Live Surgical Broadcast

v3 Chapter 2940 - 1 kind of condition, no different symptoms

Remember in one second 【】

“Boss Zheng, it turned out.”

More than ten minutes later, when Zheng Ren was still watching the ct movie last year “face to face”, Zhou Litao came in and said.

“Pulmonary function showed severe decline in fev, fev / fvc, pef, mmef, v75, v50, v25, patients with severe obstructive ventilation dysfunction, severe impairment of large and small airway airflow, small reversibility of airway obstruction, and bronchodilatation test Negative. “Zhou Litao said.

“Why is it so heavy?” Su Yun frowned.

Originally, he wondered whether Sister Qiao ’s lover had deliberately used illness to avoid it, but the symptoms may be disguised, and the possibility of objectively disguising the disguise was not high.

“I’ll ask Sister Qiao.” Zheng Ren stood up and said immediately after hearing the test results reported by Zhou Litao.

“Do you suspect any other problems?” Su Yun asked, “Uh … annular cartilage?”

“It may be caused by circular cartilage.” Zheng Ren nodded.

With more than a year of tacit understanding, and even though Su Yun hasn’t opened, but has the same brain, solid basic knowledge and clinical experience, he instantly guessed what his boss thought.

After coming to the rescue room, Sister Qiao looked at the ground silently, Zhuang Yongzhi and the head nurse of the operating room sat silently beside them. It is estimated that they did not know how to persuade. In the end everyone remained silent, using companionship as comfort.

Several people have the same mindset. When they encounter such a thing, they can’t talk about it, they can’t talk about it, they just don’t exist. As long as sister Qiao is free, everything else is easy to say.

“Sister Qiao.” Zheng Ren said in front of Qiao Liyan.

“Boss Zheng, please.” Sister Qiao said softly instead of looking up.

“Does your lover usually have any minor problems?” Zheng Ren asked, and he hesitated afterwards. Asking the medical history is more taboo, for example, the doctor has a certain judgment in his heart, and then starts to virtual symptoms according to the condition, and asks the patient’s family.

But then Zheng Ren figured out, do you have a big pig’s hoof, a systematic diagnosis of future technology, it should have nothing to do with the inductive inquiry.

Qiao Liyan didn’t understand Zheng Ren’s words, she looked up and looked at Zheng Ren blankly, wondering what he meant.

“I mean, does your lover usually have any problems with ear pain, or … pain and swelling in the hands and feet.”

“He had previously diagnosed gout, and his right thumb was often swollen, and the pain was noticeable.” Sister Qiao replied, “Ears … Once I heard him say that my ears hurt, I rubbed them gently every time. It can be relieved in about 20 minutes. Frequency , About once a month. “

Speaking of this, suddenly there was light in Sister Qiao’s eyes.

It was tears, Zheng Ren knew.

Every bit of life was shattered in this way, but the scene that was very warm at first became ridiculous.

He couldn’t bear to see Sister Qiao’s emotional changes, he quickly said, “I’ll make a fiber bronchoscope for your lover. Now I’m a little eyebrows, make sure. Su Yun, tell Sister Qiao about the possible problems, after all, do it now It is still dangerous. “

After speaking, Zheng Ren hurried into the rescue room, leaving Su Yun outside to communicate with Sister Qiao.

Zhou Litao has already prepared the fiber bronchoscope. He followed Zheng Ren and asked in a low voice, “Boss Zheng, what disease do you suspect?”

“There is no previous history. Sudden asthma. I saw last year’s film and found that the trachea and bronchi were thickened. In addition, Sister Qiao said that the patient had swelling of the right thumb and pain in the ear. I suspect it is recurrent polychondritis.”

Relapsing polychondritis is a rare disease that affects the whole system and multiple systems. It has recurrent, progressive and destructive inflammatory destructive lesions that involve cartilage and other systemic connective tissues, including the ears, nose, eyes, joints, respiratory tract, and heart. Vascular system, etc.

The clinical manifestations are ear, nose and respiratory osteochondritis, accompanied by eye, ear vestibular and other organ involvement symptoms.

Zhou Litao originally thought that the patient was asthma caused by cold weather and emotional excitement, but he did not expect that Zheng Zheng gave such a diagnosis.

“This disease is not common. I have only seen two cases, and I encountered them during my internship.” Zhou Litao said, “One patient often had dizziness, and began to have various diagnoses, and the results after treatment were average. Finally, he caught up with one. An old expert is here, diagnosed with relapsing polychondritis. At that time, we did not believe it, and then the test results returned to prove that they are correct. “

Vertigo and asthma, the two symptoms that can’t be reached by eight, come from the same disease. Zheng Ren nodded, chatting with Zhou Litao while relapsed polychondritis, while waiting for the results of Su Yun’s exchange.

Even the family members of patients in our hospital must complete the procedures. I do n’t know how many of these things happened, so the more we are in the hospital, the more we must be careful, but do n’t do bad things with good intentions.

The patient’s wheezing sound has been alleviated under the action of drugs. The blood oxygen saturation level is about 95%, but he is lying on a flat car, his eyes are tightly closed, but the movement of the eyeballs can be observed through the eyelids. Here.

Zheng Ren shook his head slightly. This is really hard to say. Now I think it’s hard to understand. Forget it, let’s talk about the couple’s affairs later.

As for yourself, you still need to be a doctor to make a clear diagnosis of his illness and then treat it symptomatically.

Professional requirements can not be mixed with too many emotions, while Zheng Ren inspected the equipment of the fiber bronchoscope, while calculating the images that he might see after entering.

He didn’t go into the system operating room to take a look first, it was just an examination, there was no need to waste training time. Although I am relatively rich now, but small

^ 0 ^ Remember in one second 【】

The “big consumer” of Stone is still waiting for himself.

Lung transplantation is not that difficult ~ ~ That’s a joke. Organ transplantation is a big job, and the small stone itself is in a normal state, making the operation more difficult.

Coupled with the 3D printed lungs, there are countless things to do before and after surgery, and the surgical training time accumulated in your hand may not be enough.

A few minutes later, Su Yun walked in and said, “Boss, do it. Sister Qiao is signing. She agreed to check the trachea in the emergency department.”

“Is it clear?” Zheng Ren asked.

“Well, make it clear. Speaking to the dead, Sister Qiao agrees.”

When Su Yun was talking, Zheng Ren saw the patient’s eyelids shake more frequently. He seemed a bit scared, but the power to close his eyes was great. It should be to restrain the fear in his heart and still avoid reality.

“Hey, wake up, don’t pretend to sleep, do a check!” Su Yun’s attitude was extremely impatient. He patted Sister Qiao’s lover’s arm and said loudly.

Su Yun’s attitude was obviously a little irritable, Zheng Ren sighed helplessly.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a pleasant reading! ^ 0 ^

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