Liver Progress From the Beginning

Chapter 92

Chapter 92 – Canghai Sword School, Mr. Ji

Chapter 92 Canghai Sword School, Mr. Ji

Speaking of the reality of the world, Zhong Chao’s tone was filled with indescribable bitterness and emotion.

When he came to this world, what Zhong Chao felt the most was that the class barrier in this world was extremely serious.

In order to maintain their own class, the vested interests have set up many obstacles to the lower class.

Cultivation techniques, resources, and even information are all monopolized by the high-level, and it is very difficult for the lower-level to obtain.

For example, in the King Kong Martial Arts Hall, the handyman needs to work for a full year to obtain the exercises, and the bronze medal registered disciples can only obtain middle and low-level exercises, and the reason why the martial arts hall gives them exercises is because they want them to do better as a partner. longer.

As for Zhong Chao, he is an exception. He is liked by the owner of the gymnasium, and he has crossed the ranks once before he can be taught high-level exercises.

Even so, he still doesn’t have a complete top-level exercise.

“However, you can look forward to this perception exercise. Now I am treated as an inner disciple.”

The same is true of skills and resources. The medicinal food in Xijia Restaurant is layered. As a registered disciple of King Kong Martial Arts, he could only touch the threshold of the third floor.

I don’t know what impresses the Xi family, so he has the qualification to buy Sanyang Guiyuan Tang.

Compared with these, the information obtained by Zhong Chao is not only incomplete, but also specious.

“I remember when I first obtained the Pure Yang Golden Bell Cover, I heard the news that when the pure Yang Qi condenses, it is also the time for me to exchange blood. At the same time, the condensed Pure Yang Qi can change my blood independently, allowing me to Become the blood of pure yang, and then obtain the body of pure yang.”

Thinking of this, Zhong Chao smiled wryly and shook his head:

“I was cheated miserably… The children of the wealthy families who are really valued usually take one to three years from martial apprentice to blood exchange. This is to lay a solid foundation. It will take one to twenty years to gather pure yang energy. The timing of the two does not correspond at all.”

“If my estimate is correct, the concentration of pure yang energy is about changing blood four times. If you can’t reach this level, you can’t break your body… No wonder this exercise is said to be an **** exercise, and many people who practice it are going crazy. , It is really difficult to reach this level.”

This kind of specious information is the obstacle set up by the upper level to the lower level, and there are many messages that are directly concealed by the upper level.

For example, in the early stage of martial arts training, resources are emphasized, but from the third exchange of blood, the practice of heart and will begins.

And this part of the ‘mind’ practice can be saved in advance.

Because of this poor information, the children of the aristocratic family who started to focus on nurturing in the early stage will break through from three blood changes to four blood changes, which will be countless times faster than ordinary warriors.

Obstacles like this are almost everywhere in practice. Under layers of obstacles, even if there are arrogance at the bottom, it is difficult to get ahead.

Fortunately, after talking with the owner today, he has been regarded as the true inner disciple of the owner.

Because of this, he has opened a big gap in the obstacles set up by the upper echelons, but:

“I remember that the owner of the museum, Yuan Ming, climbed up from humble beginnings without any masters. How did he break through these information barriers… Besides, with his secrets, is he really so weak…”

Thinking of this, Zhong Chao’s gaze froze, but soon, this emotion disappeared without a trace.

“What do you think about so much, everyone has secrets, as long as you don’t interfere with me, no matter how big the secret of the museum owner is, it has nothing to do with me.”

“No, I’m on the side of the museum owner now. The bigger his secret is, the longer he can protect me. This is a good thing.”

Having been recognized by the owner of the pavilion and given the opportunity to participate in the military test, Zhong Chao’s status has risen further—although not many people know about it.

It’s just that after getting these, Zhong Chao didn’t relax, but practiced harder.

“I have no blood relationship with the owner of the pavilion, let alone a ten or twenty years of friendship. I was valued by him only because of my status as Tianjiao. If the status of Tianjiao ceases, everything I have gained will be gone.”

Such a mood made Zhong Chao’s actions more urgent.

Because of this, that day, he took Jiang Liang and Yan Xiang to the pier, sailed out to sea, and went to Yunyang Sea to practice.

The black mist has fallen, and in the millennium, no one at the lower level has heard of this kind of news, but the ancient imperial court, known for its delays, even ordered the army to come up with it, which shows that this matter has been planned for several years at the top, even dozens of years ago. years long.

For such a long time, most of the rich families in the middle class and the poor families in the ‘lower class’ have learned the news of the formation of the Ming Ce Army.

Furthermore, these people know more information and understand what the commanding army is about. Therefore, in the first place, many families gathered their family members to prepare for the assessment of the commanding army.

The Xi family is also one of them. At the same time, they made preparations for this matter four months ago.

—This is not to say that the Xi family knew the news a few months earlier than the owner of the pavilion, but that the previous owner of the pavilion did not pay much attention to Zhong Chao. Until today, he was regarded as an insider and qualified to get in touch with these inside stories.

Several months of preparation, coupled with some special connections, one month before the test, the Xi family learned what Ming Cejun was going to test.

This is an early leak, but it is the norm in this world.

Because of the existence of class and aristocratic families, the selection of talents in this world is not the fairer meritocracy (imperial examination) in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, but the nine-rank Zhongzheng system in the Wei and Jin Dynasties.

Although due to the existence of martial arts, the details of the two are different, but generally speaking, they are not bad.

Upon hearing the news, Xi Xun immediately recruited the family’s children, and the first thing he ordered was to change the direction of cultivation.

“Don’t practice other things during this time, practice more swordsmanship.”


This sentence made the Xi family members in the room at a loss.

“Father, our family’s lineage is Dangkang, doesn’t it have anything to do with the sword?”

“That’s right, sword practice doesn’t benefit us much…”

Because it was a family, these juniors didn’t hide it, and explained their displeasure one after another. Among them, only a squinted little fat man didn’t complain at the first time, but frowned and thought.

In just three breaths, he thought of something, and asked Xi Xun with bright eyes: “Father, the commander of Jujiang City’s commanding army has settled down. Is he a swordsman?”

Such a judgment made Xi Xun look a little happy, and the eyes that looked at the fat man with small eyes were much more kind.

“Hahaha, third son, you guessed right. Mr. Ji from the Canghai Sword Sect is the commander of our Jujiang City. He only uses swords and is best at swordsmanship. This assessment is also based on swordsmanship.”

“According to what I have heard, he has requisitioned the Zhanjian Gorge of the Qinglong Gang, activated the hidden ruins there, and prepared to use it as a test for commanding the army. Therefore, it is always right to practice more swords during this period. “

Knowing the news of the competition in advance, none of the Xi family present was happy. Dangkang’s blood is good at stimulating the growth of animals and plants, and can accumulate fat. Therefore, most of the Xi family are good at hard-core foreign skills.

Swordsmanship is not to say that they don’t know it at all, but it is not what they are best at.

It’s just that, although it feels unfair, no one complains.

It is already the norm in this world for the strong to change the customs and even the habits of a certain place by themselves. As ‘poor families’, they have no power to change and can only adapt.

(end of this chapter)

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