Live Wilderness Adventure

Chapter 112 - valley

“Live Wilderness Adventure (

Bi Fang pulled up the zipper of the jacket and raised his collar to block the cold wind.

“The temperature now is between five and ten degrees Celsius, which is quite cold, but in the daytime, the desert reaches a high temperature of about 45 degrees. The temperature difference is more than 30 degrees, which shows the uniqueness of the desert climate. So if you want to travel to the desert, you must prepare the necessary cold protection equipment.”

“Because of the hot weather during the day, the pot of water I brought is almost finished, so I want to find a place to replenish the water before midnight.”

[Why do you find water in this place? Do you rely on an oasis? 】

[I always feel that oasis in the desert is rarely seen, they are all things only found in novels]

【plus one】

[Already looking forward to Fangshen’s supernatural powers]

[Yes, Fangshen must have a way! 】

It is difficult for the audience to imagine how to find water in such a barren desert?

But they still instinctively believe that Bi Fang can find it. This is the trust that Bi Fang has brought to them for a long time.

To achieve this, the difficulty is no less than that for a company to establish a good reputation, everything cannot be done wrong, and it must be as precise as a watch.


“Don’t pin your hopes on oasis. Oasis does exist, but it is very difficult to form. It requires the superposition of many coincidence factors. The probability of encountering us is very small. My plan is to draw enough from plants. Moisture, such as cactus.”

It is completely wrong to place hopes in the illusory oasis. It is a miracle that can only appear in film and television dramas.

Bi Fang’s purpose is very clear. He doesn’t want an oasis, but it is relatively simple to find plants in the desert.

He opened the kettle and drank the last sip of water, as if fighting against the water.

The chapped lips were moisturized, and a little blood was restored.

The task of finding water is even more urgent.

It is of course impossible to rely on luck if you want to find plants.

“To survive, the most important thing is purpose. We have limited physical strength. We must use limited physical strength to accomplish as many things as possible, so that our chances of survival can be greatly increased.”

“The wet quicksand just now is a very important clue. There is a complete and huge underground river here, otherwise there would not be such a large wet quicksand.”

“The situation nearby should not be as bad as before, full of sand dunes. If we can find valleys like Gobi nearby, there will probably be green plants there.”

Bi Fang swallowed. Generally speaking, where there are many huge rocks, desertification will not be so serious, mostly in the Gobi area.

“Once during the war, when people fought in the desert, the biggest difficulty they faced was the shortage of water resources.”

“In order to solve the water problem, scientists in Ugly Country came up with a method that is to slowly reduce the amount of water supplied to people. If the human body does not feel water shortage, it can survive the water shortage and form Physiological adaptation.”

“But as a result, you may also be able to guess that this method is not feasible. Without water, people can only be threatened with death.”

During the walk, Bi Fang gave another example. He was never a person who only relied on the system, but went back and took the initiative to learn and actively improve the quality of his live broadcast.

After a lot of information review and study, he has been able to compose stories like this one at his fingertips, and it is obvious to many old audiences from the first time to the present.

Now even when Bi Fang is on his way, few people leave. Who doesn’t love listening to the story?

[Awesome, Fangshen Science Popularization Time]

[If I knew so much back then, I wouldn’t be a bachelor now! 】

[You are bachelor because of this? Isn’t it because he looks ugly? 】

[Revealing people, not shortcomings! Stay on the front line of being a human being, and see you in the future! 】

It’s interesting.

Bi Fang laughed, looking at the barrage of Sand Sculpture Water Friends, he didn’t feel so tired.

It’s not easy to be alone with someone.

“To survive in the desert, the most important thing is to maintain a balance between physical activity, atmospheric temperature, and water consumption. If a person wants to do things normally, he needs to consume different amounts of water at different temperatures.”

“Studies have shown that advanced animals have to consume more than 23 liters of water at 43°C for 24 hours of hard work. If there is not enough water, this advanced animal will not be able to make correct judgments and deal with problems normally. “

“The temperature of the human body needs to be kept at about 37°C. When we are active or in a high temperature environment, it is easy to sweat, and the amount of sweating is directly proportional to the temperature of the environment. When it is high, people must sweat to dissipate heat in order to maintain a balance of body temperature, otherwise they will easily get sick.”

“When we understand the relationship between activity, temperature and body water, we know how to better reduce water consumption. Here, I have three ways to reduce the rate of water consumption.”

Everyone pricked their ears.

The relationship between activity, temperature and human body moisture is very close. One side changes, and the other two are difficult to maintain a balance.

Therefore, there are traces of ways to reduce water consumption.

Increase revenue and reduce expenditure.

“The first point is to reduce activity at high temperatures. This is why I avoid the sun during the day.”

“The second point is to use the sweat on our body. We must be fully armed when we are moving. We use the clothes to store the sweat and leave it on the surface of the body. When the sweat evaporates, we will feel cool. If we are directly exposed to the air , Sweat will evaporate in an extreme period of time, without any effect.”

“The last point is that it is forbidden to eat foods that cannot be hydrated in the absence of water!”

Many viewers are listening carefully, but the last point is confusing, why can’t you eat?

Doesn’t eating provide physical strength?

How to escape the desert without physical strength?

“That’s but I said one more thing before coming. It seems that you have forgotten it.” Bi Fang looked at the barrage and explained, “At the time I said, in the desert, survive It’s not the most important thing anymore, because it’s not a short-term task. What’s really important is to find a source of water!”

“Any food that enters the human body requires water consumption, so if you are thirsty and do not have enough water to replenish, and the food itself cannot replenish water, then don’t eat it!”

Bi Fang slid down the sand dune, spit out the sand in his mouth, and kicked a rock beside his feet, a little joyful.

In the depths of the desert, the presence of stones means that it is close to the soil. Even a piece of Gobi is much better than a desert full of sand dunes.

Because the stone is heavy, it is difficult to be picked up even if the wind is strong. Under the cover of wind and sand year after year, except for the real boulders, they will basically be buried under the sand sea.

Sure enough, after Bi Fang turned over another sand dune, a piece of sandstone landform appeared in front of everyone.

Every rock has a strange shape, and the rugged rock is very strange under the silver-white moonlight.

When Bi Fang stepped into this sandstone landform alone, this strange feeling broke out even more.

[Ghost movie with sense of sight]

[What if I don’t dare to look at it? 】

[The monsters and ghosts leave, the monsters and ghosts leave! 】

[I have persuaded, it is your business that you do not listen! 】

[Jiling 3 shooting scene]

“What’s so scary?” Bi Fang smiled while stroking a piece of rock. “This is what the sand has eroded for thousands of years. There is only the heaviness of history, but where is the sense of terror?”

Bi Fang crossed these rocks and continued to move forward. After jumping over a few cracks, a canyon suddenly appeared in front of everyone.


Everyone felt refreshed when they saw this valley.

Will there be green plants here?

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