Live Wilderness Adventure

Chapter 131 - dark

“Live Wilderness Adventure (

In the passage, the fire is dim.

The monster shaped like a crocodile is extremely hideous, and the dark green thick juice drips down the corner of its mouth.

The torch was standing by the wall, and it was only a little bit about to fall completely in the water.

At that time, there will be no more light here, only darkness.

Bi Fang tried to observe the strange fish in the third-person night vision mode in the live broadcast room, but unexpectedly found that it could not be opened!

Damn, it’s restricted by the system!

Unexpected situation appeared, Bi Fang’s heart beat wildly, he threw away half of his tongue, and Yu Guang stared at the dying torch.

Please, don’t fall!

It’s a pity that things backfired, accompanied by a slight fall to the ground.


Green smoke rose, and the passage was completely dark.

The strange fish who heard the sound suddenly turned his head to face the torch, and made a low **** ho in his throat.

Bi Fang’s pupils tightened, and he tried his best to adapt to the darkness, his nose slightly shrank, capturing all the odor molecules in the air, trying to judge the opponent’s position based on this.

At this moment, the two sides fell into silence strangely.

Off the screen, the audience was crushed by this silence, and fell on their seats with their beating heart and did not dare to move.

The monster was quiet for a moment, understood something, and suddenly stood up completely, supporting its body only with its kinked tail. At this time, it was three meters high, and no fish or snake could be like it.

Even Siamese crocodile of similar size can’t make such agile movements!

In the night vision mode, the audience can only see the strange fish’s straight body trembling slightly, obviously it has reached its limit, and then it “smashed” its body with all its strength, like a huge whip from the sky. , Those bone spurs are the thorns on the whip!

In the darkness, the evil wind strikes!

How can Bi Fang, who is in a blind state, have the agility of the strange fish growing up in the dark?

He relied on his instinct to dodge sideways, but it was too late, and the strange fish’s fine-scaled tail slammed the end!

The hunting knife that stood in front of him became a killer at this moment. At the critical moment, Bi Fang turned the hunting knife and pressed the knife body against his heart, bearing the blow alive.

At this moment, he only felt that he was hit by a giant wood for siege on his chest. From the breastbone to the ribs, he was on the verge of breaking. The impact almost stopped his heart!

Bi Fang was pumped to the ground and directly broke a stalactite. Large pieces of rock fell, some hit him, and some splashed with water.


Bi Fang kept retching, as if he was about to cough up blood, but at this moment he didn’t dare to stay where he was, and after a whisper, he quickly struggled to get up from the ground.

He suspects that the ultimate evolution direction of this kind of creature is the crocodile, not only looks like, but also acts similarly!

What kind of tail is this, it is clearly a siege hammer!

Human muscles and bones are far from being compared with many animals in nature, and their fast-twitch fiber ratio is much higher than that of humans, but this is also too outrageous.

Within a few seconds, the physical disparity between humans and animals had been manifested, and Bi Fang was not a monster’s opponent at all!

The monster that succeeded in one blow did not pause at all, turned around, and rushed towards Bi Fang.

It has a long mouth and a mouth full of sharp hook teeth. Each one is sharp like a dagger. The monster that lost its tongue is very excited and makes a strange hissing noise.

Bi Fang wiped the blood from the stone on his face, and his body tightened after hearing the strange noise.

But he couldn’t escape. The monster and him just exchanged positions, and now there is a pool behind Bi Fang, and there is a water battle in the future. The chance of winning is even smaller!

The monster was already immersed in the joy of devouring its prey, bending short webbed limbs, running like lightning.

It slammed down, dripping blood on its fangs, and made a sharp whistling sound, like thunder and lightning, it is too late when you see the lightning and cover your ears.

The vague black shadow occupies all of Bi Fang’s vision. The huge wind pressure hit Bi Fang’s mind, and the tide of fear swept Bi Fang’s mind. It was pitch black in front of him. He seemed to hear another beast roaring deep in his mind.

The only thing he had time to do was to slam into the monster sideways!

Never let the monster bite his neck!

The click of teeth clenched like invisible needles piercing Bi Fang’s head, and those terrifying teeth were like sharp blades. He could even feel the slightest pain when they scratched the epidermis of his neck.


Bi Fang was right, the monster didn’t bite him in the neck!

Under the collision, the monster and Bi Fang fell into the water, and fell into the water and rolled, the mud splashed, and in the next second, it was Bi Fang who launched the attack first!

He directly pressed on the strange fish, all the weight of his whole body was pressed on the strange fish’s back, and his two hands pressed the strange fish’s head firmly!

Under his fair skin, Bi Fang’s blood vessels jumped violently like a live snake burned by fire.

Excessive force made his face flush, and his eyes gleamed brightly.

If it really is what Professor Gu Qingyuan said, the strange fish should be the same as the crocodile, the bite force is huge, but the tension is very small, as long as it can hold its snout, the strange fish cannot open its mouth!

But this extremely dangerous scene is completely crazy in the eyes of the audience!

Isn’t the anchor afraid of the strange fish opening his mouth and taking a bite?

However, the picture everyone imagined did not appear, and the strange fish really couldn’t open their mouths!

Bi Fang’s eyes brightened like burning torches, and besides excitement, they were still excited. His power finally prevailed at this moment!

“Good job!” Gu Qingyuan exclaimed excitedly in the carriage.

On the motor car, an entire scientific research team was watching the live broadcast. At this moment, seeing Bi Fang’s movements, they were even more excited to punch.

They know very well that for a crocodile, as long as it can ride on its back press its upper and lower jaws, it means that it has been subdued!

The owners in the farm rely on this trick to tie up the crocodile. For professionals, as long as they ride on its back, the danger is greatly reduced!

Whether the crocodile’s tail is flicked to the left or right, it can’t touch the person on its back.

As for the bite, the crocodile’s head is not like a snake, and its moving parts are even more limited.

“This kid is too great, I really want to recruit him into the team!”

“Yes, I think so too.”

“You are young!”

When everyone was in joy, a scream suddenly came from the side. An elderly female research institute pointed to the screen, and the fear revealed by her pupils made everyone’s heart sink.

“It’s up again!”


Not only them, but audiences all over the country at this moment all screamed out in surprise.

The strange fish actually stood up!

How can it be?

Gu Qingyuan’s eyes widened and he couldn’t believe it, but the next second, he came to understand that no matter how Tiktalik resembles a crocodile, it is ultimately two species!

He made an empiricist error!

Damn it, it should have been thought of, it should have been thought of!

When the strange fish appeared for the first time, he should have thought of it when he stood upright!

It’s too late now!

The strange fish suddenly turned over and pressed Bi Fang underneath. The sticky blood dripped on his face again. The strange fish only had a small part of his tongue licking his teeth one by one, as dexterously as a snake.

But the strange fish at this moment has no weaknesses!

Bi Fang dared to reach out and grab it, it was completely death!

Seeing the prey being thrown down by itself, the strange fish hissed excitedly. In the Nuo big cave, the sound of the strange fish echoed, as if there were a hundred or a thousand strange fishes echoing it.

It lowered its head and bit it down!

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