Live Wilderness Adventure

Chapter 101 - Black or white?

“Live Wilderness Adventure (

On the hot sand dunes, Bi Fang faced the sky with his chest up and down violently.

Now his back is still aching.

Really risky!

Fortunately, this time I opened the umbrella at 350 meters, otherwise it would really stop!

But Bi Fang was not afraid. He was mentally prepared for an accident. What kind of risk is no accident?

The sky is full of wind and sand.

Bi Fang lay on the ground for three full minutes, and suddenly a gust of wind blew him and choked him.



Bi Fang sat up suddenly, coughed twice, and spit out the sand from his mouth.

[Alive again! 】

【full HP resurrection! 】

[The quality of the clothes is decent enough, not torn at all. 】

[Professional equipment, how about having fun? 】

[Fangshen yyds!]

“What the hell? Cursed me to be single forever? I’m a straight man of steel. No matter how you curse that I can’t find a girlfriend, I won’t be able to get my person.” Bi Fang spit out the sand in his mouth and made a joke. .

He knows this is the eternal god, but every time he sees it, he feels like cursing him to be single forever.

After the rest, Bi Fang got up and took off all the goggles and umbrella bag. These are not system equipment, so they cannot be carried, and they are too heavy. In the desert terrain, any load must be carefully calculated.

“I don’t know how to use these equipment. After all, there are too many places where a parachute can be used, so I throw them all here, and the big brother who drives the helicopter will come down and take them later.”

[Another small detail to protect the environment]

[Positive energy oh iron juice]

[Wear professional outdoor sportswear: I don’t know how to use an umbrella bag, it does too much (funny)]

[I feel that it is more difficult to survive this time, the desert, except sand or sand. 】

[Stop talking, I’m already thirsty]

Following Bi Fang’s free-falling drone, it has long been suspended, and now it lifts into the sky, taking a clear view of the Qaidam Desert.

Just like Mohe, the colors are extremely monotonous when you look around. However, one is plain white snow and the other is yellow sand in the sky.

The dry ancient sand wind swept across the desert, and the earth-yellow giant rock was exposed on the ground.

The red-red Gobi and the dry yellow-green are already very different from the colors of this world.

It has been like this for thousands of years, flat, vast, arid, desolate, silent, barren…

Never changed.

In the distance, the distorted heat waves are visible to the naked eye, declaring the enthusiasm of this land.

Just landing from a cold high altitude, Bi Fang did not feel the heat at this moment. He looked up at the sky and took off his jacket and lining.

Different from the past, this time Bi Fang did not give priority to identifying the direction, but came to the shadow of the boulder and sat down.

Under the broken rock, the black and oily scorpion shook its poisonous hook, and was cautiously approaching the bug in the haystack. Suddenly, it was suddenly alarmed by the behemoth and quickly slipped into the crack to escape.

【? ? ? 】

[Why are you still sitting down? Not to survive? 】

[How do you feel that the style of painting is different this time? 】

[You have changed, Fangshen! 】

“What’s the hurry?” Bi Fang was rather leisurely. He raised his head and looked into the distance, pointing at the sun without rushing, “You just look at the sun, do you seem to be able to hurry?”

The drone lifted the camera, and the dazzling sunlight suddenly squinted all the audience.

Huo, what a big sun!

“To make a survival plan based on different environments is the key to survival. Deserts are different from forests and snow forests. Here, it is not a good time to drive during the day. We should choose to drive in the evening and early morning.”

“The cool night air allows you to travel faster, and the risk of heat stroke is minimal. In hot climates, this single decision will save your body three liters of water a day.”

“In the desert, survival is no longer our top priority, because wanting to escape and ascend to heaven will not be a short-term task. What is more important for us is to find the source of life, water!”

[Then sit here forever? 】

[It’s a bit boring]

Many spectators were dumbfounded. Although the skydiving was very exciting just now, they couldn’t stop moving right after they came out.

“Of course not. It’s only ten o’clock in the morning. The hurry time we should avoid is between 11 o’clock and 4 o’clock in the afternoon. I’m here to make some preparations!”

In the desert, the most dangerous enemy is undoubtedly temperature.

It can cause water shortage, heatstroke, and a series of serious problems, especially water shortage. If dehydrated in the desert, within a few days, the whole person will be dried out!

“Most of our body’s water loss occurs through sweat. Cover as much skin as possible with loose, lightweight clothes. This will make your skin sweat and slow down evaporation, thereby reducing water loss.”

“For this reason, it is best for us to wear a cotton singlet, not a sweat-wicking fabric, and then cover it with a light windbreaker, and in terms of color…”

Before Bi Fang finished speaking, he was interrupted by a barrage on the screen.

[I know this, you have to wear light-colored clothes, right? 】

【Is not this nonsensical? Light-colored reflective, not hot! 】

[How do I remember that people in the desert wear black clothes? 】

[The memory upstairs is wrong, right? The Arabs wear white! 】

“Everyone is right.” Seeing the quarrel in the barrage, Bi Fang was a little speechless, so why couldn’t he listen to him to finish?

“In fact, what I want to say is that if you don’t have professional equipment, it doesn’t matter what color you are!”

How can it be?

Not only the audience, but even Yao Jun, who has always liked outdoor sports, was also dumbfounded.

How could it be indifferent?

Aren’t those Arabs all dressed in white robes? If it’s all the same, why not wear black?

And the black absorbs heat, isn’t this basic physics?

Facing this kind of question, Bi Fang even nodded directly: “Who said no, in fact, if you observe more carefully, you will find that the residents of the Sinai Desert are wearing black robes!”

“There was this subject in an academic study in the journal Nature in 1980. The topic of the study was’Why do Bedouins wear black robes in the hot desert?’”

“As a result, after researching, they found that the difference between the two is basically zero!”

Ah this.

The quarrelsome water friends were all stuck together. Many viewers are old friends. They have no doubt about Bi Fang’s knowledge. Hearing this conclusion, they have actually believed most of It turned out that they quarreled for a long time, and the result was meaningless?

Bi Fang paused, seeing that everyone stopped arguing, and continued.

“The study found that black clothes did absorb more heat, but the heat stopped there.”

“In other words, the black clothes absorb the extra heat, but when it actually touches the skin, the extra heat has disappeared. Because the robe is wide and easy to turn, it is easy for the air to flow, and the heat has been dissipated.”

“Of course, there is another view that the “light-colored clothing” theory ignores a key factor.”

Bi Fang put up a finger, pretending to be mysterious: “The heat radiated by the human body!”

“They think that the heat radiated by the body will also be reflected by the light-colored clothes and return to you again, making you feel hotter. I think this theory is good, but it has not been verified on humans, and it is not known whether it is true or false.”

“But for the headgear, my suggestion is still white, because the headgear is close to the head and does not have gaps like clothes. It is convenient for air circulation and heat is really collected.”

“Otherwise, if possible, find white clothing with a UPF, or UV protection factor, above 30+! This way you won’t get sunburned easily.”

After speaking, Bi Fang took out a thin windbreaker from his bag and put it on his body, and finally took out a cotton short sleeve, which also covered his face.

He stood up and looked into the distance. After judging the direction, he was about to set off. Suddenly, a strange sound that did not resemble the wind suddenly appeared, attracting everyone’s attention.

This is……

The sound of the engine?

Wait, car engine?

Who can drive in the desert?

Did I meet someone so soon?

Bi Fang was a little confused.

He just started to survive!

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