Live Surgical Broadcast

Chapter 90 - Ice and snow rescue

In the early winter, the temperature is not too low, the snow falls directly and melts, and when a cold wind blows, it forms a thin ice.

This is the most dangerous situation, and the people who drive have not realized that the road conditions have changed dramatically.

If it is snowing in a quiet night, it may not be too dangerous.

But now is the morning rush hour, the speed of three or forty is not fast, but driving on the ice is another matter.

The voice of Director Pan was still down. Zheng Ren saw several cars on the main line opposite the company through the window of the office and caught up.

One foot brakes the brakes, pulls up the handbrake, and the vehicle is slowly moving forward. The sense of despair is generally not enough for the human body.

At this moment, many people have this experience.

The speed of the vehicles on the main line opposite the hospital is not fast, and the rear-end collision is also a small scraping, which is completely unfounded.

However, car owners who have encountered a lot of things must go to the hospital for inspection and observation, and it is also reasonable.

Therefore, it can be expected that the emergency department will be hot today.

“叮铃铃~~~” Director Pan’s cell phone rang, using the oldest prompt.

“Hey, I am.”

“Good, rest assured, I am ready to do this.”

“Yes, the blood bank side, now go to the blood bank in the city center to take blood, all kinds of.”

Listening to the dialogue of Director Pan, Zheng Ren knows something big. The adrenaline is soaring, the endorphins are transformed, and the high-energy phosphate bond in the body breaks and releases a lot of energy.

“The Pentium Bridge has a large-scale vehicle collision. Witnesses said that there are serious injuries. 120 ambulances are heading to the Pentium Bridge, we are ready.” Director Pan Pan said.

Snow is water, and water is frozen into ice. Although this is rare, it will be there every few years in Haicheng.

The vehicles on the ground are okay. In the urban area, the speed is not fast enough. But the vehicles on the overpass are different.

The inertia of the free fall plus the little friction on the ice, one car after another…

The picture of Zheng Ren’s brain is very fierce, but he knows that the real situation may be even more fierce.

Pick up the phone, call the Shea, let her find the head nurse, tap the surgical equipment, if the number is not enough, go to the supply room and then take some. Also thank the Iraqi people, let the Chu family sisters count the anesthesia, rescue drugs, so as not to get busy.

“Can you still insist?” Zheng Ren asked Chang Yue.

“No problem at all.” Chang Yue stood up and went for a cup of Nestle instant coffee.

Zheng Ren really feels that Changyue is a man, whether drinking or working…

“Go, go to the emergency department and wait.” Director Pan said: “I have to prepare all the departments in the hospital.”

These are normal processes, no doubt.

The vehicle travels slowly because of the ice on the road. Although the Pentium overpass is not far from the city’s first hospital, it is enough to go back and forth for 10 minutes, but now, Zheng Ren estimates how the 120 ambulance will take half an hour to come back.


120 emergency treatment process, after receiving the call from the city’s 120 emergency center, the nearest hospital 120 ambulance must start within 3 minutes to go to the accident location.

A few minutes ago, when the siren sounded, the doctor in charge of 120 first aid stood up and took the first aid kit and the nurse on the ambulance parked outside the emergency.

When the driver master stepped on the gas pedal, the ABS anti-lock system immediately started, and the ambulance drifted 10 meters directly at the door, which slowly grasped the direction.

“The road today is slippery.” The driver was worried.

Undoubtedly, the big horn that does not open when the first-aid small injury first aid is opened, and a heart-rending whistle flutters.

The roadside vehicles heard the whistle of the ambulance and carefully avoided it, moving out a life channel for the ambulance.

The road is very slippery, and even if most people realize that they have to give way to the ambulance, it is not something that can be done in a moment.

The turtle speeded forward, usually less than five minutes, and after more than ten minutes, the ambulance arrived under the Pentium overpass.

Looking around… Three or forty cars collided together, like a long metal, different cars have different damage, and many thin gold vehicles have been deformed.

The huge inertia that slipped from the bridge caused great damage.

The doctor on the ambulance took a step back and slipped, and the whole person fell to the ground. The first aid kit in his hand flew out and slid down the ice for nearly 20 meters before stopping.

“Small Song, nothing.” The nurse who came down behind me carefully got out of the car and asked about it.

“Nothing.” Dr. Song grinned, his face and face burning.

You don’t have to look at it, it’s a disfigurement. Fortunately, I am a man. I am changing to a female doctor. It is estimated that I will have to go to the hospital for emergency treatment.

Step by step to the first aid box, pick up the first aid kit, and then began to move to the scene of the serial accident.

“Doctor, this side, this side!” someone shouted.

“I am going to die, hurry to save me!” Dr. Song glanced at the man and did not pay attention to him.

At your own discretion, go straight ahead and walk towards a car that has been deformed.

Those who can scream for help, eighty or ninety percent are okay, after all, they still have the strength to shout. Of course, nothing to say here is no big deal. Dr. Song also saw a fracture of the calf and tibia, and he ran a few hundred kilometers of tough guys.

Not far from the deformed car There is blood on the door, the inside is quiet, there is no wounded around, only to see someone in the driver’s seat.

It is estimated that there will be big events!

“Doctor, help!” People kept shouting along the way.

At this time, it is necessary to make a choice. Dr. Song can pick a patient and go back to see a doctor. This is the most convenient and most objectionable. You don’t even have to risk climbing on a bridge that is full of thin ice and simply untenable.

But he still insisted on his own judgment, and the heaviest patient must not be able to come next time. To pick up, be sure to pick up the heaviest patient.

After falling seven or eight heels, the doctor with the nose and face swollen and used the hands and feet, and finally came to the deformation car.

The door fell to the side, the driver in the car looked bloody, the steering wheel hit the chest and abdomen joint, and the man was on the steering wheel, life and death.

As soon as he was hesitant, Dr. Song quickly grabbed the door and tried to stabilize his footsteps so that he could pull the patient out.

Unexpectedly, the door was distorted, and the sharp metal edge left a wound on his hand.

Blood is pouring out.

I didn’t have time to deal with such a “small injury”. Dr. Song stabilized his footsteps, grabbed the patient, opened the seat belt, and used all his strength to pull the patient out of the car.

The bridge deck is very slippery, it is not easy to get up, it is even harder to go down.

Dr. Song glanced at the patient, his face was pale, his pulse was weak, and he was estimated to have internal bleeding. He looked at the nurses who were still trying to climb up under the bridge and the nurses carrying the empty stretchers. They shouted and let them go down to wait for themselves, then lie down directly, support them on the wheels with their feet, and then put the patients Pulled on yourself.

In this way, Dr. Song “slid” with the patient.

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