Liver Progress From the Beginning

Chapter 33

Chapter 33 – Flick Of The Finger: 3 Levels Of Proficiency

Chapter 33 Flick of the Finger: 3 Realms of Mastery

“After finishing the first stage, it’s time to start the second stage. This time, it’s a bit troublesome.”

Finger flicking skill, its first-level practice is to flick the soft tree trunk first, and then flick the bluestone after the fingers are a little harder. Zhong Chao quickly completed this part because of his pure yang golden bell foundation.

But although the practice of the second stage is also playing the ball, it needs to play the small stone and let the small stone hit the distant target.

This requires a handful of stones and a target.

“Jiang Liang, please…”

Instead of looking for it by himself, Zhong Chao called Jiang Liang directly, ready to let him who is good at doing things take care of these trivial matters, which is why Zhong Chao is willing to protect him, a Di Hua.

However, as soon as Zhong Chao’s voice rang out, the voice of the steward Zhang Chong also rang out.

“Dachao, you are going to practice this afternoon, are you not going to participate in the sparring?”

The voice of Zhang Chong, the steward, was not threatening, but just asking.

Zhong Chao’s ruthlessness made Zhang Chong unwilling to offend him, but now that the sixth son of the inner sect has kept it in his heart, Zhang Chong dared not offend him even more.

As for his inquiry, Zhong Chao declined almost without hesitation.

“not going.”

Zhong Chao completed all the training targets in one morning, even if Zong Sheng and his share were included, it was far beyond.

In this case, it doesn’t matter whether he goes or not.

Before, the reason why he was willing to complete more tasks was because the process of completing tasks was also training.

Every time he was beaten to the point of bruises, it was an extreme training. At that time, he could gain a proficiency of 70-90 in one morning.

However, now that Zhong Chao’s strength has improved, other people can no longer put pressure on Zhong Chao, which also makes his proficiency brought by external pressure very little in the morning sparring. Under such circumstances, he naturally does not want to Go to practice.

“Fortunately, the steam turbine has reached the four realms, and the fiery heat has also been changed to 5. Using the high-heat steam to calcine the internal organs, I can get a basic progress of 5 points every time for my Pure Yang Golden Bell Cover, which is not bad.”

“It’s a pity that the speed of the steam turbine has slowed down. Now, with one breath, the progress of my steam turbine can only increase a little.”

“…Hold your breath a little at a time, but it costs 50,000 yuan to advance from the fourth realm to the fifth realm. After advancing to the master level, it is more difficult than I imagined to raise the realm again!”

When Zhong Chao was thinking about it, Zhang Chong, who received a response, had already left. He was not just Zhong Chao’s subordinate.

On the other side, Jiang Liang brought Zhong Chao a target, a handful of stones.

First set up the target ten meters away, Zhong Chao picked up a stone and started the training of flicking skills.


It was easy for Zhong Chao to flick the flying stones, but the first stone missed the target a little far.

Didn’t care, Zhong Chao looked for the feeling and continued to shoot with his fingers.

“咻” missed

“咻” “咻” “咻”… This time I hit one, although it was only marginal, the progress of the flick skill was still increased by 1.

This progress also made Zhong Chao jump for joy, and with some insights, he continued to eject.


After that, Zhong Chao ejected once:

Because of the long physical strength and strong recovery ability, and the flicking of the fingers does not consume energy, this makes Zhong Chao’s number of ejections with his breath held at one time far exceeds his own imagination.

“15 minutes, 3000 times!”

Swinging the bow left and right, and shooting with both hands, Zhong Chao’s ejection speed is so fast.

“Unfortunately, in the second stage of flicking skills, proficiency is not increased by throwing stones out, only by hitting the target.”

“And as the proficiency increases, the requirements are getting higher and higher. Now, I already need to hit the bull’s-eye.”

Because of the requirements, Zhong Chao ejected 3,000 times, and did not practice the flicking skills to the third level, but only practiced to (400/800).

