Live Wilderness Adventure

Chapter 154 - Preparation eve

Bi Fang stepped onto the grass, and the glider stayed quietly on the lake.

That will be his support across Europe.

Lennon, the bearded man, who was looking at the lake, quickly spotted the two of them. He was dressed in hemp clothes and gave Erwan a hug when he came up.

“I’ve been waiting for you for a long time. These wild geese are almost frozen. If you don’t come again, I’m really afraid they will freeze to death here.”

After greeting, Lennon extended his hand to Bi Fang again.

“Hello, at first I didn’t quite understand why Elwan had to look for you. Until I watched your live broadcast, you are a hero! These wild geese are lucky to meet you.”

Lennon obviously didn’t speak Chinese, and he used stubborn English.

Fortunately, the drone has an automatic translation function, and the subtitles are printed in the live broadcast room.

What everyone did not expect was that Bi Fang actually responded in French: “It is also my luck to be able to save this group of geese.”

“You can speak French?” Now even Elwan was surprised.

Bi Fang shrugged: “Is it weird? You can speak Chinese, why can’t I speak French?”

Does Bifang speak French?

Of course not, but he has a voucher!

The language voucher given by the system was placed on French by Bi Fang.

Now he speaks French and Chinese basically the same.

Elvan told him about Lennon before he came, and he didn’t speak English well.

This is also a common problem among the French. They have a strong French nationalist spirit and generally hate Britain and even English, and even those who cannot speak English well account for the majority.

This situation seems out of place in Europe.

As for the water friends in front of the screen, they have the same expression: ∑(っ°Д°;)っ!

[Fuck, the old man still speaks French? 】

[Great, great plus! 】

[This is a real tyrant, what else does Lao Fang do? French and English, proficient in two foreign languages, is this too awesome? Tell us about the secret of the Tuva country? 】

[What country is this? ….]

[I made it up. 】

In China, anyone who has ever gone to school and studied English knows how painful it is to learn a foreign language. Seeing Bi Fang fluently communicate with foreigners in French, the water friends shed tears of envy.

“It’s great to be able to speak French.” Lennon was also very happy. “It shouldn’t be too late. We have to act as soon as possible. You need to let the geese get to know you as soon as possible. I don’t know when it will snow in Lapland. It will be difficult. Let the geese fly.”

After speaking, Lennon took out two sets of brown linen cloaks like him and let them wear them.

However, to Bi Fang’s surprise, a young man appeared in the RV, only a head shorter than him, about fifteen or sixteen years old.

Erwan introduced, “Uh, this is my son, Etienne.”

“Hello.” Bi Fang stretched out his hand and greeted the teenager.

“I’ve seen your video. It’s so cool. I want to experience the same adventure as you.” Etienne shook his hand, his tone full of excitement, “Can you sign me?”

“Of course.” Bi Fang nodded and didn’t care. The other party probably found it fresh and wanted to follow him to take a look. Anyway, he and Elwan were the only ones flying at that time.

But it’s only November now, right?

Is the holiday so early?

Bi Fang took the brown linen robe and prepared to put it on.

[Ah, what kind of look is this? 】

[Why wear a robe? So ugly. 】

The audience in front of the screen did not quite understand why Bi Fang had to wear such an ugly robe.

Bi Fang found an opening and put his robe on his body: “The reason why the white-fronted goose is on the brink of extinction is not only because of environmental damage, but also because of the unrestrained hunting and indiscriminate killing of human beings.”

“So we can’t let the geese think that we are humans, so that they will remain vigilant against humans. When dressed like this, the geese will trust me. I think Dr. Elwan dressed like this before the migratory birds were born, right?”

“Yes.” After getting dressed, Elwan nodded. “When the geese are born, they will regard the first person they see as their parents. This is called branding. In order to make them afraid of humans, I also perform treatment on them. After special training, you must run away when you see humans, and you must not let them have a good impression of humans.”

[I don’t know why, suddenly sad]


[There is a saying that environmentalists are always hacked because they are too short of such people who really pay to do it. They only know that the only one who makes a sound is the repeater. 】

[That’s right, the anchor is a real cow, for a dozen wild geese, three thousand kilometers, they fly when they say they fly]

[By the way, is it okay to broadcast it like this? Will those hunters pretend to hunt like this? 】

Bi Fang shook his head: “It’s not the case. Birds recognize the same species. It depends on many factors. It is not just a simple approval of a robe. If Professor Erwan is not there, it is useless to put on the robe and approach it. The reason why Erwan must fly with me, the wild goose would not follow me without him.”

Several people put on their robes and came into the RV, and everyone saw the appearance of the wild geese.

More than a dozen wild geese leaned together to keep warm, two of which were particularly black, the white-cheeked Brent goose.

“These two are just Aga and Emine.” Etienne pointed to the two white-cheeked geese excitedly. “I saw their births with my own eyes! They are sticky and fishy, ​​but they are much better now.”

“Nice name.” Bi Fang smiled.

“These wild geese have all been implanted with chips and vaccinated. They have all been registered.” Lennon touched one of the wild geese. “Each one has a number.”

“Get a vaccine?” Bi Fang didn’t know much about the situation in Europe.

“Yes, every one has to be vaccinated, otherwise there is no way to leave the Schengen area.” Erwan lifted a cage, “Now everything is technologically advanced, which is called progress.”

Lennon also came up to carry it: “In terms of technology, it is progress, but it is ecologically backward.”

Bi Fang joined in to help, and suddenly saw a photo in the car. He picked it up and asked Lennon, “This is you?”

“Yes.” Lennon dialed his hat.

“Have you hunted before?”

“Yes.” Lennon carried the box, and Bi Fang followed. “We all hunted and fished in the wetlands. We were all caught for food. The wetlands used to be beautiful and life was great. I treated birds at that time. At first they were interested, but then the developer wanted to drain the wetland, and we opposed it.”

“You lost.” Bi Fang had no doubt.

“Obviously, so I switched to studying birds later.” Lennon put the wooden box outside and opened it, and a group of geese ran out chirping, but they didn’t take off. The weather was too cold and they were all shrunk together.

Erwan handed Bi Fang a whistle: “This is made by me imitating the call of the wild goose. Wait a moment for you to run with us, let the wild goose familiarize yourself with your existence as soon as possible, and let Etienne follow you first.”

Bi Fang nodded, time is urgent, he did not refuse, and under the leadership of Etienne, he ran on the whistle.

The wild geese who heard the whistle immediately ran after the two of them, and then realized that they could not keep up, and gradually fluttered their wings and flew into the sky.

Drones mixed into it and filmed at high altitude. This scene excited the audience in the live broadcast room. It was the first time that many people saw a living wild goose.

This is the first flight!

It is precious the first time.

Lennon beside the RV couldn’t help smiling as he watched the geese taking

Elwan on the side kicked a stone away: “It’s annoying, how long will it take? It’s been ten days!”

“Don’t worry, Elwan, Johnny has promised us that the permit will be issued soon.” Lennon gave a little relief.

“I checked the weather forecast and it will snow heavily the day after tomorrow. No matter when the application is approved, we must take off before that.”

Lennon spread his hands helplessly: “Hey, don’t do this, I have promised Johnny.”

Erwan did not listen to Lennon again, and ran towards the geese.

Lennon looked at his back and shook his head helplessly.

Waiting for Bi Fang is the reason, but if the permit can be obtained, they may have moved with the geese long ago.


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