Chapter 8

“So… It seems that you have a disciple. Wanna tell me about it?”

Said a lazy voice from inside the room as she opened the door.

Zephyr had left the boy in the care of the maids and moved to her private abode. It was not so personal, given that she shared it with her Dao partner.

Nile might not be the best cultivator out there. Neither was she, given they struggled to reach the fourth stage. It was a sad state of affairs, given that just by being masters, they should have reached the golden core stage by now.

But they could not. Despite being sixty years old, they still needed to move past the essence condensation stage and might never do so in this lifetime.

But that might all change; they might have finally gotten their reversal of fortune.

Thinking of this made her grin, and the same vitality mirrored her voice.

“Nope! Might have gotten our ticket out of the essence condensation realm, however.”

At those words, Nile sat up straight from his lazy position, and the naked woman on his lap gave out an annoyed moan. But that did not last long, as she soon went back to gurgling on his manhood with a glazed-over look in her eyes.

Zephyr only glanced at the woman before her attention was back on Nile. And the pile of essence stones on his bedside table.

They were low on essence stones again.

Zephyr pushed those dark thoughts from her mind. Instead, she took a deep breath and said.

“Remember the orphans?”

“Yeah? What about those little wastes of space?” He asked, his tone dismissive.

“Well, one of them is not so much of a waste of space. That boy awakened as Master!”

Nile tilted his head with an eyebrow raised before closing both eyes because of what was happening with his bottom half.

He let out a quiet grunt as he erupted into his client's mouth. She, in response, used her lips to form a perfect seal around his hardened length. It made it so that none of his precious essence escaped her hungry mouth, and she greedily swallowed all of it.

“Three loads. You are done, miss.” He said after taking a second to collect himself.

Zephyr kept quiet for the moment despite the rising excitement. As Nile was working, separating one’s personal life from one’s work was necessary.

Without bothering to get off, the woman flicked a finger, and another bag appeared next to the first.

Nile gave a tired and weary sigh but did not protest as she began her ministrations anew—a feral gleam in her eye as she worked his shaft like no tomorrow.

Zephyr desperately wanted to shove the woman off her lover and throw her out of the room.

Could she not see how drained he looked?

But she tempered herself from doing anything rash. As rogue cultivators, they were always low on funds, and this was a quick way to earn some extra. However, their customers tended to be rich and powerful. The type that did not appreciate being told no.

They could only grin and bear it when their customers became unreasonable. But only for a little while if her gamble paid off. They would be out of this backwater city and into the wider cultivation world.

But she was not the planner of their group, and she desperately needed to spill her guts. So the moment she saw his weary gaze focus back on her, she rapidly said.

“The boy most likely has a restorative breakthrough destiny of the legendary rank!”

This statement got her partner’s attention as the tired look was subsumed by surprise and a healthy dose of hope.


She nodded but then said with a malicious grin.

“Even if he doesn’t, we can still try the technique. It is a win-win either way.”

Her added words made Nile slightly less excited, but he still enthusiastically nodded.

“Yep. And if you do reach the next stage before me…”

“Nile! We are Dao partners! Of course, I will take you with me!”

“I know. It is just that this is all so sudden. We might finally be able to move on.”

“I know, right? And you know the best part?”


“I think the boy sees me as a protective guardian.”

“If he has a healing destiny, as you suspect, that might not never need to change. Speaking of which, where is the boy anyway?”

“He was covered in blood. So I had him go and get cleaned. Maybe one of the maids will even be bold enough to test my theory on him first.”

Nile was about to shrug before he had to lean back. Another orgasm was fast approaching, and at this point, he needed to move to a meditative state to replenish the essence that was being absorbed.

Zephyr left him to it, though she did wish that he was a bit more selfish and pushed her to take more clients. But Nile will always be himself, and he would never allow her to come to harm if he could bear the pain.

She looked at the barely coherent client, searing an image of her form into her mind. If ever came a time she could repay the debt she owed her beloved this day, she would repay it tenfold.

For now, she needed to prepare. Her new disciple would need a cultivation technique. And she had the perfect technique set aside just for the boy.

[Ascension Of Bloody Sacrifice]

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