Living in a world full of f*ta’s

I – Sweet & Sour

Inside a bar in the middle of the night was a group of friends celebrating their bonus for their hard work in the company. Some were talking with each other on the tables with a lot of empty cups. While some were singing their hearts away on the stage, seemingly drunk. 

"Man, it seems like my prayer worked, God does exist" A man spoke while emptying his cup. 

"It's just a coincidence, it's not like he exists out there" Another man said while eating a few chips. He seemed to be enjoying himself as the other guy huffed at him. 

"No Mark, it's true! Yesterday was the only day I prayed to him sincerely and it worked!" He poured another round into his cup.

Mark chuckled, he didn't really believe it but he just nodded. Not wanting to argue with his best friend and only friend in the whole company. 

"Sure sure he did, so let's move on to more important topics Jack"

Jack drank his cup before leaning closer to Mark "Yea?"

"So you guys official now? Or have you not yet confessed?" 

Jack hearing this, opened his eyes wide as he rushed to close his friend's mouth while simultaneously looking around their table to see if anyone heard them. 

"Dude!" He whispered with a threatening tone applied to it. "I told you not to talk about this in public!" 

"C'mon, it's not like they can hear us and they're drunk anyways, they'll just forget about this like it never happened" Mark shrugged as he took Jack's hand off.

Jack just sighed before leaning onto his seat more, seemingly being devoured by his seat. "I don't know dude, I'm not sure if I'm even good enough for her..." 

"Nah bro, don't think like that. Heck if she doesn't want you, others might! There are more women out there than just inside this company" Mark drank a bit before continuing "Y'know that right?"

"Yeah, but it's just that she's kind of perfect, her waist, her face, her personality... Those big, firm two personali—" Before Jack could continue, Mark cut him off.

"Yeah yeah, I know you're obsessed with her, but just try it! Who knows maybe she digs you too" 

Jack just laughed as he sipped his drink while Mark chuckled.


"Ugh, I think I drank too much..." Mark said out loud as he walked like a zombie. 

"I should call an... Uber" 

He motioned for his phone but before he could fish it out, a loud honk made him turn to look at the origin of the sound. Lo and behold a large trunk came towards him at high speeds, it seemed like its brakes were not working as it was not even attempting to stop. Or maybe the driver was a maniac or a psycho, either way, he would die if he got hit.

Seeing this, he turned sober and tried to run away, but try as he might, his legs wouldn't move. Like some kind of divine intervention was happening.

'Welp, I guess this is it. This might be some sort of punishment of some kind...' He thought sadly as he just watched the truck come closer. 

The truck swerved and hit him head-on, not only did he feel like jelly but also the excruciating pain only lasted for about a few seconds before he felt numbed to his core. His last thoughts before dying were his family and the regret of not being able to say 'I love you' to them. 







"... Where am... I?" A girl asked as she stood up in confusion from her bed filled to the brim with plushies varying from animal to animal. She moved towards the mirror on the side of the bed. Looking at the reflection, her expression turned from drowsy to shock.

Her blanket falls off her body as it shows her luscious body with the right amount of curves and a very attractive and ample bosom, comfortable to hold and firm as well. Her face can't be even compared to some of the celebrities and models. In short very attractive.

'What the fuck! Wait who's that in front of me? Is that me?? When? How?' Her thoughts were racing as her head ached from the sheer confusion and impossibility of the situation.

'W-wait let's calm down for a second' Calming down, she glances at her body while trying to think rationally. 'So I was celebrating with my co-workers in a bar... Then after a while, I left and got hit by a truck?' After setting her thoughts straight, she couldn't help but let out a 'damn'.

"Then... Where am I? Is this even the same world?" Quickly, she looked for a phone inside the room that the previous body owned. She wasn't keen on snooping around but the person that lived here has already died so it's not far off to say that all of this is her's now.

Finding one, she then turned it on and surprisingly there wasn't any password on. Looking through the websites, she searched the history behind this world, assuming it is a different world.

And it was.

Well kind of, as mostly it's just the same. But all of the people there were women, no men at all. Not just that but they're all futas. After the initial shock of knowing there wasn't even a man that stepped foot in this world, her thoughts were directed onto herself.

'Wait.. does that mean?'

She hurriedly checked her 'thing' if it did exist. Which to her dissatisfaction, wasn't there at all the only one there was a pussy. She shivered in disgust as the thought of something penetrating her was, in a way, only a fantasy for her. Now though, it could very well happen to her. 

Not only that but what could happen to her? She might get experimented on as from what she could see on the internet, all the women in the world were futa's, and not a single one didn't have a dick. And she doesn't have one.

'Am I an anomaly?' She couldn't help but ask herself.

 'Does that mean... Miguel would hunt me down since it's not a canon event?' She couldn't help but giggle at that thought. Ever since she can remember, jokes calm her nerves down. It was always something she does when she was nervous or was having a stressful day, Jack even laughed at one of his jokes. 

Well in the past she wasn't a people person. Nor could she hold a conversation without stuttering or making it awkward for the two of them. Heck, she can't stop getting flustered when someone flirts with her. It was a miracle that she even made a friend in the company, well Jack was a chill guy and she felt comfortable around him since he was the one who initiates the conversations most often than not.

'Well, what do I do now?' 

After reading all the information she could about this world, the same geography, the same animals, and entertainment. She now knows that just the genders were changed. Then she looked around the room, it was kind of girly which was a given. Plushies were spread out from the bed and the room was painted pink and the table seemed like a normal study table a student would have.

Her attention was now on the study table.

'Wait, am I in high school?' She then looked around the room, checking the drawers which were all just more clothes and jackets, pants, and more. Checking the drawers, her thoughts were confirmed as she found a student ID that had the same face as hers. 

"Sophie Huerta, a high schooler from Nexas Academy in Rivet City" 

That made her think, does she have parents as well? She looked around the room before leaving through the door, outside the room was just a hallway with other doors beside hers. It looked like those apartments in Japan where you could see the outside.

'Alright, I guess she lives in an apartment... Her parents should be sending money to her or maybe she has a job?' She took a few more minutes outside looking at the view. Mountains surrounded the city as the sun was nowhere the be seen as the moon was up high overlooking everything.

She enjoyed the view before going back to her place. 'I need some sleep first, this situation's too bizarre for me'.

Unbeknownst to her, a woman was looking at her lustfully through the gap of their opened door beside Sophie's.

Any critiques and suggestions would be very helpful! Also hearts as well

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