Live Wilderness Adventure

Chapter 241 - Can sleep for 1 more time

Bi Fang stood on the raft and scanned around, and found that the existing containers were all used, and there was no way to make them even out.

In the end he chose to cut off a piece of tent cloth again, took out the plastic bottle from the water purification device, drank the fresh water inside, and then covered the tent cloth on the bottle mouth, poke in with his fingers to stick to the inner wall, and finally tied it with a rope. Bottle mouth.

After all this, Bi Fang took the fishing line and pulled the capelin out again. The hook scratched the seagull’s trachea, bringing out a little blood.

Even the young audience couldn’t help but close their eyes when seeing this scene, feeling a little uncomfortable.

[It’s too pitiful to be a dead bird without death. 】

[What does Lao Fang do to get a cup? 】

[Bloodletting? 】

“Yes, I need to use a container to attach the blood. On the one hand, it may be useful in the future. On the other hand, if we put the blood directly into the sea, it may attract some dangerous creatures. Although I have a raft, It is better to avoid some dangerous situations as much as possible.”

Bi Fang took out an obsidian dagger, pointed it at the seagull’s neck, and stabbed it in. The bright red blood immediately followed the dagger and began to drip into the mouth of the bottle at a certain position.

Watching the blood flow into the mouth of the bottle and start to fill the tent cloth, Bi Fang nodded. The obsidian dagger was really sharp and worked well.

Bi Fang raised an index finger in his right hand holding the knife, pointed at the blood flowing down the knife and asked, “Have any friends living in the countryside seen a butcher killing pigs?”

“When bleeding like this, we’d better stab it in with a sharp weapon to block the wound, so that the blood will flow down our knife. If we choose to cut it, the blood will splash out from the artery. Unable to collect blood efficiently.

The same is true for killing pigs. Pig blood is also a delicacy. Too much splashing is a waste, and a sharp knife is pierced directly into the neck. It can kill the prey as quickly as possible to prevent it from suffering for too long. Therefore, good butchers pay attention to killing pigs. ‘One knife clear’. “

In the past, killing pigs was an important tradition during the New Year’s Day, but now this kind of activity is getting better and better. Only a small number of viewers who lived in rural areas as a child still have a little impression. At this moment, contrast with what Bi Fang said. All at once recalled, and he couldn’t help nodding.

[Strange knowledge has increased]

[Damn, the first time I heard this explanation, I always thought it was just to reduce the pain of pigs]

[Plus one, I have seen killing pigs when I was a child, this is the first time I know that there is still this particularity, I have learned it]

[At first sight, Fangshen is an old butcher, this technique is so silky, I have never brushed a hundred pigs and said nothing I can do]

【brush? Do you use this leveling to increase your proficiency? 】

[At first glance, Lao Fang is a professional player, he must have killed a lot of pigs to level up]

The blood was dripping, and when it was almost set, Bi Fang wiped the blade on the tent cloth, then tied the tent cloth tightly at the mouth of the bottle, and took out the blood sac in the bottle, bulging like a balloon filled with water.

In this way, the blood is collected and the bottle is not wasted. Put the bottle back in the container and the water purifier can be used again.

However, without boiling water, plucking the hair was a bit laborious. It took a long time for Bi Fang to pluck off all the feathers on the seagulls, and finally put them in a charcoal fire.

Seagulls are more troublesome to dry, so it’s better to eat them for dinner while it’s fresh. It just so happens that Bi Fang has never eaten seagulls, and there are some small expectations. After the result, Bi Fang was disappointed and not only suspected that it was himself. Without a talent for cooking, the ingredients themselves are not qualified.

It was fishy and old, and it looked like eating bark.

But the roasting was done, and Bi Fang was reluctant to waste charcoal. At any rate, it was a piece of food, so he could only bite the bullet and eat it all. When the last bone was highlighted, he was relieved.

“To be honest, seagulls are really not tasty at all. They are smelly and firewood. I suggest you don’t try them unless they are forced to drift on the sea like me, and they eat everything like seagulls and live on the seashore. They may accumulate in the body. It contains a lot of heavy metals and even bacteria, and it must be cooked if you want to eat it.”

[Hahaha, this is the first time I heard the old man say things are unpalatable]


[I also remember that I had it when I was a kid, but it was not very tasty, the meaty thieves are still very fishy]

[It seems that I can’t eat it anymore. It seems that there are three kinds of food in China. If it exceeds a certain amount, it will be fined, and the amount in foreign countries will be a disaster. You can do it casually. It is probably because it is too unpalatable. 】

After eating the seagulls, the time has come to the evening. Bi Fang watched the setting sun gradually sink, reconfirmed the direction and put the sail away, seeing the audience understand that Bi Fang was about to broadcast it.

Bi Fang has done this in the last two days. The purpose of rewinding the sail is to avoid sudden winds in different directions at night, causing the raft to drift too far.

“But the arrival of seagulls is also good news for me, because even if the seagulls get lost by the wind, they will not be too exaggerated and blow to the center of the ocean all at once. This means that we are indeed getting closer to the mainland, perhaps One hundred kilometers, or maybe two hundred kilometers, but I think there is a high probability that I will be able to find the continent before the end of 21 days.”

Standing on the bow of the boat, Bi Fang stretched his body to face the setting sun. From the back, he looked like he was hugging the sun, his body was full of golden light.

The speed of the ocean current is about ten kilometers per day, but now Bifang has sails, it is not impossible to travel at least twenty kilometers a day under the action of wind, and even thirty kilometers.

And judging from the appearance of seabirds and the color of the sea, as long as the direction is correct, then finding the continent is a certainty.

Just thinking about it, Bi Fang’s heart is quite excited, no matter how beautiful the ocean scenery is, it will always make people feel monotonous over time.


Bi Fang stretched out his palm. Because of the long sun exposure, he was already much darker than when he first came to sea. It is not surprising to say that he is a sea citizen…

“Well, that’s the end of today’s live broadcast. See you tomorrow.”

Bi Fang retracted his palm, put down the supported sail, and turned it into a tent again. After bidding farewell to the audience, he went back to sleep on the life raft and lay in the raft. After eating and drinking, Bi Fang soon became sleepy.

Thanks to the support of the raft, the stability of the entire raft has greatly increased. It is no longer the same as before. Instead, it has become soft and comfortable due to inflation, and soon enters the dream.

The waves rise with the wind.

When Bi Fang opened his eyes again, he found that the temperature seemed to be much lower, completely different from what he felt when he woke up a few days ago.

The change in climate made him frown.

Is it raining again?

Bi Fang opened the tent, and the cold eroded, and his stunned brain seemed to be poured into a basin of cold water after waking and became clear.

He stared at the sea nervously with wide eyes, and found that it was just cold, so cold that it made people want to turn back to the tent and wrap it in a canvas to sleep. There was no wind around, but the sky began to gloomy.

The audience who received the announcement of the start of the broadcast quickly swarmed in, and they suddenly became nervous when they saw this scene. They were still vividly remembered the storm of the past few days.

[What’s up? Is it raining again? 】

[I heard the bad news early in the morning]

[This scored twice? 】

[God’s **** score twice]

Bi Fang glanced at it earnestly, and then his eyes became lazy again, with a hint of joy mixed in.

“It’s okay, it’s not a storm, just ordinary light rain, I can sleep for a while.”


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