time, every second is extremely precious and can determine a person’s life and death.

“Nitrite poisoning! Prepare Meilan! Prepare potassium permanganate for gastric lavage!” Zheng Ren screamed as he strolled.

In the entire corridor, the voice of Zheng Ren echoed.

Xiao Zhao hides in an inconspicuous corner of the emergency department corridor and is broadcasting live. When he heard the voice of Zheng Ren and saw him strolling, his heart suddenly raised a sense of worship.

Usually very ordinary, no money, no room, no girlfriend’s young silk, very tall at this moment.

“Prepare Meilan, a lot!” Zheng Ren passed by Xiao Yuan, and arranged loudly.

As if he was the dean, his voice was authoritative.

Dean Xiao’s glimpse, the aunt who was in the 50s who was unreasonable and troubled, was still screaming at the police’s deterrence.

Zheng Ren loosened the cart and said: “Create a venous access, 250ml10 of sugar plus 140mg of Meilan, stop at full speed, and wash the stomach with potassium permanganate.”

The flat car carrying the patient left Zheng Ren’s hand and was caught by the nurse waiting at the door of the emergency room.

“There is a lot of Meilan, the emergency department has a regular amount of inventory, but not enough.” Zheng Ren went to the front of Xiao De, solemnly and seriously.

“You bully me an old lady, I am not finished with you! I don’t believe it, there is no reason!” The old lady seemed crazy, clutching the white uniform collar of Xiao Dean, and made trouble, even the police around me did not listen. .

Zheng Ren said nothing, went up and grabbed her arm and threw it aside.

So hard, all of a foolish old aunt was thrown into the crowd in the corner. She stumbled and immediately sat down on the ground and began to dry up, her hands flapping on the ground. “The doctor killed, the police killed!”

“You go to deal with it, and then more people come.” Zheng Ren entered the king mode, arranged for the police to work, and then said to Xiao Dean, “The inventory of our hospital should not be enough, ask the city for help. If the city is not enough stocks, then , ask for help from brothers and counties!”

After that, just turn around and leave, I don’t explain why.

Emergency rescue, this is the race against time, Xiao Dean looks dignified, the collars that have been caught are not allowed to sort out, arrange the medical director to deploy Meilan in the whole hospital, then pick up the phone and start to contact the city’s Meilan.

Meilan, also known as methylene blue, is commonly used in clinical practice to mark surgical sites for localization. So the stock of the entire hospital is not large, because it consumes less.

Normal human and animal red blood cells have substances such as VC and various glutathione which reduce methemoglobin.

If the nitrous acid oxidizing ability into the body exceeds the body’s reducing ability, human or animal will have obvious symptoms of poisoning.

The input of Meilan is reduced to Meilan by the reduction of coenzyme 1 catalysis. Reduced melanin can reduce methemoglobin to hemoglobin. It is itself oxidized to oxidized Meilan. This is repeated, and the cycle is repeated.

This kind of theory, the medical staff on the scene knows not much, and belongs to the extremely unpopular first aid knowledge. But this does not prevent everyone from realizing the seriousness of the problem. After all, the patient’s body is blue, the breathing is weak, and the blood pressure is very low. Some people with clinical experience know that the patient has entered the shock it is not as soon as possible If the state of shock is improved, complications such as liver and kidney failure and cerebral edema will soon occur due to a decrease in blood perfusion, followed by death.

Zheng Ren arranged the Xiao Dean and entered the emergency room. At this moment, he did not think that his tone of conversation with the dean would cause trouble for himself.

The patient was lying on the rescue bed and the shirt had been cut off and thrown aside. The whole body is covered with a shock film to connect with ECG monitoring. The dense lines systematically transmit the patient’s vital signs to the ECG monitoring, and through the current, become digital and images, making everything more direct.

Blood pressure 50/20, heart rate 40, blood oxygen saturation not measured!

In the usual sense, this should be considered a dead person.

The head nurse is setting up a venous passage, bending over and not seeing blood back when the three needles go down. Cold sweat on the forehead has wet the sterile cap in ten seconds.

Life, or death, depends on whether the venous access can be established smoothly.

At this time, the patient’s blood pressure is 50/20, the pulse is extremely weak, and even the large veins such as the jugular vein and the femoral vein, but the blood vessels are all smashed and become connective tissue in the muscle tissue, and there is no way to find it.

“I am coming.” Director Pan Pan took the incision bag, dragged the patient’s trousers, began to look for the femoral vein, and prepared to do deep vein severing, which was done in the past and is rarely done now.

In critical condition, even if Director Pan Pan cuts the skin and muscles of the groin, the femoral vein is afraid to have become a transparent connective tissue, challenging the surgeon’s eyesight and experience.

And doing so, the speed is very slow. Zheng Ren seems to hear the sound of the 120 ambulance in the distance.

Without hesitation, Zheng Ren entered the system space and said: “I want to buy training time!”

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