Live Wilderness Adventure

Chapter 40 - Unexpected visit

   Shark, Huya, and Langya have almost the same time of prosperity, but their development is different. Huya relies on hs, and the profit is the highest among the three platforms. Shark is fully developed and has the largest traffic, while Langya…

   This platform is a bit too ‘clear and high’. Unlike the kitsch Huya, Langya has strict control over this aspect, resulting in traffic ranking third.

   Honest people are easy to suffer, this is really true.

   As for the remaining platforms, they are indeed springing up, but there is no big capital support behind them. If there is no one to take the market in the future, it is basically a short-lived one.

   Bi Fang was sorting out the advantages and disadvantages of the major platforms on a paper, but just after writing a few lines, he suddenly heard the phone ring and picked it up, it was an unfamiliar number.

He picked up the phone and answered it. It was actually from the staff of the Hutooth platform. In his words, he was very polite and straightforward to express his appreciation for him. He also scolded the sharks for their immoral behavior, and then said that he was The leader wanted to talk to him in detail and asked him when it would be convenient and the fare can be reimbursed.

   Bi Fang was taken aback, never expected that the other party would react so quickly.

   Although I should have some reputation in the live broadcast industry now, I added the popularity on Island B. If other platforms don’t know that his talent is strange, how long is it until he refuses the shark? Have you checked the phone numbers?

   There is a ghost…

   However, Shark TV’s life and death has nothing to do with him. Bi Fang is naturally impossible to refuse, but he did not act too eagerly. The other party immediately agreed with a phone call, which would only put himself in a weak position and give away the right to speak for nothing.

   In the end, the two parties arranged the time in the afternoon of the third day, and the place was in the magic city.

   After putting down the phone, Bi Fang stood and pondered for a while. It seems that the other party’s investigation is very clear, not only his phone number, but also his address.

   Tin City is very close to the magic capital, only over a hundred kilometers away. If you go on a high speed, you can get there in just over an hour, so the other party sets the time so tight.

However, the first person who came to him turned out to be Tiger Tooth, which Bi Fang did not expect. He thought it would be Wolf Tooth. After all, in terms of the three conditions, the other party needs the supplement of high-quality anchors to increase traffic. No wonder you can’t compete with the other two platforms. They really eat shit…

   is wrong, this analogy is not appropriate.

   Bi Fang shook his head and threw the thought out of his head.

   Then he thought of Huto’s live broadcast performance. Although this platform is kitsch, the traffic is still indispensable. If he goes there, even if the painting style is not suitable, he is confident that he can cut a place.

   But you still need to prepare well. Choosing a platform is a big deal. The more thorough the investigation, the more sure he can be. But he hasn’t started yet, the phone rang again, and he didn’t know who it was. Bi Fang directly picked it up.

The result is exactly what he imagined. As a new anchor with great potential, he has attracted enough attention. This is another call from two platforms, both of which are smaller but quite large-scale live broadcast platforms. They also invited him to the magic city to discuss.

   These platforms, Bi Fang also agreed to all, and the time was also set for the third day.

  He has the final say, although the time is a bit rushed, it is completely too late. These live TVs, no matter the scale, are clustered together in the magic capital, which is convenient.

In the next two days, Bi Convenient stayed in the rental house. Different platforms must have different acceptance levels. While attracting the interest of the other party, he must also think ahead of time what conditions he needs to make, which conditions can be compromised, and which conditions must not be resolute. Shaken.

  Interest is an essential issue. When dealing with interests, you cannot be a Virgin. Only when you respect your own interests, others will respect you.

   It was the evening very quickly. Except for some harassing calls, Bi Fang received invitations from four platforms in total, but there was no Langya TV.

   It seems that the live broadcast platform has a keen sense of smell, and the opponent will immediately take action when there is trouble. As for Langya TV, I feel that I am inferior to Huya, so I won’t grab it? They are not active in eating meat, and it makes sense to fall behind.

   Hope the negotiation will go smoother the day after tomorrow.

   Bi Fang asked himself a little bit of fame, and felt that the second visit to the owner would be smoother, but on the third day, the facts were far beyond his expectations.

Although Huya is very interested in him, the conditions given are not very good. Although the annual salary is very high, exceeding 10 million, he is very stingy in the flow of resources. He even asked what he would give this time. When recommending, the other party was a little hesitant.

   Bi Fang still remembers what the person in charge said still fresh.

   “I’m sorry, Mr. Bi, after all, the outdoor section is not our main business column. When the time comes to give you too many resources, it will appear to put the cart before the horse, and our users will not agree.”

   is outrageous!

   It’s so easy to earn money with lsp, I’m addicted, don’t plan to change it?

   Can you be a little ambitious?

As for the other three small platforms, Bi Fang also met each other out of courtesy, but the conditions given were very poor. He even asked him to broadcast two rounds first to see the response on the platform and then increase the benefits and resources. This situation is straightforward. Passed by Bi Fang.

   Increasing the salary in the future is not a problem, but the number of tasks in the system is required. He can’t wait for two full rounds. If the task fails, no one knows what will happen.

   Therefore, even if one of them vaguely stated that it had found a big capital to be the taker, Bi Fang directly refused.