However, after just resting for fifteen minutes, Zhong Chao’s fingers turned from red and swollen to normal flesh-colored as the Yuanyang Qi attached to it, and he could play repeatedly again.

“Pure Yang golden bell jar, eternal god!”

Relying on his extraordinary recovery power of Yuanyang Qi, he played stones all afternoon. At six o’clock in the evening, when the bronze medal disciple got off work, Zhong Chao had already played nearly 60,000 times.

It should be explained that Jiang Liang, Zong Sheng, and Di Hua helped a lot in the process of playing the stones.

With them by their side, Zhong Chao only needs to flick and strike, and they will take the initiative to collect the stones and send them to Zhong Chao.

“Without the help of three people, the number of times I bounced will be cut in half.”

And they are so assisted, Zhong Chao will naturally return.

“Today… and tomorrow’s sparring, it’s all mine. Zong Sheng, you don’t have to pay it back this time.”

“Hahaha, of course, I’m exhausted this time.”

Although they were tired, they didn’t need to be beaten. The three of Zong Sheng laughed constantly, and so did Zhong Chao.

In one afternoon, with 60,000 flicks, relying on the super recovery ability of the pure yang golden bell cover and Yuanyang qi, he forcibly practiced his flicking skills to the third level.

…The main reason is that the later the proficiency reaches, the farther the required distance is. The last ten points of proficiency require Zhong Chao to hit a target 50 meters away and 100 times in a row. Is this more than ten meters away? It took several times, and Zhong Chao was delayed for too much time, otherwise, he could have ended faster.

【Finger skills: 3 levels of proficiency (1/2700), effect: finger toughness 2, every shot 1 (fifty meters, dead objects)】

Promoted to the three realms, effect 2’s fingers are tough, and Zhong Chao finally has a feeling of being strengthened.

It’s just that Zhong Chao is more concerned about the pure yang golden bell cover than the strengthening of the fingers and the ability to flick the fingers within 50 meters.

He is very clear about what makes his finger skills improve so fast, but because of this, he is a little surprised.

“One afternoon, dozens of recovery times, and each time the recovery effect will be slightly strengthened, the heaven-defying effect of Yuanyang Qi is the ability of high-level exercises?”

“Moreover, such a powerful technique is placed in the middle layer of the martial arts hall…”

Zhong Chao became suspicious of the Chunyang Golden Bell Shade, and felt that the consequences of this exercise might not be as simple as he thought.

“What are you thinking? I’m off work, let’s go.”


Following Zongsheng and the others to have a big meal in the cafeteria, Zhong Chao did not rest.

Half an hour later, outside the courtyard where he lived, Zhong Chao began to practice the third to fourth realms of flicking skills.

Similar to the practice in the second level, the practice in the third level is still to shoot targets with marbles. The difference is that this time, what Zhong Chao needs to shoot is a moving target.

Rich people have reached this stage in their practice, they spend money to hire people, and use people as targets. Lightweight masters are the best.

Zhong Chao has no money, but he has helpers.

“Jiang Liang, Zong Sheng, you should throw the leaves ten meters away first. Throw them in a random way and don’t point in one direction.”

“Leave it to us.”

The leaves are not big, and they are moving in the air. Zhong Chao missed one of the first ten projectiles.

But ten shots were not enough, so he shot more. After three to five hundred shots, Zhong Chao gradually found the feeling.


“Boom” “Boom”

“Bang bang bang…”

Gradually, Ye Zi was shot by Zhong Chao.

As the stones he shot collided with the leaves thrown by Zong Sheng and the others, the proficiency of the third level of the flick of the finger also began to increase.

【Finger Skill: 3 Realm Mastery (5/2700)】

【Finger Skill: 3 Realm Mastery (6/2700)】

【Finger Skill: 3 Realm Mastery (7…)】

(end of this chapter)

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