Liver Progress From the Beginning

Chapter 123

Chapter 123 – Yujing Tianlou Twelve Tones (Please Subscribe, Auto-Subscribe

Chapter 123 Yujing Tianlou Twelve Tones (for subscription, automatic subscription)

Regarding the projection of sword intent, Zhong Chao is not going to burn all of them.

The projections on the road to Sword Pool only have the intent of sword moves and no memories of life, which makes Zhong Chao digest quickly. swallow one.

It’s just that the sea is too difficult to be water, and I have seen the power of the sky’s swordsmanship. Ordinary swordsmanship, even if it is fire and wind, is not regarded by Zhong Chao.

So, to deal with the sword shadow projection, Zhong Chao sensed it first, and if he could not sense any danger, he released the sword of condensing sunlight to burn it out.

Only when he senses danger, or sees a special aura, will he stop and observe.

Of course, Zhong Chao didn’t just watch while observing, “Ning!”

As Zhong Chao pinched his sword fingers, the fire of the sun turned into a sword of sunshine under his will, and at this moment, there were not one sword of sunshine, but four.

One is divided into four, and the four flying swords can be flexibly manipulated, allowing them to fly like arms. This is the special effect of the second layer of Tianzhijianshu – sword light differentiation!

At the same time, with the experience of his predecessors, Zhong Chao also understands one thing, the division of sword light, also known as soul splitting, distraction, and multitasking.

It is easy to simply condense a few swords. Now that Zhong Chao is being pulled into the sea of consciousness by the projection of the sword intent, the manipulation is even simpler. If he wants to, he can condense dozens of Sunshine Swords in one go.

It’s just that the sword light at this moment has only one will to command, which makes Zhong Chao condense more Sunshine Swords, and can only make many Sunshine Swords shoot towards one place.

And distraction allows Zhong Chao to multitask. At this time, the four long swords all over Zhong Chao’s surroundings seem to be directed by four wills, one swam to the left, the other swam to the right, and there were two surrounding Follow Zhong Chao’s whole body, resisting danger for him.

This kind of flexibility and multi-purpose is the benefit of Jianguang’s differentiation.

“The division of sword light in Heavenly Sword Art is more than that. When practicing this sword technique, you need to split your soul and mind. Although it is very painful to do so, the divided soul mind will slowly repair and grow. When the division becomes thicker, The total amount of my soul will also increase accordingly. Cultivating the sword is also cultivating the soul!”

To take the enemy’s head from thousands of miles away, one sword is light and cold to the nineteen continents, sword repair, especially Yujianshu, has always been a strong soul, only in this way can the soul enter the sword, and take the enemy’s head from thousands of miles away.

While thinking about the benefits of Jianguang differentiation, Zhong Chao opened the data panel in the sea of consciousness.

This thing can also be opened in the sea of souls, and here, the data displayed on the data panel is more detailed than that of the outside world, and on the data panel, the sword of the sky has been engraved on it.

[Heavenly Swordsmanship: 2-level proficiency (108/9999), effect: condensing sword 1 (turning everything into a sword, now can turn wind, water, and fire into swords), sword light differentiation 1 (can be divided into 2, Manipulate two swords, because the host’s soul is powerful, one realm can control 4 swords)]

“A proficiency level of 2 is 9999. It’s a lot higher than the Chunyang Golden Bell Cover. As I expected, this thing is of a high level… Fortunately, the sword shadow has no sword in his hand, otherwise I will be in trouble .However, if he had a sword in his hand, he would not have stopped at around 1,500 meters.”

While observing and thinking about the swordsmanship of Yu Tianzhi, Zhong Chao also separated his divine sense to deal with the enemy, and looked for the swordsmanship that moved his heart.

Unfortunately, after seeing the sword of the sky, most of the sword skills were not taken seriously by Zhong Chao, and he couldn’t make up his mind about the few that caught his eye.

“I only have one chance to choose… If I choose a weaker swordsmanship, I can devour it twice, but this is the most stupid behavior, no matter what kind of martial arts, it is expensive and fine.”

“Hey, what is this, starting a prairie fire?”

At 1800 meters, Zhong Chao encountered a special projection of sword intent. After entering Zhong Chao’s sea of consciousness, the figure did not attack with a sword, but raised his sword to the sky. Following his movements, a familiar force poured in In Zhong Chao’s mind, this is:

“Fire of the sun! This is the sword technique that triggers the fire of the sun!”

This sword technique matches Zhong Chao very well. If there are still several chances to devour it, Zhong Chao will swallow it without saying a word.

But only once, Zhong Chao wanted to take another look, and because of this, he destroyed the sword shadow.

This is very easy. Although this sword shadow can arouse the fire of the sun, it only dares to let the fire of the sun cover the sword. He himself is afraid of the fire of the sun.

Because of this, with Zhong Chao’s thought, the four Sunshine Swords flew up and down, and soon shot his body to pieces.

The sword intent projection at 1800 meters gave Zhong Chao a surprise. He thought it was the end, but soon, he found that he had underestimated Jianchi. I don’t know what kind of relic it is, there are so many extraordinary swordsmanship in it, and there are many that make Zhong Chao happy, making him scratch his head and want to gather it into his arms.

At the 1970th meter, Zhong Chao met a swordsman with feathers of sword energy on his back. When he flapped the wings on his back, sword energy would shoot out. quick.

“I happen to be missing a light kung fu and agility… Let’s see!”

At the second kilometer, Zhong Chao encountered danger for the first time.

The phantom sword intent projected onto Zhong Chao’s sea of consciousness this time is a woman. After she entered, she didn’t look for Zhong Chao, but flicked her sword with her fingers.




The sound of flicking the long sword was extremely clear and sweet, but Zhong Chao was not blessed to enjoy it.

As the woman flicked her fingers, the sound of sword chant spread throughout Zhong Chao’s sea of souls, and upon hearing that sound, Zhong Chao felt as if he had been slashed by a sword, and a scar appeared on his soul.

This was the first time Zhong Chao was injured on the road to Jianchi.

What shocked Zhong Chao even more was that as the woman played lightly, an inexplicable echo appeared in Zhong Chao’s mind, and the echo could be superimposed with the new sword’s chant, like a chorus, which resounded in Zhong Chao’s ears. The sound of the sword chanting on the side became more and more sharp and clear, and the slash on Zhong Chao’s body became heavier and heavier.

“Yujing Tianlou Twelve Tones… I can’t let her play it anymore, and I will definitely die if I play it again!”

Frightened, Zhong Chao flew four swords together, shooting directly at the phantom of the woman.

What made Zhong Chao’s face twitch was that in the reverberation of the sword chant, the Sunshine Sword he condensed was actually affected and became distorted, and there were cracks on the sword body.

“Hiss… so strong!”

“But this is my home field!”

Following Zhong Chao’s thought, with a “buzz”, countless sun fires rushed to the four sun swords, making them huge.

Afterwards, this vast and scorching sword intent turned into rainbow light, pierced through the woman’s body, and exploded with a bang, turning the woman into a phantom of bubbles.

It’s just that after killing the woman, Zhong Chao didn’t leave immediately.

Yujing Tianlou Twelve Tones, this exercise is extremely beautiful, but also extremely powerful, Zhong Chao… has the desire to devour.

What made his heart itch even more was that Zhong Chao could sense that the sound of the sword was practiced to the end, it came from the mind, and it could kill gods and demons as well as me, which also means that it is very likely Weaken and even kill the fire of desire accumulated in Zhong Chao’s heart.

(end of this chapter)

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