Liver Progress From the Beginning

Chapter 223

Chapter 223 – False Earth Star? No, This Is Earth Explosion Star!

Chapter 223 False earth star? No, this is Earth Explosion Star!

Everything in the martial arts hall was displayed to the outside world through the projection screen, and the fist-fighting between the two made the onlookers nervous.

In the normal confrontation, Zhong Chao used his powerful strength to hammer Ao Heng, which made the human side heave a sigh of relief.

But immediately afterwards, Ao Heng summoned the shadow of the ancestors and released the original regression. The powerful momentum and tyrannical atmosphere made many people’s hearts rise again.

It is Mr. Ji, the military chief, and his eyes are also narrowed.

“Through the explosion, I gained the strength of changing blood five times… A mere dragon species can be so powerful. Dragon Palace City is indeed a powerful force that has been passed down for hundreds of thousands of years.”

Mr. Ji’s eyes were sharp, Ao Yang looked at the situation in the field, and there was a smile on the corner of his mouth, but soon, the smile on his mouth disappeared.

The extremely powerful earth star, even he, was shocked.

“Are you kidding me, is this the projection of true meaning that can be released by warriors who have exchanged blood four times?”

Even Ao Yang, who is a dragon and possesses great strength, will be amazed, which is enough to prove the horror of the Earth Star summoned by Zhong Chao.

Earth Star also deserves this kind of praise.

Even, because this thing is too vast and imposing, the moment it appeared, not only the opposite side had a feeling of being out of breath, but part of the quaint hall was shattered.

Aware of this, the mechanical voice that had been repeatedly repeating “In the martial arts hall, fighting is prohibited. Violators will be punished by thunder!” was forced to change.

“The fight is fierce, and it is estimated that there is a risk of destroying the martial arts hall. It is being transferred!”

After the words fell, the figures of Zhong Chao and Ao Heng flashed, and they appeared on a barren land.

The sudden switch did not attract the attention of the two. At this moment, both eyes were on the sky above Zhong Chao’s head.

There, a huge earth star with a diameter of 100 meters is hanging high in the sky above Zhong Chao’s head with the power to cover everything and suppress everything.

The moment it appeared, a super-strong gravitational pressure enveloped the four barren and eight poles, causing a part of the barren land to be sunken.

This scene also made Ao Heng, who performed the original regression, tremble continuously.

He can feel that if this thing is real, as long as it falls down, it will kill him with great force.

“Wait… It’s true, hahaha, you have only exchanged blood four times, and the earth star released is the projection of true meaning, not the actual true meaning of martial arts. This thing is false, you can’t hurt me!”


Laughing across the face, Zhong Chao also showed a smile at the corner of his mouth.

This laughter gave Ao Heng a bad premonition, but soon, the tyrannical and animal nature of the original return made him cut off this premonition, and he even regarded this hesitation as cowardice.

Fear of a human being, this feeling was regarded as shame by him, and turned into anger.

At this moment, he just wanted to tear Zhong Chao apart and use his blood to wash away his anger.

“Die to my uncle!”-


After roaring, he roared and jumped towards Zhong Chao.

The first time he jumped, he jumped more than 50 meters high. When he landed, the huge weight smashed a deep hole in the barren land, and made the ground tremble.

In the second jump, he exaggerated even more, jumping directly to a height of 100 meters.

This time, even himself, who was dominated by primitive animal nature, was a little surprised.

“Can I jump so high?”

“And, the body is so light?”

His body will naturally be light. During his second jump, Zhong Chao stretched out his fingers from the front, and with a slight lift, the gravity on his body was eliminated.

Without the constraints of gravity, he will naturally jump very high when he jumps with all his strength, so high that… he can touch the earth and stars.

Seeing that the distance between himself and the earth and stars is getting closer and closer, Ao Heng, no matter how stupid his brain is, also sensed that something was wrong, and roared crazily.


“Ahhh, let me go!”

Unfortunately, he took off with all his strength and had no gravity, which made him unable to fall at all. He could only watch helplessly as he rushed into the ground star and landed in the most central position.

However, at this time, he felt relieved.

“Hahaha, my guess is right, you are really false, it can’t hurt me, I want to tear you apart…”

Looking down at Zhong Chao from a high position, he was roaring wildly, and when he was about to fall, he smashed towards Zhong Chao with overwhelming force.

But soon, he found that he couldn’t fall down—the huge earth star was like a gravitational field, hanging it in midair.

No matter how powerful it roars, it can’t find a point of leverage, so it can’t get down.

This scene also caused many people from the outside world to cover their heads.

“Ao Heng is an idiot, doesn’t he know he doesn’t have the ability to fly, so he tries not to let his feet leave the ground?”

“My lord, don’t be angry. After the original return, Lord Ao Heng’s rationality will disappear, and such behavior is inevitable.”

“If it weren’t for such a big flaw in the return to the original, Master Ao Heng wouldn’t be so behind in the ranking of the dragons in Dragon Palace City.”

“Fortunately, the earth star is also ostentatious, it’s just a control ability…”

Seeing the huge Ao Heng being hanged, roaring continuously, but unable to get down no matter what, the outside Sea Clan also became anxious.

But some people expressed optimism, thinking that Ao Heng would not be able to hurt Zhong Chao, but neither could the other side.

It’s just that, the next moment, all those who thought this way shut their mouths.

During the projection, Zhong Chao clasped his hands together.


As Zhong Chao clasped his palms together and shouted loudly, his aura suddenly soared, and the surge of energy and blood made his hair stand on end, and made his whole body burn with blood flames.

The violently burning qi and blood even made the air fluctuate.

“Buzz buzz…”

With such a violent mobilization of Qi and blood, Zhong Chao was naturally not bluffing. Under his full strength, the ground under his feet rippled like the surface of water.


The next moment, with Zhong Chao’s clasped hands stretched out, and slowly lifted up like lifting a mountain peak, the mud all over the sky, like a soaring sea tide, rushed towards the “false” stars in the sky .

“Boom boom boom!”

Infinite amounts of dirt are rising towards the sky, and the closer they are to the terrain, the faster they rush out.

Under the action of the gravitational source of the earth and stars, the sand, gravel and soil are like sharp arrows and shells, and they shoot madly at Ao Heng in the center.

“whoosh whoosh…”

“Boom!” “Boom!” “Boom!”

The mountains and rocks are all over the sky, like a thousand guns fired, with a terrifying power.


It’s just that Ao Heng, who released the original return, is really good. The bombardment of the sky full of mud and stones was like shells, but he was blasted by his explosive physical fitness.

Even if there is a fish that slips through the net, it can also rely on the scales to harden the top.

But even so, it still lost.

Using stones as shells is not Zhong Chao’s attack, but burying it is!


Following Zhong Chao’s third angry shout, a small mountain was shattered and pulled by the gravitational force of the sky, and then turned into a sky full of mud and rocks, covering Ao Heng’s body, and gradually made the false earth and stars solidify stand up.

Ao Heng can crush rocks, but he can’t erase the soil.

This also caused the immeasurable soil to completely bury him, forming a ball.

In the beginning, the sphere was still protruding from time to time, as if something was about to break out of the shell, it was Ao Heng who did not give up and was struggling with all his strength.

However, as more and more soil poured into the sky, and under the pull of Zhong Chao’s thoughts and gravity, Ao Heng’s struggle gradually disappeared.

Three minutes later, its struggle stopped completely, and in the air, there was only a huge stone ball of 100 meters high in the sky like a full moon.

This scene also made the outside onlookers completely silent.

(end of this chapter)

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