Liver Progress From the Beginning

Chapter 72

Chapter 72 – Where Is My Fish?

Chapter 72 Where is my fish?

Relying on the fast swimming of ichthyosaurs, Zhong Chao wanted to expand the search range to find special fish.

While Zhong Chao was swimming, Yan Xiang among the gangsters also took off most of his clothes, bit a knife, and jumped into the water.

As the lowest level of gangsters, they can’t just wander around all day with nothing to do.

In order to support themselves, they have done jobs such as watching the field, fighting, fishing and porters.

At this moment, Yan Xiang is focusing on his own business—this is to give his friends extra meals, and he also has the intention of competing with Zhong Chao.

And as the ‘noble man’ and his captain entered the water, the gangsters on the boat also got together and chatted.

“You say, ‘that’ or our captain, who can catch a big fish?”

“Of course the captain, that one looks like a novice.”

“I’m also optimistic about the captain. He has such fair skin and obviously hasn’t done rough work. He probably came here this time to have fun.”

“Oh, I really envy them that they can have fun every day.”

“Okay, keep your voice down, there are other people on board.”

After entering the water, holding his breath, Yan Xiang concentrated on catching fish, and the catch here is indeed richer. In just five minutes, he caught a big one.

He returned to the boat with the big fish in his arms and saw that Zhong Chao hadn’t come yet. Although Yan Xiang didn’t say anything, the joy on his face was undoubtedly revealed.

‘Won. ‘

“The boss is mighty.”

“Hey, I can add another meal today.”

“It’s nothing, wait for me, I’ll catch another one for you.”

After speaking, he bit the knife again and jumped into the water.

Yan Xiang had better luck, and in the next ten minutes, he caught two more big fish one after another.

However, when the second big fish was thrown up, he felt something was wrong with the atmosphere on the boat.

The third time he carried the big fish onto the boat, he even found that the companions on the boat were a little panicked.


Before he could ask, a panicked voice sounded.

“It’s not good, boss, that nobleman has never come out of the water.”

“Huh?! Didn’t come out once, you can’t make a mistake, right? Or he showed up from other places, you didn’t see it?”

“No, we’ve been staring at Jiang Mian and haven’t seen him at all.”

These words made Yan Xiang’s heart sink a little.

Qi Weiye and the others were encouraged by the owner of the hall, and they felt that they were the same as Zhong Chao, so they dared to fight for the position of named disciples.

Heiyu is powerful, it is not in the same system as the martial arts school, and he is not afraid of Zhong Chao.

But he has nothing in Yan Township. Zhong Chao had an accident with him, and he will definitely take the blame.

“Quick, everyone go into the water to find him.”

They were not the only ones, Jiang Liang also became anxious after realizing that Zhong Chao hadn’t surfaced in 15 minutes.

“Don’t have an accident, don’t have an accident.”

“Plop, plop, plop…”

With anxious hearts, everyone jumped into the water and searched for three minutes, but they found nothing during this time, and as time passed, their fear became more and more serious.

“Fuck, you don’t have a little effort, what are you doing in Nujiang!”

Just when Yan Xiang was so angry that he couldn’t help cursing, Zhong Chao’s figure emerged from the water with a “poof”.



Exhale the exhaust gas and breathe in the new air. After exhaling, Zhong Chao turned over and wanted to plunge into the Nu River again.

However, in the process of turning over, he saw Jiang Liang and Yan Xiang staring at him in a daze, which made Zhong Chao pause.

“What’s wrong? Is there something on me?”


This remark made others not know what to say. In the end, Jiang Liang said: “It’s nothing, just, boss, be careful, try to float up as many times as possible, and don’t hold your breath to the end.”

“I know, I won’t push myself to the limit.”

After the words fell, Zhong Chao turned over and dived under the river again. With a kick of his feet, his figure shot out like a sharp arrow.

The dragon-like figure made Yan Xiang and the others breathe a sigh of relief. At the same time, they did not dare to underestimate Zhong Chao.

As a group of people who depend on water for their livelihood, they know the benefits of holding their breath for a long time.

“The speed is so fast, and there is such a long time to hold your breath, this nobleman is not weak.”

These **** were sighing, and soon, they discovered that it was too early to sigh.

Relying on good physical skills, Zhong Chao is not the only one who goes fishing in the sea. However, swimming in the water is very exhausting. Even if fishermen go down the river all year round, they can only stay for an hour.

No matter how many, it will be extremely labor-intensive.

While they were resting on the boat, Zhong Chao was still looking for fish under the water.

After the break, the fishermen returned from the second round of fishing, and Zhong Chao was still underwater.

In the third round, Zhong Chao was still the same.

When he returned for the fourth time, the exhausted Yan Xiang was completely convinced by Zhong Chao.

“Is your young master’s body made of iron? He has been underwater for four or five hours. Isn’t he tired?”

“Tired? Hehe, you underestimate brother Chao, do you know how my boss usually trains? Deep frying…”

Because he had seen Zhong Chao fried his own operation, Jiang Liang already had psychological expectations for his boss’s other supernatural powers. Therefore, he was not too surprised, but took advantage of this to promote Zhong Chao’s strength.

Zhong Chao didn’t know about this, and he wasn’t in the mood to pay attention to it. He was very annoyed now.

“Fuck, who said that there are countless seafood at the bottom of the Nu River, and you can pick up money when you come in! It’s all a lie!”

It’s no wonder that Zhong Chao cursed in his heart, he really came here with great expectations, but after swimming at the bottom of the Nu River for four or five hours, he didn’t even see a single special fish.

Well, there are a lot of normal fish, but these fish can’t be sold for a big price at all, and it’s not worth Zhong Chao’s time to catch them.

“Could it be that the special fish are lower in the deeper river.”

Thinking like this, Zhong Chao glanced at the dark and deep bottom of the Nujiang River…then he didn’t dare to go down, and even floated up a little.

Money is important, but life is more important.

Nu River is not a safe place, even the area he is in now is relatively safe, not absolutely safe.

Just when Zhong Chao was thinking this way, “Wow!”, there was a violent tossing sound from a distance, and at the same time there was a voice for help.

Feeling such a movement, Zhong Chao was taken aback for a moment, then thought of something, and rushed towards the place where the movement came from.

Doing so is not reckless, but convention.

The torrential river is full of dangers. The reason why human beings can occupy a place on the Nu River is the inheritance of knowledge is one, and mutual help is the second.

The reason why the fishing team is called a team, and they fish together is to be helped by others when they are in danger.

At the same time, the Jujiao Gang is not just watching, they collect money and do things.

Before Zhong Chao rushed to the place where the accident happened, the danger there was relieved by a leader of the Jujiao Gang.

This scene also made Zhong Chao firm in his idea of being in the fishing team.

“A team is still necessary. Hundreds of people together can scare ordinary monsters away, and there will be people to help when in danger. No matter how bad it is, I don’t need to run faster than monsters when I encounter water monsters that are invincible. Just run faster than your companions.”

(end of this chapter)

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