  Who knows if it’s true, no matter whether it is true or not, let the words go first, this kind of routine has been seen a lot, and I can’t fool him.

   This caused Bi Fang to fall into self-doubt for a while, is it really going to Huya TV? Become a stream of silt but not stained in a crowd of charming houses?

   Bi Fang sighed deeply in the rental house.

   After crossing, it was a lie.

   I only have one live broadcast experience so far, so I still don’t have enough weight.

   is not to say no, but I finally proved my potential. Should I wait for my potential to be realized bit by bit?

   If he doesn’t give enough resources, he will never be able to truly make a blockbuster.

   Bi Fang has always believed that he is a person with pioneering spirit, and there is always a breath flowing with his blood vessels. Going to the gym always wants to challenge the heaviest dumbbell, and always longs for a broader sky.

   But now the situation suddenly froze.

   When he was young, Bi Fang liked to dream about the prairie, desert, sea, starry sky, and a miraculous trip.

When he crawled out of the cradle for the first time, the living room at home was as big as the whole world. When he was so tired that he crawled from one end of the living room to the door on the other side, he cheered and felt his own The enthusiasm and ambition can face all difficulties and go anywhere, but when he quietly pushed the door open, a huge panic that could not be suppressed still enveloped him.

   It turns out that the outside world can be so big that even his own yard is not an obstacle he can break through.

   How can he leap to a star thousands of miles away if he can’t climb such a wide lawn and can’t get over his father’s car?

   But his enthusiasm and ambition have not faded. To be different does not need to be able to do everything. As long as he lives up to his life, there is bound to be a brilliance waiting for you.

   So after graduating, Bi Fang joined CWCA as he wished, and his passion and ambition came into play, and his dream came true.

He walked many places with his feet, shouting in the face of the first day, drinking by the silent water in the middle of the night, then jumped in and swam to the opposite bank, saw giant whales, and black panthers, and then sat one night At the campfire, write these experiences as letters to friends.

   But the current difficulties really stumped him, his blood and ambition are nowhere to be used, and he can only make a passive choice.

   The outside world is so big, but life is not infinite. There are always places that he can’t go, and there are always things he can’t do.

   It seems that this can only be done…

In the evening, Bi Fang rented out the house again. He still figured it out. Just fight for it. You can sign the contract before the next mission. If you can hit the schedule and hammer Lu Wentao by the way, it would be better. But when he reached the door, before he was ready to take out the key to open the door, he looked up and saw a middle-aged man standing at the door.

   He couldn’t help wondering: “Who do you look for?”

   The middle-aged man was standing at his door looking at his mobile phone. He was taken aback at the sound, and immediately raised his head, took a closer look at Bi Fang, and immediately smiled kindly: “Mr. Bi, I’m looking for you!”

“Find me?”

Bi Fang was taken aback, and he looked at the middle-aged man carefully. He was very ordinary, he was only about one meter six, he was slightly fat, wore a meticulous suit, and his hair was combed well, but he had no energy. His head was bald and his teeth were yellow. Going through a mid-life crisis.

   This is a relative of the original owner! ?

   After seeing it clearly, Bi Fang tried his best to think back, but he couldn’t remember it. He had sorted out the memory of the original owner a long time ago. Didn’t he see such a relative?

   At this time, the middle-aged man directly took out his business and handed it over with both hands: “Hello, my man is Wang Yongbo, vice president of Langya TV. I have been admiring the name of Mr. Bi Fang for a long time. I took the liberty to come here. I would be bothered.”

   Bi Fang’s eyes were almost staring when he heard it. Langya TV is going downhill, but it is also one of the three major live TV! There are also thousands of anchors under its contract, which is definitely an existence that ordinary people need to look up to.

   And the vice president is definitely one of the core executives of the platform. This can be said no matter what, he is a big figure in the circle, far from the previous supervisor Wang Weifeng can compare!

Bi Fang is now also in the live broadcast circle. He didn’t dare to neglect, he took the business card with his polite hands, and couldn’t help but glanced at Wang Yongbo: “I’m sorry, I don’t have a business card yet. I wonder if President Wang is here. ?”

   Sign an anchor, don’t you need people of this level to come out?

   Even if he is a bit famous, other live TV supervisors are already very high-profile. This is actually very rare and sincere, so even if the other party is a small platform, Bi Fang will agree to meet with the other party.

  Society, that’s it, you come and go, this is the basic etiquette.

   This wolf’s tooth is good, so when he comes up, he will make a big move?

   It turned out that I didn’t act before, but were you waiting for him here?

   However, Bi Fang was shocked in his heart, and he was not flattered to pay his respects. After all, people are still benefiting animals.

“It’s okay, it’s okay.” Wang Yongbo spoke very well. After handing him his business card, his eyes were sincere: “What else can I do to find Mr. Bi at this time? Of course, we are eager to be thirsty! Please, Mr. Bi Fang, please Join us on Spike TV!”

  Wang Yongbo stepped forward and held Bi Fang’s hand with a very sincere expression. He was taken aback to see Bi Fang, but he subconsciously pumped his hand, but he didn’t even twitch!

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